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LUP Student Papers


Barnperspektivet i den sociala barnavården

Malm, Emma LU (2013) JURM02 20131
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Huvudansvaret för barns fostran och vårdnad ligger hos föräldrarna. Trots detta så har samhället en skyldighet att träda in då en förälder inte kan full-följa sin vårdnadsplikt. Detta ansvar återfinns i den sociala barnavården.
Mycket har hänt inom den sociala barnavården det senaste århundradet, delvis på grund av en förändrad syn på barn och inte minst har Förenta nationernas konvention om barnets rättigheter (Barnkonventionen) fått samhället att göra barnen mera synliga. Det har skett åtskilliga lag-förändringar och det har arbetas fram modeller för ett stärkt barnperspektiv. Barnets bästa och barnets rätt att komma till tals tas allt mer i beaktande vid utredningar och beslut.
Trots detta ökade barnperspektiv så riktas det ofta... (More)
Huvudansvaret för barns fostran och vårdnad ligger hos föräldrarna. Trots detta så har samhället en skyldighet att träda in då en förälder inte kan full-följa sin vårdnadsplikt. Detta ansvar återfinns i den sociala barnavården.
Mycket har hänt inom den sociala barnavården det senaste århundradet, delvis på grund av en förändrad syn på barn och inte minst har Förenta nationernas konvention om barnets rättigheter (Barnkonventionen) fått samhället att göra barnen mera synliga. Det har skett åtskilliga lag-förändringar och det har arbetas fram modeller för ett stärkt barnperspektiv. Barnets bästa och barnets rätt att komma till tals tas allt mer i beaktande vid utredningar och beslut.
Trots detta ökade barnperspektiv så riktas det ofta kritik mot den sociala barnavården. Kritiken rör inte sällan brister i barnperspektivet. Denna kritik kan sägas ligga till grund för mitt arbete när jag utforskar hur barn-perspektivet ser ut inom den sociala barnavården.
I barnskyddsutredningen som utkom 2009 lades det fram ett förslag om att de bestämmelser som rör barn i socialtjänstlagen (SoL) och lagen om vård av unga (LVU) skulle slås samman till en ny gemensam lag. Denna lag skulle få namnet Lag om stöd och skydd för barn och unga (LBU). Utredningen fann att det ur ett barnperspektiv vore bra att samla dessa lagar i en och samma.
Ett par år efter barnskyddsutredningens förslag utkom Barnombudsmannen (BO) med en rapport där han instämde med utredningen om att införa en ny barnalag men han gick även steget längre och föreslog en reform av socialtjänsten så att dess arbete med barns skydd skulle samlas i en särskild organisation. Det norska barnevernet såg BO som förebild för denna organisation.
Frågan är om det på annat sätt än genom reformer genom lagstiftning eller organisations-förändringar kan åstadkommas ett starkare barnperspektiv. Exempelvis så forskas det och tas fram olika modeller och arbetsverktyg som skulle kunna leda till ett förstärkt barnperspektiv. En modell som delvis har till syfte att ge ett stärkt barnperspektiv är Barns behov i centrum (BBIC). Eftersom BBIC idag praktiseras av majoriteten av Sveriges social-tjänster så undersöker jag just denna modell i mitt arbete.
I mitt arbete så väger jag dessa olika tillvägagångsätt för ett stärkt barn-perspektiv inte bara mot varandra utan även i förhållande till den kommunala självstyrelsen. (Less)
The main responsibility for the child's upbringing and custody lies in the hands of the parents. However, society has an obligation to step in when the
parents can´t fulfill their duty of care. This responsibility is called the child welfare.
Much has happened in the area of child welfare during the last century, partly because of a changed view of the child, but also because the United Nation´s Convention on the Rights of the Child has forced the society to make children more visable. There has been several legislative changes, and several different models for strengthening the child's perspective has been presented. The best interest of the child and the child's right to be heard are given greater consideration when it comes to... (More)
The main responsibility for the child's upbringing and custody lies in the hands of the parents. However, society has an obligation to step in when the
parents can´t fulfill their duty of care. This responsibility is called the child welfare.
Much has happened in the area of child welfare during the last century, partly because of a changed view of the child, but also because the United Nation´s Convention on the Rights of the Child has forced the society to make children more visable. There has been several legislative changes, and several different models for strengthening the child's perspective has been presented. The best interest of the child and the child's right to be heard are given greater consideration when it comes to investigations and decisions.
Despite this increasing childperspective the social services are often criticized. The criticism often concerns gaps in the childperspective. This criticism, in a way, forms the basis of my thesis, as I look into how the childperspective plays out in the child welfare.
The child protection investigation, published in 2009, proposed that the rules regarding children in the Social Services Act and the Care of Young Persons Act (LVU) would be unified into a new law. This law would be named Law for support and protection of children and young people (LBU). The investigation found that, from a child's perspective, it would be a good idea to unify these two laws.
A couple of years after the child protection investigation´s proposal, the Childrens Ombudsman (BO) issued a report in which he not only concurred
with the proposal of introducing a new Child Act, but also went even further and proposed that the social services should be reformed in order to make it possible to handle issues regarding childprotection, ie a specialized organisation. BO found the Norwegian barnevernet to be a good role model for such an organization.
The question is whether, instead of reforms, it is possible to accomplish an enhanced childprotection through legislation or organizational changes. For example, research is being conducted and different models and working tools are being presented, all of which could lead to an enhanced childperspective. One model, partly intended to give an enhanced childperspective is Children's needs at the center (BBIC). Since BBIC today
is practiced by the majority of Sweden's social services I will investigate this particular model in my thesis.
In my thesis I weigh these different approach for a strengthened childperspective, not only against each other but also in relation to the
local self-government. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Malm, Emma LU
alternative title
The childperspective in the child welfare
JURM02 20131
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
förvaltningsrätt, offentligrätt
date added to LUP
2013-09-23 08:27:41
date last changed
2013-09-23 08:27:41
  abstract     = {{The main responsibility for the child's upbringing and custody lies in the hands of the parents. However, society has an obligation to step in when the
parents can´t fulfill their duty of care. This responsibility is called the child welfare.
Much has happened in the area of child welfare during the last century, partly because of a changed view of the child, but also because the United Nation´s Convention on the Rights of the Child has forced the society to make children more visable. There has been several legislative changes, and several different models for strengthening the child's perspective has been presented. The best interest of the child and the child's right to be heard are given greater consideration when it comes to investigations and decisions.
Despite this increasing childperspective the social services are often criticized. The criticism often concerns gaps in the childperspective. This criticism, in a way, forms the basis of my thesis, as I look into how the childperspective plays out in the child welfare.
The child protection investigation, published in 2009, proposed that the rules regarding children in the Social Services Act and the Care of Young Persons Act (LVU) would be unified into a new law. This law would be named Law for support and protection of children and young people (LBU). The investigation found that, from a child's perspective, it would be a good idea to unify these two laws.
A couple of years after the child protection investigation´s proposal, the Childrens Ombudsman (BO) issued a report in which he not only concurred
with the proposal of introducing a new Child Act, but also went even further and proposed that the social services should be reformed in order to make it possible to handle issues regarding childprotection, ie a specialized organisation. BO found the Norwegian barnevernet to be a good role model for such an organization.
The question is whether, instead of reforms, it is possible to accomplish an enhanced childprotection through legislation or organizational changes. For example, research is being conducted and different models and working tools are being presented, all of which could lead to an enhanced childperspective. One model, partly intended to give an enhanced childperspective is Children's needs at the center (BBIC). Since BBIC today
is practiced by the majority of Sweden's social services I will investigate this particular model in my thesis.
In my thesis I weigh these different approach for a strengthened childperspective, not only against each other but also in relation to the
local self-government.}},
  author       = {{Malm, Emma}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Barnperspektivet i den sociala barnavården}},
  year         = {{2013}},