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Får jag lindrigare straff om jag avslöjar mina medbrottslingar? - En komparativ studie av kronvittnen i svensk och dansk rätt

Åkerman, Sascha LU (2014) LAGF03 20141
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Sedan brottsbalken reviderades 1989 ligger proportionalitet och ekvivalens till grund för påföljdsbedömningen. I samband med förändringen infördes billighetshänsyn i 29 kap. 5 § BrB som rätten ska beakta vid straffmätningen. Billighetsskälen innebär att domstolen i skälig omfattning ska ta hänsyn till vissa omständigheter som är hänförliga till gärningsmannens person eller hans handlande efter brottet. Bestämmelsen innehåller två punkter som lämpligen kan undersökas för att få reda på om det finns en lagstadgad rätt för domstolar att ge strafflindring till kronvittnen. Den första omständigheten som återfinns i 29 kap. 5§ 1st. 3p. BrB omfattar endast den situation då en person angett sig frivilligt. Bestämmelsen tillämpas restriktivt och... (More)
Sedan brottsbalken reviderades 1989 ligger proportionalitet och ekvivalens till grund för påföljdsbedömningen. I samband med förändringen infördes billighetshänsyn i 29 kap. 5 § BrB som rätten ska beakta vid straffmätningen. Billighetsskälen innebär att domstolen i skälig omfattning ska ta hänsyn till vissa omständigheter som är hänförliga till gärningsmannens person eller hans handlande efter brottet. Bestämmelsen innehåller två punkter som lämpligen kan undersökas för att få reda på om det finns en lagstadgad rätt för domstolar att ge strafflindring till kronvittnen. Den första omständigheten som återfinns i 29 kap. 5§ 1st. 3p. BrB omfattar endast den situation då en person angett sig frivilligt. Bestämmelsen tillämpas restriktivt och omfattar inte kronvittnen. Om det trots allt skulle uppstå en situation då kronvittnen skulle motivera ett lägre straff, ska det i undantagsfall ske med stöd av 29 kap. 5§ 1st. 8p. BrB. HD har i NJA 2009 s. 599 konstaterat att en sådan undantagssituation föreligger då kronvittnet riskerar att leva under hot om allvarliga repressalier.

Innan billighetshänsyn infördes i dansk rätt 2004 fanns ingen uttrycklig rätt för domstolar i Danmark att ge kronvittnen strafflindring. Vid straffmätningen skulle hänsyn tas till gärningsmannens personliga förhållanden efter gärningen. Då ett fall från 1998 avgjordes beslutade Højestereten att det var av väsentlig betydelse för efterforskningen av narkotikabrott och vissa andra allvarliga brott att det är möjligt att motivera en misstänkt att medverka i utredningen. Till följd av domen utfärdade Riksadvokaten närmare riktlinjer för hur det skulle gå till då en misstänkt person underrättas om möjligheten till strafflindring om han eller hon avslöjar sina medbrottslingar. Idag stadgas uttryckligen i 82§ 10p. STRFL som förmildrande omständighet att gärningsmannen gett upplysningar om medbrottslingar. Bestämmelsen är dock inte begränsad till särskilda brott. Istället ska det bero på en värdering i varje enskilt fall om strafflindring ska ges. (Less)
After the reform of the Swedish Penal Code in 1989, the choice of the sanction is based on proportionality and equivalance. In conjuction with the reform, the clemency pleas were introduced in chapter 29 § 5 of the Penal Code. The clemency pleas means that the court within a reasonable scope has to take into account circumstances that are related to the defendant’s personal circumstances or to something that she or he did after the crime was committed. The provision includes two different circumstances that should be investigated in order to find out if the clemency pleas include crown witnesses. The circumstance in chapter 29 § 5 p.3 entails that the clemency plea will be activated only when the defendant has denounced himself and due to... (More)
After the reform of the Swedish Penal Code in 1989, the choice of the sanction is based on proportionality and equivalance. In conjuction with the reform, the clemency pleas were introduced in chapter 29 § 5 of the Penal Code. The clemency pleas means that the court within a reasonable scope has to take into account circumstances that are related to the defendant’s personal circumstances or to something that she or he did after the crime was committed. The provision includes two different circumstances that should be investigated in order to find out if the clemency pleas include crown witnesses. The circumstance in chapter 29 § 5 p.3 entails that the clemency plea will be activated only when the defendant has denounced himself and due to it’s restrictiveness it does not include crown witnesses. However, if a circumstance occured where crown witnesses would induce lower penalties, it has to occur within the bounds of chapter 29 § 5 p.8 in exceptional cases. According to NJA 2009 s. 599, a defendant can receive a penal discount if he or she risks serious reprisas when revealing other people’s crime.

In Denmark, there was no legal right for the court to give a crown witness penal discount before the reform in 2004. The court was required to take into account personal circumstances related to the defendant after the crime was committed. In 1998, the Supreme Court in Denmark ruled that it is of essential importance for the investigation of serious crimes to motivate a defendant to contribute in an investigation. With regards to the judgement, guidelines were issued in order to declare how a defendant should be informed of the opportunity to obtain a lower penalty by disclosing other people’s crime. Today, it is included as a clemency plea according to the Danish Penal Code 82 § 10 p. However, the provision is not limited to special crimes, instead, the Court needs to evaluate each case individually in order to decide whether or not to give a crown witness penalty discount. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Åkerman, Sascha LU
LAGF03 20141
M2 - Bachelor Degree
straffrätt, straffmätning, strafflindring, billighetshänsyn, kronvittne
date added to LUP
2014-06-17 10:13:20
date last changed
2014-06-17 10:13:20
  abstract     = {{After the reform of the Swedish Penal Code in 1989, the choice of the sanction is based on proportionality and equivalance. In conjuction with the reform, the clemency pleas were introduced in chapter 29 § 5 of the Penal Code. The clemency pleas means that the court within a reasonable scope has to take into account circumstances that are related to the defendant’s personal circumstances or to something that she or he did after the crime was committed. The provision includes two different circumstances that should be investigated in order to find out if the clemency pleas include crown witnesses. The circumstance in chapter 29 § 5 p.3 entails that the clemency plea will be activated only when the defendant has denounced himself and due to it’s restrictiveness it does not include crown witnesses. However, if a circumstance occured where crown witnesses would induce lower penalties, it has to occur within the bounds of chapter 29 § 5 p.8 in exceptional cases. According to NJA 2009 s. 599, a defendant can receive a penal discount if he or she risks serious reprisas when revealing other people’s crime. 

In Denmark, there was no legal right for the court to give a crown witness penal discount before the reform in 2004. The court was required to take into account personal circumstances related to the defendant after the crime was committed. In 1998, the Supreme Court in Denmark ruled that it is of essential importance for the investigation of serious crimes to motivate a defendant to contribute in an investigation. With regards to the judgement, guidelines were issued in order to declare how a defendant should be informed of the opportunity to obtain a lower penalty by disclosing other people’s crime. Today, it is included as a clemency plea according to the Danish Penal Code 82 § 10 p. However, the provision is not limited to special crimes, instead, the Court needs to evaluate each case individually in order to decide whether or not to give a crown witness penalty discount.}},
  author       = {{Åkerman, Sascha}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Får jag lindrigare straff om jag avslöjar mina medbrottslingar? - En komparativ studie av kronvittnen i svensk och dansk rätt}},
  year         = {{2014}},