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LUP Student Papers


Immunitet för stater och dess representanter

Sundberg, Amanda LU (2014) LAGF03 20141
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Som känt är alla stater och dess representanter skyddas mot åtal av andra stater genom immunitet ratione materiae och immunitet ratione personae. Ett existerande dilemma är huruvida denna immunitet ska kunna åberopas när ett internationellt brott har blivit begånget av en stat eller på uppdrag av en stat. Detta är en speciellt viktig fråga när det rör sig om brott mot mänskligheten. Det kan sägas att åsikterna kring den här frågan går isär. Å ena sidan finns det det så kallade progressiva synsättet kring frågan, det vill säga att brott mot jus cogens aldrig kan utgöra en handling som inte kan åtalas på grund av immunitet. Å andra sidan finns den mer konservativa synvinkel, vilken hävdar att det per definition inte finns något undantag för... (More)
Som känt är alla stater och dess representanter skyddas mot åtal av andra stater genom immunitet ratione materiae och immunitet ratione personae. Ett existerande dilemma är huruvida denna immunitet ska kunna åberopas när ett internationellt brott har blivit begånget av en stat eller på uppdrag av en stat. Detta är en speciellt viktig fråga när det rör sig om brott mot mänskligheten. Det kan sägas att åsikterna kring den här frågan går isär. Å ena sidan finns det det så kallade progressiva synsättet kring frågan, det vill säga att brott mot jus cogens aldrig kan utgöra en handling som inte kan åtalas på grund av immunitet. Å andra sidan finns den mer konservativa synvinkel, vilken hävdar att det per definition inte finns något undantag för immunitet ratione materiae.
Ytterligare en existerande fråga är om det finns en internationell skyldighet för stater att åtala när ett internationellt brott ägt rum. Även här råder delade meningar, och även praxis ger en aning spridda svar på den frågan. (Less)
As well known, all states and their representatives are protected against criminal proceedings by other states due to immunity ratione materiae and immunity ratione personae. An existing dilemma is wether it shall be possible to ivoke this immunty when an international crime has been committed by a state or on the behalf of a state. This question is of particular importance when it concerns grave violations against humantitary law. The viwes on this matter are devided. On the one hand there is the so called progressive view, which consider that breaches of jus cogens never can be seen as an action which can not be charged due to immunity. On the other hand there is the more conservative view. Proponents for that opinion argues... (More)
As well known, all states and their representatives are protected against criminal proceedings by other states due to immunity ratione materiae and immunity ratione personae. An existing dilemma is wether it shall be possible to ivoke this immunty when an international crime has been committed by a state or on the behalf of a state. This question is of particular importance when it concerns grave violations against humantitary law. The viwes on this matter are devided. On the one hand there is the so called progressive view, which consider that breaches of jus cogens never can be seen as an action which can not be charged due to immunity. On the other hand there is the more conservative view. Proponents for that opinion argues that the definition of immunity ratione materiae does not allow any exceptions.
An additional question is wether there is an international obligation to for states to prosecute when an international crime has been committed. Here to the opinions are shattered, and the judgements of courts do not give a straight answer either. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Sundberg, Amanda LU
LAGF03 20141
M2 - Bachelor Degree
statsimmunitet, immunitet ratione personae, immunitet ratione materiae, jus cogens, internationella brott
date added to LUP
2014-06-17 10:14:40
date last changed
2014-06-17 10:14:40
  abstract     = {{Abstract
As well known, all states and their representatives are protected against criminal proceedings by other states due to immunity ratione materiae and immunity ratione personae. An existing dilemma is wether it shall be possible to ivoke this immunty when an international crime has been committed by a state or on the behalf of a state. This question is of particular importance when it concerns grave violations against humantitary law. The viwes on this matter are devided. On the one hand there is the so called progressive view, which consider that breaches of jus cogens never can be seen as an action which can not be charged due to immunity. On the other hand there is the more conservative view. Proponents for that opinion argues that the definition of immunity ratione materiae does not allow any exceptions.
 An additional question is wether there is an international obligation to for states to prosecute when an international crime has been committed. Here to the opinions are shattered, and the judgements of courts do not give a straight answer either.}},
  author       = {{Sundberg, Amanda}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Immunitet för stater och dess representanter}},
  year         = {{2014}},