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Styrelseledamots ansvar vid kapitalbrist - Särskilt vid underlåtenhet att upprätta kontrollbalansräkning

Olsson, Johanna LU (2014) JURM02 20141
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Sedan 1895 har det inom aktiebolagsrätten funnits bestämmelser om tvångslikvidation på grund av kapitalbrist. Det övergripande syftet med bestämmelserna är att sätta upp gränser för hur långt en förlustbringande verksamhet får fortsätta innan verksamheten måste avbrytas genom likvidation. Bestämmelserna innebär att styrelsen har en skyldighet att agera i ett antal situationer. Styrelsen ska, när det finns skäl att anta att bolagets eget kapital understiger hälften av det registrerade aktiekapitalet, genast upprätta och låta bolagets revisor granska en kontrollbalansräkning. Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda och analysera vilket ansvar som styrelseledamöterna i ett aktiebolag har om styrelsen underlåter att upprätta och låta bolagets... (More)
Sedan 1895 har det inom aktiebolagsrätten funnits bestämmelser om tvångslikvidation på grund av kapitalbrist. Det övergripande syftet med bestämmelserna är att sätta upp gränser för hur långt en förlustbringande verksamhet får fortsätta innan verksamheten måste avbrytas genom likvidation. Bestämmelserna innebär att styrelsen har en skyldighet att agera i ett antal situationer. Styrelsen ska, när det finns skäl att anta att bolagets eget kapital understiger hälften av det registrerade aktiekapitalet, genast upprätta och låta bolagets revisor granska en kontrollbalansräkning. Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda och analysera vilket ansvar som styrelseledamöterna i ett aktiebolag har om styrelsen underlåter att upprätta och låta bolagets revisor granska en kontrollbalansräkning.

De första frågeställningar som ska besvaras rör rekvisiten skäl att anta och genast. När finns det skäl att anta att bolagets eget kapital understiger hälften av det registrerade aktiekapitalet? Hur lång tid innefattar rekvisitet genast? Vilka åtgärder ska styrelsen vidta inom den tidsfrist som kommer till uttryck genom rekvisitet genast? Sammanfattningsvis kan konstateras att vilka omständigheter som innebär att styrelsen har, eller borde ha, skäl att anta kritisk kapitalbrist och när dessa omständigheter är tillräckliga för att ge upphov till styrelsens aktivitetsplikt skiljer sig åt från fall till fall. Det finns emellertid ett antal omständigheter som bör föranleda att styrelsen är extra uppmärksam på bolagets kapital, till exempel om flera betalningar av betydande värde kan tänkas utgå, om bolaget gör en större förlustaffär eller om bolagets kostnader har varit särskilt höga. Den tidsfrist som kommer till uttryck genom rekvisitet genast börjar löpa vid den tidpunkt då någon i styrelsen insett eller borde ha insett att det finns skäl att anta kritisk kapitalbrist. Inom denna tidsfrist ska styrelsen upprätta en kontrollbalansräkning, det vill säga framta och fastställa en kontrollbalansräkning. Bolagets revisor behöver däremot inte granska kontrollbalansräkningen inom denna tidsfrist. Hur lång tidsfristen är beror på olika faktorer hänförliga till bolaget som exempelvis verksamhetens art och omfång. Styrelsen bör dock ha som riktlinje att inom två månader upprätta en kontrollbalansräkning.

Om styrelsen i ett bolag underlåter att genast upprätta och låta bolagets revisor granska en kontrollbalansräkning blir styrelseledamöterna personligen ansvariga för bolagets förpliktelser. Med anledning därav uppstår några frågor gällande en styrelseledamots ansvar. Vilka är förutsättningarna för att ansvar ska uppkomma? Vad krävs för att ansvarsperioden ska komma till ett slut? Vilka av bolagets förpliktelser har en styrelseledamot ansvar för? Kan en styrelseledamot undgå ansvar? Analysen visar att en styrelseledamots ansvar är knutet till styrelsens underlåtenhet. Det innebär att ansvarsperioden börjar löpa när den tidsfrist som kommer till uttryck genom rekvisitet genast når sitt slut. För att personligt betalningsansvar ska uppkomma krävs det att det förelegat en faktisk kritisk kapitalbrist i bolaget vid den tidpunkt då det fanns skäl att anta kritisk kapitalbrist. Vidare uppkommer inget ansvar om bolagets eget kapital återhämtar sig till en nivå över den kritiska gränsen efter den tidpunkt då det fanns eller borde ha funnits skäl att anta kritisk kapitalbrist, men innan den tidsfrist som kommer till uttryck genom rekvisitet genast löper ut. Om en ansvarsperiod har börjat löpa kan den komma till ett slut om en kontrollbalansräkning eller årsredovisning som utvisar att bolagets eget kapital uppgår till det registrerade aktiekapitalet läggs fram på bolagsstämma. För de bolag som har en vald revisor krävs det dessutom att kontrollbalansräkningen eller årsredovisningen har granskats av bolagets revisor innan den läggs fram. Därutöver torde ansvarsperioden kunna komma till ett slut genom att styrelsen vidtar en rättelse, det vill säga genom att styrelsen upprättar en kontrollbalansräkning och, om bolaget har en vald revisor, låter bolagets revisor granska den.

Analysen visar vidare att styrelseledamöterna har personligt betalningsansvar för förpliktelser som uppkommer för bolaget under ansvarsperioden. Bedömningen av när en förpliktelse ska anses ha uppkommit görs i det enskilda fallet med beaktande av syftet med bestämmelserna om personligt betalningsansvar. För att syftet med bestämmelserna om personligt betalningsansvar ska uppnås bör det beaktas vilka rättsliga och faktiska möjligheter att påverka avtalsförhållandet som funnits under ansvarsperioden. Det är då av betydelse om bolaget har haft en avtalsenlig rätt att avbeställa prestationen utan att drabbas av ersättningsskyldighet. Den styrelseledamot som visar att han eller hon inte har varit försumlig kan emellertid undgå personligt betalningsansvar. En styrelseledamots ansvar ska bedömas utifrån det förhållandet att varje styrelseledamot är skyldig att hålla sig underrättad om förhållandena i bolaget. Omständigheter som utgör en grund för ansvarsfrihet är exempelvis om styrelseledamoten har undanhållits väsentlig information om bolagets ekonomiska ställning, har givits en felaktig bild av bolaget eller har drabbats av en allvarlig sjukdom som gör att denne inte kan delta i styrelsearbetet.

En speciell situation uppstår om en styrelseledamot inträder eller utträder under ansvarsperioden. För att uppnå syftet med uppsatsen är frågan således vilket ansvar en styrelseledamot har som inträder respektive utträder under ansvarsperioden. En inträdande och utträdande styrelseledamots ansvar ska bedömas med beaktande av ledamotens agerande i det enskilda fallet. En styrelseledamot som inträder under ansvarsperioden åläggs personligt betalningsansvar för de förpliktelser som uppkommer efter dennes inträde, om styrelseledamoten inte kan visa att han eller hon inte har varit försumlig. En styrelseledamot som utträder under ansvarsperioden har även att visa att denne inte har varit försumlig, om han eller hon ska undgå personligt betalningsansvar för de förpliktelser som uppkommer under ansvarsperioden fram till själva utträdet. Det är emellertid oklart hur en styrelseledamots ansvar för de av bolagets förpliktelser som uppkommer efter utträde ska bedömas. En styrelseledamot som utträder ur styrelsen under ansvarsperioden blir i vart fall inte automatiskt fri från ansvar. (Less)
Since 1895 there have been provisions regarding compulsory liquidation due to capital deficiency in Swedish company law. The general purpose of the provisions is to set limits on how far a loss-making activity may continue before the activity has to be interrupted by liquidation. The provisions provide that the board of directors has a duty to act in a number of situations. The board of directors must immediately prepare and have the company's auditors examine a balance sheet of liquidation purposes when there is reason to assume that the company's equity is less than half of its registered share capital. The purpose of the essay is to investigate and analyse the liability of the directors when the board of directors fails to prepare and... (More)
Since 1895 there have been provisions regarding compulsory liquidation due to capital deficiency in Swedish company law. The general purpose of the provisions is to set limits on how far a loss-making activity may continue before the activity has to be interrupted by liquidation. The provisions provide that the board of directors has a duty to act in a number of situations. The board of directors must immediately prepare and have the company's auditors examine a balance sheet of liquidation purposes when there is reason to assume that the company's equity is less than half of its registered share capital. The purpose of the essay is to investigate and analyse the liability of the directors when the board of directors fails to prepare and have the company's auditors examine a balance sheet of liquidation purposes.

The first questions to be answered concerns the prerequisites reason to assume and immediately. When is there a reason to assume that the company's equity is less than half of its registered share capital? How long time does the prerequisite immediately include? What actions shall the board of directors take within the time limit expressed by the prerequisite immediately? In conclusion it can be stated that the circumstances under which the board of directors has, or should have, reason to assume critical capital shortage and when these circumstances are sufficient to cause an obligation to act, differ from case to case. However, there are a number of circumstances that should lead to the board of directors being extra mindful of the company's capital, for example if multiple payments of considerable value may be cancelled, if the company makes a loss of business or if the company's costs have been particularly high. The time limit expressed by the prerequisite immediately commence when someone of the board of directors realize, or should have realized, that there is reason to assume critical capital shortage. Within this period, the board of directors should prepare a balance sheet of liquidation, which means that the board of directors should take forth and establish a balance sheet of liquidation. However the company's auditors do not need to examine the balance sheet of liquidation within this period. The length of this period depends on various factors related to the company such as the nature and scale of business. The guideline for the board of directors should be to within two months prepares a balance sheet of liquidation.

If the board of directors has failed to prepare and have the company's auditors review a balance sheet of liquidation purposes, the directors will be jointly and severally liable for the obligations incurred by the company. In this situation a number of questions arise. When does a director's liability for failure to establish and allow the company's auditors to review a balance sheet arise? What is required for the period of liability to end? Which of the obligations of the company is a director liable for? Can a director avoid liability? The analysis shows that a director's liability is tied to the failure of the board of directors. That means that the period of liability commence when the time limit expressed by the prerequisite immediately, has reached its end. For a personal liability shall be incurred, it is necessary that there was an actual critical shortage of capital in the company at the time when there was reason to assume a critical capital shortage. Furthermore, liability will not be incurred if the company's equity exceeded half of its registered share capital after the date on which the board of directors' obligation to prepare a balance sheet of liquidation purposes arise, but before the time limit expressed by the prerequisite immediately expires. If a period of liability has been commenced it may come to an end if a balance sheet of liquidation or an annual report, that shows that the company's equity equals the registered share capital, is presented at a general meeting. For those companies that have an elected auditor the balance sheet of liquidation or the annual report has to be reviewed by the company's auditors before it is presented. In addition, the period of liability may come to an end if the board of directors makes an amendment. It means that the board of directors must prepare a balance sheet of liquidation and, if the company has an elected auditor, have the company's auditors examine the balance sheet of liquidation purposes.

The analysis further shows that the directors have personal liability for the obligations incurred by the company during the period of liability. The assessment of when an obligation is deemed to have occurred must be made in each case with regard to the purpose of the provision of a personal liability. For the purpose of the provision of a personal obligation to be achieved, it should be considered which legal and factual position to influence the contractual relationship that existed during the period of liability. It is then important if the company has a contractual right to cancel the performance without incurring any liability. A director who shows that he or she has not been negligent, however, can avoid personal liability. A directors' liability will be measured by the fact that each director is required to keep abreast of the situation in the company. Circumstances which constitute a basis for liability is for example if the director has withheld material information about the Company's financial position, if the director has been given a false picture of the company or if the director has suffered a serious disorder that makes him unable to participate in the work.

A special situation occurs if a director enters or exits during the period of liability. In order to achieve the purpose of this essay the question is what responsibility a director has, who enters or exits during the period of liability. An entering and exiting directors' liability must be assessed with regard to the director's action in the individual case. A director who enters during the period of liability incurs personal liability for obligations that arise after its entry, if the director can’t show that he or she has not been negligent. A director who exits during the period of liability also has to show the he or she has not been negligent. Otherwise the director has personal liability for obligations that arise under the period of liability until the exit. However, it is unclear how a director´s liability for the company's obligations that arise after the exit should be assessed. A director, who exits from the board of directors during the period of liability, is at least not automatically free from liability. (Less)
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Olsson, Johanna LU
alternative title
The directors’ liability in the event of capital deficiency – Particularly for failure to prepare a balance sheet of liquidation purposes
JURM02 20141
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Kapitalbrist, Associationsrätt, Tvångslikvidation, Personligt betalningsansvar, Styrelseledamots ansvar
date added to LUP
2014-06-12 08:58:13
date last changed
2014-06-12 08:58:13
  abstract     = {{Since 1895 there have been provisions regarding compulsory liquidation due to capital deficiency in Swedish company law. The general purpose of the provisions is to set limits on how far a loss-making activity may continue before the activity has to be interrupted by liquidation. The provisions provide that the board of directors has a duty to act in a number of situations. The board of directors must immediately prepare and have the company's auditors examine a balance sheet of liquidation purposes when there is reason to assume that the company's equity is less than half of its registered share capital. The purpose of the essay is to investigate and analyse the liability of the directors when the board of directors fails to prepare and have the company's auditors examine a balance sheet of liquidation purposes. 

The first questions to be answered concerns the prerequisites reason to assume and immediately. When is there a reason to assume that the company's equity is less than half of its registered share capital? How long time does the prerequisite immediately include? What actions shall the board of directors take within the time limit expressed by the prerequisite immediately? In conclusion it can be stated that the circumstances under which the board of directors has, or should have, reason to assume critical capital shortage and when these circumstances are sufficient to cause an obligation to act, differ from case to case. However, there are a number of circumstances that should lead to the board of directors being extra mindful of the company's capital, for example if multiple payments of considerable value may be cancelled, if the company makes a loss of business or if the company's costs have been particularly high. The time limit expressed by the prerequisite immediately commence when someone of the board of directors realize, or should have realized, that there is reason to assume critical capital shortage. Within this period, the board of directors should prepare a balance sheet of liquidation, which means that the board of directors should take forth and establish a balance sheet of liquidation. However the company's auditors do not need to examine the balance sheet of liquidation within this period. The length of this period depends on various factors related to the company such as the nature and scale of business. The guideline for the board of directors should be to within two months prepares a balance sheet of liquidation.

If the board of directors has failed to prepare and have the company's auditors review a balance sheet of liquidation purposes, the directors will be jointly and severally liable for the obligations incurred by the company. In this situation a number of questions arise. When does a director's liability for failure to establish and allow the company's auditors to review a balance sheet arise? What is required for the period of liability to end? Which of the obligations of the company is a director liable for? Can a director avoid liability? The analysis shows that a director's liability is tied to the failure of the board of directors. That means that the period of liability commence when the time limit expressed by the prerequisite immediately, has reached its end. For a personal liability shall be incurred, it is necessary that there was an actual critical shortage of capital in the company at the time when there was reason to assume a critical capital shortage. Furthermore, liability will not be incurred if the company's equity exceeded half of its registered share capital after the date on which the board of directors' obligation to prepare a balance sheet of liquidation purposes arise, but before the time limit expressed by the prerequisite immediately expires. If a period of liability has been commenced it may come to an end if a balance sheet of liquidation or an annual report, that shows that the company's equity equals the registered share capital, is presented at a general meeting. For those companies that have an elected auditor the balance sheet of liquidation or the annual report has to be reviewed by the company's auditors before it is presented. In addition, the period of liability may come to an end if the board of directors makes an amendment. It means that the board of directors must prepare a balance sheet of liquidation and, if the company has an elected auditor, have the company's auditors examine the balance sheet of liquidation purposes.

The analysis further shows that the directors have personal liability for the obligations incurred by the company during the period of liability. The assessment of when an obligation is deemed to have occurred must be made in each case with regard to the purpose of the provision of a personal liability. For the purpose of the provision of a personal obligation to be achieved, it should be considered which legal and factual position to influence the contractual relationship that existed during the period of liability. It is then important if the company has a contractual right to cancel the performance without incurring any liability. A director who shows that he or she has not been negligent, however, can avoid personal liability. A directors' liability will be measured by the fact that each director is required to keep abreast of the situation in the company. Circumstances which constitute a basis for liability is for example if the director has withheld material information about the Company's financial position, if the director has been given a false picture of the company or if the director has suffered a serious disorder that makes him unable to participate in the work.

A special situation occurs if a director enters or exits during the period of liability. In order to achieve the purpose of this essay the question is what responsibility a director has, who enters or exits during the period of liability. An entering and exiting directors' liability must be assessed with regard to the director's action in the individual case. A director who enters during the period of liability incurs personal liability for obligations that arise after its entry, if the director can’t show that he or she has not been negligent. A director who exits during the period of liability also has to show the he or she has not been negligent. Otherwise the director has personal liability for obligations that arise under the period of liability until the exit. However, it is unclear how a director´s liability for the company's obligations that arise after the exit should be assessed. A director, who exits from the board of directors during the period of liability, is at least not automatically free from liability.}},
  author       = {{Olsson, Johanna}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Styrelseledamots ansvar vid kapitalbrist - Särskilt vid underlåtenhet att upprätta kontrollbalansräkning}},
  year         = {{2014}},