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Barn som anhörig. Barns rätt till information, stöd och hjälp vid förälders missbruk eller psykisk ohälsa i lag och tillämpning

Spiljak, Sofia LU (2014) JURM02 20142
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Denna framställning syftar till att lyfta fram gruppen barn som anhöriga i rampljuset. Som led i detta kommer det att redogöras för hur barns väg från objekt till subjekt påverkat barns rättigheter och särskilt rätten att få information stöd och hjälp vid förälders missbruk eller psykisk ohälsa. För att kunna ge en mer fullständig bild av detta problem har även tillämpningen av dessa eventuella regler utretts utifrån vilka brister som finns i denna. I den avslutande analysen lyfts vissa särskilda utmaningar inför framtiden fram och diskuteras.

Ingen vet exakt hur många barn som växer upp i familjer med missbruk och psykisk ohälsa men vissa uppskattningar har gjort. Enligt en undersökning gjord av Nationellt Kompetenscentrum anhöriga... (More)
Denna framställning syftar till att lyfta fram gruppen barn som anhöriga i rampljuset. Som led i detta kommer det att redogöras för hur barns väg från objekt till subjekt påverkat barns rättigheter och särskilt rätten att få information stöd och hjälp vid förälders missbruk eller psykisk ohälsa. För att kunna ge en mer fullständig bild av detta problem har även tillämpningen av dessa eventuella regler utretts utifrån vilka brister som finns i denna. I den avslutande analysen lyfts vissa särskilda utmaningar inför framtiden fram och diskuteras.

Ingen vet exakt hur många barn som växer upp i familjer med missbruk och psykisk ohälsa men vissa uppskattningar har gjort. Enligt en undersökning gjord av Nationellt Kompetenscentrum anhöriga 2013 växer 8 % av alla barn i Sverige upp med minst en förälder som lider av allvarliga missbruksproblem eller problem med psykisk ohälsa. Om även mindre allvarliga missbruksproblem och psykisk ohälsa räknas in rör det sig om nästan en femtedel av alla barn i Sverige som växer upp i sådana här situationer.

Förr hade barn inga rättigheter just för att de var barn, numera är det precis det motsatta. Barn sågs förr som ett objekt för föräldrars makt och barndomen hade inget värde i sig. Barn var kort sagt blivande vuxna utan egna rättigheter. I dagen samhälle ses istället barndomen som något av egenvärde och barn som individer som ska respekteras. Barn ses nu också som en extra skyddsvärd grupp. Begrepp som barnets bästa och barnrättsperspektivet har som led i denna utveckling blivit ledstjärnor i lagstiftningsprocessen idag. Barns grundläggande rättigheter innefattar en rätt till omvårdnad och trygghet, vilket i första hand ska tillgodoses av vårdnadshavaren. Då denna brister i föräldraansvaret ska samhället ingripa genom främst kommuners socialtjänst och de bestämmelser som finns i socialtjänstlagen. Denna brist i omsorgen liksom barnets behov av stöd är högst individuell och måste utredas från fall till fall. Insatserna blir som följd av detta men även på grund av det kommunala självstyrets inverkan på utformningen av socialtjänsten i stor grad olika från barn till barn och kommun till kommun. Barn har även en rätt att uppmärksammas och erbjudas stöd enligt hälso- och sjukvårdslagen och patientsäkerhetslagen då deras förälder söker vård för sina problem. Ännu ett skydd som finns för barn är den anmälningsplikt som finns för yrkesverksamma som arbetar inom verksamheter som kommer i kontakt med barn.

I uppsatsens avslutande kapitel kan jag konstatera att det finns en lagstadgad rätt för barn till information, stöd och hjälp i fall då en eller båda föräldrar har missbruksproblematik eller lider av psykisk ohälsa och på grund av detta brister i sitt föräldraansvar på ett mer eller mindre omfattande sätt. Det finns dock en hel del problem i tillämpningen av dessa, grundade på flera olika orsaker. Det har konstaterats i undersökningar gjorda av bland annat Junis att inte alla kommuner erbjuder stöd till dessa utsatta barn och de barn som väl nås av insatserna endast är en bråkdel av de barn som kan tänkas behöva information, stöd och hjälp. Då socialtjänstens insatser är frivilliga och krävs förälders samtycke för att barn under 15 år ska få insats härifrån. Andra tvingande åtgärder som kan tas till i fall då vårdnadshavare inte samtycker har en hög tröskel vilket leder till att barn inte alltid får den hjälp de behöver i vissa fall. Det finns flera områden inom socialtjänstens barn- och ungdomsverksamhet som bör förbättras i framtiden som led i att säkerställa att alla barn får den information, stöd och hjälp som de är i behov av som resultat av förälders missbruk eller psykisk ohälsa, oavsett hur stort eller litet detta är. (Less)
This essay seeks to bring children with parents suffering from addiction problems or mental illnesses to the public attention. In order to do this I have to examine how the view of children within the legal system has changed, from being an object to being a subject, and how this has affected children’s rights to receive information, support and help when one or both parents suffer from addiction problems or mental illnesses. Additionally, in order to provide a complete picture of this problem, I have to examine how these rules are enforced in reality and if there are any flaws within this system. Some of the specific challenges for the future will be emphasized and discussed in the final analysis.

Exactly how many children who grow up... (More)
This essay seeks to bring children with parents suffering from addiction problems or mental illnesses to the public attention. In order to do this I have to examine how the view of children within the legal system has changed, from being an object to being a subject, and how this has affected children’s rights to receive information, support and help when one or both parents suffer from addiction problems or mental illnesses. Additionally, in order to provide a complete picture of this problem, I have to examine how these rules are enforced in reality and if there are any flaws within this system. Some of the specific challenges for the future will be emphasized and discussed in the final analysis.

Exactly how many children who grow up in families with issues concerning addiction problems or mental illnesses is unknown. However, estimations have been done. In 2013 Nationellt Kompetenscentrum anhöriga made a survey according to which 8 % of all children in Sweden grows up with at least one parent suffering from a serious addiction problem or a mental illness. If less severe addiction problems and mental illnesses were to be included in this estimation, this number would be a lot higher. Approximately a fifth of all children in Sweden are growing up in homes with one or both parents suffering from at least less severe addiction problems or mental illnesses.

Once, children had no rights based on the sole fact that they were children, today, it’s the opposite. Several years ago children used to be seen as an object of parental power. The childhood had no value in itself and children were only seen as adults to be. In today’s society however, childhood is something valuable in itself and children are seen as individuals who deserves respect. Principles and concepts such as “the best interests of the child” and “children’s rights perspective” have become guiding principles of the legislative process today. Children’s most fundamental rights includes the right to care and protection. These rights are primarily to be provided for by the child’s custodian, usually the biological parent. If the custodian fails to meet the child’s needs, social services has a responsibility to intervene in accordance with the relevant provisions in socialtjänstlagen (Social Services Act). Children also have a right to be acknowledged and offered support according to hälso- och sjukvårdslagen and patientsäkerhetslagen when their parents are seeking help for their problems within the health care system.

In the final part of this essay, the analysis, I can state that children have several statutory rights to information, support and help in cases when one or both parents is afflicted by addiction problems or a mental illness and because of this problem fails to meet the child’s most fundamental needs more or less exhaustively. There are however some issues with the application of these rights. It was been found in studies made by Junis that not all social services in Sweden offer support and the support that is offered reaches far from all children in need of it. Even if support is provided for by the social services are these voluntary and requires parental consent for children under 15 years. There are several areas in which social services can improve in, in the future as part of ensuring that every child in need of information, support and help as a result of a parents addiction problem or mental illness, no matter how big or small the need is, gets their need met. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Spiljak, Sofia LU
alternative title
Children as relatives. Childrens right to information, support and help when one or both parents suffer from addiction or mental ilness
JURM02 20142
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Familjerätt, barnrätt, barns rättigheter, missbruk, psykisk ohälsa, föräldraansvar, information, stöd
date added to LUP
2015-01-31 10:25:36
date last changed
2015-01-31 10:25:36
  abstract     = {{This essay seeks to bring children with parents suffering from addiction problems or mental illnesses to the public attention. In order to do this I have to examine how the view of children within the legal system has changed, from being an object to being a subject, and how this has affected children’s rights to receive information, support and help when one or both parents suffer from addiction problems or mental illnesses. Additionally, in order to provide a complete picture of this problem, I have to examine how these rules are enforced in reality and if there are any flaws within this system. Some of the specific challenges for the future will be emphasized and discussed in the final analysis.

Exactly how many children who grow up in families with issues concerning addiction problems or mental illnesses is unknown. However, estimations have been done. In 2013 Nationellt Kompetenscentrum anhöriga made a survey according to which 8 % of all children in Sweden grows up with at least one parent suffering from a serious addiction problem or a mental illness. If less severe addiction problems and mental illnesses were to be included in this estimation, this number would be a lot higher. Approximately a fifth of all children in Sweden are growing up in homes with one or both parents suffering from at least less severe addiction problems or mental illnesses.

Once, children had no rights based on the sole fact that they were children, today, it’s the opposite. Several years ago children used to be seen as an object of parental power. The childhood had no value in itself and children were only seen as adults to be. In today’s society however, childhood is something valuable in itself and children are seen as individuals who deserves respect. Principles and concepts such as “the best interests of the child” and “children’s rights perspective” have become guiding principles of the legislative process today. Children’s most fundamental rights includes the right to care and protection. These rights are primarily to be provided for by the child’s custodian, usually the biological parent. If the custodian fails to meet the child’s needs, social services has a responsibility to intervene in accordance with the relevant provisions in socialtjänstlagen (Social Services Act). Children also have a right to be acknowledged and offered support according to hälso- och sjukvårdslagen and patientsäkerhetslagen when their parents are seeking help for their problems within the health care system. 
In the final part of this essay, the analysis, I can state that children have several statutory rights to information, support and help in cases when one or both parents is afflicted by addiction problems or a mental illness and because of this problem fails to meet the child’s most fundamental needs more or less exhaustively. There are however some issues with the application of these rights. It was been found in studies made by Junis that not all social services in Sweden offer support and the support that is offered reaches far from all children in need of it. Even if support is provided for by the social services are these voluntary and requires parental consent for children under 15 years. There are several areas in which social services can improve in, in the future as part of ensuring that every child in need of information, support and help as a result of a parents addiction problem or mental illness, no matter how big or small the need is, gets their need met.}},
  author       = {{Spiljak, Sofia}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Barn som anhörig. Barns rätt till information, stöd och hjälp vid förälders missbruk eller psykisk ohälsa i lag och tillämpning}},
  year         = {{2014}},