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Språkbrister i rättssalen - En studie av språkets inverkan på bevisvärderingen av muntliga utsagor i brottmål

Muhaxheri, Driljon LU (2014) LAGM01 20142
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Att en parts språkbrister vid utsagor inför rätten kan inverka negativt på bevisvärderingen av dessa har berörts i doktrin. Någon utförligare behandling av det potentiella problemområdet har emellertid uteblivit i juridisk doktrin. Uppsatsens syfte är i enlighet därmed att undersöka om och hur en parts språkbruk inför rätten kan inverka på rättens bevisvärdering av den muntliga utsagan. För att uppfylla uppsatsens syfte har följande frågeställningar formulerats. Dessa är i korthet följande: Hur ser gällande rätt ut avseende bevisvärdering av muntliga utsagor? Vilken inverkan kan en persons språkbruk och sätt att avge utsagor ha på bevisvärderingen av dennes muntliga utsagor? Vilken betydelse har språkbruket och sättet som en utsaga avges... (More)
Att en parts språkbrister vid utsagor inför rätten kan inverka negativt på bevisvärderingen av dessa har berörts i doktrin. Någon utförligare behandling av det potentiella problemområdet har emellertid uteblivit i juridisk doktrin. Uppsatsens syfte är i enlighet därmed att undersöka om och hur en parts språkbruk inför rätten kan inverka på rättens bevisvärdering av den muntliga utsagan. För att uppfylla uppsatsens syfte har följande frågeställningar formulerats. Dessa är i korthet följande: Hur ser gällande rätt ut avseende bevisvärdering av muntliga utsagor? Vilken inverkan kan en persons språkbruk och sätt att avge utsagor ha på bevisvärderingen av dennes muntliga utsagor? Vilken betydelse har språkbruket och sättet som en utsaga avges på i rättstillämpningen?

I Sverige råder principen om fri bevisvärdering. Enligt denna har domstolen att i princip fritt värdera den bevisning som förs fram i mål. Av principen följer att legala föreskrifter varken får inverka på hur värderingen ska se ut eller vilket bevisvärde enskilda bevismedel ska ha. Den fria bevisvärderingen gäller för all sorts bevisning och inbegriper följaktligen värderingen av muntliga utsagor. En följd av den fria bevisvärderingen är att det blir aktuellt för domstolen att bedöma olika faktorer vid värderingen av muntliga utsagor. I praktiken innebär det att både innehållet i utsagan samt sättet på hur utsagan avges bedöms. Det är dock viktigt att poängtera att det inte är korrekt att säga att bevisvärderingen är helt och hållet fri. Lagstiftaren avsåg enligt förarbetena att bevisvärderingen i varje fall skulle utföras på ett objektivt sätt, vara fri från domares godtycke och att den skulle vara baserad på allmänna erfarenhetssatser. Detta gäller i högsta grad även vid bevisvärderingen av muntliga utsagor.

Med anledning av att beviskravet i brottmål formulerats som att åtal ska vara styrkt "utom rimligt tvivel" har det anförts att även en metod för bevisvärdering i realiteten har vuxit fram ur Högsta domstolens praxis. Enligt denna metod värderas bevisning genom att åklagarens påstående om ett samband mellan ett specifikt bevis och åklagarens gärningsbeskrivning prövas mot bakgrund av alternativa förklaringar till sambandet. Om åklagarens bevisning inte kan eliminera förekomsten av rimligt tvivel ska åtalet ogillas. För att kunna konstituera rimligt tvivel, alternativt att kunna styrka åtal utom rimligt tvivel i mål där ord står mot ord måste utsagorna i sig först värderas. Bevisvärderingen av de muntliga utsagorna sker genom att utsagorna bedöms utifrån ett antal erfarenhetssatser som antingen talar för eller emot en utsagas sanningsenlighet. Resultatet presenteras i ett utlåtande om utsagepersonens och utsagans trovärdighet och tillförlitlighet. Enligt bl.a. NJA 2009 s. 447, I och II, kan en alltigenom trovärdig och tillförlitlig målsägandeutsaga, i förening med vad som i övrigt framkommit i målet till exempel gällande målsägandens beteende innan eller efter den påstådda gärningen, tillräcklig för en fällande dom. De erfarenhetssatser som används i rättstillämpningen är hänförliga till både utsagans innehåll och till sättet som utsagan avgivits på. Relationen mellan sättet som en utsaga avgivits på samt en utsagas eventuella riktighet är dock inte helt okontroversiell.

Den beteendevetenskapliga forskningen ger svagt stöd till erfarenhetssatsernas vetenskapliga förankring. Att en utsaga avges på ett specifikt sätt behöver inte nödvändigtvis innebära att anledningen till att utsagan avgavs på det sättet är att utsagan är oriktig. Istället kan sättet som en utsaga avges på bero på ett antal olika faktorer. I arbetet behandlas språket som en faktor som kan påverka sättet på hur en utsaga avges. Bland annat har psykologisk forskning visat att exempelvis att användandet av kroppsspråket kan skilja beroende på personers språkförmågor. Det har även visats att personer med språkbrister, främst personer som har ett annat modersmål än det som talas inför rätten, i större utsträckning tenderar att kommunicera med tecken som signalerar osäkerhet i fråga om minnesåtergivelser. Forskning har dessutom visat att språkbruket kan påverka hur en utsaga bedöms. Personer som behärskar talspråket väl kan få en trovärdighetsbonus till skillnad från personer som exempelvis har utländsk brytning, vilka tvärtom kan bedömas som mindre trovärdiga. Även faktumet att det kan vara svårare att förstå en utsaga som avges av en person med utländsk brytning kan enligt psykologisk forskning innebära att en person riskerar att bedömas som mindre trovärdig. Det har med anledning av detta anförts att utsagor istället bör värderas enbart utifrån deras innehåll och inte på sättet som de avges på.

Aktörer verksamma i domstolarna har fört fram språket som en viktig faktor vid diskriminering i brottmålsprocessen. Sättet som en person beter sig på inför rätten samt språkbruket som denne har, har ansetts utgöra två viktiga faktorer till varför denne kan uppfattas som mindre trovärdig. I en rättsfallsstudie utförd inom ramen av detta arbete har det talade språket inte en enda gång i domskälen behandlats som en faktor vid bevisvärderingen av muntliga utsagor. Däremot har faktorer som enligt presenterad beteendevetenskaplig forskning indirekt kan bero på språkliga förmågor använts. Bland dessa hör vagt uttryckta kriterier som att utsagan burit det självupplevdas prägel, att utsagepersonen haft ett specifikt kroppsspråk samt att utsagan avgivits spontant. (Less)
In Swedish legal literature it has been mentioned that shortages in the defendant's or the plaintiff's use of the spoken language before the court, risk having a negative impact on the subsequent evaluation of evidence. However, this risk has not been subject to any thorough examination. With that in mind, the purpose of this thesis is to examine if and how shortages in spoken language of a person presenting an oral testimony can impact on the evaluation of the oral testimony. Both the contents and the way in which an oral testimony is presented can be subject to evaluation.

In accordance with the purpose, the following question formulation has arisen: What is the relation between established law and the evaluation of evidence regarding... (More)
In Swedish legal literature it has been mentioned that shortages in the defendant's or the plaintiff's use of the spoken language before the court, risk having a negative impact on the subsequent evaluation of evidence. However, this risk has not been subject to any thorough examination. With that in mind, the purpose of this thesis is to examine if and how shortages in spoken language of a person presenting an oral testimony can impact on the evaluation of the oral testimony. Both the contents and the way in which an oral testimony is presented can be subject to evaluation.

In accordance with the purpose, the following question formulation has arisen: What is the relation between established law and the evaluation of evidence regarding oral testimonies? What impact can a person's use of language before the court have on the evaluation of his oral testimony? What significance do shortages of language and subsequently the manners in which an oral testimony is given have in the courts?

The principle of free evaluation of evidence, which is established law in Sweden, provides that no formal rules can be imposed on the courts' in matters of evaluation of evidence. This means that neither rules determining the value of certain evidence nor methods on how the evaluation process should be carried out exist. As a consequence of the principle, the courts can evaluate different factors when evaluating oral testimonies. In practice, both the contents of a testimony, and the manners of how it is presented are subject to evaluation. Although the principle provides absence from formal rules determining how the evaluation should proceed, the legislator intended, according to the principle's legislative history, for the evaluation to be carried out objectively, free from arbitrariness and that the evaluations were to be based on common general knowledge.

With the introduction of the applicable standard of evidence, that a defendant's guilt has to be proven beyond reasonable doubt, it has been argued that a method for the evaluation of evidence has been discerned on the case law from the Supreme Court of Sweden. According to this alleged method, evidence is to be evaluated by questioning the connection between a specific evidence and the circumstance which the prosecutor wants to proof through the use of alternative explanations. If the court does not find the connection that the prosecutor deems existing, the prosecutor has not removed the reasonable doubt thus the prosecution should be dismissed. To constitute reasonable doubt in situations where all relevant evidence comprises of oral testimonies, the oral testimony itself must be evaluated. The evaluation of that such evidence is carried out with the use of common general knowledge that either suggests that the testimony is true or false. The result of this evaluation is presented in terms of credibility and reliability. According to the case NJA 2009 s. 447, I and II, a plaintiff's testimony that is throughout credible and reliable, together with other facts put forward in the case as e.g. the plaintiff's behavior before and after the alleged crime, can be sufficient for a conviction. The common general knowledge used in terms of evidence evaluation of oral testimonies are either attributable to the contents of the testimony or on the manner it is presented. The relation between the manner of how a testimony is presented and the eventual accuracy of a testimony is however not undisputed.

Psychological experiments done regarding the common general knowledge used by the courts shows that they practically lack scientific support. The fact that a testimony is presented in a particular way does not necessarily mean that the reason for it being presented that way was because of its falsity. Instead a number of factors can affect the way that a testimony is presented in. In this thesis, psychological research is presented showing that factors deriving from linguistic abilities can affect the way in which a person gives an oral testimony. Research has shown that the use of body language can differ depending on a person's linguistic abilities. It has also been shown that persons with another mother tongue than the language in which they are presenting a testimony, in greater extent communicate with signs that signal uncertainty in their memory. In terms of the evaluation per se, research has shown that linguistic abilities can have an impact on the evaluation that the court carries out regarding the testimony. Here it has been said that persons that use the spoken word well can gain an advantage in credibility in relation to persons that do not speak the language as well, e.g. persons with a foreign accent. It has also been shown that the mere fact that an oral testimony given by someone having a foreign accent is more difficult to understand, leads to a greater risk for the person to be evaluated as less credible. Because of these studies, psychological scientists have concluded that it is more effective to evaluate an oral testimony only by the content of the testimony and not by the manner of which it has been presented.

Practicing legal professionals in criminal cases have regarded the language as being a very important factor of discrimination in criminal procedure. The way in which a person behaves, together with the person's usage of language have been mentioned as two significant factors which can lead to the person being perceived as less credible. In the case study carried out in this thesis the spoken language has not at all been directly subject for evaluation. Indirectly however a couple of factors, which according to the psychological studies presented can depend on e.g. language disabilities, have been used by the courts to evaluate the oral testimonies. Among these factors are vaguely formulated criterions such as that a testimony has mediated an impression of self-experience, that the person's body language has been on a specific way and that the testimony has been given spontaneously. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Muhaxheri, Driljon LU
alternative title
The Evaluation of Oral Testimonies in Relation to How the Testimony is Presented.
LAGM01 20142
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Bevisvärdering av muntliga utsagor Språkets inverkan på bevisvärderingen Språkbrister
date added to LUP
2015-01-27 10:53:48
date last changed
2015-01-27 10:53:48
  abstract     = {{In Swedish legal literature it has been mentioned that shortages in the defendant's or the plaintiff's use of the spoken language before the court, risk having a negative impact on the subsequent evaluation of evidence. However, this risk has not been subject to any thorough examination. With that in mind, the purpose of this thesis is to examine if and how shortages in spoken language of a person presenting an oral testimony can impact on the evaluation of the oral testimony. Both the contents and the way in which an oral testimony is presented can be subject to evaluation.

In accordance with the purpose, the following question formulation has arisen: What is the relation between established law and the evaluation of evidence regarding oral testimonies? What impact can a person's use of language before the court have on the evaluation of his oral testimony? What significance do shortages of language and subsequently the manners in which an oral testimony is given have in the courts?

The principle of free evaluation of evidence, which is established law in Sweden, provides that no formal rules can be imposed on the courts' in matters of evaluation of evidence. This means that neither rules determining the value of certain evidence nor methods on how the evaluation process should be carried out exist. As a consequence of the principle, the courts can evaluate different factors when evaluating oral testimonies. In practice, both the contents of a testimony, and the manners of how it is presented are subject to evaluation. Although the principle provides absence from formal rules determining how the evaluation should proceed, the legislator intended, according to the principle's legislative history, for the evaluation to be carried out objectively, free from arbitrariness and that the evaluations were to be based on common general knowledge.

With the introduction of the applicable standard of evidence, that a defendant's guilt has to be proven beyond reasonable doubt, it has been argued that a method for the evaluation of evidence has been discerned on the case law from the Supreme Court of Sweden. According to this alleged method, evidence is to be evaluated by questioning the connection between a specific evidence and the circumstance which the prosecutor wants to proof through the use of alternative explanations. If the court does not find the connection that the prosecutor deems existing, the prosecutor has not removed the reasonable doubt thus the prosecution should be dismissed. To constitute reasonable doubt in situations where all relevant evidence comprises of oral testimonies, the oral testimony itself must be evaluated. The evaluation of that such evidence is carried out with the use of common general knowledge that either suggests that the testimony is true or false. The result of this evaluation is presented in terms of credibility and reliability. According to the case NJA 2009 s. 447, I and II, a plaintiff's testimony that is throughout credible and reliable, together with other facts put forward in the case as e.g. the plaintiff's behavior before and after the alleged crime, can be sufficient for a conviction. The common general knowledge used in terms of evidence evaluation of oral testimonies are either attributable to the contents of the testimony or on the manner it is presented. The relation between the manner of how a testimony is presented and the eventual accuracy of a testimony is however not undisputed.

Psychological experiments done regarding the common general knowledge used by the courts shows that they practically lack scientific support. The fact that a testimony is presented in a particular way does not necessarily mean that the reason for it being presented that way was because of its falsity. Instead a number of factors can affect the way that a testimony is presented in. In this thesis, psychological research is presented showing that factors deriving from linguistic abilities can affect the way in which a person gives an oral testimony. Research has shown that the use of body language can differ depending on a person's linguistic abilities. It has also been shown that persons with another mother tongue than the language in which they are presenting a testimony, in greater extent communicate with signs that signal uncertainty in their memory. In terms of the evaluation per se, research has shown that linguistic abilities can have an impact on the evaluation that the court carries out regarding the testimony. Here it has been said that persons that use the spoken word well can gain an advantage in credibility in relation to persons that do not speak the language as well, e.g. persons with a foreign accent. It has also been shown that the mere fact that an oral testimony given by someone having a foreign accent is more difficult to understand, leads to a greater risk for the person to be evaluated as less credible. Because of these studies, psychological scientists have concluded that it is more effective to evaluate an oral testimony only by the content of the testimony and not by the manner of which it has been presented. 

Practicing legal professionals in criminal cases have regarded the language as being a very important factor of discrimination in criminal procedure. The way in which a person behaves, together with the person's usage of language have been mentioned as two significant factors which can lead to the person being perceived as less credible. In the case study carried out in this thesis the spoken language has not at all been directly subject for evaluation. Indirectly however a couple of factors, which according to the psychological studies presented can depend on e.g. language disabilities, have been used by the courts to evaluate the oral testimonies. Among these factors are vaguely formulated criterions such as that a testimony has mediated an impression of self-experience, that the person's body language has been on a specific way and that the testimony has been given spontaneously.}},
  author       = {{Muhaxheri, Driljon}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Språkbrister i rättssalen - En studie av språkets inverkan på bevisvärderingen av muntliga utsagor i brottmål}},
  year         = {{2014}},