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Automatisk straffrihet på idrottsplanen? - En rättshistorisk analys av sport och samtycke

Ekholm, Fredrik LU (2015) LAGF03 20152
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
The discussion about whether the individuals right of self-determination shall be ab-solute or not in todays society is highly in questioned. Especially in the world of sport where several physical sports every so often can render in severe injury for the athletes. Some of the injuries are self-inflicted or followed by an ordinary outright physical contact and some has followed from an unregulated incident. Hereby, a question has occurred about where the boundary actually runs for something that happens at the playfield without onset of criminal liability? How long does the con-sent extends in the sports sphere?

Furthermore, in this paper a debate about consent and its development during the 20th century and up to the current Swedish... (More)
The discussion about whether the individuals right of self-determination shall be ab-solute or not in todays society is highly in questioned. Especially in the world of sport where several physical sports every so often can render in severe injury for the athletes. Some of the injuries are self-inflicted or followed by an ordinary outright physical contact and some has followed from an unregulated incident. Hereby, a question has occurred about where the boundary actually runs for something that happens at the playfield without onset of criminal liability? How long does the con-sent extends in the sports sphere?

Furthermore, in this paper a debate about consent and its development during the 20th century and up to the current Swedish law is coherent. Similarities and differ-ences between the different proposals have been highlighted. The six different condi-tions that must be present if a valid consent at all shall be able to lead to the dis-charge will be closely discussed.

Concerning violence on the area of sport, the different sport federations strive to by them selves manage what is happening and to punish transgressions through their own regulations. In some sports, violence is a natural part of the exercise. If this should be removed, many sports would disappear with it. Violence between athletes constitute a criminal special case where more violence than normal remains allowed. Some of the actions that are happening in the context of sporting activities can by ju-ridical argumentation be given criminal liability. Other actions can be significantly more difficult to motive for criminal liability. Case law has been used to give the reader an understanding for how the court actually assesses in cases about however consent may exist or how long its scope of protection extends in different situations.

Violence that takes place in a different part of the field than the game, will meet a greater risk of prosecution and conviction. The violence is now more widespread in sport than earlier been the case and the community has had to adapt to this level. A clear distinction cannot be found, but an assessment of each sport itself needs to be done. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Diskussionen kring huruvida individens självbestämmanderätt bör vara absolut eller inte är i dagens samhälle högst aktuell. Framför allt i den idrottsliga världen där fler-talet idrotter inom kontaktsport allt som oftast kan rendera i svårare skador för utö-varna. Vissa skador är självförvållande eller följt av en vanlig regelrätt närkamp me-dan andra är följden av en regelvidrig incident. Det har härigenom uppstått en fråga var gränsen egentligen går för något som sker på en idrottsplan utan inträdande av straffansvar? Hur långt sträcker sig samtycket inom idrottssfären?

I denna uppsats avhandlas hur samtycket har utvecklats under 1900-talet och fram till gällande svensk rätt. Likheter och skillnader mellan förslagen kommer belysas.... (More)
Diskussionen kring huruvida individens självbestämmanderätt bör vara absolut eller inte är i dagens samhälle högst aktuell. Framför allt i den idrottsliga världen där fler-talet idrotter inom kontaktsport allt som oftast kan rendera i svårare skador för utö-varna. Vissa skador är självförvållande eller följt av en vanlig regelrätt närkamp me-dan andra är följden av en regelvidrig incident. Det har härigenom uppstått en fråga var gränsen egentligen går för något som sker på en idrottsplan utan inträdande av straffansvar? Hur långt sträcker sig samtycket inom idrottssfären?

I denna uppsats avhandlas hur samtycket har utvecklats under 1900-talet och fram till gällande svensk rätt. Likheter och skillnader mellan förslagen kommer belysas. De sex olika förutsättningarna för att ett giltigt samtycke över huvud taget skall kunna leda till ansvarsfrihet i dagens samhälle kommer diskuteras närmre.

Vad gäller våld på sportens område strävar de olika idrottsförbunden att själva få hantera det som sker och bestraffa övertramp genom sitt eget regelverk. Inom vissa sporter är våld en naturlig del av utövandet och skulle detta tas bort, skulle även många idrotter följa med beslutet ner i sank. Våld mellan idrottsutövare utgör ett straffrättsligt specialfall där mer våld än normalt alltjämt är tillåtet. En del av de gär-ningar som sker inom ramen för idrottslig verksamhet kan genom juridisk argumen-tation, ges straffrättsligt ansvarsfrihet. Vid andra handlingar kan det vara betydligt svårare att motivera ansvarsfrihet. Praxis har använts för att ge läsaren en förståelse för hur domstolen faktiskt bedömer i fall kring huruvida samtycke föreligger och hur långt dess skyddsomfång sträcker sig i olika situationer.

Våld som sker på en annan del av planen än där spelet befunnit sig löper större risk till åtal och fällande dom. Våldet är idag mer utbrett inom idrotten än vad som tidi-gare varit fallet och samhället har fått anpassa sig till denna nivå. En klar gränsdrag-ning går inte att finna, utan en bedömning av varje sport för sig måste göras. (Less)
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Ekholm, Fredrik LU
LAGF03 20152
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Straffrätt (en. criminal law), Rättshistoria (en. legal history)
date added to LUP
2016-02-23 15:21:48
date last changed
2016-02-23 15:21:48
  abstract     = {{The discussion about whether the individuals right of self-determination shall be ab-solute or not in todays society is highly in questioned. Especially in the world of sport where several physical sports every so often can render in severe injury for the athletes. Some of the injuries are self-inflicted or followed by an ordinary outright physical contact and some has followed from an unregulated incident. Hereby, a question has occurred about where the boundary actually runs for something that happens at the playfield without onset of criminal liability? How long does the con-sent extends in the sports sphere?

Furthermore, in this paper a debate about consent and its development during the 20th century and up to the current Swedish law is coherent. Similarities and differ-ences between the different proposals have been highlighted. The six different condi-tions that must be present if a valid consent at all shall be able to lead to the dis-charge will be closely discussed. 

Concerning violence on the area of sport, the different sport federations strive to by them selves manage what is happening and to punish transgressions through their own regulations. In some sports, violence is a natural part of the exercise. If this should be removed, many sports would disappear with it. Violence between athletes constitute a criminal special case where more violence than normal remains allowed. Some of the actions that are happening in the context of sporting activities can by ju-ridical argumentation be given criminal liability. Other actions can be significantly more difficult to motive for criminal liability. Case law has been used to give the reader an understanding for how the court actually assesses in cases about however consent may exist or how long its scope of protection extends in different situations.

Violence that takes place in a different part of the field than the game, will meet a greater risk of prosecution and conviction. The violence is now more widespread in sport than earlier been the case and the community has had to adapt to this level. A clear distinction cannot be found, but an assessment of each sport itself needs to be done.}},
  author       = {{Ekholm, Fredrik}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Automatisk straffrihet på idrottsplanen? - En rättshistorisk analys av sport och samtycke}},
  year         = {{2015}},