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LUP Student Papers


Gemensam vårdnad - lika med barnets bästa?

Ljunggren, Ingrid LU (2016) LAGF03 20161
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Barnets bästa ska vara avgörande i alla mål om vårdnad, boende och umgänge vilket föreskrivs i 6 kap. 2 a § föräldrabalken. Barnets bästa är ingen ny målsättning i svensk rätt utan har funnits sedan många år tillbaka i tiden. Trots det finns det inget allmängiltigt svar på vad barnets bästa är. Anledningen är att barnets bästa är ett levande begrepp som varierar beroende på situation och enskilt barn. I svensk rätt har man emellertid valt att framföra några aspekter av barnets bästa som ska ges särskild tyngd. En av dem är barnets behov av en nära och god kontakt med båda föräldrarna.

Det finns två former av vårdnad i svensk rätt, gemensam och ensam vårdnad. Föräldrabalken har gemensam vårdnad som utgångspunkt och lagstiftaren anser... (More)
Barnets bästa ska vara avgörande i alla mål om vårdnad, boende och umgänge vilket föreskrivs i 6 kap. 2 a § föräldrabalken. Barnets bästa är ingen ny målsättning i svensk rätt utan har funnits sedan många år tillbaka i tiden. Trots det finns det inget allmängiltigt svar på vad barnets bästa är. Anledningen är att barnets bästa är ett levande begrepp som varierar beroende på situation och enskilt barn. I svensk rätt har man emellertid valt att framföra några aspekter av barnets bästa som ska ges särskild tyngd. En av dem är barnets behov av en nära och god kontakt med båda föräldrarna.

Det finns två former av vårdnad i svensk rätt, gemensam och ensam vårdnad. Föräldrabalken har gemensam vårdnad som utgångspunkt och lagstiftaren anser att gemensam vårdnad i normalfallet utgör barnets bästa. Trots att barnets bästa är ett mångfacetterat begrepp presumerar lagstiftaren att gemensam vårdnad är till barnets bästa, vilket givetvis avspeglas även i rättspraxis.

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur 6 kap. 2 a § föräldrabalken tillämpas i praktiken och hur domstolarna resonerar kring principen om barnets bästa i mål om vårdnad, särskilt i fråga om att försäkra barnet en nära och god relation med båda föräldrarna. Närmare bestämt är syftet att försöka undersöka hur principen om barnets bästa tolkas och tillämpas i förhållande till frågan om gemensam eller ensam vårdnad.

Begreppet barnets bästa samt reglerna om vårdnad utreds med hjälp av doktrin av framstående forskare på familj- och barnrättens område. Uppsatsen utmynnar i en studie av utvalda rättsfall från Högsta domstolen i syfte att undersöka hur domstolen resonerar kring principen om barnets bästa. I slutet av uppsatsen nyanseras frågan om gemensam vårdnad alltid utgör barnets bästa. (Less)
The best interest of the child shall constitute the primary consideration in all matters concerning custody, residence and contact according to the 6th chapter, section 2(a) in the Parental Code. The best interest of the child is not a new goal in Swedish law, but has existed for many years. Nevertheless, there is no definite answer as to what the best interest of the child is. The reason is that the best interest of the child is a living concept that varies depending on situation and the individual child. The Swedish legislature, however, decided to give some aspects of the best interest of the child particular weight. One of them is the child’s need for good and close contact with both parents.

There are two forms of custody in... (More)
The best interest of the child shall constitute the primary consideration in all matters concerning custody, residence and contact according to the 6th chapter, section 2(a) in the Parental Code. The best interest of the child is not a new goal in Swedish law, but has existed for many years. Nevertheless, there is no definite answer as to what the best interest of the child is. The reason is that the best interest of the child is a living concept that varies depending on situation and the individual child. The Swedish legislature, however, decided to give some aspects of the best interest of the child particular weight. One of them is the child’s need for good and close contact with both parents.

There are two forms of custody in Swedish law, joint and sole custody. The Swedish Parental Code has joint custody as a starting point and the legislature considers that joint custody normally lies within the best interest of the child. Although the best interest of the child is multifaceted concept, the legislature presumes that joint custody lies within the concept, which of course reflects in the legal usage.

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the 6th chapter, section 2(a) in the Parental Code is applied in the legal usage and how the courts reason on the concept of the best interest of the child in child custody cases, particularly in terms of meeting the child’s need for a good and close contact with both parents. More specific, the aim is to examine how the concept of the best interest of the child is interpreted and applied in relation to the issue of joint or sole custody.

The concept of the best interest of the child and the legislation around custody are investigated by means of the doctrine of reputed scientists on family and child law. The essay concludes with a study of select cases from the Swedish Supreme Court in order to examine how the court reasons on the concept of the best interest of the child. At the end, the essay debates the question if joint custody lies within the best interest of the child. (Less)
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Ljunggren, Ingrid LU
LAGF03 20161
M2 - Bachelor Degree
familjerätt, gemensam vårdnad, barnets bästa
date added to LUP
2016-07-04 09:11:57
date last changed
2016-07-04 09:11:57
  abstract     = {{The best interest of the child shall constitute the primary consideration in all matters concerning custody, residence and contact according to the 6th chapter, section 2(a) in the Parental Code. The best interest of the child is not a new goal in Swedish law, but has existed for many years. Nevertheless, there is no definite answer as to what the best interest of the child is. The reason is that the best interest of the child is a living concept that varies depending on situation and the individual child. The Swedish legislature, however, decided to give some aspects of the best interest of the child particular weight. One of them is the child’s need for good and close contact with both parents.

There are two forms of custody in Swedish law, joint and sole custody. The Swedish Parental Code has joint custody as a starting point and the legislature considers that joint custody normally lies within the best interest of the child. Although the best interest of the child is multifaceted concept, the legislature presumes that joint custody lies within the concept, which of course reflects in the legal usage. 

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the 6th chapter, section 2(a) in the Parental Code is applied in the legal usage and how the courts reason on the concept of the best interest of the child in child custody cases, particularly in terms of meeting the child’s need for a good and close contact with both parents. More specific, the aim is to examine how the concept of the best interest of the child is interpreted and applied in relation to the issue of joint or sole custody. 

The concept of the best interest of the child and the legislation around custody are investigated by means of the doctrine of reputed scientists on family and child law. The essay concludes with a study of select cases from the Swedish Supreme Court in order to examine how the court reasons on the concept of the best interest of the child. At the end, the essay debates the question if joint custody lies within the best interest of the child.}},
  author       = {{Ljunggren, Ingrid}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Gemensam vårdnad - lika med barnets bästa?}},
  year         = {{2016}},