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Praktiskt verkställighetshinder i utlänningslagen

Rosén, Kristoffer LU (2016) LAGF03 20162
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
During the autumn of 2015, several hundred stateless Palestinians protested outside of the Swedish Migration Boards office in Malmö. The reason for the protest was that they had been denied asylum in Sweden and lacked a real possibility to return to their homeland.

The aim of this essay is to research if and how the rules regarding practical impediments to removal in the Swedish legislation causes a situation wherein the person seeking asylum is denied a residence permit yet is unable to return to their country of origin. When a foreigner applies for asylum in Sweden the executing authority has to regard the occurrence of impediments to removal in the permit matter as well as in the removal matter. One type of impediment is the... (More)
During the autumn of 2015, several hundred stateless Palestinians protested outside of the Swedish Migration Boards office in Malmö. The reason for the protest was that they had been denied asylum in Sweden and lacked a real possibility to return to their homeland.

The aim of this essay is to research if and how the rules regarding practical impediments to removal in the Swedish legislation causes a situation wherein the person seeking asylum is denied a residence permit yet is unable to return to their country of origin. When a foreigner applies for asylum in Sweden the executing authority has to regard the occurrence of impediments to removal in the permit matter as well as in the removal matter. One type of impediment is the practical impediment, which mainly consists of another country’s refusal to accept the foreigner.

The research in this essay focuses mainly on the legislation regarding practical impediments to removal. Current legislation is presented and analyzed with regards to the study of the source of law. The relevant laws in the Swedish Aliens Act (2005:716) will be regarded on their own, but the law of temporary limitations of the possibility to receive residence permit in Sweden (2016:752) will also be discussed, along with a few cases relating to the issue at hand.

The conclusion of this essay is that a high requirement of what constitutes a practical impediment to removal along with strict evidentiary requirements is a possible explanation as to why the aforementioned situation occurs. It is speculated that the current legislation regarding the period of limitation has aggravating effect on the asylum seekers situation, and that the legislation regarding practical impediment to removal is unprioritized by the Swedish lawmakers. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Under hösten 2015 protesterade ett hundratal statslösa palestinier utanför Migrationsverkets kontor i Malmö. Anledningen till protesterna var att de inte beviljats uppehållstillstånd, men heller inte hade någon reell möjlighet att återvända till sina hemländer.

Denna uppsats ämnar undersöka om och hur reglerna om praktiskt verkställighetshinder i den svenska lagstiftningen riskerar att försätta asylsökande i en situation där de varken kan beviljas uppehållstillstånd i Sverige eller återvända till sitt hemland. När en utlänning söker asyl i Sverige, ska eventuella hinder för verkställighet tas i beaktande redan i grundärendet. Även senare, i det fall då en sökande fått avslag på sin asylansökan, ska verkställighetshinder utredas. En... (More)
Under hösten 2015 protesterade ett hundratal statslösa palestinier utanför Migrationsverkets kontor i Malmö. Anledningen till protesterna var att de inte beviljats uppehållstillstånd, men heller inte hade någon reell möjlighet att återvända till sina hemländer.

Denna uppsats ämnar undersöka om och hur reglerna om praktiskt verkställighetshinder i den svenska lagstiftningen riskerar att försätta asylsökande i en situation där de varken kan beviljas uppehållstillstånd i Sverige eller återvända till sitt hemland. När en utlänning söker asyl i Sverige, ska eventuella hinder för verkställighet tas i beaktande redan i grundärendet. Även senare, i det fall då en sökande fått avslag på sin asylansökan, ska verkställighetshinder utredas. En form av hinder är av praktisk natur, och utgörs primärt av mottagarlandets vägran att ta emot den sökande.

Undersökningen i denna uppsats utgår från de lagregleringar som styr prövningen av praktiskt verkställighetshinder i det grundläggande asylärendet så väl som i det efterföljande verkställighetsärendet. Nu gällande rätt redovisas och analyseras utifrån rättskälleläran. Utlänningslagens (2005:716) regler analyseras på egna ben, men Lag (2016:752) om tillfälliga begränsningar av möjligheten att få uppehållstillstånd i Sverige kommer har också behandlats, tillsammans med ett antal rättsfall som berör ämnet.

Uppsatsens slutsats är att högt ställda krav på vad som utgör ett verkställighetshinder, och hårda beviskrav utgör en möjlig förklaring till varför människor riskerar att hamna i ovan nämnda situation. Till detta förs även en tanke om preskriptionsreglernas försvårande påverkan för den enskilda, samt synen på praktiskt verkställighetshinder som av låg prioritet i den svenska lagstiftningen. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Rosén, Kristoffer LU
LAGF03 20162
M2 - Bachelor Degree
förvaltningsrätt, migrationsrätt, praktiskt verkställighetshinder
date added to LUP
2017-02-13 08:20:30
date last changed
2017-02-13 08:20:30
  abstract     = {{During the autumn of 2015, several hundred stateless Palestinians protested outside of the Swedish Migration Boards office in Malmö. The reason for the protest was that they had been denied asylum in Sweden and lacked a real possibility to return to their homeland.

The aim of this essay is to research if and how the rules regarding practical impediments to removal in the Swedish legislation causes a situation wherein the person seeking asylum is denied a residence permit yet is unable to return to their country of origin. When a foreigner applies for asylum in Sweden the executing authority has to regard the occurrence of impediments to removal in the permit matter as well as in the removal matter. One type of impediment is the practical impediment, which mainly consists of another country’s refusal to accept the foreigner.

The research in this essay focuses mainly on the legislation regarding practical impediments to removal. Current legislation is presented and analyzed with regards to the study of the source of law. The relevant laws in the Swedish Aliens Act (2005:716) will be regarded on their own, but the law of temporary limitations of the possibility to receive residence permit in Sweden (2016:752) will also be discussed, along with a few cases relating to the issue at hand.

The conclusion of this essay is that a high requirement of what constitutes a practical impediment to removal along with strict evidentiary requirements is a possible explanation as to why the aforementioned situation occurs. It is speculated that the current legislation regarding the period of limitation has aggravating effect on the asylum seekers situation, and that the legislation regarding practical impediment to removal is unprioritized by the Swedish lawmakers.}},
  author       = {{Rosén, Kristoffer}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Praktiskt verkställighetshinder i utlänningslagen}},
  year         = {{2016}},