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Hantverkstjänster & småhusentreprenad - Om förlikningsavtal och fel i hantverkstjänster och småhusentreprenad

Svensson, Emma LU (2016) JURM02 20162
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Uppsatsen syftar att undersöka förlikningsavtal vid hantverkstjänster och småhusentreprenad samt undersöka felbestämmelserna i 9 – 14 §§ konsu-menttjänstlagen (1985:716) (KtjL) och jämföra bestämmelserna om fel för hantverkstjänster med specialbestämmelserna om småhusentreprenad i 51 – 61 §§ KtjL. Den traditionella rättsdogmatiska metoden har använts för att uppfylla syftet med arbetet samt ge svar på frågeställningarna. Ämnesvalet grundar sig i att hantverkstjänster är det område som står högst på Konsu-mentverkets lista av klagomål över utförda arbeten och har gjort det i många år. Det är även vanligt med konflikter vid småhusentreprenad, vilket ofta innebär en stor börda för konsumenten. Trots många konflikter finns det inte mycket... (More)
Uppsatsen syftar att undersöka förlikningsavtal vid hantverkstjänster och småhusentreprenad samt undersöka felbestämmelserna i 9 – 14 §§ konsu-menttjänstlagen (1985:716) (KtjL) och jämföra bestämmelserna om fel för hantverkstjänster med specialbestämmelserna om småhusentreprenad i 51 – 61 §§ KtjL. Den traditionella rättsdogmatiska metoden har använts för att uppfylla syftet med arbetet samt ge svar på frågeställningarna. Ämnesvalet grundar sig i att hantverkstjänster är det område som står högst på Konsu-mentverkets lista av klagomål över utförda arbeten och har gjort det i många år. Det är även vanligt med konflikter vid småhusentreprenad, vilket ofta innebär en stor börda för konsumenten. Trots många konflikter finns det inte mycket praxis. En av anledningarna till detta tros vara att parterna ofta ingår förlikningsavtal. En frågeställning är därför hur dessa förlikningsavtal för-håller sig till lagens tvingande verkan, 3 § KtjL. Avtalsfriheten är starkare än lagens tvingande verkan och 3 § KtjL hindrar inte avtalsparterna att ingå ett förlikningsavtal. Däremot finns en möjlighet att jämka ett förlikningsavtal enligt allmänna avtalsrättsliga bestämmelser om det skulle vara oskäligt. Jämkning kan då ske genom 36 § lag (1915:218) om avtal och andra rättshandlingar på förmögenhetsrättens område (AvtL) men bestämmelsen ska tolkas restriktivt. Det är aldrig tillåtet att ingå förlikningsavtal om framtida fel.

En tjänst ska utföras fackmässigt och detta ska genomstråla hela tjänsten. Utförs den inte fackmässigt så avses det vara fel i tjänsten enligt 9 § KtjL. Kravet på fackmässighet finns i 4 § KtjL. Näringsidkaren har en långtgående skyldighet att veta vad som avses med fackmässighet och måste hela tiden uppdatera sig i vad som händer i sin bransch. Är det en specialist så är kunskapskraven ännu högre. Det avses även som fel om resultatet är annat än vad som avtalats. Myresjöhusdomen kan ha fått inverkan här då HD i domen hävdar att det ska anses fel om resultatet inte är vad konsumenten med fog kunnat förutsätta. Något som inte tidigare framkommit i förarbeten eller praxis. Dock ska hänsyn tas till att Myresjöhusdomen gäller allmänna bestämmelser för småhusentreprenader från 95 men vars bestämmelse ska tolkas på samma sätt som 9 § KtjL.

Vidare undersöks tidpunkten för felbedömningen och hur den skiljer sig beroende på om det är en bedömning av en hantverkstjänst eller av småhus-entreprenad. Konsumenten har en större trygghet vid småhusentreprenad då den dels har en tvåårig garanti dels en granskningsfrist om sex månader. Detta har inte konsumenten vid hantverkstjänster om inte en garanti är avtalad med näringsidkaren. Att ha samma regler för alla typer av tjänster skulle troligen innebära alldeles för stora konsekvenser för näringsidkaren. Däremot skulle kanske reglerna kunna tillämpas på mera omfattande renoverings- och ombyggnadsarbeten. Frågan är då var gränsen för vad som är omfattande skulle dras. Det är något som får lämnas till vidare forskning. (Less)
The purpose of the thesis is to study conciliation agreements within repair and remodeling activities and constructions considering family dwellings as well as research the regulations of faults in the consumers services act 9 – 14 §§ and compare the rules applied on repair and remodeling activities with the special rules applied on family dwellings found in the consumers services act 51 – 61 §§. The method of using legislative history, literature and case law in order to fulfill the purpose is being used. The thesis is based on the fact that most of the complaints coming to the Swedish consumer agency regards repair and remodeling activities and it has been this way for several years. Furthermore it is common with conflicts regarding... (More)
The purpose of the thesis is to study conciliation agreements within repair and remodeling activities and constructions considering family dwellings as well as research the regulations of faults in the consumers services act 9 – 14 §§ and compare the rules applied on repair and remodeling activities with the special rules applied on family dwellings found in the consumers services act 51 – 61 §§. The method of using legislative history, literature and case law in order to fulfill the purpose is being used. The thesis is based on the fact that most of the complaints coming to the Swedish consumer agency regards repair and remodeling activities and it has been this way for several years. Furthermore it is common with conflicts regarding contracts of construction of family dwellings. These kind of conflicts are often a very big issue for the purchaser. There is not a lot of case-law within the subject despite the many conflicts. One of the main reasons might be because the contractor and the purchaser often comes to an conciliation agreement. This is why one of the questions to be answered is how an conciliation agreement relates to 3 § in the consumers services act which expresses the binding effect of the law. It shows that the contractual freedom is stronger than the binding effect and that the 3 § doesn’t prohibit the contractor and purchaser to settle an conciliation agreement. However there is an opportunity to reconcile a conciliation agreement according to principles in contract law if the agreement where to be unreasonable. Reconciliation is possible through 36 § in the contracts act. It is never acceptable to make an agreement about future faults.

It is important that a service is performed with professionalism throughout the entire process. If the service is not performed professionally there might be a fault in the service according to the 9 § in the consumers services act. The demand of professionalism is found in the 4 § in the consumers services act. The contractor has a far-reaching responsibility to always know what’s considered professional and to change his working when something changes in his line of business. The demands are higher if the contractor is an expert. Furthermore it is considered as a fault if the result of the service differs from what’s within the subject of the contract. The court case called Myresjöhusdomen might have had an impact in this matter. The supreme court argues that it is supposed to be considered as a fault if the result of the service differs from what the purchaser reasonably have been able to assume. This has never before been mentioned before.

Furthermore the time for the examination of wether there is a fault in the service or not and if it differs depending on if it is a repair and remodeling activity or contracts of family dwellings is being researched. The purchaser has a higher security when it is a contract of family dwellings thanks to a binding two year long guarantee and a six months examination period. The purchaser does not have this when it is a repair and remodeling activity if they haven’t agreed on a guarantee beforehand. To have the same rules for both repair and remodeling activities and family dwellings would probably not be the best solution because it would create numerous consequences for the contractor. It might maybe be a solution if the rules for family dwellings also applied on extensive repair and remodeling activities. But the question is when it should be considered extensive. This question is being left for further research. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Svensson, Emma LU
alternative title
Repair and remodeling activities & family dwellings
JURM02 20162
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
avtalsrätt, civilrätt, förmögenhetsrätt
date added to LUP
2017-01-24 14:35:33
date last changed
2017-01-24 14:35:33
  abstract     = {{The purpose of the thesis is to study conciliation agreements within repair and remodeling activities and constructions considering family dwellings as well as research the regulations of faults in the consumers services act 9 – 14 §§ and compare the rules applied on repair and remodeling activities with the special rules applied on family dwellings found in the consumers services act 51 – 61 §§. The method of using legislative history, literature and case law in order to fulfill the purpose is being used. The thesis is based on the fact that most of the complaints coming to the Swedish consumer agency regards repair and remodeling activities and it has been this way for several years. Furthermore it is common with conflicts regarding contracts of construction of family dwellings. These kind of conflicts are often a very big issue for the purchaser. There is not a lot of case-law within the subject despite the many conflicts. One of the main reasons might be because the contractor and the purchaser often comes to an conciliation agreement. This is why one of the questions to be answered is how an conciliation agreement relates to 3 § in the consumers services act which expresses the binding effect of the law. It shows that the contractual freedom is stronger than the binding effect and that the 3 § doesn’t prohibit the contractor and purchaser to settle an conciliation agreement. However there is an opportunity to reconcile a conciliation agreement according to principles in contract law if the agreement where to be unreasonable. Reconciliation is possible through 36 § in the contracts act. It is never acceptable to make an agreement about future faults.

It is important that a service is performed with professionalism throughout the entire process. If the service is not performed professionally there might be a fault in the service according to the 9 § in the consumers services act. The demand of professionalism is found in the 4 § in the consumers services act. The contractor has a far-reaching responsibility to always know what’s considered professional and to change his working when something changes in his line of business. The demands are higher if the contractor is an expert. Furthermore it is considered as a fault if the result of the service differs from what’s within the subject of the contract. The court case called Myresjöhusdomen might have had an impact in this matter. The supreme court argues that it is supposed to be considered as a fault if the result of the service differs from what the purchaser reasonably have been able to assume. This has never before been mentioned before. 

Furthermore the time for the examination of wether there is a fault in the service or not and if it differs depending on if it is a repair and remodeling activity or contracts of family dwellings is being researched. The purchaser has a higher security when it is a contract of family dwellings thanks to a binding two year long guarantee and a six months examination period. The purchaser does not have this when it is a repair and remodeling activity if they haven’t agreed on a guarantee beforehand. To have the same rules for both repair and remodeling activities and family dwellings would probably not be the best solution because it would create numerous consequences for the contractor. It might maybe be a solution if the rules for family dwellings also applied on extensive repair and remodeling activities. But the question is when it should be considered extensive. This question is being left for further research.}},
  author       = {{Svensson, Emma}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Hantverkstjänster & småhusentreprenad - Om förlikningsavtal och fel i hantverkstjänster och småhusentreprenad}},
  year         = {{2016}},