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Intrångsundersökning - En studie av intresseavvägningen i intrångsundersökningsinstitutet

Pupp, Matilda LU (2016) JURM02 20162
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
En intrångsundersökning är ett medel att vidta för att säkra bevisning om ett intrång i en immateriell rättighet och dess omfång. Bevissäkringsåtgärden infördes efter att det från internationellt håll framhölls att Sverige behövde uppdatera sin lagstiftning för att den skulle överensstämma med internationella åtaganden. En intrångsundersökning genomförs av Kronofogdemyndigheten och liknas ofta vid en civilrättslig husrannsakan. Vid genomförandet av en undersökning går Kronofogdemyndigheten in i de lokaler undersökningen har beviljats för och säkrar sådant som kan vara relevant som bevisning. Mot bakgrund av att en intrångsundersökning är ett tvångsmedel är uppsatsens intention att identifiera vilka intressen som en undersökning gör ingrepp... (More)
En intrångsundersökning är ett medel att vidta för att säkra bevisning om ett intrång i en immateriell rättighet och dess omfång. Bevissäkringsåtgärden infördes efter att det från internationellt håll framhölls att Sverige behövde uppdatera sin lagstiftning för att den skulle överensstämma med internationella åtaganden. En intrångsundersökning genomförs av Kronofogdemyndigheten och liknas ofta vid en civilrättslig husrannsakan. Vid genomförandet av en undersökning går Kronofogdemyndigheten in i de lokaler undersökningen har beviljats för och säkrar sådant som kan vara relevant som bevisning. Mot bakgrund av att en intrångsundersökning är ett tvångsmedel är uppsatsens intention att identifiera vilka intressen som en undersökning gör ingrepp i och vilka av dessa som beaktas vid utformning-en av regelverket kring intrångsundersökning och vid genomförandet av det. Vidare undersöker uppsatsen hur avvägningen mellan dessa intressen och intresset av att säkra bevisning återspeglas i rekvisiten och förutsättningarna i regleringarna kring intrångsundersökning.

Vid en genomgång av förarbeten och praxis konstaterar uppsatsen att intresset av anonymitetsskyddet, att skydda företagshemligheter och skyddet för rätten till privatliv är intressen som en intrångsundersökning gör ingrepp i.

Genom en redogörelse av de olika förutsättningarna och rekvisiten för en intrångsundersökning undersöker och problematiserar uppsatsen sedan hur beaktan har tagits till dessa intressen i förarbeten och i praxis. De omständigheter som ligger i fokus för undersökningen av intresseavvägningen är beviskravsnivån, regleringarna kring vad som får eftersökas vid en intrångsundersökning och den proportionalitetsbedömning som alltid ska göras. Vidare behandlas även det faktum att ett beslut om intrångsundersökning under vissa förutsättningar kan tas utan motpartens hörande och bestämmelserna om förfarandet efter att ett beslut om intrångsundersökning har tagits.

Undersökningen visar att beviskravsnivån och regleringarna kring vad som får eftersökas är utformade och tillämpas på ett vis som är till fördel för intresset av bevissäkring. Vid proportionalitetsbedömningen görs avvägningen olika beroende på vilket intresse som intrångsundersökningen riskerar att göra ingrepp i. Förutom när det kommer till intresset av skydd för företagshemligheter, som till och från får stå tillbaka för intresset av bevis-säkring, förefaller de andra två intressena i många fall premieras. Regleringen om att beslut kan tas utan motparts hörande är en avvägning till för-del för intresset av bevissäkring, vilket understryks av hur regeln tillämpas i praxis. Slutligen har uppsatsen visat hur regleringarna kring förfarandet efter en intrångsundersökning är utformade på ett sätt som, om ett beslut om intrångsundersökning väl har tagits, i praktiken gör det svårt att för-hindra att sökanden får tillgång till bevisning. Regleringarna kring förfarandet efter en undersökning konstateras därför spegla en avvägning till fördel för intresset av bevissäkring. Institutets syfte att säkra bevisning om immaterialrättsintrång konstateras framträda tydligt vid en studie av intresseavvägningen bakom rekvisit och förutsättningar, och dess tillämpning i praxis. Som en sista reflektion resoneras vidare kring att det vore önskvärt med större tydlighet om hur viktningen vid proportionalitetsbedömningen ska göras samt att intresset av en rättvis rättegång behandlas utförligare. (Less)
An infringement investigation is a measure to secure evidence regarding an infringement in an intellectual property and the extent of the infringement. The measure was introduced into the Swedish legislation after it had been stressed it was needed for it to comply with international commitments. An infringement investigation is carried out by the Swedish Enforcement Authority and is often compared to a house search, but one that is used in civil law. During the infringement investigation, the Enforcement Authorities enters the facilities the decision of the infringement investigation has approved of and secures what can be useful as evidence. Given that an infringement investigation is a means of coercion, it is the intention of this... (More)
An infringement investigation is a measure to secure evidence regarding an infringement in an intellectual property and the extent of the infringement. The measure was introduced into the Swedish legislation after it had been stressed it was needed for it to comply with international commitments. An infringement investigation is carried out by the Swedish Enforcement Authority and is often compared to a house search, but one that is used in civil law. During the infringement investigation, the Enforcement Authorities enters the facilities the decision of the infringement investigation has approved of and secures what can be useful as evidence. Given that an infringement investigation is a means of coercion, it is the intention of this essay to identify which interests such an investigation encroaches upon, and which of those interests were taken into consideration at the creation of the institute of the infringement investigation and in its implementation. Furthermore, the essay examines how the balance between these interests and the interest of securing evidence is reflected in the requisites and the condi-tions in the legislation regarding infringement investigations.

Going through the preparatory works and the case law, the essay stipulates that the interests of the protection of anonymity, the protection of trade secrets and the right to privacy are all interests upon which an infringement investigation encroaches. By describing the conditions and requisites of an infringement investigation, the essay then examines and problematises how these interests are taken into consideration in the preparatory works and in case law. When examinating the balance of interests, focus is on the evidentiary requirement level, the rules regarding what information can be applied for extraction and the assessment of proportionality that shall be carried out in the forging of a decision. Furthermore, the fact that a deci-sion regarding an infringement investigation under certain conditions can be approved and carried out without the counterpart being heard is also being dealt with, as are the regulations regarding the procedure after a decision on infringement investigation has been taken.

The examination shows that the evidentiary level and the rules regarding what information can be applied for extraction are formed and applied in favour of the interest of securing evidence. During the assessment of proportionality, the outcome of the balancing differs based on the interests in which the infringement investigation risks encroaching upon. Apart from the interest of the protection of trade secrets, which from time to time must stand back towards the interest of securing evidence, the other interests tend to be favoured. The legislation stipulating that a decision can be approved and carried out without the hearing of the counterpart shows a ten-dency in the weighting of the interests towards the interest of securing evidence, which is underlined by the way the rule is applied in case law. Finally, the essay shows how, because of the regulations of the procedure after an infringement investigation, it is hard to prevent information from the investigation to reach the applicant when the decision already has been made. Therefore, the regulations of the procedure after an investigation reflects a balancing in favour of the interest of securing evidence. The institute’s aim to secure evidence regarding an infringement stands out clearly after the study of the balance of interests in the requisites and conditions, and their application in practice. As a final reflection, it’s stated that it would be desirable with a greater clarity concerning how the weighting in the assessment of proportionality should be made and that the interest of a fair trial was addressed more in detail. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Pupp, Matilda LU
alternative title
Infrigement investigation - a study of the balance of interests in the institute of infringement investigation
JURM02 20162
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
civilrätt, processrätt
date added to LUP
2017-01-25 21:47:34
date last changed
2017-01-25 21:47:34
  abstract     = {{An infringement investigation is a measure to secure evidence regarding an infringement in an intellectual property and the extent of the infringement. The measure was introduced into the Swedish legislation after it had been stressed it was needed for it to comply with international commitments. An infringement investigation is carried out by the Swedish Enforcement Authority and is often compared to a house search, but one that is used in civil law. During the infringement investigation, the Enforcement Authorities enters the facilities the decision of the infringement investigation has approved of and secures what can be useful as evidence. Given that an infringement investigation is a means of coercion, it is the intention of this essay to identify which interests such an investigation encroaches upon, and which of those interests were taken into consideration at the creation of the institute of the infringement investigation and in its implementation. Furthermore, the essay examines how the balance between these interests and the interest of securing evidence is reflected in the requisites and the condi-tions in the legislation regarding infringement investigations. 

Going through the preparatory works and the case law, the essay stipulates that the interests of the protection of anonymity, the protection of trade secrets and the right to privacy are all interests upon which an infringement investigation encroaches. By describing the conditions and requisites of an infringement investigation, the essay then examines and problematises how these interests are taken into consideration in the preparatory works and in case law. When examinating the balance of interests, focus is on the evidentiary requirement level, the rules regarding what information can be applied for extraction and the assessment of proportionality that shall be carried out in the forging of a decision. Furthermore, the fact that a deci-sion regarding an infringement investigation under certain conditions can be approved and carried out without the counterpart being heard is also being dealt with, as are the regulations regarding the procedure after a decision on infringement investigation has been taken.

The examination shows that the evidentiary level and the rules regarding what information can be applied for extraction are formed and applied in favour of the interest of securing evidence. During the assessment of proportionality, the outcome of the balancing differs based on the interests in which the infringement investigation risks encroaching upon. Apart from the interest of the protection of trade secrets, which from time to time must stand back towards the interest of securing evidence, the other interests tend to be favoured. The legislation stipulating that a decision can be approved and carried out without the hearing of the counterpart shows a ten-dency in the weighting of the interests towards the interest of securing evidence, which is underlined by the way the rule is applied in case law. Finally, the essay shows how, because of the regulations of the procedure after an infringement investigation, it is hard to prevent information from the investigation to reach the applicant when the decision already has been made. Therefore, the regulations of the procedure after an investigation reflects a balancing in favour of the interest of securing evidence. The institute’s aim to secure evidence regarding an infringement stands out clearly after the study of the balance of interests in the requisites and conditions, and their application in practice. As a final reflection, it’s stated that it would be desirable with a greater clarity concerning how the weighting in the assessment of proportionality should be made and that the interest of a fair trial was addressed more in detail.}},
  author       = {{Pupp, Matilda}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Intrångsundersökning - En studie av intresseavvägningen i intrångsundersökningsinstitutet}},
  year         = {{2016}},