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Ett svenskt kronvittnessystem - Ett effektivt brottsbekämpningsmedel eller en processuell genväg?

Nordlund, Rebecka LU (2018) JURM02 20182
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Flera länder runt om i världen har valt att effektivisera sin brottsbekämpning genom att vidta åtgärder som öppnar upp möjligheter till förhandling mellan brottslingar och brottsbekämpande myndigheter. I Sverige kan rätten använda sig utav strafflindringande omständigheter vid påföljdsbedömningen, omständigheter som i dagligt tal kommit att kallas för billighetsskälen. En av de situationer som omfattas av billighetsskälen är den där en misstänkt person väljer att medverka till utredningen av egen begången brottslighet. Som exempel kan nämnas situationen där en person medverkar kring egen begången ekonomisk brottslighet. Om den misstänkte där kunnat redogöra för olika transaktioner och kunnat lämna uppgifter om olika kontakter som varit... (More)
Flera länder runt om i världen har valt att effektivisera sin brottsbekämpning genom att vidta åtgärder som öppnar upp möjligheter till förhandling mellan brottslingar och brottsbekämpande myndigheter. I Sverige kan rätten använda sig utav strafflindringande omständigheter vid påföljdsbedömningen, omständigheter som i dagligt tal kommit att kallas för billighetsskälen. En av de situationer som omfattas av billighetsskälen är den där en misstänkt person väljer att medverka till utredningen av egen begången brottslighet. Som exempel kan nämnas situationen där en person medverkar kring egen begången ekonomisk brottslighet. Om den misstänkte där kunnat redogöra för olika transaktioner och kunnat lämna uppgifter om olika kontakter som varit betydelsefulla kan detta leda till att personen får ett reducerat straff än vad som annars skulle ha dömts ut.

I Sverige har det diskuterats om kronvittnen, det vill säga personer som medverkar kring andra medgärningsmäns brottslighet, också borde omfattas av nuvarande billighetsskäl. Frågan har varit uppe till diskussion i flertalet utredningar och på senare tid har det lagts fram motioner med förslag om införande av kronvittnessystem i svensk rätt. Dock har flera av de tidigare utredningarna kommit fram till att ett sådant system skulle innebära större problem än fördelar och att det skulle innebära en ökad risk för bland annat falska vittnesmål. NJA 2009 s. 599 kom att föra diskussionen om kronvittnen på en helt annan nivå i svensk rätt. En tidigare gängmedlem hade valt att samarbeta med polisen och till följd av mannens medverkan kunde medgärningsmän, vilka troligtvis aldrig hade upptäckts, gripas och slutligen lagföras. Vid påföljdsbestämningen diskuterade domstolen om mannens medverkan skulle medföra en strafflindring av det fängelsestraff som han nu stod inför.

I Danmark infördes ett kronvittnessystem som ett resultat av rättspraxis. Det danska kronvittnessystemet bygger främst på tanken om att ett sådant system underlättar arbetet mot den grova organiserade brottsligheten. Systemet innehåller vidare ett flertal rättssäkerhetsgarantier eftersom det är av vikt att individens rättigheter inte inskränks till förmån för systemet. Bland annat framgår det av lagtexten att åklagaren endast kan lämna en förhoppning om att strafflindring kan komma att bli aktuellt vid ett samarbete men att detta inte är någon garanti. Anledningen till detta är för att betona att det alltid är rätten som har det slutgiltiga ordet och att det är upp till dem att besluta över om slutgiltig strafflindring. I samband med detta minimeras vidare risken för falska vittnesmål.

Yrkesverksamma jurister har intervjuats i samband med uppsatsskrivandet och det framstår som det råder delade meningar inom juristkåren kring om ett kronvittnessystem borde införas i Sverige eller inte. Ola Sjöstrand, chefsåklagare i Malmö, är en av de som förespråkar ett införande då han anser att detta är det enda sätten för att få kriminella att vittna mot varandra. Frågan är dock om det är praktiskt möjligt att införa ett system som inte har ett fullt stöd inom den kår där systemet ska verka.

Uppsatsens slutsats är att det finns betydande fördelar men också nackdelar med ett kronvittnessystem. Frågan är om ett sådant system är att anses som förenligt med den svenska rättsordningen och de principer som vår rättsordning är uppbyggd kring. Vad som står klart är att frågan måste utredas ytterligare och att det ankommer på lagstiftaren att komma fram med en detaljerad utredning där samtliga för och nackdelar vägs mot varandra innan ett slutgiltigt svar kan lämnas. (Less)
Several countries around the world have chosen to streamline their law enforcement by taking measures that enables opportunities for negotiation between criminals and law enforcement authorities. In Sweden, the court can make use of mitigating circumstances during the sentencing, circumstances that in daily speech have been called for the reasons of fairness. One of the situations covered by the grounds of fairness is the one in which a suspected person chooses to contribute to the investigation of his or her own offenses of crime. An example is the situation where a person participates in their own perpetration of financial crime. If the suspect had been able to account for different transactions and be able to provide information about... (More)
Several countries around the world have chosen to streamline their law enforcement by taking measures that enables opportunities for negotiation between criminals and law enforcement authorities. In Sweden, the court can make use of mitigating circumstances during the sentencing, circumstances that in daily speech have been called for the reasons of fairness. One of the situations covered by the grounds of fairness is the one in which a suspected person chooses to contribute to the investigation of his or her own offenses of crime. An example is the situation where a person participates in their own perpetration of financial crime. If the suspect had been able to account for different transactions and be able to provide information about different contacts that had been important, this could lead to the person receiving a reduced penalty than what would otherwise have been sentenced.

In Sweden, it has been discussed whether crown witnesses, that is, persons who participate in the crime of other complicity perpetrators, should also be covered for the present reason. The question has been up for discussion in most of the investigations and in recent times motions have been put forward with proposals for the introduction of a crown witness system in Swedish law. However, several of the previous investigations have concluded that such a system would mean greater problems than advantages and that this would mean an increased risk for, among other things, false testimonies. NJA 2009 p. 599 brought the discussion about the crown witnesses to a completely different level in Swedish law. A former gang member had chosen to cooperate with the police and as a result of the man's involvement, other complicity perpetrators could be arrested and finally prosecuted. At the sentence, the court discussed whether the man's involvement would entail a punishment of the prison sentence he was now facing.

In Denmark, a crown witness system was introduced as a consequence of case law. The Danish crown witness system is primarily based on the idea that such a system facilitates the work against the grossly organized crime. The system also contains several legal safeguards since it is important that the individual's rights are not restricted in favor of the system. Among other things, it appears from the legal text that the prosecutor can only leave a hope that criminal relief can become relevant in the case of a cooperation but that this is not a guarantee. The reason for this is to emphasize that it is always the right that has the final word and that it is up to them to decide. In connection with this, the risk of false testimony is further minimized.

Professional lawyers have been interviewed during the writing of the thesis and it appears that there are shared opinions within the legal profession regarding whether a crown witness system should be introduced in Sweden or not. Ola Sjöstrand, chief prosecutor in Malmö, is one of those who advocates an introduction since he believes that this is the only way to get criminals to testify against each other. The question, however, is whether it is practically possible to introduce a system that does not have full support within the course in which the system is to operate.

The conclusion of the thesis is that there are significant advantages but also disadvantages of a crown witness system. The question is whether such a system is to be considered compatible with the Swedish legal system and the principles on which our legal order is based. What is clear is that the issue needs to be further investigated and that it is up to the legislator to come up with a detailed inquiry in which all the pros and cons are weighed against each other before a final answer can be given. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Nordlund, Rebecka LU
alternative title
A Swedish crown witness system - an effective means of law enforcement or a procedural shortcut?
JURM02 20182
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
straffrätt, kronvittne, billighetsskäl, strafflindring, criminal law, straffnedsättning
date added to LUP
2019-01-28 12:44:24
date last changed
2019-01-28 12:44:24
  abstract     = {{Several countries around the world have chosen to streamline their law enforcement by taking measures that enables opportunities for negotiation between criminals and law enforcement authorities. In Sweden, the court can make use of mitigating circumstances during the sentencing, circumstances that in daily speech have been called for the reasons of fairness. One of the situations covered by the grounds of fairness is the one in which a suspected person chooses to contribute to the investigation of his or her own offenses of crime. An example is the situation where a person participates in their own perpetration of financial crime. If the suspect had been able to account for different transactions and be able to provide information about different contacts that had been important, this could lead to the person receiving a reduced penalty than what would otherwise have been sentenced.

In Sweden, it has been discussed whether crown witnesses, that is, persons who participate in the crime of other complicity perpetrators, should also be covered for the present reason. The question has been up for discussion in most of the investigations and in recent times motions have been put forward with proposals for the introduction of a crown witness system in Swedish law. However, several of the previous investigations have concluded that such a system would mean greater problems than advantages and that this would mean an increased risk for, among other things, false testimonies. NJA 2009 p. 599 brought the discussion about the crown witnesses to a completely different level in Swedish law. A former gang member had chosen to cooperate with the police and as a result of the man's involvement, other complicity perpetrators could be arrested and finally prosecuted. At the sentence, the court discussed whether the man's involvement would entail a punishment of the prison sentence he was now facing.

In Denmark, a crown witness system was introduced as a consequence of case law. The Danish crown witness system is primarily based on the idea that such a system facilitates the work against the grossly organized crime. The system also contains several legal safeguards since it is important that the individual's rights are not restricted in favor of the system. Among other things, it appears from the legal text that the prosecutor can only leave a hope that criminal relief can become relevant in the case of a cooperation but that this is not a guarantee. The reason for this is to emphasize that it is always the right that has the final word and that it is up to them to decide. In connection with this, the risk of false testimony is further minimized.

Professional lawyers have been interviewed during the writing of the thesis and it appears that there are shared opinions within the legal profession regarding whether a crown witness system should be introduced in Sweden or not. Ola Sjöstrand, chief prosecutor in Malmö, is one of those who advocates an introduction since he believes that this is the only way to get criminals to testify against each other. The question, however, is whether it is practically possible to introduce a system that does not have full support within the course in which the system is to operate.

The conclusion of the thesis is that there are significant advantages but also disadvantages of a crown witness system. The question is whether such a system is to be considered compatible with the Swedish legal system and the principles on which our legal order is based. What is clear is that the issue needs to be further investigated and that it is up to the legislator to come up with a detailed inquiry in which all the pros and cons are weighed against each other before a final answer can be given.}},
  author       = {{Nordlund, Rebecka}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Ett svenskt kronvittnessystem - Ett effektivt brottsbekämpningsmedel eller en processuell genväg?}},
  year         = {{2018}},