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Migrationsverkets kommunikation - En granskning av kommunikationen i Migrationsverkets beslut

Lindholm, Jakob LU (2018) JURM02 20182
Faculty of Law
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Migrationsverket meddelar dagligen beslut som har en avgörande betydelse för många enskildas tillvaro. Detta då myndigheten har makten att bestämma vem som ska få stanna i Sverige och vem som måste lämna landet. Av denna anledning är det viktigt att den som mottar ett sådant beslut verkligen förstår beslutets innehåll. Det gäller inte minst i de fall då en person får ett beslut som innebär att denne inte får stanna i landet. För att personen som mottar beslutet ska förstå beslutets innehåll är kommunikationen helt avgörande. Beslutet måste vara skrivet på ett sådant sätt och med ett sådant språk att mottagaren kan förstå dess innehåll. Besluten måste alltså vara anpassade efter mottagarens behov.

För att se om Migrationsverkets beslut... (More)
Migrationsverket meddelar dagligen beslut som har en avgörande betydelse för många enskildas tillvaro. Detta då myndigheten har makten att bestämma vem som ska få stanna i Sverige och vem som måste lämna landet. Av denna anledning är det viktigt att den som mottar ett sådant beslut verkligen förstår beslutets innehåll. Det gäller inte minst i de fall då en person får ett beslut som innebär att denne inte får stanna i landet. För att personen som mottar beslutet ska förstå beslutets innehåll är kommunikationen helt avgörande. Beslutet måste vara skrivet på ett sådant sätt och med ett sådant språk att mottagaren kan förstå dess innehåll. Besluten måste alltså vara anpassade efter mottagarens behov.

För att se om Migrationsverkets beslut är anpassade till mottagarens behov och uppfyller de lagstadgade krav som finns på sådana beslut tillsattes en statlig utredning. Utredningen, som kom att kallas Migrationsspråkutredningen, granskade ett antal beslut från Migrationsverket och lade 2013 fram sina slutsatser. Utredningen visade att många av Migrationsverkets beslut hade betydande brister i sin mottagaranpassning och att besluten därför var svåra för mottagaren att ta till sig.

Uppsatsens syfte är att granska huruvida kommunikationen i Migrationsverkets beslut idag, dvs. fem år senare, lever upp till kraven på god mottagaranpassning som ställs på myndigheten. I uppsatsen presenteras en egen kvalitativ granskning av 28 beslut från Migrationsverket i Malmö. Dessa granskade beslut analyseras sedan mot bakgrund av lagstadgade krav, Migrationsspråksutredningen, Språkrådets krav på myndigheters kommunikation, allmänna kommunikationsteorier samt Migrationsverkets egna riktlinjer för beslutsskrivning.

Resultatet av granskningen och uppsatsens analys visar på att det fortfarande finns ett antal brister avseende mottagaranpassningen i Migrationsverkets beslut. (Less)
Every day the Swedish Migration Agency makes decisions that have a crucial impact on many people’s lives. This is due to the fact that the agency has the authority to make decisions regarding who is allowed to stay in Sweden and who has to leave the country. Therefore, it’s important that the person that receives such a decision truly understands the information that the decision conveys. This is especially important when a person receives a decision that says that the person is not granted permission to stay in the country and therefore has to leave. The communication is in this case a crucial element that can determine the recipients understanding of the decision. The decision has to be written in a manner and in a language that enables... (More)
Every day the Swedish Migration Agency makes decisions that have a crucial impact on many people’s lives. This is due to the fact that the agency has the authority to make decisions regarding who is allowed to stay in Sweden and who has to leave the country. Therefore, it’s important that the person that receives such a decision truly understands the information that the decision conveys. This is especially important when a person receives a decision that says that the person is not granted permission to stay in the country and therefore has to leave. The communication is in this case a crucial element that can determine the recipients understanding of the decision. The decision has to be written in a manner and in a language that enables the recipient to understand the decision. In other words, the decision has to be adapted to the recipient’s needs.

To determine if the Swedish Migration Agency’s decisions really are adapted to the recipient’s needs and the statutory requirements, a governmental inquiry was initiated. The governmental inquiry, known as Migrationsspråksutredningen, examined a number of decisions from the Swedish Migration Agency and presented in 2013 their results. The results showed that many of the decisions had severe flaws in regard to adaption to the recipient’s needs and that the decisions therefore were hard for the recipients to understand.

This thesis aims to examine whether the communication that the Swedish Migration Agency use in their written decisions today, i.e. five years later, fulfills legal requirements and is adapted to the recipients’ needs. In the thesis, a qualitative examination of 28 decisions from the Swedish Migration Agency in Malmö is presented. These examined decisions are analyzed in the light of statutory requirements, Migrationsspråksutredningen, Språkrådet’s requirements regarding authorities’ communication, general communication theories and the Swedish Migration Agency’s own guidelines for writing decisions.

The result of the examination and the analysis in this thesis shows that there are still flaws in regard to adaption to the recipient’s needs. (Less)
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Lindholm, Jakob LU
JURM02 20182
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
allmän rättslära, rättsvetenskap
date added to LUP
2019-01-30 19:38:13
date last changed
2019-01-30 19:38:13
  abstract     = {{Every day the Swedish Migration Agency makes decisions that have a crucial impact on many people’s lives. This is due to the fact that the agency has the authority to make decisions regarding who is allowed to stay in Sweden and who has to leave the country. Therefore, it’s important that the person that receives such a decision truly understands the information that the decision conveys. This is especially important when a person receives a decision that says that the person is not granted permission to stay in the country and therefore has to leave. The communication is in this case a crucial element that can determine the recipients understanding of the decision. The decision has to be written in a manner and in a language that enables the recipient to understand the decision. In other words, the decision has to be adapted to the recipient’s needs. 

To determine if the Swedish Migration Agency’s decisions really are adapted to the recipient’s needs and the statutory requirements, a governmental inquiry was initiated. The governmental inquiry, known as Migrationsspråksutredningen, examined a number of decisions from the Swedish Migration Agency and presented in 2013 their results. The results showed that many of the decisions had severe flaws in regard to adaption to the recipient’s needs and that the decisions therefore were hard for the recipients to understand. 

This thesis aims to examine whether the communication that the Swedish Migration Agency use in their written decisions today, i.e. five years later, fulfills legal requirements and is adapted to the recipients’ needs. In the thesis, a qualitative examination of 28 decisions from the Swedish Migration Agency in Malmö is presented. These examined decisions are analyzed in the light of statutory requirements, Migrationsspråksutredningen, Språkrådet’s requirements regarding authorities’ communication, general communication theories and the Swedish Migration Agency’s own guidelines for writing decisions. 

The result of the examination and the analysis in this thesis shows that there are still flaws in regard to adaption to the recipient’s needs.}},
  author       = {{Lindholm, Jakob}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Migrationsverkets kommunikation - En granskning av kommunikationen i Migrationsverkets beslut}},
  year         = {{2018}},