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Skydda det som skyddas kan? - En granskning av utformningen av bestämmelserna om människohandel och människoexploatering

Hardvik Åkerström, Anna (2018) JURM02 20182
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Denna uppsats tar utgångspunkt i hur och varför kriminalisering sker och undersöker vad som blivit resultatet av detta i fråga om människohandel och det för 2018 nya brottet människoexploatering. Uppsatsen tar avstamp i den exploatering som förekommer i samhället och gör detta från ett perspektiv som är mån om att se kvinnan. Uppsatsen beskriver hur man genom lagstiftning kan skydda de intressen som anses vara skyddsvärda och vad som i övrigt kan påverka kriminaliseringsbeslut. Därefter undersöks hur kriminaliseringarna av människohandel respektive människoexploatering vuxit fram och vilka skyddsintressen som påverkat bestämmelsernas utformning. Uppsatsens avslutande kapitel innehåller summering och reflektioner.

Historiskt har... (More)
Denna uppsats tar utgångspunkt i hur och varför kriminalisering sker och undersöker vad som blivit resultatet av detta i fråga om människohandel och det för 2018 nya brottet människoexploatering. Uppsatsen tar avstamp i den exploatering som förekommer i samhället och gör detta från ett perspektiv som är mån om att se kvinnan. Uppsatsen beskriver hur man genom lagstiftning kan skydda de intressen som anses vara skyddsvärda och vad som i övrigt kan påverka kriminaliseringsbeslut. Därefter undersöks hur kriminaliseringarna av människohandel respektive människoexploatering vuxit fram och vilka skyddsintressen som påverkat bestämmelsernas utformning. Uppsatsens avslutande kapitel innehåller summering och reflektioner.

Historiskt har regleringen av människohandel motiverats av statliga intressen, familjevärderingar och moral, och först senare av intresset av att skydda de utsatta individerna – till en början kvinnor och barn, senare även män. Bestämmelserna har präglats av en restriktiv hållning till kriminalisering samt av sin tid och då aktuella diskurser.

Både människohandel och människoexploatering syftar till att skydda personer mot kränkningar av deras frihet och frid. Vad som inbegrips i detta övergripande skyddsintresse skiljer sig åt mellan bestämmelserna, då lagstif-taren i fråga om människohandel har kriminaliserat fler exploateringssyften som kan utgöra angrepp på intressen som rör frihet och frid än vad som är fallet när det gäller kriminaliseringen av människoexploatering. Denna be-gränsning av det kriminaliserade området har gjorts med hänvisning till att de exploateringsformer som inte finns med i människoexploateringsbestämmelsen inte anses utgöra uttalade problem i Sverige.

I uppsatsens avslutande kapitel ifrågasätts utformningen av människoexploateringsbestämmelsen dels med hänvisning till den inkonsekvens bestämmelsen uppvisar i förhållande till hur människohandelsbrottet är utformat, dels med hänvisning till regeringens resonemang avseende vad som utgör uttalade problem. Att å ena sidan kriminalisera vissa sorters exploatering i människohandelsbestämmelsen för att sedan å andra sidan utesluta flera av dessa i en ny bestämmelse som syftar till ett bättre skydd mot sådan exploatering som kan, men inte behöver, ha en koppling till ett människohandelsförfarande framstår som motsägelsefullt. I och med uteslutandet av exploatering för sexuella ändamål, avlägsnande av organ och krigstjänst ur bestämmelsen blir möjligheten att straffa sådan exploatering mindre. Av uppsatsen framgår att en stor del av den exploatering som förekommer är av sexuell karaktär och att sådan främst drabbar kvinnor. Detta speglas inte i människoexploateringsbestämmelsen. (Less)
This essay examines how and why the criminalization of acts take form in general and the specific outcome of this in regards to the regulation of human trafficking and the new provision on human exploitation. The essay describes the exploitation that occurs in society today from a perspective that aims to recognize the females being exploited. The essay describes how one can protect interests that are considered worthy of protection through legislation and other factors that can have impact on lawmaking. The essay proceeds to investigate by which factors and protection interests the formation of the regulations against human trafficking and human exploitation have been influenced. The final chapter of the essay contains summarizing remarks... (More)
This essay examines how and why the criminalization of acts take form in general and the specific outcome of this in regards to the regulation of human trafficking and the new provision on human exploitation. The essay describes the exploitation that occurs in society today from a perspective that aims to recognize the females being exploited. The essay describes how one can protect interests that are considered worthy of protection through legislation and other factors that can have impact on lawmaking. The essay proceeds to investigate by which factors and protection interests the formation of the regulations against human trafficking and human exploitation have been influenced. The final chapter of the essay contains summarizing remarks and reflections.

Historically, the regulation of human trafficking has been motivated by state interests, family values and morals, and only later by the interest in protecting individuals as such - initially women and children, later also men. The regulations have been characterized by a restrictive attitude towards criminalization and influenced by their time and then current discourses.

Both human trafficking and human exploitation aim to protect persons from violations of their freedom and peace. What is included in this general protection interest differs between the two provisions. In the criminalization of human trafficking the legislator has included protection against more exploi-tation purposes compared to what has been included in the regulation of human exploitation. This limitation of the criminalized area has been made with reference to the view that the forms of exploitation that are not includ-ed in the provision on human exploitation are not considered to be explicit problems in Sweden.

In the concluding chapter of the essay, the design of the provision on human exploitation is questioned partly with reference to the inconsistency the provision displays in relation to how the provision on human trafficking is de-signed, and partly with reference to the government's reasoning regarding what constitutes explicit problems. To on the one hand criminalize certain types of exploitation within human trafficking, and on the other hand ex-clude several of these in a new provision that was aimed to provide better protection against such exploitation that may, but need not, have a connection to human trafficking appears to be contradictory. With the exclusion of exploitation for sexual purposes, removal of organs and war service from the provision, the possibility of punishing such exploitation becomes smaller. A large part of the exploitation that occurs is of sexual nature and such mainly affects women. This is not reflected in the provision on human exploitation. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Hardvik Åkerström, Anna
alternative title
Protect what can be protected? - An examination of the design of the provisions regulating human trafficking and human exploitation
JURM02 20182
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
straffrätt, criminal law, människohandel, människoexploatering, kriminalisering, human trafficking, human exploitation
date added to LUP
2019-02-04 13:13:58
date last changed
2019-02-04 13:13:58
  abstract     = {{This essay examines how and why the criminalization of acts take form in general and the specific outcome of this in regards to the regulation of human trafficking and the new provision on human exploitation. The essay describes the exploitation that occurs in society today from a perspective that aims to recognize the females being exploited. The essay describes how one can protect interests that are considered worthy of protection through legislation and other factors that can have impact on lawmaking. The essay proceeds to investigate by which factors and protection interests the formation of the regulations against human trafficking and human exploitation have been influenced. The final chapter of the essay contains summarizing remarks and reflections.

Historically, the regulation of human trafficking has been motivated by state interests, family values and morals, and only later by the interest in protecting individuals as such - initially women and children, later also men. The regulations have been characterized by a restrictive attitude towards criminalization and influenced by their time and then current discourses.

Both human trafficking and human exploitation aim to protect persons from violations of their freedom and peace. What is included in this general protection interest differs between the two provisions. In the criminalization of human trafficking the legislator has included protection against more exploi-tation purposes compared to what has been included in the regulation of human exploitation. This limitation of the criminalized area has been made with reference to the view that the forms of exploitation that are not includ-ed in the provision on human exploitation are not considered to be explicit problems in Sweden.

In the concluding chapter of the essay, the design of the provision on human exploitation is questioned partly with reference to the inconsistency the provision displays in relation to how the provision on human trafficking is de-signed, and partly with reference to the government's reasoning regarding what constitutes explicit problems. To on the one hand criminalize certain types of exploitation within human trafficking, and on the other hand ex-clude several of these in a new provision that was aimed to provide better protection against such exploitation that may, but need not, have a connection to human trafficking appears to be contradictory. With the exclusion of exploitation for sexual purposes, removal of organs and war service from the provision, the possibility of punishing such exploitation becomes smaller. A large part of the exploitation that occurs is of sexual nature and such mainly affects women. This is not reflected in the provision on human exploitation.}},
  author       = {{Hardvik Åkerström, Anna}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Skydda det som skyddas kan? - En granskning av utformningen av bestämmelserna om människohandel och människoexploatering}},
  year         = {{2018}},