Han ser rött, men ser han? - En kritisk analys av bevisning av uppsåt med särskilt fokus på självförvållat rus
(2019) JURM02 20191Department of Law
Faculty of Law
- Abstract (Swedish)
- För närmare åtta år sedan, 2011, ändrade Högsta domstolen (HD) sin tidigare praxis avseende tolkningen av 1 kap. 2 § andra stycket brottsbalken (BrB) – alltså det lagrum som reglerar uppsåt vid självförvållat rus. Den nya tolkningen innebar att uppsåt i dessa fall skulle behandlas enligt vanliga regler om uppsåt. Det är således inte längre fråga om att fingera uppsåt, inte ens i någon mån. Suzanne Wennberg ifrågasatte dock i samband med denna praxisomsvängning om hov- och tingsrätter verkligen skulle komma att följa denna nya tolkning, då hon menade att det skulle innebära att det blev svårare att bedöma uppsåt i dessa fall.
Med Wennbergs tes som utgångspunkt undersöker jag i denna uppsats, om det faktiskt förekommer domar som avviker... (More) - För närmare åtta år sedan, 2011, ändrade Högsta domstolen (HD) sin tidigare praxis avseende tolkningen av 1 kap. 2 § andra stycket brottsbalken (BrB) – alltså det lagrum som reglerar uppsåt vid självförvållat rus. Den nya tolkningen innebar att uppsåt i dessa fall skulle behandlas enligt vanliga regler om uppsåt. Det är således inte längre fråga om att fingera uppsåt, inte ens i någon mån. Suzanne Wennberg ifrågasatte dock i samband med denna praxisomsvängning om hov- och tingsrätter verkligen skulle komma att följa denna nya tolkning, då hon menade att det skulle innebära att det blev svårare att bedöma uppsåt i dessa fall.
Med Wennbergs tes som utgångspunkt undersöker jag i denna uppsats, om det faktiskt förekommer domar som avviker från den dominerande beskrivningen av rätten. Arbetet är i grunden socialkonstruktivistiskt och så även de metoder som används. En metod benämnd de lege interpretata (rätten som den uttolkas/uttolkats), som baseras på Eva-Maria Svenssons arbete, används för att skildra de olika beskrivningar av rättens innehåll som varit förhärskande tidigare och som nu är förhärskande. Vidare analyseras 99 hovrättsdomar med hjälp av en rättsvetenskaplig textanalys. Teorin för arbetet består främst i ett ifrågasättande av rättens enhetlighet och koherens, med särskilt fokus på just domar i självförvållat rus. Även Nicola Laceys arbete om tillskrivande av straffrättsligt ansvar utifrån den tilltalades karaktär används som teoretiskt ramverk.
I arbetet konstaterar jag att en uppsåtsprövning som grundar sig i normer om vad den tilltalade måste ha förstått är relativt vanligt förekommande. Därtill finns ett urval av domar i vilka domstolen förefaller ha fingerat uppsåtet eller konstaterat att uppsåt förelegat utifrån ett hypotetiskt prov om vad gärningspersonen hade förstått om hen vore nykter. En sådan tillämpning avviker således från den dominerande beskrivningen av rätten, varför anspråket att rätten ska vara koherent inte kan sägas uppfyllt. Det är alltså fråga om oaktsamhetsbedömningar, snarare än bedömningar av uppsåt. Vid en diskussion huruvida ansvaret tillskrivs personerna i egenskap av innehavare av dålig karaktär, snarare än uppvisandet av skuld, eftersom de frivilligt försatt sig i höggradig berusning, konstaterar jag att så är fallet. Det är därigenom gärningspersonerna får bära ansvar för sitt handlande. Uppsatsen avslutas med några slutsatser angående rättens inkoherens. (Less) - Abstract
- Nearly eight years ago, in 2011, the supreme court of Sweden changed its previously established practice regarding the interpretation of Chapter 1, art. 2, 2nd paragraph of the Penal Code1 where intent and self-induced intoxication are addressed. A consequence of the new interpretation was that criminal intent in such cases of intoxication should instead be tried as intent in general and thus there should be no more fictitious intent of any kind. Legal scholar Suzanne Wennberg impugned this precedent soon after the judgment was pronounced. She questioned if the district courts and courts of appeal would embrace this new interpretation, seeing that the intent would be, according to her, more difficult to prove in such cases.
In this... (More) - Nearly eight years ago, in 2011, the supreme court of Sweden changed its previously established practice regarding the interpretation of Chapter 1, art. 2, 2nd paragraph of the Penal Code1 where intent and self-induced intoxication are addressed. A consequence of the new interpretation was that criminal intent in such cases of intoxication should instead be tried as intent in general and thus there should be no more fictitious intent of any kind. Legal scholar Suzanne Wennberg impugned this precedent soon after the judgment was pronounced. She questioned if the district courts and courts of appeal would embrace this new interpretation, seeing that the intent would be, according to her, more difficult to prove in such cases.
In this thesis I examine court judgments, with the hypothesis of Wennberg as a starting point, in order to test if there are deviations from this predominant description of the content of the law. The thesis is based on social constructivist views, as are the methods used. A method called de lege interpretata (law as it is interpreted or has been interpreted), based on the works of Eva-Maria Svensson, is used to depict the previously predominant and the currently predominant descriptions of the contents of the law. Using a form of textual analysis 99 court judgments of second instance are then analysed. The main theory of the thesis essentially consists in the questioning of the uniformity and coherence of the law, focusing on intent and self- induced intoxication in practice. Furthermore, the works of Nicola Lacey on attribution of criminal responsibility based on the character of the defendant have been used as a theoretical framework.
In the thesis I make the point that an examination of intent founded in norms of what the defendant must have understood are relatively common. In addition, there are some judgments in which the courts appear to have used a fictitious intent or an intent based on a hypothetical test of what the perpetrator would have understood if sober. Such an application of law is thus deviating from the predominant description of the content of the law, wherefore the claim that the law is a coherent object cannot be said to be met. In these cases, the courts can be said to try negligence instead of intent. I discuss if the courts attribute responsibility to the defendants due to their bad character, rather than their mens rea, since they are voluntarily intoxicated and therefore are to bear responsibility for their behaviour. My conclusion is that this is the case. The thesis is closed with some remarks on the incoherence of the law. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Johansson, Oscar LU
- supervisor
- organization
- alternative title
- He sees red, but does he see? - A critical analysis of intent and self-induced intoxication
- course
- JURM02 20191
- year
- 2019
- type
- H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
- subject
- keywords
- straffrätt, criminal law, självförvållat, rus, rusläran, socialkonstruktivism, textanalys, self-induced intoxication, intent, uppsåt, bevisning, NJA 2011 s. 563, oaktsamhet, inkoherens, mens rea
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 8976223
- date added to LUP
- 2019-06-17 14:47:37
- date last changed
- 2019-06-17 14:47:37
@misc{8976223, abstract = {{Nearly eight years ago, in 2011, the supreme court of Sweden changed its previously established practice regarding the interpretation of Chapter 1, art. 2, 2nd paragraph of the Penal Code1 where intent and self-induced intoxication are addressed. A consequence of the new interpretation was that criminal intent in such cases of intoxication should instead be tried as intent in general and thus there should be no more fictitious intent of any kind. Legal scholar Suzanne Wennberg impugned this precedent soon after the judgment was pronounced. She questioned if the district courts and courts of appeal would embrace this new interpretation, seeing that the intent would be, according to her, more difficult to prove in such cases. In this thesis I examine court judgments, with the hypothesis of Wennberg as a starting point, in order to test if there are deviations from this predominant description of the content of the law. The thesis is based on social constructivist views, as are the methods used. A method called de lege interpretata (law as it is interpreted or has been interpreted), based on the works of Eva-Maria Svensson, is used to depict the previously predominant and the currently predominant descriptions of the contents of the law. Using a form of textual analysis 99 court judgments of second instance are then analysed. The main theory of the thesis essentially consists in the questioning of the uniformity and coherence of the law, focusing on intent and self- induced intoxication in practice. Furthermore, the works of Nicola Lacey on attribution of criminal responsibility based on the character of the defendant have been used as a theoretical framework. In the thesis I make the point that an examination of intent founded in norms of what the defendant must have understood are relatively common. In addition, there are some judgments in which the courts appear to have used a fictitious intent or an intent based on a hypothetical test of what the perpetrator would have understood if sober. Such an application of law is thus deviating from the predominant description of the content of the law, wherefore the claim that the law is a coherent object cannot be said to be met. In these cases, the courts can be said to try negligence instead of intent. I discuss if the courts attribute responsibility to the defendants due to their bad character, rather than their mens rea, since they are voluntarily intoxicated and therefore are to bear responsibility for their behaviour. My conclusion is that this is the case. The thesis is closed with some remarks on the incoherence of the law.}}, author = {{Johansson, Oscar}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Han ser rött, men ser han? - En kritisk analys av bevisning av uppsåt med särskilt fokus på självförvållat rus}}, year = {{2019}}, }