Rätt att komma till tals? - En undersökning av inkorporeringen av barnkonventionen och föreslagna lagändringar i SOU 2017:6 i ljuset av artikel 12.
(2019) JURM02 20191Department of Law
Faculty of Law
- Abstract (Swedish)
- I FN:s barnkonvention, som år 2020 kommer inkorporeras och bli svensk lag, regleras barns rätt att komma till tals. Denna rättighet, som stadgas i konventionens tolfte artikel, ställer krav på att barn ska få uttrycka sina åsikter och få dessa åsikter beaktade samt få höras i alla förfaranden som rör dem. Art 12 är en av konventionens grundläggande och vägledande artiklar. Sverige har dock fått kritik, både från FN:s barnrättskommitté och inom det nationella lagstiftningsarbetet, för att rättigheten inte tillgodoses till fullo i mål om vårdnad, boende och umgänge.
I den här uppsatsen undersöker jag inkorporeringen av barnkonventionen samt ett antal föreslagna lagändringar i SOU 2017:6 rörande barns rätt att komma till tals i mål om... (More) - I FN:s barnkonvention, som år 2020 kommer inkorporeras och bli svensk lag, regleras barns rätt att komma till tals. Denna rättighet, som stadgas i konventionens tolfte artikel, ställer krav på att barn ska få uttrycka sina åsikter och få dessa åsikter beaktade samt få höras i alla förfaranden som rör dem. Art 12 är en av konventionens grundläggande och vägledande artiklar. Sverige har dock fått kritik, både från FN:s barnrättskommitté och inom det nationella lagstiftningsarbetet, för att rättigheten inte tillgodoses till fullo i mål om vårdnad, boende och umgänge.
I den här uppsatsen undersöker jag inkorporeringen av barnkonventionen samt ett antal föreslagna lagändringar i SOU 2017:6 rörande barns rätt att komma till tals i mål om vårdnad, boende och umgänge. Förutom att undersöka förändringarna ställer jag dem även i förhållande till art 12 för att se huruvida de kan anses tillgodose kraven som där ställs. För att genomföra undersökningen använder jag mig huvudsakligen av kritisk rättsdogmatisk metod.
Förutom de grundläggande kraven ställer art 12 krav på frihet, information, samt trygga och barnanpassade förfaranden. Genom de kommande och möjliga förändringar inom svensk rätt finns möjligheter att uppfylla flera av dessa krav. De åtgärder som indirekt följer av inkorporeringen, som kartläggning samt fortsatt transformering av konventionens bestämmelser, kan på sikt stärka kraven i art 12 i regleringen för mål om vårdnad, boende och umgänge. De förändringar som kan ske genom de föreslagna lagändringarna; en ändrad formulering i föräldrabalken (FB) av rätten att komma till tals, en rätt till information samt barnets röst som utgångspunkt, kan även de stärka flera av kraven i art 12. I förändringarna saknas dock ett tydligt fokus på kravet på trygghet och barnanpassade förfaranden. (Less) - Abstract
- The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which will be incorporated and become Swedish law in 2020, regulates a right for the child to be heard. This right can be seen in the twelfth article of the convention and demands that the child should have the right to express his or her views, have these views considered, and be heard in any proceeding affecting the child. Article 12 is one of the fundamental and guiding articles of the convention. Despite this, Sweden has received criticism, both from the UN Committee of the Rights of the Child and from the national legislative process, for not fully accommodating the right of the child to be heard in legal proceedings concerning custody, residence and visitation.
This thesis studies the... (More) - The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which will be incorporated and become Swedish law in 2020, regulates a right for the child to be heard. This right can be seen in the twelfth article of the convention and demands that the child should have the right to express his or her views, have these views considered, and be heard in any proceeding affecting the child. Article 12 is one of the fundamental and guiding articles of the convention. Despite this, Sweden has received criticism, both from the UN Committee of the Rights of the Child and from the national legislative process, for not fully accommodating the right of the child to be heard in legal proceedings concerning custody, residence and visitation.
This thesis studies the incorporation of the Convention of the Rights of the Child into Swedish law, and a number of proposed law amendments in SOU 2017:6 concerning the right of the child to be heard in proceedings concerning custody, residence and visitation, in relation to article 12. It is studied whether these upcoming and possible changes can be considered to meet the demands stated in art 12, by using mainly a critical legal dogmatic method.
In addition to the fundamental requirements of art 12, the article demands that the child should be able to express his or her views freely, that the child should be given relevant information and that proceedings under which the child is heard should be safe and adapted to fit children. Indirect measures following the incorporation, such as continued transformation of the articles of the convention, can strengthen the demands of art 12 in the Swedish national law and thereby in proceedings concerning custody, residence and visitation. The possible changes following the proposed law amendments, such as a changed formulation of the right of the child to be heard, a regulated right to information, and the voice of the child as a point of departure, can also strengthen many of the demands of art 12. However, a clear focus on the demands of the proceedings being safe and adapted to fit children is missing. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Kampe, Clara LU
- supervisor
- Eva Ryrstedt LU
- organization
- alternative title
- Right to be heard? - A study of the incorporation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and proposed law amendments in SOU 2017:6 in relation to article 12.
- course
- JURM02 20191
- year
- 2019
- type
- H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
- subject
- keywords
- familjerätt
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 8976743
- date added to LUP
- 2019-06-11 17:33:14
- date last changed
- 2019-06-11 17:33:14
@misc{8976743, abstract = {{The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which will be incorporated and become Swedish law in 2020, regulates a right for the child to be heard. This right can be seen in the twelfth article of the convention and demands that the child should have the right to express his or her views, have these views considered, and be heard in any proceeding affecting the child. Article 12 is one of the fundamental and guiding articles of the convention. Despite this, Sweden has received criticism, both from the UN Committee of the Rights of the Child and from the national legislative process, for not fully accommodating the right of the child to be heard in legal proceedings concerning custody, residence and visitation. This thesis studies the incorporation of the Convention of the Rights of the Child into Swedish law, and a number of proposed law amendments in SOU 2017:6 concerning the right of the child to be heard in proceedings concerning custody, residence and visitation, in relation to article 12. It is studied whether these upcoming and possible changes can be considered to meet the demands stated in art 12, by using mainly a critical legal dogmatic method. In addition to the fundamental requirements of art 12, the article demands that the child should be able to express his or her views freely, that the child should be given relevant information and that proceedings under which the child is heard should be safe and adapted to fit children. Indirect measures following the incorporation, such as continued transformation of the articles of the convention, can strengthen the demands of art 12 in the Swedish national law and thereby in proceedings concerning custody, residence and visitation. The possible changes following the proposed law amendments, such as a changed formulation of the right of the child to be heard, a regulated right to information, and the voice of the child as a point of departure, can also strengthen many of the demands of art 12. However, a clear focus on the demands of the proceedings being safe and adapted to fit children is missing.}}, author = {{Kampe, Clara}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Rätt att komma till tals? - En undersökning av inkorporeringen av barnkonventionen och föreslagna lagändringar i SOU 2017:6 i ljuset av artikel 12.}}, year = {{2019}}, }