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Strandskydd och Strandbeskyttelse - En komparativ studie av svenskt och danskt strandskydd

Jakobsson, Alma LU (2019) LAGF03 20191
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
I Sverige råder strandskydd vid alla vattensamlingar och vattendrag. Lagstift-ningen är ett resultat av en rättsutveckling som pågått sedan 1940-talet. År 1974 fick Sverige ett generellt strandskydd med möjlighet för dispens för den enskilde. Under 1990-talet utvecklades strandskyddets syften till att även omfatta skydd för djur- och växtarter. Idag debatteras strandskyddets framtid i riksmedia och i riksdagen.

De danska strandskydden grundas i 1917 års NFL. År 1992 sammanfogades strandskydden i NBL. De danska strandskydden omfattar kustremsan, vissa sjöar och vattendrag samt särskilt skyddade klitfredningsområden. De är ut-formade som generella förbudsregler, och den enskilde ges rätt att söka dispens för byggnation. Syftena med... (More)
I Sverige råder strandskydd vid alla vattensamlingar och vattendrag. Lagstift-ningen är ett resultat av en rättsutveckling som pågått sedan 1940-talet. År 1974 fick Sverige ett generellt strandskydd med möjlighet för dispens för den enskilde. Under 1990-talet utvecklades strandskyddets syften till att även omfatta skydd för djur- och växtarter. Idag debatteras strandskyddets framtid i riksmedia och i riksdagen.

De danska strandskydden grundas i 1917 års NFL. År 1992 sammanfogades strandskydden i NBL. De danska strandskydden omfattar kustremsan, vissa sjöar och vattendrag samt särskilt skyddade klitfredningsområden. De är ut-formade som generella förbudsregler, och den enskilde ges rätt att söka dispens för byggnation. Syftena med strandskydden är möjligheten för allmänheten att vistas i naturen, skydd för djur- och växtarter men också skydd mot sandflykt.

Resultaten visar att Sverige och Danmark har stora likheter i sina strandskydd. Båda har generella förbudsregler där den enskilde kan ges rätt till dispens. Den stora skillnaden ligger i att det danska strandskyddet är uppdelat i olika områdesskydd. De olika områdesskydden ger i sin tur olika möjlighet till dispens och resulterar i en mer nyanserad tillämpning.

De skyddsintressen som ligger bakom strandskyddet är skyddet för allmänhetens tillgång till naturen, men också skyddet för djur- och växtarter. Ett skyddsintresse som ofta står i kontrast till dessa är den enskildes äganderätt. Vidare har det danska strandskyddet ett skyddsintresse att förhindra sand-flykt.

Mycket talar för att det svenska strandskyddet lär ändras inom snar framtid. Den danska debatten om strandskyddet visar inga sådana tendenser. (Less)
In Sweden, shoreline protection applies to all bodies of water and watercourses. The legislation is the result of a legal development that has been going on since the 1940s. In 1974, Sweden received a general shore protection with the possibility of exemption for the individual. During the 1990s, the aims of the shoreline protection legislation were also developed to include protection for animal and plant species. Today, the future of shoreline protection is debated in national media and in the Swedish Parliament.

The Danish shoreline protection is based on the NFL 1917. In 1992, the shoreline protection was merged into the NBL. The Danish shoreline protection covers the coastal zone, certain lakes and watercourses, and particularly... (More)
In Sweden, shoreline protection applies to all bodies of water and watercourses. The legislation is the result of a legal development that has been going on since the 1940s. In 1974, Sweden received a general shore protection with the possibility of exemption for the individual. During the 1990s, the aims of the shoreline protection legislation were also developed to include protection for animal and plant species. Today, the future of shoreline protection is debated in national media and in the Swedish Parliament.

The Danish shoreline protection is based on the NFL 1917. In 1992, the shoreline protection was merged into the NBL. The Danish shoreline protection covers the coastal zone, certain lakes and watercourses, and particularly protected dune areas. They are designed as general prohibition rules, and the individual is given the right to apply for an exemption for constructions. The aims of the shoreline protection legislation are the possibility for the public to access nature, protection of animal and plant species, but also protection against deflation.

The results show that Sweden and Denmark have great similarities in their shoreline protection legislation. Both have general prohibition rules where the individual can be granted a right to exemption. The difference lies in the fact that the Danish shoreline protection legislation is divided into different site protections. The various site protections provide different opportunities for the exemption and result in a more nuanced application. The protection interests behind the shoreline protection legislation are the protection of the public's access to nature and the protection of animal and plant species. A protection interest that is often in conflict with these interests is the individual's ownership right. Furthermore, the Danish shoreline protection legislation aims to prevent deflation.

Much suggests that the Swedish shore protection legislation will transform in the near future. There is no indication in the Danish debate that suggests that the shore protection legislation will change. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Jakobsson, Alma LU
LAGF03 20191
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Komparativ rätt, rättshistoria, miljörätt, strandskydd
date added to LUP
2019-09-16 10:57:13
date last changed
2019-09-16 10:57:13
  abstract     = {{In Sweden, shoreline protection applies to all bodies of water and watercourses. The legislation is the result of a legal development that has been going on since the 1940s. In 1974, Sweden received a general shore protection with the possibility of exemption for the individual. During the 1990s, the aims of the shoreline protection legislation were also developed to include protection for animal and plant species. Today, the future of shoreline protection is debated in national media and in the Swedish Parliament. 

The Danish shoreline protection is based on the NFL 1917. In 1992, the shoreline protection was merged into the NBL. The Danish shoreline protection covers the coastal zone, certain lakes and watercourses, and particularly protected dune areas. They are designed as general prohibition rules, and the individual is given the right to apply for an exemption for constructions. The aims of the shoreline protection legislation are the possibility for the public to access nature, protection of animal and plant species, but also protection against deflation. 

The results show that Sweden and Denmark have great similarities in their shoreline protection legislation. Both have general prohibition rules where the individual can be granted a right to exemption. The difference lies in the fact that the Danish shoreline protection legislation is divided into different site protections. The various site protections provide different opportunities for the exemption and result in a more nuanced application. The protection interests behind the shoreline protection legislation are the protection of the public's access to nature and the protection of animal and plant species. A protection interest that is often in conflict with these interests is the individual's ownership right. Furthermore, the Danish shoreline protection legislation aims to prevent deflation. 

Much suggests that the Swedish shore protection legislation will transform in the near future. There is no indication in the Danish debate that suggests that the shore protection legislation will change.}},
  author       = {{Jakobsson, Alma}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Strandskydd och Strandbeskyttelse - En komparativ studie av svenskt och danskt strandskydd}},
  year         = {{2019}},