Visitationszoner – den svenska modellen – En studie av kroppsvisitation i brottsförebyggande syfte och visitationszoner i relation till skyddet för privatlivet i artikel 8 EKMR
(2019) JURM02 20191Department of Law
Faculty of Law
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Den utbredda gängkriminaliteten och bruket av vapen eller andra farliga föremål på offentliga platser är ständigt närvarande i den politiska debatten i Sverige. Frågor rörande vilka medel och befogenheter polisen har och bör ha återkommer frekvent och i diskussionen framkommer ofta referenser till Danmark och systemet med visitationszoner som där finns. En liknande, men inte identisk, lagstiftning som den i Danmark har prövats i Europadomstolen, domstolen konstaterade att den lagstiftningen innebar en kränkning av skyddet för privatlivet i artikel 8 EKMR.
Med en rättsdogmatisk metod belyser uppsatsen den svenska lagstiftningen om kroppsvisitation och husrannsakan av fordon i brottsförebyggande syfte för att söka efter vapen eller andra... (More) - Den utbredda gängkriminaliteten och bruket av vapen eller andra farliga föremål på offentliga platser är ständigt närvarande i den politiska debatten i Sverige. Frågor rörande vilka medel och befogenheter polisen har och bör ha återkommer frekvent och i diskussionen framkommer ofta referenser till Danmark och systemet med visitationszoner som där finns. En liknande, men inte identisk, lagstiftning som den i Danmark har prövats i Europadomstolen, domstolen konstaterade att den lagstiftningen innebar en kränkning av skyddet för privatlivet i artikel 8 EKMR.
Med en rättsdogmatisk metod belyser uppsatsen den svenska lagstiftningen om kroppsvisitation och husrannsakan av fordon i brottsförebyggande syfte för att söka efter vapen eller andra farliga föremål. Vidare behandlas den danska lagstiftningen om visitationszoner i ljuset av en genomgång av artikel 8 EKMR och då fallet Gillan & Quinton v. the United Kingdom i synnerhet. Avslutningsvis analyseras en potentiell svensk reglering av visitationszoner och vad som utifrån Regeringsformen och EKMR kan tänkas krävas av en sådan reglering.
Den svenska lagstiftningen kritiserar främst utifrån bristande tydlighet och förutsägbarhet, där dagens rättsläge i många avseenden är oklart. Utifrån genomgången av artikel 8 EKMR och den danska lagstiftningen kan det konstateras att kärnfrågan i en eventuell svensk reglering med visitationszoner blir kravet på en nödvändighets- och proportionalitetsbedömning. För att säkerställa detta bör någon form av domstolsprövning till i samband med varje beslut om införande av en visitationszon samtidigt som det inte får röra sig om rena stickprovskontroller från den enskilda polismannens sida. (Less) - Abstract
- The widespread gang violence and the use of weapons in public spaces are often focal points in Swedish political debate. Questions regarding which means and authorities the police have and should have are raised frequently and references to Denmark and their system with ‘stop and search’ zones are often mentioned in the discussions. A similar, but not identical, legislation to the one in Denmark has been brought before the European Court of Human Rights in the case Gillan & Quinton v. the United Kingdom. The court found that the legislation constituted a violation of the right to private life in article 8 ECHR.
This thesis is analysing, using a traditional Swedish legal method, the scope of the Swedish legislation regarding body... (More) - The widespread gang violence and the use of weapons in public spaces are often focal points in Swedish political debate. Questions regarding which means and authorities the police have and should have are raised frequently and references to Denmark and their system with ‘stop and search’ zones are often mentioned in the discussions. A similar, but not identical, legislation to the one in Denmark has been brought before the European Court of Human Rights in the case Gillan & Quinton v. the United Kingdom. The court found that the legislation constituted a violation of the right to private life in article 8 ECHR.
This thesis is analysing, using a traditional Swedish legal method, the scope of the Swedish legislation regarding body searches and searches of vehicles with the aim of finding weapons in order to prevent criminal actions. Furthermore, the Danish legislation regarding ‘stop and search’ zones is examined in relation to article 8 ECHR and the case Gillan & Quinton v. the United Kingdom in particular. The final section of the thesis is analysing a potential Swedish legislation including ‘stop and search’ zones and what might be required to be included in such legislation in regard to the protection of private life in Regeringsformen and ECHR.
The Swedish legislation is mainly criticised for lack of clarity and predictability in terms of the scope of the current authorisation and discretion for the police. Based on the examination of article 8 ECHR and the Danish legislation one can conclude that there are several aspects that need to be included in a potential Swedish legislation regarding ‘stop and search’ zones. One of these in particular would be the clear requirement of an assessment of the necessity and proportionality with every given authorisation to meet the required standard set by ECHR, preferably subjected to a judiciary review. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Norin, Johan LU
- supervisor
- Per Nilsén LU
- organization
- alternative title
- 'Stop and Search' Zones – the Swedish Way
- course
- JURM02 20191
- year
- 2019
- type
- H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
- subject
- keywords
- Visitationszoner, kroppsvisitation, politirätt, förvaltningsrätt
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 8996577
- date added to LUP
- 2019-12-19 12:07:18
- date last changed
- 2019-12-19 12:07:18
@misc{8996577, abstract = {{The widespread gang violence and the use of weapons in public spaces are often focal points in Swedish political debate. Questions regarding which means and authorities the police have and should have are raised frequently and references to Denmark and their system with ‘stop and search’ zones are often mentioned in the discussions. A similar, but not identical, legislation to the one in Denmark has been brought before the European Court of Human Rights in the case Gillan & Quinton v. the United Kingdom. The court found that the legislation constituted a violation of the right to private life in article 8 ECHR. This thesis is analysing, using a traditional Swedish legal method, the scope of the Swedish legislation regarding body searches and searches of vehicles with the aim of finding weapons in order to prevent criminal actions. Furthermore, the Danish legislation regarding ‘stop and search’ zones is examined in relation to article 8 ECHR and the case Gillan & Quinton v. the United Kingdom in particular. The final section of the thesis is analysing a potential Swedish legislation including ‘stop and search’ zones and what might be required to be included in such legislation in regard to the protection of private life in Regeringsformen and ECHR. The Swedish legislation is mainly criticised for lack of clarity and predictability in terms of the scope of the current authorisation and discretion for the police. Based on the examination of article 8 ECHR and the Danish legislation one can conclude that there are several aspects that need to be included in a potential Swedish legislation regarding ‘stop and search’ zones. One of these in particular would be the clear requirement of an assessment of the necessity and proportionality with every given authorisation to meet the required standard set by ECHR, preferably subjected to a judiciary review.}}, author = {{Norin, Johan}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Visitationszoner – den svenska modellen – En studie av kroppsvisitation i brottsförebyggande syfte och visitationszoner i relation till skyddet för privatlivet i artikel 8 EKMR}}, year = {{2019}}, }