Få betalt för att bo
(2019) VFTM01 20192Real Estate Science
- Abstract
- Few markets are followed with such a great interest as the housing market. The development of house prices is something that intrigues on a national and an individual level, since properties are often seen as the most valuable asset in a household. Prices for co-operative apartments in Sweden have practically doubled in 2018 compared with 2008. The increasing trend in house prices is united with risks since the household’s debts has been rising at an unprecedented pace which threaten to imperil the financial stability.
To get a grip on how much the house prices have increased, this report will illustrate the trend by analysing the price development in relation to housing costs. The aim of report is to examine whether the last decade’s... (More) - Few markets are followed with such a great interest as the housing market. The development of house prices is something that intrigues on a national and an individual level, since properties are often seen as the most valuable asset in a household. Prices for co-operative apartments in Sweden have practically doubled in 2018 compared with 2008. The increasing trend in house prices is united with risks since the household’s debts has been rising at an unprecedented pace which threaten to imperil the financial stability.
To get a grip on how much the house prices have increased, this report will illustrate the trend by analysing the price development in relation to housing costs. The aim of report is to examine whether the last decade’s house price development has generated a profit that exceeds the housing costs, which would imply that you have received payment for housing. A similar analysis was implemented by two large banks in Sweden, Swedbank and Sparbanken. Their conclusion was that the average profit from housing sale in 2018, for a co-operative apartment which was bought in 2008, exceeds the housing costs in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö based on the average trend in house prices for each municipality. This means that the trend in house prices has been escalating in all municipalities, but that does not imply that every area in the municipality has experienced this price development. In this report, 57 square meters large, co-operative apartments with two rooms where valued with the location price method in 28 different areas in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. The apartments where valued for year 2008 and year 2018, so that the profit from housing sale could be estimated for each area. The housing costs where estimated with statistical grounds. The report also aimed to examine the main causes behind the increase in house prices over these years.
The conclusion of this report is that the increasing trend in house prices has generated a profit that exceeds the housing costs in 21 of the 28 areas that were studied in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. All apartments situated in the central parts of the cities have generated a surplus and thus the apartment owners have received payment for housing. In Stockholm you got paid for housing in 90 percent of the studied areas, in Gothenburg you got paid in all areas and in Malmö you only received payment in every fourth area. In areas where the profit did not exceed the housing cost, the monthly cost was generally very low. The alternative, to rent an apartment and to invest the down payment, has not proved to be profitable for any area in the study. This means it has been more economic to live in a co-operative apartment whether the profit from sale exceeded the housing cost or not. This is due to the tax advantages that are associated with the owner-occupied homes and co-operative apartments. The housing prices were affected by several factors, among others, record low mortgage rates, high incomes, rental control, financial regulation and rate of construction. (Less) - Abstract (Swedish)
- Prisutvecklingen på bostäder är något som väcker intresse på nationellt och individuellt plan. Mellan år 2008 och 2018 har kvadratmeterpriset och den genomsnittliga köpeskillingen för bostadsrätter fördubblats. Den expansiva värdeökningen är förenad med risker kopplade till hushållens skuldsättning som ökat i en snabb takt och därmed även ökat den finansiella sårbarheten. Ett alternativt sätt att illustrera prisutvecklingen för att få grepp om hur mycket bostadspriserna ökat är att ställa prisuppgången i förhållande till boendekostnaderna. Syftet med det här arbetet var att undersöka huruvida det senaste decenniets bostadsprisutveckling genererat en vinst som överstiger boendekostnaderna man haft under innehavsperioden, vilket i praktiken... (More)
- Prisutvecklingen på bostäder är något som väcker intresse på nationellt och individuellt plan. Mellan år 2008 och 2018 har kvadratmeterpriset och den genomsnittliga köpeskillingen för bostadsrätter fördubblats. Den expansiva värdeökningen är förenad med risker kopplade till hushållens skuldsättning som ökat i en snabb takt och därmed även ökat den finansiella sårbarheten. Ett alternativt sätt att illustrera prisutvecklingen för att få grepp om hur mycket bostadspriserna ökat är att ställa prisuppgången i förhållande till boendekostnaderna. Syftet med det här arbetet var att undersöka huruvida det senaste decenniets bostadsprisutveckling genererat en vinst som överstiger boendekostnaderna man haft under innehavsperioden, vilket i praktiken skulle innebära att man fått betalt för att bo.
En liknande undersökning har genomförts av Swedbank och Sparbankerna. Bankerna kom fram till att den genomsnittliga vinsten, för en bostadsrätt som anskaffades år 2008 och såldes 2018, översteg den totala boendekostnaden i Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö baserat på den genomsnittliga prisuppgången i varje kommun. Att den genomsnittliga prisuppgången har varit stor i samtliga kommuner innebär inte att alla områden har fått ta del av den.
För att undersöka huruvida man har fått betalt för att bo ortsprisvärderades bostadsrätter med två rum och kök i storleken 57 kvadratmeter, vid värdetidpunkterna 2008 och 2018, i 28 olika områden i Stockholm, Malmö och Göteborg. Värderingarna användes för att beräkna den genomsnittliga vinsten vid försäljning. Vinsten vägdes mot de totala boendekostnaderna som grundades på statistiska antaganden. Vidare avsåg arbetet att undersöka olika faktorer och förutsättningar som påverkat prisutvecklingen på bostäderna.
Slutsatsen var att värdestegringen på bostadsrätter hade genererat en vinst som översteg boendekostnaderna i 21 av 28 områden som undersöktes i Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö. I Stockholm hade man fått betalat för att bo i 90 procent av de undersökta områdena, i Göteborg hade man fått betalt i samtliga områden och i Malmö hade man erhållit betalning i vart fjärde område. I Malmö hade bostadsrätter ett förhållandevis lågt marknadsvärde 2008 vilket förmodligen var anledningen till att ett överskott inte kunde skapas i många områden, trots en hög procentuell värdestegring. De högsta procentuella värdeökningarna i Stockholm och Göteborg var i områden som hade lägst hyror. I områden som var centralt belägna och hade de högsta hyrorna erhöll man mest betalt för att bo i nominella termer, detta gällde för samtliga kommuner. I områden där man inte hade fått betalt för att bo, var kostnaden för att nyttja en bostadsrätt i regel varit väldigt låg. Alternativet att bo i en hyresrätt och investera kontantinsatsen har inte visat sig vara lönsamt för något område. Detta innebär att det var mer ekonomiskt lönsamt att bo i en bostadsrätt under perioden oavsett om man erhöll betalning för att bo eller inte. Bostadspriserna påverkades bland annat utav ett rekordlågt ränteläge, god inkomstutveckling, brist på substitut i form av hyresrätter, nyproduktionstakten samt finansiella regleringar. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Jevdic, Teodora LU
- supervisor
- organization
- alternative title
- Det senaste decenniet bostadsprisutveckling i förhållande till boendekostnaderna
- course
- VFTM01 20192
- year
- 2019
- type
- H2 - Master's Degree (Two Years)
- subject
- keywords
- Bostadsmarknaden, bostadspriser, bostadsrätt, fastighetsvärdering, ortsprismetoden, prisutveckling
- other publication id
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 8998919
- date added to LUP
- 2019-12-20 15:31:24
- date last changed
- 2019-12-20 15:31:24
@misc{8998919, abstract = {{Few markets are followed with such a great interest as the housing market. The development of house prices is something that intrigues on a national and an individual level, since properties are often seen as the most valuable asset in a household. Prices for co-operative apartments in Sweden have practically doubled in 2018 compared with 2008. The increasing trend in house prices is united with risks since the household’s debts has been rising at an unprecedented pace which threaten to imperil the financial stability. To get a grip on how much the house prices have increased, this report will illustrate the trend by analysing the price development in relation to housing costs. The aim of report is to examine whether the last decade’s house price development has generated a profit that exceeds the housing costs, which would imply that you have received payment for housing. A similar analysis was implemented by two large banks in Sweden, Swedbank and Sparbanken. Their conclusion was that the average profit from housing sale in 2018, for a co-operative apartment which was bought in 2008, exceeds the housing costs in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö based on the average trend in house prices for each municipality. This means that the trend in house prices has been escalating in all municipalities, but that does not imply that every area in the municipality has experienced this price development. In this report, 57 square meters large, co-operative apartments with two rooms where valued with the location price method in 28 different areas in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. The apartments where valued for year 2008 and year 2018, so that the profit from housing sale could be estimated for each area. The housing costs where estimated with statistical grounds. The report also aimed to examine the main causes behind the increase in house prices over these years. The conclusion of this report is that the increasing trend in house prices has generated a profit that exceeds the housing costs in 21 of the 28 areas that were studied in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. All apartments situated in the central parts of the cities have generated a surplus and thus the apartment owners have received payment for housing. In Stockholm you got paid for housing in 90 percent of the studied areas, in Gothenburg you got paid in all areas and in Malmö you only received payment in every fourth area. In areas where the profit did not exceed the housing cost, the monthly cost was generally very low. The alternative, to rent an apartment and to invest the down payment, has not proved to be profitable for any area in the study. This means it has been more economic to live in a co-operative apartment whether the profit from sale exceeded the housing cost or not. This is due to the tax advantages that are associated with the owner-occupied homes and co-operative apartments. The housing prices were affected by several factors, among others, record low mortgage rates, high incomes, rental control, financial regulation and rate of construction.}}, author = {{Jevdic, Teodora}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Få betalt för att bo}}, year = {{2019}}, }