Vad vore jag, utan dina EU-rättsliga krav? - En utredning av förhållandet mellan nationella miljöskatter och EU:s statsstödsregler med särskild fokus på kemikalieskatten
(2019) JURM02 20192Department of Law
Faculty of Law
- Abstract (Swedish)
- På grund av att miljöskatter kan användas som ett ekonomiskt styrmedel samtidigt som de även tillskrivs ett fiskalt syfte har användningen av dessa i gröna skatteväxlingar blivit populärt hos den svenska lagstiftaren. Att ersätta förlorade intäkter från inkomstskatt med intäkter från miljöskatter kan dock ibland visa sig vara problematiskt, eftersom miljöskatternas styrande effekt medför att de inte är hållbara som inkomstkällor för statskassan. Ett exempel på en sådan skatt är kemikalieskatten, som förväntades inbringa 2,4 miljarder kronor i intäkter men i 2018 endast genererade 1,3 miljarder kronor. Kemikalieskatten kan även kritiseras för bland annat sin avdragsrätt, eftersom den inte kan tillförsäkra att ämnen som berättigar till... (More)
- På grund av att miljöskatter kan användas som ett ekonomiskt styrmedel samtidigt som de även tillskrivs ett fiskalt syfte har användningen av dessa i gröna skatteväxlingar blivit populärt hos den svenska lagstiftaren. Att ersätta förlorade intäkter från inkomstskatt med intäkter från miljöskatter kan dock ibland visa sig vara problematiskt, eftersom miljöskatternas styrande effekt medför att de inte är hållbara som inkomstkällor för statskassan. Ett exempel på en sådan skatt är kemikalieskatten, som förväntades inbringa 2,4 miljarder kronor i intäkter men i 2018 endast genererade 1,3 miljarder kronor. Kemikalieskatten kan även kritiseras för bland annat sin avdragsrätt, eftersom den inte kan tillförsäkra att ämnen som berättigar till avdrag är mindre farliga än ämnen som medför en högre skatt. Vidare finns det inte några standardiserade mätmetoder som företag kan använda när de ska uppfylla bevisbördan för avdragsrätt. Detta innebär att Skatteverket får svårt att göra en enhetlig bedömning av när företag kan beviljas avdrag, vilket skapar rättsosäkerhet.
Miljöskatter kan vidare även vara problematiska ur ett EU-rättsligt perspektiv, eftersom skattenedsättningar och skattebefrielser från miljöskatter kan strida mot EU:s statsstödsregler. I praxis framgår att huruvida sådana skattenedsättningar och skattebefrielser utgör statsstöd tenderar att vara avhängigt av det så kallade selektivitetskriteriet i artikel 107. 1 FEUF. Av praxis framgår att bedömningen av om selektivitetskriteriet är uppfyllt görs utifrån en analysmetod i tre steg. Första steget innebär att ett relevant referenssystem fastställs, vilket sedan i enlighet med steg två eventuella avvikelser prövas mot. Om en åtgärd anses avvika från referenssystemet kan det ändå undgå att betraktas som selektivt om avvikelsen kan rättfärdigas med systemets art eller allmänna systematik. Det är även i steg tre som EUD tidigare beaktat eventuella miljöskyddande ändamål som den avvikande åtgärden kan ha haft.
EUD har dock uttalat i praxis att det tredje steget ska tolkas restriktivt, vilket medfört att EUD inte i något av de mål som behandlat skattenedsättningar och skattebefrielser av miljöskatter ansett att ett undantag kan rättfärdigas i enlighet med steg tre. Däremot har EUD i sina senaste avgöranden från 2018 ansett att miljöskyddande ändamål med skattenedsättningar och skattebefrielser ska beaktas redan i steg två. Detta har medfört att skattenedsättningar och skattebefrielser som görs med anledning av att en vara är miljövänligare än de varor som en miljöskatt ämnar att beskatta inte längre anses avvika från referenssystemet redan i steg två. EUD:s bedömning kan betraktas som besynnerlig och innebär i kontexten av selektivitetskriteriets analysmetod en förändring av gällande rätt. Vid undersökningar av beslut från kommissionen har det dock visat sig att denna inte har valt att ta efter EUD:s nya sätt att applicera selektivitetskriteriets analysmetod. Frågan är därför vilken vikt som ska tillmätas den nya analysmetoden.
Eftersom Sverige blivit anmälda till kommissionen på grund av kemikalieskatten är det oklart vilken analysmetod som kan komma att användas av kommissionen i dess beslut. Utgångspunkt måste därför tas i båda analysmetoder om eventuell statsstödsproblematik i kemikalieskatten ska utredas. Anmälan är gjord på basis av det undantag från skattskyldighet som utländska e-handlare för närvarande åtnjuter i kemikalieskatten. Troligtvis utgör detta undantag inte ett statsstöd, eftersom det inte rör sig om gynnande av inhemska företag eller produktion. Däremot identifierades två andra potentiella statsstöd i arbetet. Det första rör kemikalieskattens avdragsrätt, där lagstiftaren inte kan tillförsäkra att alla de ämnen som berättigar till avdragsrätt är mindre farliga än dem som beläggs med högre skatt. Efter en bedömning utifrån båda analysmetoder är slutsatsen att avdragsrätten eventuellt kan vara selektiv, samtidigt som det finns omständigheter som talar för att den inte nödvändigtvis är selektiv och därmed inte heller ett statsstöd.
Den andra situationen rör varor som är vanligt förekommande i hemmiljöer men som inte omfattas av kemikalieskattens tillämpningsområde. Efter en bedömning är det mycket som pekar på att detta undantag anses vara selektivt, oavsett vilket analysmetod som används. Då undantaget sannolikt är selektivt innebär detta troligtvis också att det utgör ett statligt stöd i enlighet med 107.1 FEUF. (Less) - Abstract
- Environmental taxes are often designed to both shift away demand from goods that have a negative impact on the environment, and to generate tax revenue to the public treasury. This makes them appropriate to use in green tax shifts, where the legislator is able to reduce other taxes, e.g. taxes on income, while still being able to maintain overall tax revenue. A green tax shift can however sometimes prove to be problematic, since the revenue from these taxes tend to decrease when the tax is successful in shifting away demand from goods with a negative effect on the environment. This is the case with the Swedish tax on chemicals. The Swedish legislator expected the tax to generate a yearly tax revenue of 2400 million Swedish Crowns. However,... (More)
- Environmental taxes are often designed to both shift away demand from goods that have a negative impact on the environment, and to generate tax revenue to the public treasury. This makes them appropriate to use in green tax shifts, where the legislator is able to reduce other taxes, e.g. taxes on income, while still being able to maintain overall tax revenue. A green tax shift can however sometimes prove to be problematic, since the revenue from these taxes tend to decrease when the tax is successful in shifting away demand from goods with a negative effect on the environment. This is the case with the Swedish tax on chemicals. The Swedish legislator expected the tax to generate a yearly tax revenue of 2400 million Swedish Crowns. However, the actual tax revenue in 2018 was 1000 million Swedish Crowns lower than expected. The tax on chemicals has also been criticized for how the system of tax deduction in the tax has been designed, since it cannot guarantee that the chemicals that give the right to deduct are less hazardous than the chemicals that are taxed at a higher rate. Furthermore, the tax on chemicals does not provide any standardised measuring methods for undertakings to use when trying to prove that they have a right to deduct. This consequently also leads to the Swedish Tax Agency not being able to assess the right to deduct in a uniform manner, which creates legal uncertainty.
Environmental taxes can also be problematic with regards to EU law, since tax reductions and tax exemptions can constitute state aid. Case law from the ECJ shows that the selectivity criterion is the most important aspect when classifying state aid. The ECJ has through its case law used a method consisting of three steps when assessing whether a measure is selective or not, the first one being recognizing what the normal tax scheme is which is the reference system, and the second one being identifying derogations from this system. If a measure constitutes a derogation from the reference system, the third step is to assess whether the derogation can be justified by the nature and general scheme of the system. The third step is also when any purposes, such as environmental protection, can be taken in to account.
ECJ has in previous case law expressed that the third step should be applied rather restrictive. Consequently, the ECJ has never considered that a derogation from the reference system can be justified by the nature and general scheme of the system in cases concerning environmental taxes. ECJ has rather surprisingly in its most recent case on tax reductions and tax exemptions from environmental taxes expressed that environmental protection are to be considered in step two, rather than in step three. This means that tax reductions and tax exemptions that have a purpose of environmental protection can be considered to not derogate from the reference system as early as in step two. This conclusion is rather peculiar, but it non the less changes applicable law. The commission has however not adopted this new method if recent decisions from the commission are examined, prompting questions concerning the importance of the new method.
Since a complaint has been filed against Sweden’s tax on chemicals to the commission, it is uncertain whether the commission will use the method that it has always used, or if it will turn to the new one. The tax has therefore been analysed with regards to both. The complaint constituted that the exemption of online foreign companies that sell electronics to Swedish private from the tax should be regarded as state aid. This will most likely not be that case, since an aid must be given to domestic undertakings for it to be able to be considered state aid. However, two other possible measures were identified in the paper as potential state aid. The first one concerns the system of tax deduction, since the legislator cannot ensure that chemicals which allow for deduction are less hazardous than those which are taxed at a higher rate. An evaluation on the basis of both methods concluded that the system on tax deduction may possibly be selective, but that certain aspects of it indicate that it may very well not be selective and therefore not constitute state aid.
The second measure that the paper identified as potential state aid is the exemption from the tax’s scope of certain goods that are commonly found in a household environment. After using both methods, the paper concludes that there is great likelihood that the measure is selective and therefore runs a high risk of constituting state aid according to article 107.1 TFEU. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Topic, Ajla LU
- supervisor
- organization
- alternative title
- What would I be without your European legal demands? - an analysis of environmental taxes and State Aid rules with a focus on the Swedish tax on chemicals
- course
- JURM02 20192
- year
- 2019
- type
- H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
- subject
- keywords
- Skatterätt, Miljöskatter, Statsstöd, EU-rätt, Kemikalieskatten
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 8999228
- date added to LUP
- 2020-01-31 12:07:13
- date last changed
- 2020-01-31 12:07:13
@misc{8999228, abstract = {{Environmental taxes are often designed to both shift away demand from goods that have a negative impact on the environment, and to generate tax revenue to the public treasury. This makes them appropriate to use in green tax shifts, where the legislator is able to reduce other taxes, e.g. taxes on income, while still being able to maintain overall tax revenue. A green tax shift can however sometimes prove to be problematic, since the revenue from these taxes tend to decrease when the tax is successful in shifting away demand from goods with a negative effect on the environment. This is the case with the Swedish tax on chemicals. The Swedish legislator expected the tax to generate a yearly tax revenue of 2400 million Swedish Crowns. However, the actual tax revenue in 2018 was 1000 million Swedish Crowns lower than expected. The tax on chemicals has also been criticized for how the system of tax deduction in the tax has been designed, since it cannot guarantee that the chemicals that give the right to deduct are less hazardous than the chemicals that are taxed at a higher rate. Furthermore, the tax on chemicals does not provide any standardised measuring methods for undertakings to use when trying to prove that they have a right to deduct. This consequently also leads to the Swedish Tax Agency not being able to assess the right to deduct in a uniform manner, which creates legal uncertainty. Environmental taxes can also be problematic with regards to EU law, since tax reductions and tax exemptions can constitute state aid. Case law from the ECJ shows that the selectivity criterion is the most important aspect when classifying state aid. The ECJ has through its case law used a method consisting of three steps when assessing whether a measure is selective or not, the first one being recognizing what the normal tax scheme is which is the reference system, and the second one being identifying derogations from this system. If a measure constitutes a derogation from the reference system, the third step is to assess whether the derogation can be justified by the nature and general scheme of the system. The third step is also when any purposes, such as environmental protection, can be taken in to account. ECJ has in previous case law expressed that the third step should be applied rather restrictive. Consequently, the ECJ has never considered that a derogation from the reference system can be justified by the nature and general scheme of the system in cases concerning environmental taxes. ECJ has rather surprisingly in its most recent case on tax reductions and tax exemptions from environmental taxes expressed that environmental protection are to be considered in step two, rather than in step three. This means that tax reductions and tax exemptions that have a purpose of environmental protection can be considered to not derogate from the reference system as early as in step two. This conclusion is rather peculiar, but it non the less changes applicable law. The commission has however not adopted this new method if recent decisions from the commission are examined, prompting questions concerning the importance of the new method. Since a complaint has been filed against Sweden’s tax on chemicals to the commission, it is uncertain whether the commission will use the method that it has always used, or if it will turn to the new one. The tax has therefore been analysed with regards to both. The complaint constituted that the exemption of online foreign companies that sell electronics to Swedish private from the tax should be regarded as state aid. This will most likely not be that case, since an aid must be given to domestic undertakings for it to be able to be considered state aid. However, two other possible measures were identified in the paper as potential state aid. The first one concerns the system of tax deduction, since the legislator cannot ensure that chemicals which allow for deduction are less hazardous than those which are taxed at a higher rate. An evaluation on the basis of both methods concluded that the system on tax deduction may possibly be selective, but that certain aspects of it indicate that it may very well not be selective and therefore not constitute state aid. The second measure that the paper identified as potential state aid is the exemption from the tax’s scope of certain goods that are commonly found in a household environment. After using both methods, the paper concludes that there is great likelihood that the measure is selective and therefore runs a high risk of constituting state aid according to article 107.1 TFEU.}}, author = {{Topic, Ajla}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Vad vore jag, utan dina EU-rättsliga krav? - En utredning av förhållandet mellan nationella miljöskatter och EU:s statsstödsregler med särskild fokus på kemikalieskatten}}, year = {{2019}}, }