Plaståtervinningens roll i en hållbar industri - Det teknologiska innovationssystemet av återvunnen plast i Skåne
(2020) FMIM01 20192Environmental and Energy Systems Studies
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Det här examensarbetet har identifierat möjligheter och begränsningar för att främja en hållbar plaståtervinning i den skånska plastindustrin, på uppdrag av Region Skåne. Analysen har gjorts med hjälp av ramverket teknologiska innovationssystem (TIS), som syftar till att identifiera de systemsvagheter som kräver politiska åtgärder för att stärka TIS:ets prestanda. Aktörerna i den skånska plastindustrin har lång erfarenhet av att använda internt spill, men den skånska återanvändningen av konsumentplast (PCR) och industriplast (PIR) är mer begränsad. I den skånska plaståtervinningsindustrin sker insamling, sortering och regranulering av PCR och PIR, men ingen tvättning av plastavfallet sker inom de skånska gränser (än).
Det saknas en... (More) - Det här examensarbetet har identifierat möjligheter och begränsningar för att främja en hållbar plaståtervinning i den skånska plastindustrin, på uppdrag av Region Skåne. Analysen har gjorts med hjälp av ramverket teknologiska innovationssystem (TIS), som syftar till att identifiera de systemsvagheter som kräver politiska åtgärder för att stärka TIS:ets prestanda. Aktörerna i den skånska plastindustrin har lång erfarenhet av att använda internt spill, men den skånska återanvändningen av konsumentplast (PCR) och industriplast (PIR) är mer begränsad. I den skånska plaståtervinningsindustrin sker insamling, sortering och regranulering av PCR och PIR, men ingen tvättning av plastavfallet sker inom de skånska gränser (än).
Det saknas en tydlig definierad marknadsplats för den återvunna plasten, eftersom aktörerna inte har kännedom om varandra. Legitimiteten för återvunnen plast påverkas starkt av tekniska hinder och osäkerheten om kemikalieinnehållet i produkter. Det sociala kapitalet i TIS:et begränsas av det låga förtroendet som finns mellan politiker och industrins aktörer vilket skapar oro inom industrin. På den regionala nivån identifierades två systemsvagheter: I Skåne finns det ingen verksamhet av tvätt och malning. Det finns också en brist på teknisk arbetskraft som riskerar att hindra den tekniska innovationen inom TIS:et. Nationellt begränsas TIS:ets prestanda av två systemsvagheter: att det saknas en långsiktig nationell plaststrategi och att det finns ett svagt förtroende mellan industrin och offentliga aktörer.
Den första åtgärden som rapporten kommer fram till för att stärka TIS:ets prestanda är att starta nätverk, i vilket TIS-aktörerna kan identifiera brister, skapa nya affärsområden och sprida kunskap. Offentliga stödfunktioner behöver också inrättas, där offentliga aktörer kan ge stöd och premiera cirkulärt tänkande inom industrin, skapa mötesplatser och underlätta tillståndsprocesser för att stärka den regionala innovationen. För att åtgärda de tekniska hinder och kunskapsluckor som finns inom TIS:et krävs det stöd till FoU-verksamheten genom till exempel forsknings- och projektpengar. Det krävs också en nationell plaststrategi som kan bidra till en ökad resurshushållning, som Region Skåne bör uppmana regering och myndigheter att inrätta. Plaststrategin bör inbegripa en långsiktig nationell plan som presenterar åtgärder som kan minska aktörernas oro och skapa tydlighet i plastindustrin. Åtgärderna behöver främst inriktas på att utveckla kunskapen om de tekniska hinder som finns, att skapa en tydlig marknad för den återvunna plasten och säkerställa att det finns teknisk kompetens. En nationell plaststrategi kan bidra till långsiktiga mål och åtgärder som kan stärka den nationella plaståtervinningen, och därmed också den regionala. (Less) - Abstract
- This master thesis has identified possibilities and limitations of plastic recycling in the plastic industry of Scania. The analysis has been done by using the concept of technological innovation systems (TIS), which aims to identify system weaknesses that require political measures to strengthen the performance of the TIS. The actors in the plastic industry of Scania has long experience of using internal waste, but the usage of industrial waste (PIR) and commercial waste (PCR) is more limited. In Scania, collection, sorting and granulation of PCR and PIR takes place. However, no washing of the plastic waste occurs in Scania (yet).
A clearly defined market for the recycled plastic does not exist, since the actors are unaware of each... (More) - This master thesis has identified possibilities and limitations of plastic recycling in the plastic industry of Scania. The analysis has been done by using the concept of technological innovation systems (TIS), which aims to identify system weaknesses that require political measures to strengthen the performance of the TIS. The actors in the plastic industry of Scania has long experience of using internal waste, but the usage of industrial waste (PIR) and commercial waste (PCR) is more limited. In Scania, collection, sorting and granulation of PCR and PIR takes place. However, no washing of the plastic waste occurs in Scania (yet).
A clearly defined market for the recycled plastic does not exist, since the actors are unaware of each other. The legitimacy for the recycled plastics is strongly affected by technical barriers and uncertainty of the chemical content of the products. The social capital in the TIS is limited by a lack of trust between the industry and the policy makers, which causes concern within the industry regarding the future of recycled plastics. Two system weaknesses were identified on a regional level. In Scania there is no washing and grinding of plastic waste. There is also a deficit of technical labour which risks blocking the innovation within the TIS. On a national level, the TIS is limited by the lack of trust between the industry and public actors and the absence of a national plastic strategy.
The first measure to strengthen the performance of the TIS is to create networks. Within networks, the actors of the TIS can identify problems, identify new products and diffuse knowledge. Public support functions should be implemented where public actors, such as municipalities and county councils, can support and reward circularity within the industry and aid the actors with legislative matters. There needs to be a support to research and development, e.g. by financial support to projects and research. A national plastic strategy is required, which should include a long-term plan for the national plastic industry. It should also present measures to ease the actors’ concerns and create clarity in the plastic industry. The measures should aim to develop knowledge about the technical barriers that exist today, create a clear market for the recycled plastics and ensure technical labour. A national plastic strategy can contribute to set up long-term goals and measures that can strengthen the national plastic recycling industry, and thus the regional. (Less)
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- author
- Pettersson, Mikaela LU
- supervisor
- organization
- alternative title
- The Role of Plastic Recycling in a Sustainable Industry - The Technological Innovation System of Recycled Plastics in Scania
- course
- FMIM01 20192
- year
- 2020
- type
- H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
- subject
- keywords
- Teknologiska innovationssystem, TIS, Skåne, Region Skåne, regional utveckling, återvunnen plast, plaståtervinning, hållbarhet, Technological innovation systems, Scania, regional development, recycled plastics, plastic recycling, sustainability
- report number
- ISRN LUTFD2/TFEM--20/5156--SE + (1-62)
- 1102-3651
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 9006169
- date added to LUP
- 2020-03-06 15:23:03
- date last changed
- 2020-03-06 15:23:03
@misc{9006169, abstract = {{This master thesis has identified possibilities and limitations of plastic recycling in the plastic industry of Scania. The analysis has been done by using the concept of technological innovation systems (TIS), which aims to identify system weaknesses that require political measures to strengthen the performance of the TIS. The actors in the plastic industry of Scania has long experience of using internal waste, but the usage of industrial waste (PIR) and commercial waste (PCR) is more limited. In Scania, collection, sorting and granulation of PCR and PIR takes place. However, no washing of the plastic waste occurs in Scania (yet). A clearly defined market for the recycled plastic does not exist, since the actors are unaware of each other. The legitimacy for the recycled plastics is strongly affected by technical barriers and uncertainty of the chemical content of the products. The social capital in the TIS is limited by a lack of trust between the industry and the policy makers, which causes concern within the industry regarding the future of recycled plastics. Two system weaknesses were identified on a regional level. In Scania there is no washing and grinding of plastic waste. There is also a deficit of technical labour which risks blocking the innovation within the TIS. On a national level, the TIS is limited by the lack of trust between the industry and public actors and the absence of a national plastic strategy. The first measure to strengthen the performance of the TIS is to create networks. Within networks, the actors of the TIS can identify problems, identify new products and diffuse knowledge. Public support functions should be implemented where public actors, such as municipalities and county councils, can support and reward circularity within the industry and aid the actors with legislative matters. There needs to be a support to research and development, e.g. by financial support to projects and research. A national plastic strategy is required, which should include a long-term plan for the national plastic industry. It should also present measures to ease the actors’ concerns and create clarity in the plastic industry. The measures should aim to develop knowledge about the technical barriers that exist today, create a clear market for the recycled plastics and ensure technical labour. A national plastic strategy can contribute to set up long-term goals and measures that can strengthen the national plastic recycling industry, and thus the regional.}}, author = {{Pettersson, Mikaela}}, issn = {{1102-3651}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Plaståtervinningens roll i en hållbar industri - Det teknologiska innovationssystemet av återvunnen plast i Skåne}}, year = {{2020}}, }