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På förhand utvalda åtgärder? - Åtgärdsvalsstudie och fyrstegsprincipen i planeringen av E22 och E6 genom Skåne

Shi, Reed LU (2020) In LUTVDG/(TVTT-5312)/1-75/2020 VTVM01 20192
Transport and Roads
Abstract (Swedish)
Sedan bilens intåg har samhällets infrastruktur utformats och anpassats till dess behov. Allteftersom klimatförändringar och klimatfrågor ställts i rampljuset har den strategiska planeringen inom transportsektorns omstrukturerats utefter. Man introducerade arbetsstrategin fyrstegsprincipen 1997; som syftade till god resurshållning och optimering av den befintliga kapaciteten, och arbetsmetodiken åtgärdsvalsstudier 2011; med förhoppningar om större fokus på transportsystemets funktionalitet snarare än den specifika åtgärden i sig. Kritik har riktats mot både fyrstegsprincipen och ÅVS. Det finns ingenting som pekar på att arbetsstrategin och arbetsmetodiken uppfyllt sina syften. Examensarbetet har utförts på Trivector i Lund under hösten... (More)
Sedan bilens intåg har samhällets infrastruktur utformats och anpassats till dess behov. Allteftersom klimatförändringar och klimatfrågor ställts i rampljuset har den strategiska planeringen inom transportsektorns omstrukturerats utefter. Man introducerade arbetsstrategin fyrstegsprincipen 1997; som syftade till god resurshållning och optimering av den befintliga kapaciteten, och arbetsmetodiken åtgärdsvalsstudier 2011; med förhoppningar om större fokus på transportsystemets funktionalitet snarare än den specifika åtgärden i sig. Kritik har riktats mot både fyrstegsprincipen och ÅVS. Det finns ingenting som pekar på att arbetsstrategin och arbetsmetodiken uppfyllt sina syften. Examensarbetet har utförts på Trivector i Lund under hösten 2019. Arbetet har syftat till att granska på vilket sätt ÅVS påverkar åtgärdsval genom kartläggning och jämförelse mellan E22 och E6 genom Skåne. Kartläggningen har utförts på vägprojektet trafikplats Ideon i Lund, ÅVS E6 genom Skåne och ÅVS Malmö - Lund. Arbetet har utgått från att konjunkturlägets upp- och nedgångar sedan 1997 tagit ut varandra, alltså bortsett från aspekten att infrastruktur används som ett stabiliseringsekonomiskt instrument.
Inom projektet trafikplats Ideon har åtgärdsförslag tagits fram både innan arbetsmetodiken ÅVS formaliserades men också efter. Man har mer eller mindre landat i samma åtgärdsförslag före och efter. De två studerade ÅVS:er initierades av olika skäl, haft olika ambitioner och förutsättningar, samtidigt följt den strategiska planeringens regelverk. Åtgärder har sorterats bort med liknande motiveringar ”åtgärden ligger utanför ÅVS:ens ramar” och ”åtgärden är orimlig och inte tillräckligt konkret”. Fallstudierna pekar på att det finns en gemensam konsensus om tillämpning av fyrstegsprincipen i alla infrastrukturprojekt. Principens verkliga syfte går hand i hand med lokala, regionala och nationella mål men det råder otydlighet i ansvarsfördelning av åtgärder.
ÅVS:ens förutsättningar avgör vilka typer av åtgärder som både genereras och implementeras. Fyrstegsprincipen påverkar projekten i den mening att åtgärder genereras enligt fyrstegsprincipens alla fyra steg men påverkar inte vilka åtgärder som faktiskt implementeras. Fyrstegsprincipen har målats över i ett hav av byråkrati och otydlig ansvarsfördelning. Trots medvetenhet och vilja har principens uppriktiga funktion gått förlorad. Detta förstärks ytterligare av regler som förhindrar bland annat medfinansiering av icke fysiska åtgärder samt mjuka åtgärder som kräver att många aktörer samverkar. (Less)
Ever since the car was introduced to society, our infrastructure has attuned to its needs. As climate change successively been put in the spotlight, the strategic planning within the transport sector has restructured followingly. In Sweden a transport planning strategy called “Fyrstegsprincipen” was introduced as of 1997; it aimed to improve resource management, to optimize existing transport capacity. In 2011 a transport planning methodology “Åtgärdsvalsstudier” was introduced; hoping to considerably improve focus on transport system functionality as a unity instead of focus on each individual infrastructure measure. Criticism has been addressed towards both “Fyrstegsprincipen” and “Åtgärdsvalsstudier”. There is no evidence showing that... (More)
Ever since the car was introduced to society, our infrastructure has attuned to its needs. As climate change successively been put in the spotlight, the strategic planning within the transport sector has restructured followingly. In Sweden a transport planning strategy called “Fyrstegsprincipen” was introduced as of 1997; it aimed to improve resource management, to optimize existing transport capacity. In 2011 a transport planning methodology “Åtgärdsvalsstudier” was introduced; hoping to considerably improve focus on transport system functionality as a unity instead of focus on each individual infrastructure measure. Criticism has been addressed towards both “Fyrstegsprincipen” and “Åtgärdsvalsstudier”. There is no evidence showing that the strategy nor the methodology has fulfilled its purpose.
This master thesis was conducted at consulting firm Trivector Traffic in Lund during autumn of 2019. The aim of the thesis was to examine in what way the methodology “Åtgärdsvalsstudier” affects the choice of infrastructure measure, through mapping and comparison between two major highways in southern Sweden E22 and E6. The mapping was conducted on highway interchange project “Trafikplats Ideon” in Lund, “ÅVS E6 genom Skåne” and “ÅVS Malmö – Lund”. The study proceeds that the economic ups and downs during long time spans are somewhat consistent, meaning that the aspect of infrastructure measures as a politic and economic stabilizer (instrument) will not affect the outcome of this thesis.
The highway interchange project “Trafikplats Ideon” has presented infrastructure measure proposals both before the introduction of “Åtgärdsvalsstudier” and after. The two studied “Åtgärdsvalsstudier” were initiated with different reasons, had different goals and prerequisites, and both following the methodology legal framework. Measure proposals has been eliminated with similar motivations among other “The proposal lies outside of ÅVS scope” and “The proposal is excessive and not tangible enough”. The case studies show that there is a mutual consensus, that the strategy “Fyrstegsprincipen” should be practiced in all national transport infrastructure projects. The strategy purpose goes hand in hand with local, regional and national goals but there lies ambiguity in the division of responsibilities of infrastructure measures.
The prerequisites of “Åtgärdsvalsstudier” are crucial and determines what types of measures that are proposed but also implemented. “Fyrstegsprincipen” affects the projects in a sense, that solutions are generated and proposed according to the strategy but does not affect which measures that are implemented. The true purpose of “Fyrstegsprincipen” has been painted over by bureaucracy and ambiguous allocation of responsibilities. Despite awareness and volition, the true purpose of the strategy is lost. This is further amplified by regulations that prohibit among other, national co-financing of non-physical infrastructure measures and measures that demand many participants to consociate. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Shi, Reed LU
alternative title
Infrastructure measures determined in advance? - Swedish infrastructure methodology and strategy applied on two major highways through southern Sweden
VTVM01 20192
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Fyrstegsprincipen, ÅVS, åtgärdsvalsstudier, Trafikplanering, E22, E6, planeringsnivåer, Trafikverket, Swedish infrastructure planning methodology, Ideon
report number
date added to LUP
2020-03-31 16:15:02
date last changed
2020-03-31 16:15:02
  abstract     = {{Ever since the car was introduced to society, our infrastructure has attuned to its needs. As climate change successively been put in the spotlight, the strategic planning within the transport sector has restructured followingly. In Sweden a transport planning strategy called “Fyrstegsprincipen” was introduced as of 1997; it aimed to improve resource management, to optimize existing transport capacity. In 2011 a transport planning methodology “Åtgärdsvalsstudier” was introduced; hoping to considerably improve focus on transport system functionality as a unity instead of focus on each individual infrastructure measure. Criticism has been addressed towards both “Fyrstegsprincipen” and “Åtgärdsvalsstudier”. There is no evidence showing that the strategy nor the methodology has fulfilled its purpose. 
This master thesis was conducted at consulting firm Trivector Traffic in Lund during autumn of 2019. The aim of the thesis was to examine in what way the methodology “Åtgärdsvalsstudier” affects the choice of infrastructure measure, through mapping and comparison between two major highways in southern Sweden E22 and E6. The mapping was conducted on highway interchange project “Trafikplats Ideon” in Lund, “ÅVS E6 genom Skåne” and “ÅVS Malmö – Lund”. The study proceeds that the economic ups and downs during long time spans are somewhat consistent, meaning that the aspect of infrastructure measures as a politic and economic stabilizer (instrument) will not affect the outcome of this thesis.
The highway interchange project “Trafikplats Ideon” has presented infrastructure measure proposals both before the introduction of “Åtgärdsvalsstudier” and after. The two studied “Åtgärdsvalsstudier” were initiated with different reasons, had different goals and prerequisites, and both following the methodology legal framework. Measure proposals has been eliminated with similar motivations among other “The proposal lies outside of ÅVS scope” and “The proposal is excessive and not tangible enough”. The case studies show that there is a mutual consensus, that the strategy “Fyrstegsprincipen” should be practiced in all national transport infrastructure projects. The strategy purpose goes hand in hand with local, regional and national goals but there lies ambiguity in the division of responsibilities of infrastructure measures.
The prerequisites of “Åtgärdsvalsstudier” are crucial and determines what types of measures that are proposed but also implemented. “Fyrstegsprincipen” affects the projects in a sense, that solutions are generated and proposed according to the strategy but does not affect which measures that are implemented. The true purpose of “Fyrstegsprincipen” has been painted over by bureaucracy and ambiguous allocation of responsibilities. Despite awareness and volition, the true purpose of the strategy is lost. This is further amplified by regulations that prohibit among other, national co-financing of non-physical infrastructure measures and measures that demand many participants to consociate.}},
  author       = {{Shi, Reed}},
  issn         = {{1653-1922}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  series       = {{LUTVDG/(TVTT-5312)/1-75/2020}},
  title        = {{På förhand utvalda åtgärder? - Åtgärdsvalsstudie och fyrstegsprincipen i planeringen av E22 och E6 genom Skåne}},
  year         = {{2020}},