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Förvirring om tillfällig sinnesförvirring - En undersökning av den straffrättsliga hanteringen av tillfälligt sinnesförvirrade lagöverträdare

Stridh, Kajsa LU (2020) JURM02 20201
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Det förekommer att brott begås av personer som i gärningsögonblicket inte var ”sig själva”. Inom straffrätten brukar man då tala om ett tillstånd av tillfällig sinnesförvirring. Det har länge varit osäkert hur straffrättssystemet bör hantera brott som begås under påverkan av ett sådant tillstånd. Till skillnad från långvariga förvirringstillstånd och tillstånd som bedöms ha varit självförvållade saknas lagstöd för hur en icke självförvållad tillfällig sinnesförvirring ska påverka den rättsliga prövningen.

Syftet med uppsatsen är att redogöra för hur man inom svensk straffrätt har diskuterat hanteringen av tillfälligt sinnesförvirrade lagöverträdare från tiden omkring brottsbalkens införande fram till idag. Somliga har bl.a. hävdat att... (More)
Det förekommer att brott begås av personer som i gärningsögonblicket inte var ”sig själva”. Inom straffrätten brukar man då tala om ett tillstånd av tillfällig sinnesförvirring. Det har länge varit osäkert hur straffrättssystemet bör hantera brott som begås under påverkan av ett sådant tillstånd. Till skillnad från långvariga förvirringstillstånd och tillstånd som bedöms ha varit självförvållade saknas lagstöd för hur en icke självförvållad tillfällig sinnesförvirring ska påverka den rättsliga prövningen.

Syftet med uppsatsen är att redogöra för hur man inom svensk straffrätt har diskuterat hanteringen av tillfälligt sinnesförvirrade lagöverträdare från tiden omkring brottsbalkens införande fram till idag. Somliga har bl.a. hävdat att en lagreglering avseende tillfällig sinnesförvirring är obehövlig medan andra numera givit uttryck för motsatt uppfattning. I doktrin har det under senare år gjorts gällande att tillfällig sinnesförvirring, som uppkommer utan egen skuld, utgör en oskriven ansvarsfrihetsgrund. Det har däremot bedömts vara osäkert om en sådan undantagsregel skulle erkännas i praxis. Frågan är om rättsläget möjligen kan ha blivit klarlagt i och med Högsta domstolens avgörande B 4685-19 eller om ytterligare åtgärder behöver vidtas för att reda ut det otillfredsställande rättsläget. Därtill uppstår frågan vad det osäkra rättsläget kan tänkas bero på.

Efter att ha studerat förarbeten, doktrin och domstolsavgöranden förefaller rättstillämpningen ha drabbat psykiskt störda lagöverträdare, däribland tillfälligt sinnesförvirrade, hårdare än andra. Skuldprincipen har generellt sett tolkats extensivt avseende den här kategorin lagöverträdare vilket medfört ett mindre utrymme för frikännande domar. Sannolikt har ett försök att tillmötesgå kravet på samhällsskydd skett på bekostnad av de som, långvarigt eller kortvarigt, inte kunnat rå för sitt rättsstridiga handlande. Anledningen till att hanteringen av den tillfälliga sinnesförvirringen inte har blivit lagreglerad beror troligtvis på att lagstiftaren inte har ansetts sig kunna hitta en tillfredsställande balans mellan å ena sidan rättvis skuldbeläggning, å andra sidan betryggande samhällsskydd.

Med anledning av det oklara rättsläget hade det varit önskvärt att Högsta domstolen presenterade klargörande vägledning i hur den fortsatta rättstillämpningen ska se ut. Högsta domstolens avgörande innebär visserligen några klargöranden, men den slutsats som kan dras av domen är att rättsläget fortfarande är oklart och att ytterligare klargöranden erfordras.

Det har visat sig föreligga uppenbara brister i brottsbalks-modellen i vad avser dess hantering av psykiskt sjuka lagöverträdare. Med utgångspunkt i Högsta domstolens dom kan atypiska sinnestillstånd, däribland tillfällig sinnesförvirring, påverka fem olika led i domstolarnas rättsliga prövning. Beroende på i vilket led rättens bedömning slutligen landar blir den tilltalade antingen friad eller fälld.

Problematiken skulle till viss del kunna avhjälpas genom antagandet av en undantagsregel i enlighet med uttalanden i doktrinen. Med beaktande av skuldprincipen bör ett undantag dock vara tillämpligt beträffande såväl långvariga- som kortvariga sinnesförvirringar. Det vore med andra ord varken logiskt eller rättvist att låta undantaget få genomslag endast i förhållande till fall av tillfällig sinnesförvirring. För att åstadkomma en mer enhetlig, logisk, rättssäker och rättvis rättstillämpning avseende förhållandet mellan psykisk störning och brott är brottsbalken emellertid i behov av att genomgå en mer omfattande reform. (Less)
Crimes are sometimes committed by persons who are not ”themselves” at the time of the offence. Within the field of criminal law, one usually speaks of a state of temporary aberration when referring to such circumstances. For a long time, it has been uncertain how the criminal justice system should handle crimes committed under such a condition. Unlike long-standing states of confusion and states that are deemed to have been self-inflicted, applicable law does not provide guidance on how non-self-inflicted temporary aberration should affect the judicial review.

The purpose of the thesis is to describe how the handling of temporary aberrated offenders has been discussed within the field of Swedish criminal law since the introduction of... (More)
Crimes are sometimes committed by persons who are not ”themselves” at the time of the offence. Within the field of criminal law, one usually speaks of a state of temporary aberration when referring to such circumstances. For a long time, it has been uncertain how the criminal justice system should handle crimes committed under such a condition. Unlike long-standing states of confusion and states that are deemed to have been self-inflicted, applicable law does not provide guidance on how non-self-inflicted temporary aberration should affect the judicial review.

The purpose of the thesis is to describe how the handling of temporary aberrated offenders has been discussed within the field of Swedish criminal law since the introduction of the Swedish penal code until today. Some have argued that a legislative regulation regarding temporary aberration is unnecessary while others are of the opposite opinion. In recent years, the legal doctrine has argued that non-self-inflicted temporary aberration constitutes an unwritten rule of discharge from liability. However, it has been considered uncertain whether such a rule of exception would be acknowledged in the adjudication process. The question is whether the legal position may have been clarified as of the Supreme Courts precedent B 4685-19 or if further measures are required to resolve the unsatisfactory legal position. Thereto, I question why the legal position still is so uncertain.
After studying legislative history, doctrine and case law, the application of law seems to have hit mentally disturbed law offenders, including temporarily confused, more unfavourable than others. The principle of guilt has generally been interpreted extensively with regard to this category of offenders, which has led to less acquittal judgements. Likely, an attempt to meet the requirement of society protection has been made at the expense of those who, temporarily or durable, had been unable to act in accordance with the law. The reason why the treatment of temporary aberration has not been regulated is probably due to the fact that the legislature has not considered itself being able to find a satisfactory balance between, on one hand, a fair ascription of guilt, on the other hand, reassuring social protection.

Due to the unclear legal position, it would have been desirable if the Supreme Court could have provided a clarifying guidance regarding how to perform the continuing adjudication. Admittedly, the Supreme Court's decision does provide some clarifications, but the conclusion that can be drawn from the decision is that the legal position still is unclear and that further clarification is required.

It has been shown that the Swedish penal code contains deficiencies regarding to its handling of mentally disturbed offenders. Based on the Supreme Court’s ruling, abnormal states of mind, including temporary aberration, can affect no less than five different stages of the judicial review. Depending on at which stage the court chooses to settle its decision, the accused is either found guilty or not.

The problem could to some extent be remedied by enacting a rule of exception in accordance with statements in the legal doctrine. However, by observing the legal principle of guilt, a rule of exception should apply to both long-term and short-term aberration. In other words, it would be neither logical nor fair to allow the exception to have an impact only in relation to temporary states of confusion. Nevertheless, in order to achieve a more uniform, logical, legally secure and fair application regarding the relationship between mental disorder and crime, the Swedish penal code needs to undergo an ever more comprehensive reform. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Stridh, Kajsa LU
alternative title
Confusion concerning temporary aberration - A study on the handling of temporary aberrated offenders within the field of Swedish criminal law
JURM02 20201
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
straffrätt, tillfällig sinnesförvirring, straffansvar, medvetenhet, uppsåt, psykisk störning, allvarlig psykisk störning
date added to LUP
2020-06-16 10:56:23
date last changed
2020-06-16 10:56:23
  abstract     = {{Crimes are sometimes committed by persons who are not ”themselves” at the time of the offence. Within the field of criminal law, one usually speaks of a state of temporary aberration when referring to such circumstances. For a long time, it has been uncertain how the criminal justice system should handle crimes committed under such a condition. Unlike long-standing states of confusion and states that are deemed to have been self-inflicted, applicable law does not provide guidance on how non-self-inflicted temporary aberration should affect the judicial review. 

The purpose of the thesis is to describe how the handling of temporary aberrated offenders has been discussed within the field of Swedish criminal law since the introduction of the Swedish penal code until today. Some have argued that a legislative regulation regarding temporary aberration is unnecessary while others are of the opposite opinion. In recent years, the legal doctrine has argued that non-self-inflicted temporary aberration constitutes an unwritten rule of discharge from liability. However, it has been considered uncertain whether such a rule of exception would be acknowledged in the adjudication process. The question is whether the legal position may have been clarified as of the Supreme Courts precedent B 4685-19 or if further measures are required to resolve the unsatisfactory legal position. Thereto, I question why the legal position still is so uncertain.
After studying legislative history, doctrine and case law, the application of law seems to have hit mentally disturbed law offenders, including temporarily confused, more unfavourable than others. The principle of guilt has generally been interpreted extensively with regard to this category of offenders, which has led to less acquittal judgements. Likely, an attempt to meet the requirement of society protection has been made at the expense of those who, temporarily or durable, had been unable to act in accordance with the law. The reason why the treatment of temporary aberration has not been regulated is probably due to the fact that the legislature has not considered itself being able to find a satisfactory balance between, on one hand, a fair ascription of guilt, on the other hand, reassuring social protection. 

Due to the unclear legal position, it would have been desirable if the Supreme Court could have provided a clarifying guidance regarding how to perform the continuing adjudication. Admittedly, the Supreme Court's decision does provide some clarifications, but the conclusion that can be drawn from the decision is that the legal position still is unclear and that further clarification is required.

It has been shown that the Swedish penal code contains deficiencies regarding to its handling of mentally disturbed offenders. Based on the Supreme Court’s ruling, abnormal states of mind, including temporary aberration, can affect no less than five different stages of the judicial review. Depending on at which stage the court chooses to settle its decision, the accused is either found guilty or not. 

The problem could to some extent be remedied by enacting a rule of exception in accordance with statements in the legal doctrine. However, by observing the legal principle of guilt, a rule of exception should apply to both long-term and short-term aberration. In other words, it would be neither logical nor fair to allow the exception to have an impact only in relation to temporary states of confusion. Nevertheless, in order to achieve a more uniform, logical, legally secure and fair application regarding the relationship between mental disorder and crime, the Swedish penal code needs to undergo an ever more comprehensive reform.}},
  author       = {{Stridh, Kajsa}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Förvirring om tillfällig sinnesförvirring - En undersökning av den straffrättsliga hanteringen av tillfälligt sinnesförvirrade lagöverträdare}},
  year         = {{2020}},