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Hur aktsam kan en sexköpare förväntas vara? - Om innebörden av aktsamhetskravet i 6 kap. 13 § BrB när sexköp av barn i 6 kap. 9 § BrB bedöms och dess förenlighet med effektivitets- och rättssäkerhetshänsyn

Akbarian, Azar LU (2020) JURM02 20201
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
In January 2020 the range of punishment for exploitation of a child through the purchase of a sexual act got stricter. The reasoning behind the change was to strengthen the criminal justice protection for these children. Exploitation of a child through the purchase of a sexual act is associated with a low prosecution frequency. An explanation for this has been that the rule of negligence in the sixth chapter thirteenth paragraph of the Swedish Criminal Code - that is applicable to several sexual offences against children - was particularly difficult to prove for older children. As a result of this perpetrators often were prosecuted for purchase of sexual services instead and never became liable to pay damages. The rule of negligence got... (More)
In January 2020 the range of punishment for exploitation of a child through the purchase of a sexual act got stricter. The reasoning behind the change was to strengthen the criminal justice protection for these children. Exploitation of a child through the purchase of a sexual act is associated with a low prosecution frequency. An explanation for this has been that the rule of negligence in the sixth chapter thirteenth paragraph of the Swedish Criminal Code - that is applicable to several sexual offences against children - was particularly difficult to prove for older children. As a result of this perpetrators often were prosecuted for purchase of sexual services instead and never became liable to pay damages. The rule of negligence got stricter in July 2018. Consultation bodies for children's rights claimed that the change would not be enough for this specific crime. The context for exploiting a child through the purchase of a sexual act normally leads to a lack of reliable information and a limited contact between the parties before physically meeting. This results in there being few circumstances to take into account in the assessments. It is particularly difficult to prove insight or suspicion based on body development when the seller is as old as fifteen to seventeen years old. Children enter puberty at an earlier age nowadays.

These children have a problematic circumstance of life in common and risk being seriously abused and suffering long term mental effects. They are in need of protection but the question is if the criminal justice protection is sufficient. The purpose of this paper is to interpret the rule of negligence for this crime specifically and to determine whether it is effective enough and compatible with the rule of law.

The results are the following. The adjudication process is not fully compatible with the legislative history. The rule of negligence is mitigated and the assessment is widened to consider all relevant circumstances. A child’s body development is still a relevant circumstance but is neither superior or subordinate and can solely be enough to fulfill the evidentiary requirement. Body development is a legal concept that includes appearances, general development and impressions. An obligation for the perpetrator to verify age arises when there are enough circumstances that indicate that the seller is a minor. The assessment of asked questions is not as uniform, and can be interpreted for or against liability. The changed rule of negligence increases the effectiveness and rule of law for exploitation of a child through the purchase of a sexual act when there are several circumstances to take into account. This is typically not the case in this offence. The effects must therefore be a marginal increase of effectiveness and a small decrease in the rule of law. This should have been predicted and counteracted by the legislator. Purchasers of sexual acts initially know that they are committing a criminal act that can correspond to the exploitation of a child through the purchase of a sexual act. This particular nature of the offence should be considered as a relevant circumstance that always brings an obligation for the perpetrator to verify age. That would better guarantee the effectiveness which was the initial purpose of the amendment of the law. The damage on the rule of law could be compensated with a norm of how purchasers of sexual acts could proceed to realise the true age. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Från och med den 1 januari 2020 skärptes straffskalan för sexköp av barn. Syftet med åtgärden var att förstärka det straffrättsliga skyddet för ungdomar mot att dras in i prostitution. Brottet är förknippat med låg åtalsfrekvens. Det har tidigare förklarats med att aktsamhetskravet i förhållande till ålder i 6 kap. 13 § BrB - som täcker flera sexualbrott med åldersgräns - var särskilt svårt att uppfylla för åldersgruppen femton till sjutton år. Till följd av detta rubricerades många gånger gärningarna istället som köp av sexuell tjänst och barn gick miste om möjligheten till skadestånd. På grund av bevissvårigheterna skärptes aktsamhetsregeln den 1 juli 2018. Myndigheter och organ som verkar för barns rättigheter signalerade att... (More)
Från och med den 1 januari 2020 skärptes straffskalan för sexköp av barn. Syftet med åtgärden var att förstärka det straffrättsliga skyddet för ungdomar mot att dras in i prostitution. Brottet är förknippat med låg åtalsfrekvens. Det har tidigare förklarats med att aktsamhetskravet i förhållande till ålder i 6 kap. 13 § BrB - som täcker flera sexualbrott med åldersgräns - var särskilt svårt att uppfylla för åldersgruppen femton till sjutton år. Till följd av detta rubricerades många gånger gärningarna istället som köp av sexuell tjänst och barn gick miste om möjligheten till skadestånd. På grund av bevissvårigheterna skärptes aktsamhetsregeln den 1 juli 2018. Myndigheter och organ som verkar för barns rättigheter signalerade att skärpningen inte skulle vara tillräcklig för sexköp av barn. Tillgången till trovärdig information i sexköpssammanhang är bristande och kontaktytan innan det fysiska mötet är vanligtvis begränsad. Detta gör att det för detta brott typiskt sett finns få omständigheter att beakta i aktsamhetsbedömningen. Det är särskilt svårt att enbart utifrån kroppsutveckling styrka insikt eller misstanke om underårighet när barnet är mellan femton och sjutton år, särskilt eftersom barn inträder i puberteten i allt lägre åldrar.

Skyddsvärdet för brottet är högt. Barn som förmås att tåla eller utföra sexuella handlingar mot ersättning har en problematisk livssituation, riskerar att utsättas för övergrepp som är grova med långtidsverkande skadliga effekter. Frågan är om det rättsliga skyddet för barn mot att utsättas för sexköp är tillräckligt. Syftet med uppsatsen är att fastställa innebörden i det nya aktsamhetskravet i 6 kap. 13 § BrB för sexköp av barn och om rättsläget är tillfredsställande mot bakgrund av principerna om effektivitet och rättssäkerhet.

Resultaten är följande. Tillämpningen av aktsamhetskravet i sexköp av barn motsvarar inte fullständigt riktlinjerna i förarbetena. Skuldkravet är sänkt till att inkludera omedveten oaktsamhet och bedömningen är utvidgad till att gälla alla för gärningspersonen relevanta omständigheterna. Barnets kroppsutveckling är fortsatt relevant men ges varken underordnad eller överordnad betydelse och kan ensamt räcka för att uppfylla beviskravet. Kroppsutveckling är ett brett begrepp som rymmer utseende, allmän utveckling och intryck. Ett kontrollkrav aktualiseras när det föreligger omständigheter som tillräckligt tydligt talar för underårighet. Har frågor om ålder ställts, kan det tala för och emot att misstanke om underårighet förelåg. Det skärpta aktsamhetskravet ger ökad effektivitet och rättssäkerhet för sexköp av barn när det finns flera omständigheter att beakta. Kontexten för brottet ser däremot sällan ut så. Effekterna av det sänkta skuldkravet bör därmed vara en marginell effektivitetsökning och en något försämrad rättssäkerhet. Detta borde ha förutsetts och motverkats. Sexköpare vet initialt att de begår en kriminaliserad handling som riskerar att motsvara sexköp av barn. Denna särskilda karaktär på brottet borde alltid beaktas som en relevant omständighet som ensamt ålägger en kontrollskyldighet för köparen. Detta skulle i större utsträckning garantera den effektivitet som eftersträvades med lagändringen. För att kompensera för rättssäkerheten kan en tydlig norm utformas för hur sexköpare kan och bör komma till insikt om ålder. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Akbarian, Azar LU
alternative title
The rule of negligence in the sixth chapter thirteenth paragraph of the Swedish Criminal Code in the assessment of exploitation of a child through the purchase of a sexual act and whether it is effective enough and compatible with the rule of law
JURM02 20201
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
criminal law, exploitation of a child through the purchase of a sexual act, negligence, sixth chapter thirteenth paragraph, the Swedish Criminal Code, children's right's, exploitation of children, criminal justice protection, effectivity, rule of law, body development, child prostitution
date added to LUP
2020-06-15 11:50:35
date last changed
2020-06-15 11:50:35
  abstract     = {{In January 2020 the range of punishment for exploitation of a child through the purchase of a sexual act got stricter. The reasoning behind the change was to strengthen the criminal justice protection for these children. Exploitation of a child through the purchase of a sexual act is associated with a low prosecution frequency. An explanation for this has been that the rule of negligence in the sixth chapter thirteenth paragraph of the Swedish Criminal Code - that is applicable to several sexual offences against children - was particularly difficult to prove for older children. As a result of this perpetrators often were prosecuted for purchase of sexual services instead and never became liable to pay damages. The rule of negligence got stricter in July 2018. Consultation bodies for children's rights claimed that the change would not be enough for this specific crime. The context for exploiting a child through the purchase of a sexual act normally leads to a lack of reliable information and a limited contact between the parties before physically meeting. This results in there being few circumstances to take into account in the assessments. It is particularly difficult to prove insight or suspicion based on body development when the seller is as old as fifteen to seventeen years old. Children enter puberty at an earlier age nowadays.

These children have a problematic circumstance of life in common and risk being seriously abused and suffering long term mental effects. They are in need of protection but the question is if the criminal justice protection is sufficient. The purpose of this paper is to interpret the rule of negligence for this crime specifically and to determine whether it is effective enough and compatible with the rule of law.

The results are the following. The adjudication process is not fully compatible with the legislative history. The rule of negligence is mitigated and the assessment is widened to consider all relevant circumstances. A child’s body development is still a relevant circumstance but is neither superior or subordinate and can solely be enough to fulfill the evidentiary requirement. Body development is a legal concept that includes appearances, general development and impressions. An obligation for the perpetrator to verify age arises when there are enough circumstances that indicate that the seller is a minor. The assessment of asked questions is not as uniform, and can be interpreted for or against liability. The changed rule of negligence increases the effectiveness and rule of law for exploitation of a child through the purchase of a sexual act when there are several circumstances to take into account. This is typically not the case in this offence. The effects must therefore be a marginal increase of effectiveness and a small decrease in the rule of law. This should have been predicted and counteracted by the legislator. Purchasers of sexual acts initially know that they are committing a criminal act that can correspond to the exploitation of a child through the purchase of a sexual act. This particular nature of the offence should be considered as a relevant circumstance that always brings an obligation for the perpetrator to verify age. That would better guarantee the effectiveness which was the initial purpose of the amendment of the law. The damage on the rule of law could be compensated with a norm of how purchasers of sexual acts could proceed to realise the true age.}},
  author       = {{Akbarian, Azar}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Hur aktsam kan en sexköpare förväntas vara? - Om innebörden av aktsamhetskravet i 6 kap. 13 § BrB när sexköp av barn i 6 kap. 9 § BrB bedöms och dess förenlighet med effektivitets- och rättssäkerhetshänsyn}},
  year         = {{2020}},