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Barnets rätt till (mer än en) familj – Intresseavvägning mellan återförening och stabilitet vid upphörande av vård enligt LVU

Hansen, Karla LU (2020) LAGF03 20201
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
När socialtjänsten beslutar att omhänderta ett barn och placera det i ett familjehem innebär det ett allvarligt ingrepp i barnets liv. För vissa barn kan beslutet om att samhällsvården ska upphöra dock få lika ingripande konsekvenser. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur tvångsomhändertagna barns rätt till familj tillgodoses när en familjehemsplacering ska avslutas. Arbetet utgår från frågeställningen om hur regleringen av upphörande av vård enligt lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga (LVU) förhåller sig till det omhändertagna barnets rätt till familj. Frågeställningen besvaras med hjälp av rättsdogmatisk metod och belyses ur ett barnrättsperspektiv. I uppsatsen konstateras att den sociala barn- och ungdomsvården... (More)
När socialtjänsten beslutar att omhänderta ett barn och placera det i ett familjehem innebär det ett allvarligt ingrepp i barnets liv. För vissa barn kan beslutet om att samhällsvården ska upphöra dock få lika ingripande konsekvenser. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur tvångsomhändertagna barns rätt till familj tillgodoses när en familjehemsplacering ska avslutas. Arbetet utgår från frågeställningen om hur regleringen av upphörande av vård enligt lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga (LVU) förhåller sig till det omhändertagna barnets rätt till familj. Frågeställningen besvaras med hjälp av rättsdogmatisk metod och belyses ur ett barnrättsperspektiv. I uppsatsen konstateras att den sociala barn- och ungdomsvården genomsyras av grundprincipen att vården inte ska pågå längre tid än nödvändigt och att ett barn som omhändertagits så småningom ska återförenas med sin familj. Intresset av återförening kan dock komma i konflikt med barnets behov av stabilitet som också är en målsättning inom samhällsvården. Om barnet är väldigt litet när det placeras eller har bott i familjehemmet väldigt länge kan det vara barnets bästa att barnet får stanna i familjehemmet. Den svenska regleringen upprätthåller dock en sträng gräns mellan prövningen huruvida det finns ett fortsatt vårdbehov och prövningen om barnets bästa motiverar att barnet får stanna i familjehemmet. Prövningarna görs utifrån skilda bestämmelser och i olika processer. Den här lagkonstruktionen är problematisk eftersom den innebär en risk för att avvägningen mellan intresset av återförening och barnets behov av stabilitet blir ofullständig. Det kan i sin tur stå i strid med de krav som följer av barnets rätt till familj. (Less)
The decision to take a child into public care and place it in a foster home means a serious interference in a child’s life. However, to some children, the decision to terminate the care could mean just as much an interference. The purpose of the thesis is to examine the right to family for children in compulsory care when a placement in a foster home is to be terminated. The thesis investigates how the legislation of the termination of care, pursuant to the 1990 Act with Special Provisions on the Care of Young Persons, corresponds to the child’s right to family. The method used is the legal dogmatic method and the question is examined from the child-rights perspective. According to the conclusions of the thesis the child welfare care is... (More)
The decision to take a child into public care and place it in a foster home means a serious interference in a child’s life. However, to some children, the decision to terminate the care could mean just as much an interference. The purpose of the thesis is to examine the right to family for children in compulsory care when a placement in a foster home is to be terminated. The thesis investigates how the legislation of the termination of care, pursuant to the 1990 Act with Special Provisions on the Care of Young Persons, corresponds to the child’s right to family. The method used is the legal dogmatic method and the question is examined from the child-rights perspective. According to the conclusions of the thesis the child welfare care is based on the guiding principle that a care order should be terminated as soon as circumstances permit and that the child should be reunited with its family. However there could be a conflict between the interest of family reunification and the interest of the child to develop in a sound environment (the second interest also being a general principle for the child welfare care). If the child is very young when taken into care or has lived with its foster family for a considerable period of time it might be in the child’s best interests to stay with its foster family. However the legislation strictly separates the examination of whether the circumstances which caused the care order still exist, from the examination of whether it is in the best interests of the child to stay with its foster family. The examinations are regulated in different provisions and judged in separate judicial proceedings. This design of the legislation is problematic since it means a risk that the balance which has to be struck between the interest of family reunification and the interest of the child to stay with its foster family is not sufficient. That in turn could contradict the child’s right to family. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Hansen, Karla LU
LAGF03 20201
M2 - Bachelor Degree
socialrätt, tvångsvård
date added to LUP
2020-09-18 11:37:06
date last changed
2020-09-18 11:37:06
  abstract     = {{The decision to take a child into public care and place it in a foster home means a serious interference in a child’s life. However, to some children, the decision to terminate the care could mean just as much an interference. The purpose of the thesis is to examine the right to family for children in compulsory care when a placement in a foster home is to be terminated. The thesis investigates how the legislation of the termination of care, pursuant to the 1990 Act with Special Provisions on the Care of Young Persons, corresponds to the child’s right to family. The method used is the legal dogmatic method and the question is examined from the child-rights perspective. According to the conclusions of the thesis the child welfare care is based on the guiding principle that a care order should be terminated as soon as circumstances permit and that the child should be reunited with its family. However there could be a conflict between the interest of family reunification and the interest of the child to develop in a sound environment (the second interest also being a general principle for the child welfare care). If the child is very young when taken into care or has lived with its foster family for a considerable period of time it might be in the child’s best interests to stay with its foster family. However the legislation strictly separates the examination of whether the circumstances which caused the care order still exist, from the examination of whether it is in the best interests of the child to stay with its foster family. The examinations are regulated in different provisions and judged in separate judicial proceedings. This design of the legislation is problematic since it means a risk that the balance which has to be struck between the interest of family reunification and the interest of the child to stay with its foster family is not sufficient. That in turn could contradict the child’s right to family.}},
  author       = {{Hansen, Karla}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Barnets rätt till (mer än en) familj – Intresseavvägning mellan återförening och stabilitet vid upphörande av vård enligt LVU}},
  year         = {{2020}},