Varför halkar vi efter? – Dagens tillämpning av delningsekonomi inom fastighetsbranschen
(2020) VFTM01 20201Real Estate Science
- Abstract
- The aim of this thesis was to research the current status of shared space use. Furthermore, this thesis also aimed to investigate the potential and challenges related to sharing economy in the real estate sector. The thesis focused mainly on existing buildings in Sweden. The aim was to answer the following two research questions:
1. How is sharing economy used in the real estate industry?
2. What challenges lies ahead of the real estate industry regarding shared use in relation to different stakeholder’s business models?
The study was devised on the basis of a literature study from different databases, books and online commercial and scientific articles. Qualitative data were collected through interviews and field studies in Malmö,... (More) - The aim of this thesis was to research the current status of shared space use. Furthermore, this thesis also aimed to investigate the potential and challenges related to sharing economy in the real estate sector. The thesis focused mainly on existing buildings in Sweden. The aim was to answer the following two research questions:
1. How is sharing economy used in the real estate industry?
2. What challenges lies ahead of the real estate industry regarding shared use in relation to different stakeholder’s business models?
The study was devised on the basis of a literature study from different databases, books and online commercial and scientific articles. Qualitative data were collected through interviews and field studies in Malmö, Gothenburg and Stockholm. Four different case studies were chosen through subjective sampling in which commercial premises had been combined with other uses. In order to highlight the challenges and success factors from different perspectives, case studies come from both non-profit and profit business models. Interviews were conducted with different stakeholders in order to create a comprehensive view of the collaborative consumption and shared use.
Space sharing in the public sector, which is a non-profit business model, can be traced back to the transfer of activity sites from out-of-school care and recreation to educational properties in order to make the use of space more efficient. Commercial spaces were primarily shared through coworking or multifunctional buildings. Sharing could be done through different time slots or collaborative use of spaces. In the public sector, it was more common that the sharing was through turn-taking in the time dimension. Thus, the public sector divides the space use by time and the private sector by collaborative use of spaces and colocation. There were many incentives for different stakeholders to undertake collaborative use and share spaces. Among the strongest driving forces were the synergies that occurred when under-utilized spaces were being shared, i.e. business opportunities, economical efficiency, and social sustainability.
The lack of insurance services limits users’ sharing possibilities of their spaces as there is a lack of trust. In the public sector, this has been approached by dividing the responsibilities for damages on the property and associated costs according to the business hours of the different administrations. The property owner had the primary responsibility for the premises and the administrations were responsible for their own attachments. Similar principle applied to the private sector where the property owner’s insurance covered spaces that were shared between tenants. The property owners assumed that all businesses have their own insurances.
Zoning plans complicated the flexibility of use over time as they are legally binding. This means that the municipality is a key player that can promote and enable sharing by using their planning monopoly. Flexible zoning plans allow for new utilizations and joint utilizations for existing properties.
One conclusion from the study was that the different stakeholders in the real estate industry need to cooperate for sharing to become the norm. Existing legislation and regulations for rent, tax and insurance need to be investigated. Furthermore, such legislation and regulations need to be clarified to remove ambiguity that exist for shared usage. It is also important to take people’s behavior in consideration and look at what can be done in the municipalities’ planning processes. Tenants demand more flexible office solutions regarding the length of contracts and the possibility to both scale up and scale down the office when needed. The occurrence of flexible contracts has been declined as a consequence of present regulations due to contract duration and protection of the tenant. Furthermore, the Council for Advance Tax Rulings should define the definition of coworking in order to set guidelines for the real estate industry, and this could have an impact on coworking in Sweden. For members of coworking, whether coworking is counted as a service or as a rent, this could change their rights of occupancy and their rights for notice of contract termination.
The master thesis came to the conclusion that digitalization would permeate the development of the real estate industry towards more efficient use of space. Digitalization is a prerequisite for the sharing of spaces to grow and to be established in the real estate industry. The practical barriers for shared use are often about providing access, administration and matching of supply and demand, which are problems that can be solved through digitalization.
Finally, a key challenge of sharing is changing the sharing culture and human behavior. If the trend goes towards users preferring access rather than ownership, shared use will be further demanded in the future. (Less) - Abstract (Swedish)
- Syftet med examensarbetet är att ta reda på hur delning av lokaler fungerar idag och undersöka potential samt de utmaningar som föreligger för att kunna etablera delningsekonomi inom fastighetsbranschen. Studien har främst fokuserat på det befintliga fastighetsbeståndet i Sverige. Syftet uppnås genom att besvara följande två frågor:
1. Hur används delningsekonomi inom fastighetsbranschen idag?
2. Vilka utmaningar föreligger idag inom fastighetsbranschen för delad användning av ytor, utifrån olika aktörers affärsmodeller?
Teorin bygger på litteraturstudien som har hämtats från databaser, böcker och internet. Kvalitativa data har samlats in från intervjuer och studiebesök i Malmö, Göteborg och Stockholm. Genom subjektivt urval har... (More) - Syftet med examensarbetet är att ta reda på hur delning av lokaler fungerar idag och undersöka potential samt de utmaningar som föreligger för att kunna etablera delningsekonomi inom fastighetsbranschen. Studien har främst fokuserat på det befintliga fastighetsbeståndet i Sverige. Syftet uppnås genom att besvara följande två frågor:
1. Hur används delningsekonomi inom fastighetsbranschen idag?
2. Vilka utmaningar föreligger idag inom fastighetsbranschen för delad användning av ytor, utifrån olika aktörers affärsmodeller?
Teorin bygger på litteraturstudien som har hämtats från databaser, böcker och internet. Kvalitativa data har samlats in från intervjuer och studiebesök i Malmö, Göteborg och Stockholm. Genom subjektivt urval har fyra olika fallstudier tagits fram där lokaler har kombinerats med andra användningsområden. För att belysa utmaningar och framgångsfaktorer från olika perspektiv kommer fallstudier från både icke-vinstdrivande och vinstdrivande aktörer. Intervjuer av olika personer med olika roller valdes för att skapa en omfattande uppfattning för samnyttjande och delning av ytor.
Delning av ytor inom kommunal verksamhet kan spåras långt tillbaka i tiden där fritidsverksamheter flyttades till skollokaler för att effektivisera användningen av ytan. Idag delas kommersiella lokaler mellan hyresgäster främst genom coworking och multifunktionella byggnationer. Delningen kan ske efter tidsuppdelning eller samnyttjande av yta. Inom offentlig sektor är det betydligt vanligare att användningen sker växelvis, det vill säga delning delas upp efter tid medan hos privatsektor sker delning genom nyttjande av gemensam yta eller samlokalisering. Det finns många incitament varför olika aktörer samnyttjar och delar av lokaler. Bland de starkaste drivkrafterna är synergieffekter som uppstår när underutnyttjade lokaler delas, till exempel kan det vara affärsnyttor, ekonomisk effektivitet och social hållbarhet.
Studien har kommit fram till att fastighetsbranschens samtliga aktörer behöver samverka, utreda och klargöra begränsningarna som finns i dagens hyreslag, moms, försäkringslösningar, beteenden och planprocesser. Hyresgäster efterfrågar alltmer efter flexibla kontorslösningar sett från längden på hyreskontrakt och möjlighet till att skala upp och ner i kontorsyta. Dagens hyreslags bestämmelser begränsar delningens flexibilitet i tids- och rumsdimension. Vidare behöver branschen få besked för definitionen av coworking från Skatterättsnämnden för att kunna anpassa hyresnivån efter kostnader vilket kan vara avgörande för coworkings framtid. Från hyresgästens perspektiv innebär det en fråga om coworking ska ses som tjänsteutnyttjande eller som upplåtelse av yta. Detta kan påverka hyresgästerna beträffande exempelvis uppsägningstiden och besittningsskyddet.
Bristen på försäkringsprodukter begränsar användarnas delningsmöjligheter då tillit behöver skapas för att delning av ytor ska kunna ske. Ansvarsfördelning är reglerad efter verksamhetstiden hos offentliga sektorn där fastighetsägaren har det primära ansvaret för lokalen och verksamheter ansvarar för sina egna tillbehör. Liknande princip gäller det för privata sektorn där fastighetsägarens försäkring täcker utrymmen som delas mellan hyresgästerna. Det är förutsatt att alla verksamheter har egna försäkringar.
Detaljplanen försvårar användningens flexibilitet över tid eftersom planerna oftast inte är flexibla i användning eller tid. Det innebär att kommunen kommer vara en nyckelaktör som kan främja och möjliggöra delning genom använda sina verktyg. Flexibla detaljplaner möjliggör nya användningsområden och kombinerade användningar för befintliga fastigheter.
Studien landar i att digitalisering kommer att genomsyra fastighetsbranschens utveckling mot effektivisering av ytanvändning. Lokaldelningar brukar kräva mobila arbetssätt då anställda förväntas att frångå sina fasta arbetsplatser. Digitalisering är en förutsättning för att delning av lokaler ska kunna växa och etableras i fastighetsbranschen. De praktiska hindren kring delning handlar ofta om att ge åtkomst, administration samt matchning av utbud och efterfrågan vilket är problem som kan lösas genom digitalisering.
Slutligen är delningens största utmaning att förändra delningskulturen och människans beteenden. Om utveckling går mot åtkomst istället för besittningsrätt eller äganderätt kommer delning av ytor att efterfrågas ytterligare i framtiden. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Dang, Thi Xuan Loi LU and Huntley, Samuel LU
- supervisor
- Riikka Kyrö LU
- organization
- alternative title
- Why are we lagging behind? Current state of sharing economy in the real estate sector
- course
- VFTM01 20201
- year
- 2020
- type
- H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
- subject
- keywords
- Delningsekonomi, underutnyttjade resurser, samlokalisering, samnyttjande, kommersiella fastigheter, multifunktionella byggnader, coworking, flexibilitet, befintliga byggnader, Sharing economy, underutilized resources, co-location, shared-use, commercial real estate, multifunctional buildings, flexibility, existing buildings
- other publication id
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 9012142
- date added to LUP
- 2020-06-10 13:17:54
- date last changed
- 2020-06-10 13:17:54
@misc{9012142, abstract = {{The aim of this thesis was to research the current status of shared space use. Furthermore, this thesis also aimed to investigate the potential and challenges related to sharing economy in the real estate sector. The thesis focused mainly on existing buildings in Sweden. The aim was to answer the following two research questions: 1. How is sharing economy used in the real estate industry? 2. What challenges lies ahead of the real estate industry regarding shared use in relation to different stakeholder’s business models? The study was devised on the basis of a literature study from different databases, books and online commercial and scientific articles. Qualitative data were collected through interviews and field studies in Malmö, Gothenburg and Stockholm. Four different case studies were chosen through subjective sampling in which commercial premises had been combined with other uses. In order to highlight the challenges and success factors from different perspectives, case studies come from both non-profit and profit business models. Interviews were conducted with different stakeholders in order to create a comprehensive view of the collaborative consumption and shared use. Space sharing in the public sector, which is a non-profit business model, can be traced back to the transfer of activity sites from out-of-school care and recreation to educational properties in order to make the use of space more efficient. Commercial spaces were primarily shared through coworking or multifunctional buildings. Sharing could be done through different time slots or collaborative use of spaces. In the public sector, it was more common that the sharing was through turn-taking in the time dimension. Thus, the public sector divides the space use by time and the private sector by collaborative use of spaces and colocation. There were many incentives for different stakeholders to undertake collaborative use and share spaces. Among the strongest driving forces were the synergies that occurred when under-utilized spaces were being shared, i.e. business opportunities, economical efficiency, and social sustainability. The lack of insurance services limits users’ sharing possibilities of their spaces as there is a lack of trust. In the public sector, this has been approached by dividing the responsibilities for damages on the property and associated costs according to the business hours of the different administrations. The property owner had the primary responsibility for the premises and the administrations were responsible for their own attachments. Similar principle applied to the private sector where the property owner’s insurance covered spaces that were shared between tenants. The property owners assumed that all businesses have their own insurances. Zoning plans complicated the flexibility of use over time as they are legally binding. This means that the municipality is a key player that can promote and enable sharing by using their planning monopoly. Flexible zoning plans allow for new utilizations and joint utilizations for existing properties. One conclusion from the study was that the different stakeholders in the real estate industry need to cooperate for sharing to become the norm. Existing legislation and regulations for rent, tax and insurance need to be investigated. Furthermore, such legislation and regulations need to be clarified to remove ambiguity that exist for shared usage. It is also important to take people’s behavior in consideration and look at what can be done in the municipalities’ planning processes. Tenants demand more flexible office solutions regarding the length of contracts and the possibility to both scale up and scale down the office when needed. The occurrence of flexible contracts has been declined as a consequence of present regulations due to contract duration and protection of the tenant. Furthermore, the Council for Advance Tax Rulings should define the definition of coworking in order to set guidelines for the real estate industry, and this could have an impact on coworking in Sweden. For members of coworking, whether coworking is counted as a service or as a rent, this could change their rights of occupancy and their rights for notice of contract termination. The master thesis came to the conclusion that digitalization would permeate the development of the real estate industry towards more efficient use of space. Digitalization is a prerequisite for the sharing of spaces to grow and to be established in the real estate industry. The practical barriers for shared use are often about providing access, administration and matching of supply and demand, which are problems that can be solved through digitalization. Finally, a key challenge of sharing is changing the sharing culture and human behavior. If the trend goes towards users preferring access rather than ownership, shared use will be further demanded in the future.}}, author = {{Dang, Thi Xuan Loi and Huntley, Samuel}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Varför halkar vi efter? – Dagens tillämpning av delningsekonomi inom fastighetsbranschen}}, year = {{2020}}, }