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Byggemenskaper i tidiga skeden

Nordell, Klara LU and Bergmark, Margareta (2020) VFTM01 20201
Real Estate Science
Abstract (Swedish)
Sverige präglas idag av en låg nyproduktion av bostäder trots att det finns en ökande och stark efterfrågan. Bostadsmarknaden domineras till stor del av ett fåtal större kommersiella byggherrar och de producerade bostäderna är tämligen homogena.

Boverket konstaterar att det krävs nya sätt för att möta en ökande efterfrågan på variation från konsumenter på bostadsmarknaden. Under senare år har ett alternativt förfarande framträtt allt mer som går under namnet Byggemenskap. En byggemenskap definieras som en grupp människor som utifrån sina egna ambitioner tillsammans planerar, låter bygga och använder en byggnad. Byggemenskaper är en väletablerad organisationsform på den tyska bostadsmarknaden, men finns än så länge endast i en låg... (More)
Sverige präglas idag av en låg nyproduktion av bostäder trots att det finns en ökande och stark efterfrågan. Bostadsmarknaden domineras till stor del av ett fåtal större kommersiella byggherrar och de producerade bostäderna är tämligen homogena.

Boverket konstaterar att det krävs nya sätt för att möta en ökande efterfrågan på variation från konsumenter på bostadsmarknaden. Under senare år har ett alternativt förfarande framträtt allt mer som går under namnet Byggemenskap. En byggemenskap definieras som en grupp människor som utifrån sina egna ambitioner tillsammans planerar, låter bygga och använder en byggnad. Byggemenskaper är en väletablerad organisationsform på den tyska bostadsmarknaden, men finns än så länge endast i en låg utsträckning i Sverige.

Syftet med examensarbetet är att identifiera och avhjälpa de svårigheter som
byggemenskaper möts av på den svenska bostadsmarknaden med fokus på
genomförandeprocessen i tidiga skeden. För att kunna besvara frågeställningarna har en kvalitativ studie tillämpats som metod vilken innefattar en litteraturstudie, enkätstudie samt en intervjustudie. Studien är avgränsad till att avse de tidiga skedena i processen för genomförandet med ett fokus på initiering, markåtkomst och finansiering.

Den framtagna enkäten skickades ut till Sveriges alla kommuner med ett syfte att göra en enklare kartläggning av kommunernas intresse för och arbete med
byggemenskaper. Det framgår att majoriteten av kommunerna känner till företeelsen byggemenskaper, men att det är få som har tagit aktiva ställningstaganden för att främja etablering av byggemenskaper inom kommunen. Intervjustudien genomfördes i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer, där fyra kommuner och fyra byggemenskaper intervjuades. Gemensamma utmaningar som identifieras är långa processer, finansieringssvårigheter, brist på kunskap om byggprocessen samt att gruppens medlemmar varierar under processen. Vidare framgår det att markåtkomsten främst har möjliggjorts genom direktanvisningar och att kommunerna har behövt en flexibel inställning till att processen har en annan form än i traditionella projekt. För att underlätta genomförandet för byggemenskaper i tidiga skeden har ett antal nyckelfaktorer identifierats, bland annat: att markanvisning sker på färdig detaljplan, att markanvisning föregås av en markreservation och att byggemenskapen guidas av en projektlots.
Slutligen kan det konstateras att genomförandet för byggemenskaper i tidiga skeden kräver ett stort engagemang från medlemmarna i byggemenskapen samt att
kommunen är positivt inställd och har möjlighet att vara flexibel i processen. Själva genomförandet för byggemenskaper är en komplex process som inte underlättas av dagens regler och rutiner. Däremot finns det drivkrafter som visar på ett ökat intresse för byggemenskaper som ett komplement på bostadsmarknaden i Sverige. (Less)
The housing market in Sweden is characterized by a relatively low production of
housing even though there is a great demand for it. The housing market is dominated by a few large commercial building companies and their products are quite homogeneous. The Swedish National Board of Housing (Boverket) has confirmed that new strategies are needed to address the increasing public demand for variation in the housing market.
In recent years a new method of developing housing, known as Private Building
Groups, has emerged within the Swedish housing market. A private building group
consists of a group of people who, together form an ambition, to plan, build and use a building. Private building groups are well established in the German housing... (More)
The housing market in Sweden is characterized by a relatively low production of
housing even though there is a great demand for it. The housing market is dominated by a few large commercial building companies and their products are quite homogeneous. The Swedish National Board of Housing (Boverket) has confirmed that new strategies are needed to address the increasing public demand for variation in the housing market.
In recent years a new method of developing housing, known as Private Building
Groups, has emerged within the Swedish housing market. A private building group
consists of a group of people who, together form an ambition, to plan, build and use a building. Private building groups are well established in the German housing market. In Sweden private building groups have only been established in a few places in the country.
The purpose of this thesis is to identify and propose solutions to the difficulties that private building groups face in Sweden during the early stages of the building process. In order to answer the question at issue a qualitative method has been used which includes a literature study, a survey study and interviews. The scope of this thesis is limited to the early stages of the implementation process with a focus on initiation, land access, and financing.
The survey was sent to all of Sweden's municipalities with the outcome that the
majority of the municipalities are familiar with the concept of private building groups. However, there are only a few that actively work to establish private building groups as part of their housing strategy.
The interviews led to the understanding that the process for each private building group is quite different. Nevertheless, it was possible to identify common challenges such as long processes, financial struggles, the limitation of knowledge regarding the exploiting process, and that members of the group change during the process. It has become clear that the interest and support from the municipality is an important factor for a successful implementation.
Finally, it is possible to conclude that being a part of a private building group it requires lot of commitment from the members along with support from the
municipality. The implementation process for private building groups is complex and today´s regulations and processes are not particularly in favor for them. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Nordell, Klara LU and Bergmark, Margareta
alternative title
Private building groups in early stages
VFTM01 20201
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Byggemenskaper, markexploatering, tidiga skeden, markanvisning, kommun, byggherre
other publication id
date added to LUP
2020-06-11 11:26:20
date last changed
2020-06-11 11:26:20
  abstract     = {{The housing market in Sweden is characterized by a relatively low production of
housing even though there is a great demand for it. The housing market is dominated by a few large commercial building companies and their products are quite homogeneous. The Swedish National Board of Housing (Boverket) has confirmed that new strategies are needed to address the increasing public demand for variation in the housing market.
In recent years a new method of developing housing, known as Private Building
Groups, has emerged within the Swedish housing market. A private building group
consists of a group of people who, together form an ambition, to plan, build and use a building. Private building groups are well established in the German housing market. In Sweden private building groups have only been established in a few places in the country.
The purpose of this thesis is to identify and propose solutions to the difficulties that private building groups face in Sweden during the early stages of the building process. In order to answer the question at issue a qualitative method has been used which includes a literature study, a survey study and interviews. The scope of this thesis is limited to the early stages of the implementation process with a focus on initiation, land access, and financing.
The survey was sent to all of Sweden's municipalities with the outcome that the
majority of the municipalities are familiar with the concept of private building groups. However, there are only a few that actively work to establish private building groups as part of their housing strategy.
The interviews led to the understanding that the process for each private building group is quite different. Nevertheless, it was possible to identify common challenges such as long processes, financial struggles, the limitation of knowledge regarding the exploiting process, and that members of the group change during the process. It has become clear that the interest and support from the municipality is an important factor for a successful implementation.
Finally, it is possible to conclude that being a part of a private building group it requires lot of commitment from the members along with support from the
municipality. The implementation process for private building groups is complex and today´s regulations and processes are not particularly in favor for them.}},
  author       = {{Nordell, Klara and Bergmark, Margareta}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Byggemenskaper i tidiga skeden}},
  year         = {{2020}},