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Klubba, Puck och Eget Kapital

Öberg, Lukas LU ; Lundquist, Oscar LU and Sandahl, Erik LU (2020) FEKH69 20201
Department of Business Administration
Abstract (Swedish)
Titel: Klubba, Puck och Eget kapital - En rapport om Svenska Ishockeyförbundets ekonomiska licenskrav
Seminariedatum: 2020-06-03
Kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete i redovisning, Företagsekonomi, 15 högskolepoäng
Författare: Oscar Lundquist, Erik Sandahl & Lukas Öberg
Handledare: Gert Paulsson
Nyckelord: Ishockey, licenskrav, eget kapital, nyckeltal, konkursprediktion, effektivitet.

Syfte: Denna uppsats syftar till att skapa en djupare förståelse för förhållandet mellan konkursprediktion, finansiella nyckeltal samt ekonomisk stabilitet. Detta konkretiseras genom att undersöka hur väl Svenska Ishockeyförbundets ekonomiska licenskrav, i jämförelse med andra branscher, är kopplade till ekonomisk teori om konkursprediktion och effektivitet.... (More)
Titel: Klubba, Puck och Eget kapital - En rapport om Svenska Ishockeyförbundets ekonomiska licenskrav
Seminariedatum: 2020-06-03
Kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete i redovisning, Företagsekonomi, 15 högskolepoäng
Författare: Oscar Lundquist, Erik Sandahl & Lukas Öberg
Handledare: Gert Paulsson
Nyckelord: Ishockey, licenskrav, eget kapital, nyckeltal, konkursprediktion, effektivitet.

Syfte: Denna uppsats syftar till att skapa en djupare förståelse för förhållandet mellan konkursprediktion, finansiella nyckeltal samt ekonomisk stabilitet. Detta konkretiseras genom att undersöka hur väl Svenska Ishockeyförbundets ekonomiska licenskrav, i jämförelse med andra branscher, är kopplade till ekonomisk teori om konkursprediktion och effektivitet.

Teoretisk referensram: Z-score modell (Altman, 2000), Ohlson O-modell (Ohlson, 1980), What you measure is what you get (Kaplan & Norton, 1992), Nyckeltalsanalys (SRF, 2016), Effektivitetsteori (Bruzelius & Skärvad, 2017).

Metod: Rapporten utgör en kvalitativ studie, där empirin insamlats främst från intervjuer men även sekundärdata i form av branschspecifika dokument.

Slutsats: Svenska Ishockeyförbundets ekonomiska licenskrav överensstämmer i viss mån med ekonomisk teori om konkursprediktion. Det egna kapitalkravet innebär att föreningarna upprätthåller en buffert för att motverka stora konsekvenser från förlustår, och likviditetskravet ger en indikation på den kortsiktiga betalningsförmågan. Dagens licenskrav missar dock att ta hänsyn till vissa viktiga parametrar som presenteras i teorin om konkursprediktion. Dagens krav tar varken hänsyn till skuldernas storlek i förhållande till det egna kapitalet eller ishockeyföreningarnas lönsamhet. Kraven tar heller ingen hänsyn till trender. De andra branschernas licensprövning, som använder en mer sammanvägd bedömning, kan möjligtvis ses som ett bättre alternativ för att säkerställa de svenska ishockeyföreningarnas ekonomiska stabilitet. Det är vidare svårt att avgöra om SIF:s ekonomiska licenskrav gett en effekt som överensstämmer med syftet att säkerställa föreningarnas ekonomiska stabilitet. Det kan finnas en reell effekt av kraven, men den teoretiska effekten av kraven är svag. Grunden till detta ligger i att de nuvarande kraven inte behandlar tillräckligt många parametrar inom konkursprediktion för att säkerställa ekonomisk stabilitet. (Less)
Title: Stick, Puck and Shareholders' Equity - A report of the Swedish Ice Hockey Association's financial license requirements
Seminar date: 2020-06-03
Course: FEKH69, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, 15 ECTS
Authors: Oscar Lundquist, Erik Sandahl & Lukas Öberg
Advisor: Gert Paulsson
Key words: Ice Hockey, license requirements, shareholders' equity, financial ratios, bankruptcy prediction, efficiency.

Purpose: This report aims to create a deeper understanding of the relationship between bankruptcy prediction, financial ratios and financial stability. This is concretized by examining how well the Swedish Ice Hockey Association's financial license requirements, in comparison with other industries, are... (More)
Title: Stick, Puck and Shareholders' Equity - A report of the Swedish Ice Hockey Association's financial license requirements
Seminar date: 2020-06-03
Course: FEKH69, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, 15 ECTS
Authors: Oscar Lundquist, Erik Sandahl & Lukas Öberg
Advisor: Gert Paulsson
Key words: Ice Hockey, license requirements, shareholders' equity, financial ratios, bankruptcy prediction, efficiency.

Purpose: This report aims to create a deeper understanding of the relationship between bankruptcy prediction, financial ratios and financial stability. This is concretized by examining how well the Swedish Ice Hockey Association's financial license requirements, in comparison with other industries, are linked to economic theory of bankruptcy prediction and efficiency.

Theoretical perspectives: Z-score model (Altman, 2000), Ohlson O-model (Ohlson, 1980), What you measure is what you get (Kaplan & Norton, 1992), Financial ratio analysis (SRF, 2016), Efficiency theory (Bruzelius & Skärvad, 2017).

Methodology: The report applies a qualitative research strategy, where the empirical data was collected mainly from interviews but also from secondary sources consisting of industry-specific documents.

Conclusion: The Swedish Ice Hockey Association's financial license requirements are to some extent consistent with economic theory of bankruptcy prediction. The shareholders' equity requirement means that the clubs maintain a buffer to counter large consequences from losses, and the liquidity requirement gives an indication of the short-term ability to pay. However, today's licensing requirements fail to take into account some important aspects presented in the theory of bankruptcy prediction. Today's requirements do not take into account the size of the debt in relation to shareholders' equity, nor the profitability of ice hockey clubs. The requirements do not consider trends. The other industries' license testing, which uses a broader more weighted assessment, could possibly be seen as a better alternative for ensuring the financial stability of the Swedish ice hockey clubs. It is difficult to determine if SIF's financial license requirements have produced an effect that is consistent with the purpose of ensuring the financial stability of the Swedish ice hockey clubs. There may be a real effect of the requirements, but the theoretical effect of the requirements is weak. The reason for this is due to the fact that the current requirements do not consider enough aspects of bankruptcy prediction to ensure financial stability. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Öberg, Lukas LU ; Lundquist, Oscar LU and Sandahl, Erik LU
FEKH69 20201
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Ishockey, licenskrav, eget kapital, nyckeltal, konkursprediktion, effektivitet.
date added to LUP
2020-07-10 11:52:19
date last changed
2020-07-10 11:52:19
  abstract     = {{Title: Stick, Puck and Shareholders' Equity - A report of the Swedish Ice Hockey Association's financial license requirements 
Seminar date: 2020-06-03
Course: FEKH69, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, 15 ECTS
Authors: Oscar Lundquist, Erik Sandahl & Lukas Öberg 
Advisor: Gert Paulsson 
Key words: Ice Hockey, license requirements, shareholders' equity, financial ratios, bankruptcy prediction, efficiency. 

Purpose: This report aims to create a deeper understanding of the relationship between bankruptcy prediction, financial ratios and financial stability. This is concretized by examining how well the Swedish Ice Hockey Association's financial license requirements, in comparison with other industries, are linked to economic theory of bankruptcy prediction and efficiency.

Theoretical perspectives: Z-score model (Altman, 2000), Ohlson O-model (Ohlson, 1980), What you measure is what you get (Kaplan & Norton, 1992), Financial ratio analysis (SRF, 2016), Efficiency theory (Bruzelius & Skärvad, 2017). 

Methodology: The report applies a qualitative research strategy, where the empirical data was collected mainly from interviews but also from secondary sources consisting of industry-specific documents.

Conclusion: The Swedish Ice Hockey Association's financial license requirements are to some extent consistent with economic theory of bankruptcy prediction. The shareholders' equity requirement means that the clubs maintain a buffer to counter large consequences from losses, and the liquidity requirement gives an indication of the short-term ability to pay. However, today's licensing requirements fail to take into account some important aspects presented in the theory of bankruptcy prediction. Today's requirements do not take into account the size of the debt in relation to shareholders' equity, nor the profitability of ice hockey clubs. The requirements do not consider trends. The other industries' license testing, which uses a broader more weighted assessment, could possibly be seen as a better alternative for ensuring the financial stability of the Swedish ice hockey clubs. It is difficult to determine if SIF's financial license requirements have produced an effect that is consistent with the purpose of ensuring the financial stability of the Swedish ice hockey clubs. There may be a real effect of the requirements, but the theoretical effect of the requirements is weak. The reason for this is due to the fact that the current requirements do not consider enough aspects of bankruptcy prediction to ensure financial stability.}},
  author       = {{Öberg, Lukas and Lundquist, Oscar and Sandahl, Erik}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Klubba, Puck och Eget Kapital}},
  year         = {{2020}},