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Likadelning och pension - En studie av makars pensionsrättigheter vid bodelning i anledning av äktenskapsskillnad

Segerfelt, Louise LU (2020) JURM02 20202
Faculty of Law
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Huvudsyftet med denna framställning är att undersöka hur makars pensionsrättigheter behandlas vid en bodelning mellan makarna i anledning av äktenskapsskillnad. Fokus för uppsatsen är tjänstepension och privat pensionssparande. I syftet ingår att undersöka huruvida dagens reglering av makars pensionsrättigheter stämmer överens med likadelningsprincipen och principen om att var make svarar för sin egen försörjning efter äktenskapets upplösning. I syftet ingår även att utreda de bodelningskorrektiv som kan aktualiseras vid bodelning av makars pensionsrättigheter.

Makars pensionsrättigheter kan uppgå till stora värden och samtidigt vara ojämnt fördelade mellan makarna. I Sverige finns tre olika pensionskategorier: allmän pension,... (More)
Huvudsyftet med denna framställning är att undersöka hur makars pensionsrättigheter behandlas vid en bodelning mellan makarna i anledning av äktenskapsskillnad. Fokus för uppsatsen är tjänstepension och privat pensionssparande. I syftet ingår att undersöka huruvida dagens reglering av makars pensionsrättigheter stämmer överens med likadelningsprincipen och principen om att var make svarar för sin egen försörjning efter äktenskapets upplösning. I syftet ingår även att utreda de bodelningskorrektiv som kan aktualiseras vid bodelning av makars pensionsrättigheter.

Makars pensionsrättigheter kan uppgå till stora värden och samtidigt vara ojämnt fördelade mellan makarna. I Sverige finns tre olika pensionskategorier: allmän pension, tjänstepension och privat pensionssparande. Eftersom endast det privata pensionssparandet ingår i bodelning riskerar detta medföra skeva bodelningsresultat. Lagstiftaren har därför pekat ut vägar i form av olika bodelningskorrektiv för att motverka sådana orättvisor. I uppsatsen undersöker jag hur dessa regler, det vill säga den allmänna skevdelningsregeln, den särskilda jämkningsregeln, underhållsregleringen och regeln om vederlag, samverkar vid bodelning av makars pensionsrättigheter. Nuvarande reglering av pensionsrättigheter och bodelning infördes den 1 januari 1999. Sedan dess har förutsättningarna för pensionssparandet ändrats i vissa avseenden. Avdragsrätten för privat pensionssparande har slopats och löneväxling har blivit ett alltmer populärt alternativ för att spara till pensionen. Dessa förändringar medför en risk för att de tankar om likadelning och utjämning som ligger bakom 1999 års lagändringar sätts ur spel.

Slutsatsen är att de bodelningskorrektiv som syftar till att komma tillrätta med vad som typiskt sett anses vara oskäliga bodelningsresultat riskerar att missa situationer där en korrigering av makarnas pensionsrättigheter är eftersträvansvärd. Detta beror på reglernas snäva utformning. Eftersom särskilt kvinnor ofta behöver komplettera sin pension med privat pensionssparande riskerar detta leda till negativa konsekvenser för kvinnor som grupp betraktad. Vidare råder det en viss motsättning mellan likadelningsprincipen och principen om att var make svarar för sin försörjning efter äktenskapsskillnad genom möjligheten att utdöma underhållsbidrag till en make med svagt pensionsskydd. Ytterligare en slutsats är att nuvarande reglering har vissa brister ur ett förutsebarhetsperspektiv. Tillämpningen av skälighetsbedömningar leder till att förutsebarheten minskar och därmed ökar risken för konflikt mellan parterna. Vidare är det problematiskt för förutsebarheten att slumpartade omständigheter kan avgöra frågan huruvida en rätt till tjänstepension ska ingå eller undantas från bodelning. (Less)
The main purpose of this thesis is to examine how spouses' pension rights are treated in the event of a division of property between the spouses due to dissolution of the marriage. The focus of the thesis is the occupational pension and the private pension. The purpose further includes examining whether the current regulation of spouses' pension rights is in accordance with the principle of equal division and the principle that each spouse is responsible for his or her own maintenance after the dissolution of the marriage. The purpose also includes investigating rules that may be applied to adjust the division of property of spouses' pension rights.

Spouses' pension rights may amount to great values ​​and at the same time be unevenly... (More)
The main purpose of this thesis is to examine how spouses' pension rights are treated in the event of a division of property between the spouses due to dissolution of the marriage. The focus of the thesis is the occupational pension and the private pension. The purpose further includes examining whether the current regulation of spouses' pension rights is in accordance with the principle of equal division and the principle that each spouse is responsible for his or her own maintenance after the dissolution of the marriage. The purpose also includes investigating rules that may be applied to adjust the division of property of spouses' pension rights.

Spouses' pension rights may amount to great values ​​and at the same time be unevenly distributed between the spouses. In Sweden, there are three different pension categories; the state pension, the occupational pension and the private pension based on individual saving. Since only private pension savings are included in property division, there is a risk of uneven results of property division. The legislator has therefore pointed out different ways to counteract such injustices in the form of various rules to adjust the division of property. In this essay, I examine how these rules interact in the division of property between spouses' pension rights. The most recent modifications of the rules on the treatment of pensions saving on division of property were made January 1st, 1999. Since then, the conditions for pension savings have changed in certain respects. The right to deduct for private pension savings has been abolished and “wage exchange” have become an increasingly popular alternative in saving for pensions. These changes entail a risk that the idea of equal division that form the basis for the 1999 legislative amendments will be superseded and ineffective.

The conclusion reached in this thesis is that spouse’s possibilities to equalize their pensions rights through available adjustment rules is limited. This is due to the fact that the legislator has, in pronouncements made in preparatory work, indicated that the adjustments rules should be applied restrictively. The current framework risks missing out on situations where a correction of the spouses' pension rights typically is desirable. Since especially women need to supplement their pension with private pension savings, this risk leading to negative consequences for women as a group. Furthermore, there is a certain contradiction between the principle of equal division and the principle that each spouse is responsible for his or her own maintenance after the dissolution of the marriage. This is due to the possibility of maintenance contribution to a spouse with insufficient pension protection. Moreover, it is further concluded that the current regulation has certain shortcomings from a perspective of foreseeability. The application of judgement through reasonableness leads to a reduction in foreseeability and thus an increased risk of conflict between the parties. Furthermore, in terms of foreseeability it is problematic that random circumstances may determine the question of whether a right to occupational pension should be included or exempt from division of deferred community property. (Less)
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Segerfelt, Louise LU
JURM02 20202
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
familjerätt, pension, bodelning, löneväxling, bodelningskorrektiv, underhållsbidrag
date added to LUP
2021-01-25 11:16:48
date last changed
2021-01-25 11:16:48
  abstract     = {{The main purpose of this thesis is to examine how spouses' pension rights are treated in the event of a division of property between the spouses due to dissolution of the marriage. The focus of the thesis is the occupational pension and the private pension. The purpose further includes examining whether the current regulation of spouses' pension rights is in accordance with the principle of equal division and the principle that each spouse is responsible for his or her own maintenance after the dissolution of the marriage. The purpose also includes investigating rules that may be applied to adjust the division of property of spouses' pension rights. 

Spouses' pension rights may amount to great values ​​and at the same time be unevenly distributed between the spouses. In Sweden, there are three different pension categories; the state pension, the occupational pension and the private pension based on individual saving. Since only private pension savings are included in property division, there is a risk of uneven results of property division. The legislator has therefore pointed out different ways to counteract such injustices in the form of various rules to adjust the division of property. In this essay, I examine how these rules interact in the division of property between spouses' pension rights. The most recent modifications of the rules on the treatment of pensions saving on division of property were made January 1st, 1999. Since then, the conditions for pension savings have changed in certain respects. The right to deduct for private pension savings has been abolished and “wage exchange” have become an increasingly popular alternative in saving for pensions. These changes entail a risk that the idea of equal division that form the basis for the 1999 legislative amendments will be superseded and ineffective.

The conclusion reached in this thesis is that spouse’s possibilities to equalize their pensions rights through available adjustment rules is limited. This is due to the fact that the legislator has, in pronouncements made in preparatory work, indicated that the adjustments rules should be applied restrictively. The current framework risks missing out on situations where a correction of the spouses' pension rights typically is desirable. Since especially women need to supplement their pension with private pension savings, this risk leading to negative consequences for women as a group. Furthermore, there is a certain contradiction between the principle of equal division and the principle that each spouse is responsible for his or her own maintenance after the dissolution of the marriage. This is due to the possibility of maintenance contribution to a spouse with insufficient pension protection. Moreover, it is further concluded that the current regulation has certain shortcomings from a perspective of foreseeability. The application of judgement through reasonableness leads to a reduction in foreseeability and thus an increased risk of conflict between the parties. Furthermore, in terms of foreseeability it is problematic that random circumstances may determine the question of whether a right to occupational pension should be included or exempt from division of deferred community property.}},
  author       = {{Segerfelt, Louise}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Likadelning och pension - En studie av makars pensionsrättigheter vid bodelning i anledning av äktenskapsskillnad}},
  year         = {{2020}},