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Riskfördelning och försäkringsplikt enligt ABT 06

Wingren, Andreas LU (2020) JURM02 20202
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
In Sweden, the commercial contracting relationship is dominated by a number of standard-form contracts. For turnkey contracts, ABT 06 is usually applied. The standard-form contracts regulate, inter alia, the share of responsibilities that shall apply to a contract as well as an obligation for the contractor to keep the contract insured during a certain period of time (the compulsory insurance). The purpose of this essay is to analyse how the share of responsibilities, according to ABT 06, is affected by the compulsory insurance.

The regulation regarding the compulsory insurance in ABT 06 states that a contractor must keep two types of insurances intended for the contract during a certain period, i.e. an all-risk insurance (Sv.... (More)
In Sweden, the commercial contracting relationship is dominated by a number of standard-form contracts. For turnkey contracts, ABT 06 is usually applied. The standard-form contracts regulate, inter alia, the share of responsibilities that shall apply to a contract as well as an obligation for the contractor to keep the contract insured during a certain period of time (the compulsory insurance). The purpose of this essay is to analyse how the share of responsibilities, according to ABT 06, is affected by the compulsory insurance.

The regulation regarding the compulsory insurance in ABT 06 states that a contractor must keep two types of insurances intended for the contract during a certain period, i.e. an all-risk insurance (Sv. allriskförsäkring) and a liability insurance. The extent to which the insurances shall apply in order to fulfil the requirements as set out by the compulsory insurance is specified by an attachment to AMA AF which is defined as the minimum requirements (Sv. minimiomfattningen). ABT 06 and the minimum requirements respectively states that a company which initiates a contract (hereby defined as an employer) must be co-insured if the employer also is the developer of the contract. As co insured, the employer receives an independent right to claim the insurance without the contractor’s participation. If the contractor does not comply with requirements of the compulsory insurance, the contractor bears the risk in certain cases, e.g. the contractor may be liable to pay compensation for damage to the contract to the same extent that the insurance would have covered if it would have been valid. If the excess is set at a level that exceeds what is stated in the construction contract, the contractor is usually liable for the difference between the increased, and the agreed, excess.

During the contract period, the contractor may be liable for damage to an undelivered part of the contract. The liability is usually referred to as object responsibility (Sv. objektsansvaret eller fareansvaret). The object responsibility implies that the contractor, in general, is responsible for damage to the contract during the contract period. However, there are a few exceptions whereby the employer is responsible for the damage occurred e.g. when the damage has occurred due to the employer or in the event of force majeure.

The object responsibility is, to a large extent, insured through the all-risk insurance. The all-risk insurance applies to unforeseen physical damage or loss of property. Consequently, there is a transfer of liability for damage during the contract period from the contractor to the insurance company. In the doctrine, the contractor’s possibility to be covered by an insurance has been considered to alleviate the effects of the object responsibility. However, it has, through the investigation relating to this thesis, emerged that the object responsibility entails a greater liability than what may be covered by the insurance. Thus, the contractor cannot expect to receive compensation for all damages that have occurred during the contract period. Finally, it has, through the investigation of this thesis, been established that the insurance cover according to ABT 06 is applicable during the contract period regardless of which party that is responsible for the damage occurred.

During the contract period, the main purpose of the liability insurance is to ensure that the employer can receive compensation if a liability for damages arises.

Upon delivery of the contract, the contract period expires, and the warranty period commences. During the warranty period, the main rule is that the contractor is not responsible for damage and subsequently the risk transfers to the employer. However, the contractor is still responsible for certain defects and consequential damages. The contractor is responsible for, e.g. consequential damage to the contract that appears during the warranty period and which has arisen as a result of a fault for which the contractor is responsible in accordance with ABT 06.

The minimum requirements state that the all-risk and the liability insurance respectively shall be valid for a period of two years from the delivery of the contract. According to ABT 06, a warranty period of five years shall apply as a main rule. The discrepancy between the timing in the different regulations shall be covered by the construction contract. If the gap is not regulated by the construction contract there is a risk that the contract may not be covered by the insurance for the determined period. If a gap should arise, such gap is not in compliance with the minimum requirements.

In the investigation related to this thesis, it has also emerged that the insurance cover does not affect the share of responsibilities during the warranty period in the same way as during the contract period. During the warranty period, the insurance cover is dependent on the contractor being liable for the damage according to the rules in ABT 06. During the warranty period, the opposite applies from what applies during the contract period when the insurance cover applies regardless of the share of responsibilities in ABT 06. Instead, the insurance cover during the warranty period is dependent on the contractor being liable under ABT 06.

When the warranty period has expired, but the liability period is still in force, the contractor’s liability is further limited. The contractor is only responsible for essential defects caused by negligence. The employer also has the burden of proof for both the existence of defects and the circumstances, which the essentiality assessment is based on. An example of negligent action is if the contractor has deviated from the employer’s instructions or if the requirements for professionalism is not met. If the contractor is responsible for the defect, the liability for consequential damage may also be applicable. After the warranty period, neither ABT 06 nor the minimum requirements prescribe any obligation to keep the contract insured. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
I Sverige regleras det kommersiella entreprenadförhållandet av ett antal standardavtal och vad gäller totalentreprenader tillämpas vanligen ABT 06. Standardavtalen reglerar bland annat vilken ansvarsfördelning som ska gälla för entreprenaden och innefattar också en avtalad plikt för entreprenören att hålla entreprenaden försäkrad under viss tid (försäkringsplikten). Uppsatsens övergripande syfte är att analysera hur ansvarsfördelningen enligt ABT 06 påverkas av försäkringsplikten.

Försäkringsplikten i ABT 06 innebär att entreprenören ska ha allrisk- och ansvarsförsäkring för entreprenaden under viss tid. Den omfattning med vilken försäkringarna ska gälla för att uppfylla försäkringsplikten preciseras genom minimiomfattning som är... (More)
I Sverige regleras det kommersiella entreprenadförhållandet av ett antal standardavtal och vad gäller totalentreprenader tillämpas vanligen ABT 06. Standardavtalen reglerar bland annat vilken ansvarsfördelning som ska gälla för entreprenaden och innefattar också en avtalad plikt för entreprenören att hålla entreprenaden försäkrad under viss tid (försäkringsplikten). Uppsatsens övergripande syfte är att analysera hur ansvarsfördelningen enligt ABT 06 påverkas av försäkringsplikten.

Försäkringsplikten i ABT 06 innebär att entreprenören ska ha allrisk- och ansvarsförsäkring för entreprenaden under viss tid. Den omfattning med vilken försäkringarna ska gälla för att uppfylla försäkringsplikten preciseras genom minimiomfattning som är bifogad till AMA AF. I såväl ABT 06 som i minimiomfattningen anges att beställaren ska vara medförsäkrad om denne är byggherre. Som medförsäkrad erhåller beställaren en självständig rätt att ta försäkringsskyddet i anspråk, utan entreprenörens medverkan. Om försäkringsplikten inte uppfylls av entreprenören står denne i vissa fall risken. Av detta följer att entreprenören står risken för eventuell skada och kan bli ersättningsskyldig till den del försäkringarna hade täckt skadan. Om självrisken tecknas till en nivå som överstiger vad som anges i entreprenadavtalet så svarar entreprenören vanligen för differensen mellan den förhöjda och den avtalade självrisken.

Under entreprenadtiden bär entreprenören ett stort ansvar för skada på ej avlämnad del av entreprenaden. Ansvaret kallas vanligen för objektsansvaret eller fareansvaret och innebär att entreprenören som huvudregel ansvarar för skada på entreprenaden under entreprenadtiden. Huvudregeln gäller dock med ett antal undantag då istället beställaren ansvarar för en uppkommen skada. Som exempel på undantag kan nämnas skada som beror på beställaren eller force majeure.

Objektsansvaret är i stor utsträckning försäkrat genom allriskförsäkringen. Allriskförsäkringen gäller för oförutsedd fysisk skada eller förlust av egendom. Av detta följer att det sker en ansvarsförflyttning för skada under entreprenadtiden från entreprenören till försäkringsbolaget. I doktrin har entreprenörens möjlighet till försäkring ansetts lindra verkningarna av objektsansvaret. Genom den kartläggning som har genomförts inom ramen för denna uppsats står dock klart att objektsansvaret innebär ett större ansvar än det skydd som försäkringarna erbjuder. Entreprenören kan således inte förvänta sig att få ersättning för alla skador som inträffar under entreprenadtiden. Vidare har det genom undersökningen i denna uppsats framgått att försäkringsskyddet gäller under entreprenadtiden oberoende av vem som ansvarar för skadan enligt ABT 06.

Ansvarsförsäkringens huvudsakliga syfte under entreprenadtiden är att tillförsäkra att beställaren kan få ersättning om skadeståndsskyldighet uppkommer.

Vid entreprenadens avlämnande upphör entreprenadtiden och garantitiden börjar löpa. Under garantitiden är huvudregeln att entreprenören inte ansvarar för skada och risken övergår därigenom till beställaren. Entreprenören ansvarar dock fortsatt för vissa fel och följdskador. Entreprenören ansvarar till exempel för följdskada på entreprenaden som framträder under garantitiden och som har uppstått till följd av fel för vilket entreprenören ansvarar enligt ABT 06.

Minimiomfattningen anger att allrisk- och ansvarsförsäkringen ska gälla i två år från entreprenadens avlämnande. I ABT 06 gäller som utgångspunkt en garantitid om fem år. Diskrepansen mellan tidsangivelserna bör hanteras i entreprenadavtalet eftersom försäkringsskyddet annars riskerar att falla bort innan garantitidens slut. Ett sådant glapp kan inte anses vara förenligt med minimiomfattningen.

Inom ramen för denna uppsats har även framkommit att försäkringsskyddet inte inverkar på ansvarsfördelningen under garantitiden på samma sätt som under entreprenadtiden. Under entreprenadtiden gäller försäkringsskyddet oberoende av ansvarsfördelningen i ABT 06. Under garantitiden gäller istället det motsatta, då försäkringsskyddet är beroende av att entreprenören är ansvarig för skadan enligt ansvarsreglerna i ABT 06.

Under ansvarstiden, det vill säga tiden efter garantitidens utgång, begränsas entreprenörens ansvar ytterligare. Entreprenörens ansvarar endast för väsentliga fel som har orsakats genom vårdslöshet. Beställaren har bevisbördan för såväl förekomsten av fel som de omständigheter som ligger till grund för väsentlighetsbedömningen. Exempel på vårdslöst agerande är om entreprenören frångått beställarens anvisningar eller om kravet på fackmässighet inte är uppfyllt. Om entreprenören är ansvarig för felet så kan även ansvaret för följdskada aktualiseras. Efter garantitiden föreskriver varken ABT 06 eller minimiomfattningen någon plikt att hålla entreprenaden försäkrad. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Wingren, Andreas LU
alternative title
The share of responsibilities and the obligation to keep the contract insured according to ABT 06
JURM02 20202
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
entreprenadrätt, ABT 06, försäkringsplikt, riskfördelning, objektsansvar, avtalsrätt
date added to LUP
2021-01-30 14:10:27
date last changed
2021-01-30 14:10:27
  abstract     = {{In Sweden, the commercial contracting relationship is dominated by a number of standard-form contracts. For turnkey contracts, ABT 06 is usually applied. The standard-form contracts regulate, inter alia, the share of responsibilities that shall apply to a contract as well as an obligation for the contractor to keep the contract insured during a certain period of time (the compulsory insurance). The purpose of this essay is to analyse how the share of responsibilities, according to ABT 06, is affected by the compulsory insurance.

The regulation regarding the compulsory insurance in ABT 06 states that a contractor must keep two types of insurances intended for the contract during a certain period, i.e. an all-risk insurance (Sv. allriskförsäkring) and a liability insurance. The extent to which the insurances shall apply in order to fulfil the requirements as set out by the compulsory insurance is specified by an attachment to AMA AF which is defined as the minimum requirements (Sv. minimiomfattningen). ABT 06 and the minimum requirements respectively states that a company which initiates a contract (hereby defined as an employer) must be co-insured if the employer also is the developer of the contract. As co insured, the employer receives an independent right to claim the insurance without the contractor’s participation. If the contractor does not comply with requirements of the compulsory insurance, the contractor bears the risk in certain cases, e.g. the contractor may be liable to pay compensation for damage to the contract to the same extent that the insurance would have covered if it would have been valid. If the excess is set at a level that exceeds what is stated in the construction contract, the contractor is usually liable for the difference between the increased, and the agreed, excess.

During the contract period, the contractor may be liable for damage to an undelivered part of the contract. The liability is usually referred to as object responsibility (Sv. objektsansvaret eller fareansvaret). The object responsibility implies that the contractor, in general, is responsible for damage to the contract during the contract period. However, there are a few exceptions whereby the employer is responsible for the damage occurred e.g. when the damage has occurred due to the employer or in the event of force majeure.

The object responsibility is, to a large extent, insured through the all-risk insurance. The all-risk insurance applies to unforeseen physical damage or loss of property. Consequently, there is a transfer of liability for damage during the contract period from the contractor to the insurance company. In the doctrine, the contractor’s possibility to be covered by an insurance has been considered to alleviate the effects of the object responsibility. However, it has, through the investigation relating to this thesis, emerged that the object responsibility entails a greater liability than what may be covered by the insurance. Thus, the contractor cannot expect to receive compensation for all damages that have occurred during the contract period. Finally, it has, through the investigation of this thesis, been established that the insurance cover according to ABT 06 is applicable during the contract period regardless of which party that is responsible for the damage occurred. 

During the contract period, the main purpose of the liability insurance is to ensure that the employer can receive compensation if a liability for damages arises. 

Upon delivery of the contract, the contract period expires, and the warranty period commences. During the warranty period, the main rule is that the contractor is not responsible for damage and subsequently the risk transfers to the employer. However, the contractor is still responsible for certain defects and consequential damages. The contractor is responsible for, e.g. consequential damage to the contract that appears during the warranty period and which has arisen as a result of a fault for which the contractor is responsible in accordance with ABT 06.

The minimum requirements state that the all-risk and the liability insurance respectively shall be valid for a period of two years from the delivery of the contract. According to ABT 06, a warranty period of five years shall apply as a main rule. The discrepancy between the timing in the different regulations shall be covered by the construction contract. If the gap is not regulated by the construction contract there is a risk that the contract may not be covered by the insurance for the determined period. If a gap should arise, such gap is not in compliance with the minimum requirements. 

In the investigation related to this thesis, it has also emerged that the insurance cover does not affect the share of responsibilities during the warranty period in the same way as during the contract period. During the warranty period, the insurance cover is dependent on the contractor being liable for the damage according to the rules in ABT 06. During the warranty period, the opposite applies from what applies during the contract period when the insurance cover applies regardless of the share of responsibilities in ABT 06. Instead, the insurance cover during the warranty period is dependent on the contractor being liable under ABT 06.

When the warranty period has expired, but the liability period is still in force, the contractor’s liability is further limited. The contractor is only responsible for essential defects caused by negligence. The employer also has the burden of proof for both the existence of defects and the circumstances, which the essentiality assessment is based on. An example of negligent action is if the contractor has deviated from the employer’s instructions or if the requirements for professionalism is not met. If the contractor is responsible for the defect, the liability for consequential damage may also be applicable. After the warranty period, neither ABT 06 nor the minimum requirements prescribe any obligation to keep the contract insured.}},
  author       = {{Wingren, Andreas}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Riskfördelning och försäkringsplikt enligt ABT 06}},
  year         = {{2020}},