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Preskription eller ett preskriptionsundantag? - En utredning om 10 kap. 8 § miljöbalken och dess tillämpning på det solidariska ansvaret för föroreningsskador

Laurell, Ina LU (2020) JURM02 20202
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Föroreningar av mark- och vattenområden, så kallade föroreningsskador, medför i regel höga kostnader att avhjälpa. För att undvika att kostnaden belastar statsbudgeten har ett avhjälpandeansvar införts i 10 kap. miljöbalken, enligt vilket i första hand verksamhetsutövare har ett ansvar för utredning, efterbehandling och andra åtgärder som krävs för att avhjälpa en föroreningsskada. Verksamhetsutövarbegreppet omfattar som huvudregel både nuvarande och tidigare verksamhetsutövare, vilket innebär att antalet ansvarsadressater kan bli omfattande. För att underlätta för tillsynsmyndigheterna infördes därför ett solidariskt ansvar för avhjälpande av föroreningsskador i 10 kap. 6 § miljöbalken, med följden att den som utfört avhjälpandeåtgärder... (More)
Föroreningar av mark- och vattenområden, så kallade föroreningsskador, medför i regel höga kostnader att avhjälpa. För att undvika att kostnaden belastar statsbudgeten har ett avhjälpandeansvar införts i 10 kap. miljöbalken, enligt vilket i första hand verksamhetsutövare har ett ansvar för utredning, efterbehandling och andra åtgärder som krävs för att avhjälpa en föroreningsskada. Verksamhetsutövarbegreppet omfattar som huvudregel både nuvarande och tidigare verksamhetsutövare, vilket innebär att antalet ansvarsadressater kan bli omfattande. För att underlätta för tillsynsmyndigheterna infördes därför ett solidariskt ansvar för avhjälpande av föroreningsskador i 10 kap. 6 § miljöbalken, med följden att den som utfört avhjälpandeåtgärder får en regressfordran gentemot de övriga ansvariga verksamhetsutövarna. Ansvarsfördelningen för kostnadsansvaret mellan verksamhetsutövarna fastslås genom en regresstalan i mark- och miljödomstol.

I och med att föroreningsskador riskerar att upptäckas först långt efter att dessa orsakats, infördes ett preskriptionsundantag i 10 kap. 8 § miljöbalken enligt vilket ansvar enligt 2–7 §§ miljöbalken är undantaget preskriptionslagen. Problematiken huruvida preskriptionsundantaget även omfattar en regressfordran har belysts i doktrin och rättspraxis, men inte behandlats utförligt. Uppsatsen syftar därför att utreda hur preskriptionsundantaget i 10 kap. 8 § miljöbalken har tolkats i rättspraxis och doktrin vad avser dess tillämplighet på regressfordringar enligt 10 kap. 6 § andra stycket miljöbalken. Därefter analyseras de tolkningar som framkommit av utredningen för att identifiera vilken som förefaller rimligast utifrån en samlad bedömning av ändamålet med preskription enligt preskriptionslagen och ändamålet med ett preskriptionsundantag enligt miljöbalken. För att uppnå syftet används en kritisk inriktad rättsdogmatisk metod.

Av utredningen framgår att avhjälpandeansvaret är en kravregel i syfte att uppfylla miljöbalkens övergripande målregel i 1 kap. 1 § miljöbalken om att främja en hållbar utveckling. Således kan en regressfordran sägas utgöra en civilrättslig talan som grundar sig på ett offentligrättsligt ansvar. Detta har resulterat i en oenighet om hur ansvarsfördelningen mellan solidariskt ansvariga verksamhetsutövare ska ske enligt 10 kap. 6 § och om en regresstalan omfattas av 10 kap. 8 §.

Av rättspraxis och doktrin kan tre olika tolkningar av 10 kap. 8 § miljöbalkens omfattning utläsas: (1) att en regressfordran alltid omfattas av preskriptionsundantaget, (2) att en regressfordran aldrig omfattas av preskriptionsundantaget och (3) att ett krav från det allmänna är avgörande för att en regressfordran ska omfattas av preskriptionsundantaget.

Avslutningsvis diskuteras de olika tolkningarnas förenlighet med ändamålet med preskription enligt preskriptionslagen och ändamålet med ett preskriptionsundantag enligt miljöbalken. Efter en samlad bedömning är min slutats att viss kritik går att rikta mot samtliga tolkningar, men att den första tolkningen – som förespråkar att en regressfordran alltid omfattas av preskriptionsundantaget i 10 kap. 8 § miljöbalken – är den mest ändamålsenliga. I slutskedet av arbetet med denna uppsats, i december 2020, har Högsta domstolen även meddelat prejudikat i frågan om att en regressfordran alltid omfattas av preskriptionsundantaget i 10 kap. 8 § miljöbalken, vilket således numera torde vara att anse gällande rätt. (Less)
After-treatment of polluted land or water areas usually entails high costs. To avoid that the cost burdens the state budget, an after-treatment liability was introduced in chapter 10 of the Environmental Code, according to which operators primarily shall be liable for the cost of investigation, after-treatment and other measures required to remedy the pollution damage. As a general rule, the concept of operator includes both current and former operators of the industry, resulting in a potential large number of responsible addressees. In order to make it easier for the supervisory authorities, a joint and several liability was introduced in chapter 10 section 6. Hence, payment made by one operator for the after-treatment shall be shared... (More)
After-treatment of polluted land or water areas usually entails high costs. To avoid that the cost burdens the state budget, an after-treatment liability was introduced in chapter 10 of the Environmental Code, according to which operators primarily shall be liable for the cost of investigation, after-treatment and other measures required to remedy the pollution damage. As a general rule, the concept of operator includes both current and former operators of the industry, resulting in a potential large number of responsible addressees. In order to make it easier for the supervisory authorities, a joint and several liability was introduced in chapter 10 section 6. Hence, payment made by one operator for the after-treatment shall be shared among all the operators. Thus, after-treatment by one operator results in a monetary claim against the others that may be brought before the Land and Environment Court.

As pollution damages risks being discovered long after these have been caused, an exception from statutory limitation was introduced in chapter 10 section 8, which exempt liability according to section 2–7 from the Limitations act. The problem of whether the exception from statutory limitation also covers a monetary claim against other operators has been discussed in legal literature and case law. Nevertheless, it has not been thoroughly discussed in detail. Based on the identified problem, this thesis aims to investigate whether chapter 10 section 8 of the Environmental code is considered to cover a monetary claim or not according to legal literature and case law. The various interpretations that are identified is then to be analysed in order to identify which is the most reasonable according to the appropriate interpretation of the Limitations act and the Environmental Code. The aim of this thesis is achieved by using a “critical legal dogmatic method”.

The investigation undertaken in this thesis shows that after-treatment liability is needed in order to fulfil the Environmental Code’s overall purpose of promoting sustainable development. Thus, a monetary claim can be said to constitute an action by civil law based on a liability by public law. Hence, there is a disagreement in legal literature and case law regarding how the cost for after-treatment liability should be shared between several operators according to chapter 10 sections 4 and 6. It also results in a disagreement regarding the scope of the exception from statutory limitation in chapter 10 section 8, since a monetary claim may be covered by both the Limitations act and the Environmental Code.

Three various interpretations of the scope of chapter 10 section 8 of the Environmental Code were identified: (1) that a monetary claim always falls within the scope, (2) that a monetary claim does not fall within the scope, and (3) that a monetary claim falls within the scope only when preceded by a demand from a supervisory authority.

Finally, I discuss which of the interpretations of chapter 10 section 8 of the Environmental Code seems to be most correct, based on the appropriate use of the Limitations act and the Environmental code.

In conclusion, some criticism can be directed towards all interpretations. Nevertheless, the first interpretation, which advocates that a monetary claim always falls within the scope of chapter 10 section 8, seems to be the most appropriate interpretation. In December 2020, while writing this thesis, the Supreme Court also gave a precedent in the matter, according to which the first interpretation now should be considered as law. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Laurell, Ina LU
alternative title
An Exception from Statutory Limitation? - A study on whether chapter 10 section 8 of the Environmental Code applies to monetary claims
JURM02 20202
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
förvaltningsrätt, miljörätt, preskriptionsundantag, regressfordran, avhjälpandeansvar, ansvar för avhjälpande, efterbehandlingsansvar, föroreningsskada, föroreningsskador.
date added to LUP
2021-01-28 10:46:10
date last changed
2021-01-28 10:46:10
  abstract     = {{After-treatment of polluted land or water areas usually entails high costs. To avoid that the cost burdens the state budget, an after-treatment liability was introduced in chapter 10 of the Environmental Code, according to which operators primarily shall be liable for the cost of investigation, after-treatment and other measures required to remedy the pollution damage. As a general rule, the concept of operator includes both current and former operators of the industry, resulting in a potential large number of responsible addressees. In order to make it easier for the supervisory authorities, a joint and several liability was introduced in chapter 10 section 6. Hence, payment made by one operator for the after-treatment shall be shared among all the operators. Thus, after-treatment by one operator results in a monetary claim against the others that may be brought before the Land and Environment Court.

As pollution damages risks being discovered long after these have been caused, an exception from statutory limitation was introduced in chapter 10 section 8, which exempt liability according to section 2–7 from the Limitations act. The problem of whether the exception from statutory limitation also covers a monetary claim against other operators has been discussed in legal literature and case law. Nevertheless, it has not been thoroughly discussed in detail. Based on the identified problem, this thesis aims to investigate whether chapter 10 section 8 of the Environmental code is considered to cover a monetary claim or not according to legal literature and case law. The various interpretations that are identified is then to be analysed in order to identify which is the most reasonable according to the appropriate interpretation of the Limitations act and the Environmental Code. The aim of this thesis is achieved by using a “critical legal dogmatic method”.

The investigation undertaken in this thesis shows that after-treatment liability is needed in order to fulfil the Environmental Code’s overall purpose of promoting sustainable development. Thus, a monetary claim can be said to constitute an action by civil law based on a liability by public law. Hence, there is a disagreement in legal literature and case law regarding how the cost for after-treatment liability should be shared between several operators according to chapter 10 sections 4 and 6. It also results in a disagreement regarding the scope of the exception from statutory limitation in chapter 10 section 8, since a monetary claim may be covered by both the Limitations act and the Environmental Code. 

Three various interpretations of the scope of chapter 10 section 8 of the Environmental Code were identified: (1) that a monetary claim always falls within the scope, (2) that a monetary claim does not fall within the scope, and (3) that a monetary claim falls within the scope only when preceded by a demand from a supervisory authority. 

Finally, I discuss which of the interpretations of chapter 10 section 8 of the Environmental Code seems to be most correct, based on the appropriate use of the Limitations act and the Environmental code. 

In conclusion, some criticism can be directed towards all interpretations. Nevertheless, the first interpretation, which advocates that a monetary claim always falls within the scope of chapter 10 section 8, seems to be the most appropriate interpretation. In December 2020, while writing this thesis, the Supreme Court also gave a precedent in the matter, according to which the first interpretation now should be considered as law.}},
  author       = {{Laurell, Ina}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Preskription eller ett preskriptionsundantag? - En utredning om 10 kap. 8 § miljöbalken och dess tillämpning på det solidariska ansvaret för föroreningsskador}},
  year         = {{2020}},