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LUP Student Papers


Brottsofferintressen vid penningtvättsbrott

Ekdahl, Amanda LU (2020) JURM02 20202
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
The present thesis discusses how the interests of victims are considered through relevant legislation pertaining to cases of money laundering crimes. The discussion is limited to cases where the victim's bank deposit was obtained through fraud. The relevance of the topic is that the legislator, when passing the Swedish money laundering crime act, “Lagen (2014:307) om straff för penningtvättsbrott”, in 2014, did not consider the possibility that a victim could suffer pure economic loss or be considered to have ownership to property as a result of a money laundering crime. This is despite the fact that the right to protection of property is stated as an interest under this act.

In order to ascertain the interests of crime victims and... (More)
The present thesis discusses how the interests of victims are considered through relevant legislation pertaining to cases of money laundering crimes. The discussion is limited to cases where the victim's bank deposit was obtained through fraud. The relevance of the topic is that the legislator, when passing the Swedish money laundering crime act, “Lagen (2014:307) om straff för penningtvättsbrott”, in 2014, did not consider the possibility that a victim could suffer pure economic loss or be considered to have ownership to property as a result of a money laundering crime. This is despite the fact that the right to protection of property is stated as an interest under this act.

In order to ascertain the interests of crime victims and relevant legislation, I have chosen to proceed from a crime victim perspective. This theoretical perspective has since permeated the remaining thesis/presentation.

Through a legal investigation, I have affirmed the applicable law. The applicable law has been interpreted based on law, principles, legislative history, precedents and legal doctrine. In cases where the legal regulation has been unclear, I have also considered a decision from the Chancellor of Justice and a handbook on money laundering crime from the Swedish Prosecution Authority.

The conclusions that are drawn from the thesis' enquiry are that many of the victims' interests can be utilized through the applicable law. When the Swedish money laundering crimes act was introduced, it was not taken into consideration that crime victims could have claims in cases of money laundering. There has since been a legal development where the Swedish Supreme Court has ruled, among other things, that there can be victims in cases of money laundering and that these victims have the right to make claims in court. Still, clarification is needed regarding several significant aspects of the money laundering crime act regarding the interests of crime victims, and there are several measures that can be taken to amend the current legislation to better satisfy victims’ interests. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Uppsatsen avhandlar hur brottsofferintressen tillvaratas genom den lagstiftning och de principer som kan aktualiseras vid penningtvättsbrott, för de fall brottsoffret avhänts kontomedel genom bedrägeri. Utredningens relevans består i att lagstiftaren vid införandet av penningtvättsbrottslagen inte utformat lagstiftningen utifrån möjligheten att någon skulle kunna lida ren förmögenhetsskada till följd av penningtvättsbrott eller anses ha bättre rätt till egendom som varit föremål för penningtvätt. Detta trots att enskildas rätt till skydd för egendom anges som ett skyddsintresse.

För att utröna brottsofferintressen och relevant reglering har jag valt att utgå från ett brottsofferperspektiv. Denna teoretiska utgångspunkt har därefter... (More)
Uppsatsen avhandlar hur brottsofferintressen tillvaratas genom den lagstiftning och de principer som kan aktualiseras vid penningtvättsbrott, för de fall brottsoffret avhänts kontomedel genom bedrägeri. Utredningens relevans består i att lagstiftaren vid införandet av penningtvättsbrottslagen inte utformat lagstiftningen utifrån möjligheten att någon skulle kunna lida ren förmögenhetsskada till följd av penningtvättsbrott eller anses ha bättre rätt till egendom som varit föremål för penningtvätt. Detta trots att enskildas rätt till skydd för egendom anges som ett skyddsintresse.

För att utröna brottsofferintressen och relevant reglering har jag valt att utgå från ett brottsofferperspektiv. Denna teoretiska utgångspunkt har därefter genomsyrat den resterande framställningen.

Genom en rättsutredning har jag fastställt den gällande rätten som kan aktualiseras för uppsatsens typ av fall. Rätten har uttolkats med hjälp av lag, principer, lagförarbete, praxis och doktrin. För de fall rättsregleringen varit oklar har jag även tagit hjälp av beslut från Justitiekanslern och en handbok om penningtvättsbrott från Åklagarmyndighetens utvecklingscentrum.

Slutsatserna som dras från uppsatsens utredning är att en hel del av brottsoffers intressen kan tillvaratas genom regleringen som kan aktualiseras vid uppsatsens typ av fall. Vid införandet av penningtvättsbrottslagen beaktades inte att brottsoffer kunde ha anspråk vid penningtvättsbrott. Det har därefter skett en rättsutveckling där Högsta domstolen bland annat har slagit fast att brottsoffer kan nå framgång med sina anspråk och att brottsoffret är en möjlig aktör vid penningtvättsbrott. Däremot saknas klargörande från praxis eller lag gällande flera betydelsefulla aspekter och det finns åtgärder som kan vidtas för att tillgodose flera brottsofferintressen samt vissa redan delvis tillgodosedda brottsofferintressen i större utsträckning. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Ekdahl, Amanda LU
alternative title
Victim Interests in Cases of Money Laundering
JURM02 20202
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
straffrätt, skadeståndsrätt, sakrätt
date added to LUP
2021-01-23 14:26:39
date last changed
2021-01-23 14:26:39
  abstract     = {{The present thesis discusses how the interests of victims are considered through relevant legislation pertaining to cases of money laundering crimes. The discussion is limited to cases where the victim's bank deposit was obtained through fraud. The relevance of the topic is that the legislator, when passing the Swedish money laundering crime act, “Lagen (2014:307) om straff för penningtvättsbrott”, in 2014, did not consider the possibility that a victim could suffer pure economic loss or be considered to have ownership to property as a result of a money laundering crime. This is despite the fact that the right to protection of property is stated as an interest under this act.

In order to ascertain the interests of crime victims and relevant legislation, I have chosen to proceed from a crime victim perspective. This theoretical perspective has since permeated the remaining thesis/presentation.

Through a legal investigation, I have affirmed the applicable law. The applicable law has been interpreted based on law, principles, legislative history, precedents and legal doctrine. In cases where the legal regulation has been unclear, I have also considered a decision from the Chancellor of Justice and a handbook on money laundering crime from the Swedish Prosecution Authority.

The conclusions that are drawn from the thesis' enquiry are that many of the victims' interests can be utilized through the applicable law. When the Swedish money laundering crimes act was introduced, it was not taken into consideration that crime victims could have claims in cases of money laundering. There has since been a legal development where the Swedish Supreme Court has ruled, among other things, that there can be victims in cases of money laundering and that these victims have the right to make claims in court. Still, clarification is needed regarding several significant aspects of the money laundering crime act regarding the interests of crime victims, and there are several measures that can be taken to amend the current legislation to better satisfy victims’ interests.}},
  author       = {{Ekdahl, Amanda}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Brottsofferintressen vid penningtvättsbrott}},
  year         = {{2020}},