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För barnets bästa? En kritisk granskning av internationella adoptioners förenlighet med principen om barnets bästa

Svensson, Emmy LU (2021) LAGF03 20211
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
In every legal process regarding children, the principle of best interests of the child must be considered. The principle is well discussed and does not have a universal determined definition. Intercountry adoption is one of the proceedings that must consider the principle. This is stipulated in both national and international law. During the last decades, the prevailing view on intercountry adoptions has been very positive.

This essay intends to critically review if intercountry adoptions are compatible with the principle of best interests of the child. The essay is based on interpretation of applicable law and how Swedish and Dutch governments and other participants take part in the procedure. The critical examination is done through... (More)
In every legal process regarding children, the principle of best interests of the child must be considered. The principle is well discussed and does not have a universal determined definition. Intercountry adoption is one of the proceedings that must consider the principle. This is stipulated in both national and international law. During the last decades, the prevailing view on intercountry adoptions has been very positive.

This essay intends to critically review if intercountry adoptions are compatible with the principle of best interests of the child. The essay is based on interpretation of applicable law and how Swedish and Dutch governments and other participants take part in the procedure. The critical examination is done through the perspective of the Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Makau Mutua’s theory about the metaphor of human rights. The metaphor states that the work with human rights is based on a predetermined conflict between savages and saviours, with victims in between.

This study analyzes Sweden’s and Dutch’s own reports about their point of view and proceedings with intercountry adoptions. The Swedish report states that intercountry adoptions to Sweden come with uncertainty and that the rule of law can not be fully met. Despite this, Statskontoret means that adoptions have an important function, that the process should remain and also means to say that adoption is a course of action for Sweden to comply with the Convention of the rights of the child. The Dutch report investigated intercountry adoptions during 1967 to 1998. The report stated systemic deficiencies in the process regarding corruption, false documents, kidnappings and child trafficking. In the report, the responsible committee expresses their considerable doubts if it is possible to ever construct a legal system for intercountry adoptions, which is compatible with the principle of best interests of the child.

The general view on intercountry adoption as a rescue operation has built a very narrow perspective. The analysis shows how the principle of best interests of the child loses its meaning, when unlawful, corrupt and wrongful adoptions are legitimized with the argument that the child is at least rescued. The adoptive parents' interests are prioritized, which is hidden behind the predetermined scenario that the child needs to be saved to get a better life.
In conclusion, due to the current process regarding intercountry adoptions it is hard to state that the adoptions are compatible with the principle of the best interests of the child. There is a notion that non-European states cannot take care of their vulnerable children. This, combined with the Western world's seemingly unwavering view of adoption as a rescue operation, enables a lack of legal certainty, corruption and a neglected child rights perspective. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Vid alla rättsliga förfaranden som rör barn ska principen om barnets bästa beaktas. Principen är väl omdiskuterad och det finns ingen universell fastslagen definition. Internationella adoptioner är en av processerna som ska utgå från principen. Detta stadgas i såväl nationell lagstiftning som internationella konventioner. Rådande diskurs om internationella adoptioner har under de senaste decennierna varit väldigt positiv.

Denna uppsats ämnar att kritiskt granska huruvida internationella adoptioner är förenliga med principen om barnets bästa. Detta görs med utgångspunkt i att analysera dels tolkning av rådande lagstiftning på området, dels hur svenska och nederländska aktörer agerar i adoptionsförfarandet. Den kritiska granskningen görs... (More)
Vid alla rättsliga förfaranden som rör barn ska principen om barnets bästa beaktas. Principen är väl omdiskuterad och det finns ingen universell fastslagen definition. Internationella adoptioner är en av processerna som ska utgå från principen. Detta stadgas i såväl nationell lagstiftning som internationella konventioner. Rådande diskurs om internationella adoptioner har under de senaste decennierna varit väldigt positiv.

Denna uppsats ämnar att kritiskt granska huruvida internationella adoptioner är förenliga med principen om barnets bästa. Detta görs med utgångspunkt i att analysera dels tolkning av rådande lagstiftning på området, dels hur svenska och nederländska aktörer agerar i adoptionsförfarandet. Den kritiska granskningen görs mot bakgrund av rättsteorin Critical Race Theory (CRT) samt Makau Mutuas teori om den tredimensionella metafor som han menar genomsyrar arbetet med mänskliga rättigheter. Metaforen består av en uppställd konflikt mellan savages och saviours, med victims mellan.

I uppsatsen analyseras Sveriges och Nederländernas egna rapporter om sin inställning till och hantering av internationella adoptioner. Den svenska rapporten fastslår att adoptioner till Sverige alltid innebär risker och att rättssäkerheten inte kan anses tillgodosedd fullt ut i varje process. Statskontoret menar ändå att internationella adoptioner fyller en viktig funktion och att det är ett sätt för Sverige att uppfylla Barnkonventionen. Den nederländska rapporten utreder främst adoptioner mellan åren 1967–1998 och resulterar i att man kunde identifiera stora och systematiska brister. Detta innefattade bland annat korruption, falsifiering av dokument, kidnappningar och direkt handel med barn. I rapporten uttrycker den ansvariga kommittén sitt starka tvivel om det ens är möjligt att konstruera ett offentligt rättsligt system för internationella adoptioner som är förenligt med principen om barnets bästa.

Både i Sverige och Nederländerna har den allmänna synen på adoption som en räddningsaktion av utsatta barn skapat ett ensidigt perspektiv på adoption. Mot bakgrund av teorierna i uppsatsen visar analysen hur principen om barnets bästa urvattnas när rättsvidriga, korrupta och felaktiga adoptioner legitimeras med att barnet ändå fått det bättre med adoptivföräldrarna i mottagarlandet. Att adoptanternas intresse av att adoptera prioriteras högst maskeras bakom det förutbestämda scenariot att barnet behöver räddas.
Uppsatsens slutsats är att det är svårt att anse internationella adoptioner förenliga med principen om barnets bästa. Detta med hänsyn till hur processerna ser ut i dagsläget. Föreställningen om att icke europeiska stater inte kan ta hand om sina utsatta barn, kombinerat med västvärldens till synes obotliga syn på adoption som en räddningsaktion möjliggör bristande rättssäkerhet, korruption och åsidosatt barnrättsperspektiv. (Less)
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Svensson, Emmy LU
LAGF03 20211
M2 - Bachelor Degree
familjerätt, folkrätt
date added to LUP
2021-06-29 16:34:49
date last changed
2021-06-29 16:34:49
  abstract     = {{In every legal process regarding children, the principle of best interests of the child must be considered. The principle is well discussed and does not have a universal determined definition. Intercountry adoption is one of the proceedings that must consider the principle. This is stipulated in both national and international law. During the last decades, the prevailing view on intercountry adoptions has been very positive.

This essay intends to critically review if intercountry adoptions are compatible with the principle of best interests of the child. The essay is based on interpretation of applicable law and how Swedish and Dutch governments and other participants take part in the procedure. The critical examination is done through the perspective of the Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Makau Mutua’s theory about the metaphor of human rights. The metaphor states that the work with human rights is based on a predetermined conflict between savages and saviours, with victims in between.

This study analyzes Sweden’s and Dutch’s own reports about their point of view and proceedings with intercountry adoptions. The Swedish report states that intercountry adoptions to Sweden come with uncertainty and that the rule of law can not be fully met. Despite this, Statskontoret means that adoptions have an important function, that the process should remain and also means to say that adoption is a course of action for Sweden to comply with the Convention of the rights of the child. The Dutch report investigated intercountry adoptions during 1967 to 1998. The report stated systemic deficiencies in the process regarding corruption, false documents, kidnappings and child trafficking. In the report, the responsible committee expresses their considerable doubts if it is possible to ever construct a legal system for intercountry adoptions, which is compatible with the principle of best interests of the child.

The general view on intercountry adoption as a rescue operation has built a very narrow perspective. The analysis shows how the principle of best interests of the child loses its meaning, when unlawful, corrupt and wrongful adoptions are legitimized with the argument that the child is at least rescued. The adoptive parents' interests are prioritized, which is hidden behind the predetermined scenario that the child needs to be saved to get a better life.
In conclusion, due to the current process regarding intercountry adoptions it is hard to state that the adoptions are compatible with the principle of the best interests of the child. There is a notion that non-European states cannot take care of their vulnerable children. This, combined with the Western world's seemingly unwavering view of adoption as a rescue operation, enables a lack of legal certainty, corruption and a neglected child rights perspective.}},
  author       = {{Svensson, Emmy}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{För barnets bästa? En kritisk granskning av internationella adoptioners förenlighet med principen om barnets bästa}},
  year         = {{2021}},