Soldat eller kvinnlig soldat?
(2021) SKOK11 20211Department of Strategic Communication
- Abstract (Swedish)
- Denna studie syftar till att undersöka kvinnors upplevelse inom organisationen Försvarsmakten som aktivt arbetar med en förändring för jämställdhet såväl internt som externt. Studien avser därför skapa kunskap om identitetsskapande för kvinnor i en mansdominerad kontext och hur den symboliska interaktionen påverkar processen. För att uppfylla studiens syfte med hermeneutisk utgångspunkt, har semistrukturerade livsvärldsintervjuer genomförts med nio kvinnor inom Försvarsmakten. Resultaten indikerar att kvinnors identitetsskapande till stor del påverkas och styrs av en underliggande manlig norm, där vad som anses vara normativt manligt beteende och manliga attribut i högre grad bedöms som positivt. Samtidigt mötte respondenterna paradoxer då... (More)
- Denna studie syftar till att undersöka kvinnors upplevelse inom organisationen Försvarsmakten som aktivt arbetar med en förändring för jämställdhet såväl internt som externt. Studien avser därför skapa kunskap om identitetsskapande för kvinnor i en mansdominerad kontext och hur den symboliska interaktionen påverkar processen. För att uppfylla studiens syfte med hermeneutisk utgångspunkt, har semistrukturerade livsvärldsintervjuer genomförts med nio kvinnor inom Försvarsmakten. Resultaten indikerar att kvinnors identitetsskapande till stor del påverkas och styrs av en underliggande manlig norm, där vad som anses vara normativt manligt beteende och manliga attribut i högre grad bedöms som positivt. Samtidigt mötte respondenterna paradoxer då förkroppsligandet av manliga attribut även kunde leda till negativ respons. Något som tydliggjordes i studien var att kvinnlig närvaro bidrog med ökad trygghet och att de med få kvinnliga kollegor upplevde de sociala strukturerna, byggda på den manliga normen, som starkare. Avslutningsvis visar resultaten att upplevelsen skiljer sig beroende på placering och hur kulturen utifrån könsfördelningen ser ut. (Less)
- Abstract
- This study aims to examine womens’ experiences within the Swedish armed forces who is actively working towards becoming a more equal organization which is evident both internal and external. The study therefore aspires to create knowledge of the identity construction of women within a male dominated context and how the symbolic interaction affects the process. To achieve the purpose of the thesis, which originates from a hermeneutic perspective, nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with women within the Swedish armed forces. The results indicate that the creation of women’s identity largely is affected and controlled by an underlying male norm, where behaviour that is perceived as normatively male, to a greater degree is... (More)
- This study aims to examine womens’ experiences within the Swedish armed forces who is actively working towards becoming a more equal organization which is evident both internal and external. The study therefore aspires to create knowledge of the identity construction of women within a male dominated context and how the symbolic interaction affects the process. To achieve the purpose of the thesis, which originates from a hermeneutic perspective, nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with women within the Swedish armed forces. The results indicate that the creation of women’s identity largely is affected and controlled by an underlying male norm, where behaviour that is perceived as normatively male, to a greater degree is recognized as positive. However, although women adopted male attributes, several respondents experienced paradoxes in regards of how to behave, since male attributes could lead to negative responses. Something that the research clarified, was that female presence contributed with an increased feeling of safety, whereas those with few female colleagues experienced the social structures, built on the male norm, as stronger. In conclusion, the results show that the experience differs depending on location and the culture in regards of gender distribution. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
- author
- Rondin, Amanda LU and Hultsten, Frida
- supervisor
- organization
- course
- SKOK11 20211
- year
- 2021
- type
- M2 - Bachelor Degree
- subject
- keywords
- genus, Försvarsmakten, intrycksstyrning, symbolisk interaktionism, kön, organisation, strategisk kommunikation, könsneutralitet
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 9047741
- date added to LUP
- 2021-06-11 14:06:39
- date last changed
- 2021-06-11 14:06:39
@misc{9047741, abstract = {{This study aims to examine womens’ experiences within the Swedish armed forces who is actively working towards becoming a more equal organization which is evident both internal and external. The study therefore aspires to create knowledge of the identity construction of women within a male dominated context and how the symbolic interaction affects the process. To achieve the purpose of the thesis, which originates from a hermeneutic perspective, nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with women within the Swedish armed forces. The results indicate that the creation of women’s identity largely is affected and controlled by an underlying male norm, where behaviour that is perceived as normatively male, to a greater degree is recognized as positive. However, although women adopted male attributes, several respondents experienced paradoxes in regards of how to behave, since male attributes could lead to negative responses. Something that the research clarified, was that female presence contributed with an increased feeling of safety, whereas those with few female colleagues experienced the social structures, built on the male norm, as stronger. In conclusion, the results show that the experience differs depending on location and the culture in regards of gender distribution.}}, author = {{Rondin, Amanda and Hultsten, Frida}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Soldat eller kvinnlig soldat?}}, year = {{2021}}, }