Kontinuitetsprincipens genomslag vid fusioner - Om beskattningstidpunkt vid fusioner av svenska aktiebolag
(2021) JURM02 20212Department of Law
Faculty of Law
- Abstract (Swedish)
- En fusion innebär att två eller flera bolag slås samman genom att samtliga tillgångar och skulder hos det överlåtande bolaget tas över av det övertagande bolaget och det överlåtande bolaget upplöses utan likvidation. Det finns två olika grundvarianter av fusioner, absorption och kombination. Absorption innebär att ett eller flera bolag fusioneras in i ett existerande övertagande bolag. Kombination innebär att två eller flera bolag förenas genom att de bildar ett nytt övertagande bolag. Syftet med uppsatsen är att, utifrån ett skatterättsligt perspektiv, undersöka vilket genomslag skatterättsliga principer, i synnerhet kontinuitetsprincipen, får respektive bör få vid beskattning i samband med fusioner.
Utredningen visar att beskattningen... (More) - En fusion innebär att två eller flera bolag slås samman genom att samtliga tillgångar och skulder hos det överlåtande bolaget tas över av det övertagande bolaget och det överlåtande bolaget upplöses utan likvidation. Det finns två olika grundvarianter av fusioner, absorption och kombination. Absorption innebär att ett eller flera bolag fusioneras in i ett existerande övertagande bolag. Kombination innebär att två eller flera bolag förenas genom att de bildar ett nytt övertagande bolag. Syftet med uppsatsen är att, utifrån ett skatterättsligt perspektiv, undersöka vilket genomslag skatterättsliga principer, i synnerhet kontinuitetsprincipen, får respektive bör få vid beskattning i samband med fusioner.
Utredningen visar att beskattningen i samband med fusioner frångår den i svensk rätt starka realisationsprincipen. Istället tillämpas kontinuitetsprincipen i stor utsträckning. Effekten av att kontinuitetsprincipen tillämpas är kortfattat att fusionstransaktionen i sig inte medför någon beskattning. Istället träder det övertagande bolaget in i det överlåtande bolagets skattemässiga situation. Kontinuitetsreglerna bygger på enhetsprincipen, vilket innebär att det överlåtande och det övertagande bolaget ses som en enhet och att fusionen bedöms som om någon överlåtelse inte har skett.
Den lagstadgade och i praxis starka kontinuitetsprincipens tillämpning begränsas av fusionsregelverkets underskottsspärrande regler som i vissa fall träder in. Spärrarnas genomslag får effekten att underskott som övergår till det mottagande bolaget vid en fusion spärras definitivt respektive under sex år. Reglerna syftar till att undvika kringgående av underskottsreglerna vid ägarförändringar. Underskottsspärrarnas genomslag visar sig dock ge olika utfall beroende på under vilka förhållanden en fusion mellan samma bolag genomförs. Detta gäller både i fråga om tidpunkt för underskottets uppkomst, tidpunkt för fusionen samt vilken form fusionen tar. Som utgångspunkt är möjligheterna för fullständig kontinuitet vid en fusion, både avseende rätten till att föra vidare underskott och tillgodogöra sig kapitalförluster på delägarrätter, större om det föreligger ett ägarförhållande mellan bolagen före fusionen.
Avslutningsvis visar utredningen att den skatterättsliga lagstiftning som tillämpas i samband med fusioner i det stora hela är genomtänkt och välarbetad. Den skattemässiga kontinuiteten, vilken motiveras av neutralitets- och skatteförmågeprinciperna, får till stor del den effekt som eftersträvas. De undantag från kontinuitetsprincipen som föreskrivs i lagstiftningen finns till för att undvika kringgående av andra skattemässiga regler. Det faktum att reglerna i vissa fall innebär särbehandling avseende kontinuitetens genomslag beroende på fusionsform och tidpunkt för fusionen innebär dock brister i lagstiftningen som bör elimineras. (Less) - Abstract
- A merger is a transaction in which at least two companies are merged by all the assets and liabilities of the transferring company being taken over by the acquiring company and the transferring company being dissolved without liquidation. There are two different versions of mergers, “absorption” and “combination”. Absorption means that at least one company is merged into an existing acquiring company. Combination means that at least two companies are merged by forming a new acquiring company. The thesis aims to examine, from a tax law perspective, the impact that tax law principles, in particular the principle of basis carry-over, can and should have in taxation in connection with mergers.
The examination shows that taxation in... (More) - A merger is a transaction in which at least two companies are merged by all the assets and liabilities of the transferring company being taken over by the acquiring company and the transferring company being dissolved without liquidation. There are two different versions of mergers, “absorption” and “combination”. Absorption means that at least one company is merged into an existing acquiring company. Combination means that at least two companies are merged by forming a new acquiring company. The thesis aims to examine, from a tax law perspective, the impact that tax law principles, in particular the principle of basis carry-over, can and should have in taxation in connection with mergers.
The examination shows that taxation in connection with mergers deviates from the realization principle, which is the main principle in Swedish taxation law. Instead, the principle of basis carry-over is applied to a large extent. In short, the effect of the principle of basis carry-over is that the merger transaction itself does not entail any taxation. Instead, the acquiring company enters into the acquiring company's tax situation. The principle of basis carry-over applied on mergers are based on the principle of unity, which means that the transferring and the acquiring companies are seen as a unit and the merger is assessed as if no transaction has taken place.
The application of the principle of basis carry-over is limited by the deficit framework applied in connection to mergers, which in some cases take effect. The framework has the effect that deficits that are transferred to the acquiring company in the event of a merger are blocked permanently respectively for six years. The limited possibility to take over deficits in the event of a merger aims to avoid circumvention of the deficit framework applied in connection to changes in ownership. The impact of the deficit framework, however, turns out to give different outcomes depending on the conditions under which a merger between the same companies is carried out. This applies both in terms of time for the origination of the deficit, the time of the merger and the form of the merger. As the main principle, the possibilities for complete basis carry-over in the event of a merger, both regard to the right to carry forward deficits and capital losses on shares, are bigger if there was ownership between the companies before the merger.
In conclusion, the examination shows that the tax law framework applied in connection with mergers is, on the whole, well thought out. The application of the principle of basis carry-over is justified by the other legal principles, which mainly has the desired effect. The exceptions to the principle of basis carry- over provided for in the Swedish taxation framework exist to avoid circumvention of other tax rules. However, the fact that the framework in some cases entails special treatment regarding the impact of basis carry-over depending on the form and the time of the merger means shortcomings in the legislation that should be eliminated. (Less)
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- author
- Andersson, Sofie LU
- supervisor
- organization
- alternative title
- The impact of the principle of basis carry-over in mergers - Regarding the time of taxation for mergers of Swedish limited liability companies
- course
- JURM02 20212
- year
- 2021
- type
- H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
- subject
- keywords
- Skatterätt, fusioner, kontinuitetsprincipen
- language
- Swedish
- id
- 9069406
- date added to LUP
- 2022-01-20 11:35:12
- date last changed
- 2022-01-20 11:35:12
@misc{9069406, abstract = {{A merger is a transaction in which at least two companies are merged by all the assets and liabilities of the transferring company being taken over by the acquiring company and the transferring company being dissolved without liquidation. There are two different versions of mergers, “absorption” and “combination”. Absorption means that at least one company is merged into an existing acquiring company. Combination means that at least two companies are merged by forming a new acquiring company. The thesis aims to examine, from a tax law perspective, the impact that tax law principles, in particular the principle of basis carry-over, can and should have in taxation in connection with mergers. The examination shows that taxation in connection with mergers deviates from the realization principle, which is the main principle in Swedish taxation law. Instead, the principle of basis carry-over is applied to a large extent. In short, the effect of the principle of basis carry-over is that the merger transaction itself does not entail any taxation. Instead, the acquiring company enters into the acquiring company's tax situation. The principle of basis carry-over applied on mergers are based on the principle of unity, which means that the transferring and the acquiring companies are seen as a unit and the merger is assessed as if no transaction has taken place. The application of the principle of basis carry-over is limited by the deficit framework applied in connection to mergers, which in some cases take effect. The framework has the effect that deficits that are transferred to the acquiring company in the event of a merger are blocked permanently respectively for six years. The limited possibility to take over deficits in the event of a merger aims to avoid circumvention of the deficit framework applied in connection to changes in ownership. The impact of the deficit framework, however, turns out to give different outcomes depending on the conditions under which a merger between the same companies is carried out. This applies both in terms of time for the origination of the deficit, the time of the merger and the form of the merger. As the main principle, the possibilities for complete basis carry-over in the event of a merger, both regard to the right to carry forward deficits and capital losses on shares, are bigger if there was ownership between the companies before the merger. In conclusion, the examination shows that the tax law framework applied in connection with mergers is, on the whole, well thought out. The application of the principle of basis carry-over is justified by the other legal principles, which mainly has the desired effect. The exceptions to the principle of basis carry- over provided for in the Swedish taxation framework exist to avoid circumvention of other tax rules. However, the fact that the framework in some cases entails special treatment regarding the impact of basis carry-over depending on the form and the time of the merger means shortcomings in the legislation that should be eliminated.}}, author = {{Andersson, Sofie}}, language = {{swe}}, note = {{Student Paper}}, title = {{Kontinuitetsprincipens genomslag vid fusioner - Om beskattningstidpunkt vid fusioner av svenska aktiebolag}}, year = {{2021}}, }