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Den ofrivillige agenten - Om gränsdragningen mellan agent- och återförsäljaravtal samt agentlagens betydelse utanför dess direkta tillämpningsområde

Hjorth, Ida LU (2021) JURM02 20212
Faculty of Law
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att tydliggöra den juridiska gränsdragningen mellan agent- respektive återförsäljaravtal. Detta har gjorts genom att redogöra för respektive avtalstyps särdrag. För att kunna dra gränsen mellan de båda avtalstyperna krävs att en helhetsbedömning görs av parternas avtal och av hur de faktiskt har agerat i sin avtalsrelation. Några omständigheter som särskilt ska beaktas är vem av parterna som tagit den ekonomiska risken, när äganderätten för varorna har skiftat, hur självständig mellanmannen har varit i förhållande till sin huvudman samt hur ersättning utgått. Det är inte alltid lätt att dra en gräns mellan avtalstyperna och ofta förekommer blandade avtal. Dessa kan dels vara avtal där parterna kommit... (More)
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att tydliggöra den juridiska gränsdragningen mellan agent- respektive återförsäljaravtal. Detta har gjorts genom att redogöra för respektive avtalstyps särdrag. För att kunna dra gränsen mellan de båda avtalstyperna krävs att en helhetsbedömning görs av parternas avtal och av hur de faktiskt har agerat i sin avtalsrelation. Några omständigheter som särskilt ska beaktas är vem av parterna som tagit den ekonomiska risken, när äganderätten för varorna har skiftat, hur självständig mellanmannen har varit i förhållande till sin huvudman samt hur ersättning utgått. Det är inte alltid lätt att dra en gräns mellan avtalstyperna och ofta förekommer blandade avtal. Dessa kan dels vara avtal där parterna kommit överens om att arbeta i båda former samtidigt, dels där förpliktelser typiska för en särskild avtalstyp oavsiktligt blandats samman med andra.

Om det finns saker som talar för att ett avtal både har inslag av återförsäljar- och agentåtaganden måste en bedömning göras för att bestämma hur avtalet ska klassificeras. Avtalstyperna är i grunden lika, men faller under olika rättsliga regleringar. Det är därför av stor praktisk betydelse att avgöra vilken typ av avtal som ingåtts. Vid blandade avtal brukar överviktsprincipen användas för att avgöra hur avtalet ska klassificeras. Avtalet kommer kategoriseras utifrån vilken del som utgör den huvudsakliga förpliktelsen. För parter vars verksamhet består av både återförsäljar- och agentförpliktelser kan därför agentlagens skyddsregler i viss mån kringgås med hjälp av överviktsprincipen, om avtalet anses utgöra ett återförsäljaravtal. En möjlig lösning kan vara att i stället dela upp avtalet i olika delar, för vilka olika regler blir tillämpliga.

I många situationer intar återförsäljaren, och särskilt ensamåterförsäljaren, en agentlik ställning som kan motivera en analog tillämpning av agentlagen. I olika utredningar har lagstiftaren angett att det kan vara möjligt att tillämpa agentlagen analogt på återförsäljaravtal. Huruvida en sådan tillämpning ska göras och hur den i sådant fall ska genomföras råder det delade meningar om i doktrinen. Vissa anser att det finns ett begränsat utrymme för att göra analogiska tolkningar utifrån agentlagen, medan andra menar att domstolar är alltför restriktiva med att tillämpa agentlagen analogt. HD har flera gånger prövat frågan om en analog tillämpning på blandande avtal och återförsäljaravtal. Riktlinjer för hur och när en analog tillämpning kan komma i fråga lyser dock med sin frånvaro. En omständighet som talar för att analogier från agentlagen kan vara aktuella är om återförsäljaren behöver lämna över sitt kundregister vid avtalets upphörande. Någon praxis kring hur överlämnandet av kundregister påverkar rätten till avgångsvederlag finns inte i Sverige. En återförsäljare som lämnar över sitt kundregister till leverantören får dock generellt antas inta en agentliknande ställning på grund av att marknadsbearbetningen kommer leverantören till nytta vid avtalets upphörande. I ett fall har HD tillämpat agentlagen analogt på ett återförsäljaravtal, NJA 2008 s. 24. Det är dock tveksamt vilket prejudikatvärde avgörandet kan tillskrivas. För att bedöma om en analog tillämpning av agentlagen bör komma i fråga måste en helhetsbedömning göras av samtliga omständigheter kring parternas avtal. HD har varit restriktiv med att göra analogier grundade på agentlagen.

Att agentlagens tvingande regler inte får effekt som tvingande vid en analog tillämpning får anses fastställt. Att även återförsäljare har rätt till en skälig uppsägningstid får också anses som ostridigt. Hur lång denna ska vara och vilka omständigheter som får betydelse för dess längd är däremot inte helt tydligt. När det gäller avgångsvederlag anses det inte finnas någon allmän princip som ger återförsäljare rätt till detta. HD har framfört att det krävs ett skyddsbehov för återförsäljaren men närmare riktlinjer kring hur bedömningen ska göras, om det finns ett skyddsbehov eller inte, saknas. Agentlagen kan få betydelse för andra typer av avtal också vid jämkning enligt 36 § avtalslagen. Tillsammans med standardavtal på återförsäljarområdet har lagen använts som referens för vad som kan utgöra skäliga villkor i återförsäljaravtal. Agentlagen är därför ständigt närvarande för avtal på återförsäljarområdet. (Less)
The purpose of this thesis has been to clarify the legal demarcation between agency and distribution agreements. To do this, the characteristics of each type of agreement has been described. In order to be able to draw the line between the two types of agreements, an overall assessment of the parties’ agreement is required. How the parties’ have conducted their trades according to their contractual relationship is also of great importance. Some circumstances that in particular should be taken into account are whom of the parties’ that’s taken the financial risk, when the ownership of the goods has transferred, how independent the intermediary has been in relation to his principal and how compensation has been paid. It could be difficult to... (More)
The purpose of this thesis has been to clarify the legal demarcation between agency and distribution agreements. To do this, the characteristics of each type of agreement has been described. In order to be able to draw the line between the two types of agreements, an overall assessment of the parties’ agreement is required. How the parties’ have conducted their trades according to their contractual relationship is also of great importance. Some circumstances that in particular should be taken into account are whom of the parties’ that’s taken the financial risk, when the ownership of the goods has transferred, how independent the intermediary has been in relation to his principal and how compensation has been paid. It could be difficult to demarcate between the types of agreements and combined agreements are common. Those can be agreements where the parties have agreed to work both as agent and distributor at the same time, or where obligations typical of a particular type of agreement have been unintentionally combined with others.

If there are indications that an agreement contains clauses of both agency- and distributor commitments, an assessment must be made to determine how the agreement should be classified. The agreements have many similarities but are governed by different legal regulations. It is therefore of great practical importance to determine the type of agreement. In combined agreements, the preponderance principle is usually used to determine how the agreement should be classified. The agreement will be categorized based on which part that constitutes the main obligation. This means that, for parties who have entered combined agreements, the protective legalization of the Agency Act could be circumvented due to the preponderance principle if the agreement is considered to constitute a distributor agreement. A possible solution may instead be dividing the agreement into different parts, for which different rules become applicable.

In many situations the distributor, especially the exclusive distributor, takes a role equal to an agent which can justify an analogous application of the Agency Act. In various investigations, the legislator has stated that it may be possible to apply the Agency Act analogously for distributor agreements. There are divided opinions in the doctrine whether and how such an application should be made. Some believe that there is limited scope for making analogous interpretations based on the Agency Act, while others believe that courts are too restrictive in applying the Agency Act analogously. The Supreme Court has several times discussed the issue of analogous applications to combined agreements and distributor agreements. Guidelines for how and when an analogue application may be considered, however, are conspicuous by their absence. One circumstance that suggests that analogies from the Agency Act may be relevant is whether the distributor needs to hand over his customer register upon termination of the agreement. There is no practice in Sweden regarding transfer of customer registers and its possible affects to the right to severance pay. However, a distributor who hands over his customer register to the supplier may generally be assumed to take a role similar to an agent, due to the fact that the market processing accomplished by the distributor will benefit the supplier upon termination of the agreement. In one case, The Supreme Court has applied the Agency Act analogously to a distributor agreement, NJA 2008 p. 24. However, it is doubtful what precedent value can be attributed to the judgment. In order to assess whether an analogous application of the Agency Act should be considered, an overall assessment must be made of all the circumstances surrounding the parties' agreement. The High Court has generally been restrictive in making analogies based on the Agency Act.

It could be considered established that the mandatory rules of the Agency Act do not have mandatory effect when applicated analogous. The fact that distributors have the right to a reasonable period of notice may also be considered undisputed. How long this should be, and which circumstances are important for its length, however, is not entirely clear. There is no general principle that entitles distributors a right to severance pay. The High Court has stated that a need for protection could be required for distributors, but more detailed guidelines on how the assessment is to be made, whether there is a need for protection or not, are lacking. The Agency Act may also be relevant for other types of agreements in the event of adjustment based on section 36 of the Contracts Act. Together with standard agreements regarding distributors, the Agency Act has been used as a reference for what may constitute reasonable terms in distributor agreements. The Agency Act is therefore constantly present even for distributor agreements. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Hjorth, Ida LU
alternative title
The involuntary agent - The demarcation between agency and distribution agreements and the significance of the Agency Act outside its direct scope
JURM02 20212
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Avtalsrätt, Agenträtt, Agentavtal, Återförsäljaravtal, Distributionsrätt
date added to LUP
2022-01-23 16:51:07
date last changed
2022-01-23 16:51:07
  abstract     = {{The purpose of this thesis has been to clarify the legal demarcation between agency and distribution agreements. To do this, the characteristics of each type of agreement has been described. In order to be able to draw the line between the two types of agreements, an overall assessment of the parties’ agreement is required. How the parties’ have conducted their trades according to their contractual relationship is also of great importance. Some circumstances that in particular should be taken into account are whom of the parties’ that’s taken the financial risk, when the ownership of the goods has transferred, how independent the intermediary has been in relation to his principal and how compensation has been paid. It could be difficult to demarcate between the types of agreements and combined agreements are common. Those can be agreements where the parties have agreed to work both as agent and distributor at the same time, or where obligations typical of a particular type of agreement have been unintentionally combined with others.

If there are indications that an agreement contains clauses of both agency- and distributor commitments, an assessment must be made to determine how the agreement should be classified. The agreements have many similarities but are governed by different legal regulations. It is therefore of great practical importance to determine the type of agreement. In combined agreements, the preponderance principle is usually used to determine how the agreement should be classified. The agreement will be categorized based on which part that constitutes the main obligation. This means that, for parties who have entered combined agreements, the protective legalization of the Agency Act could be circumvented due to the preponderance principle if the agreement is considered to constitute a distributor agreement. A possible solution may instead be dividing the agreement into different parts, for which different rules become applicable.

In many situations the distributor, especially the exclusive distributor, takes a role equal to an agent which can justify an analogous application of the Agency Act. In various investigations, the legislator has stated that it may be possible to apply the Agency Act analogously for distributor agreements. There are divided opinions in the doctrine whether and how such an application should be made. Some believe that there is limited scope for making analogous interpretations based on the Agency Act, while others believe that courts are too restrictive in applying the Agency Act analogously. The Supreme Court has several times discussed the issue of analogous applications to combined agreements and distributor agreements. Guidelines for how and when an analogue application may be considered, however, are conspicuous by their absence. One circumstance that suggests that analogies from the Agency Act may be relevant is whether the distributor needs to hand over his customer register upon termination of the agreement. There is no practice in Sweden regarding transfer of customer registers and its possible affects to the right to severance pay. However, a distributor who hands over his customer register to the supplier may generally be assumed to take a role similar to an agent, due to the fact that the market processing accomplished by the distributor will benefit the supplier upon termination of the agreement. In one case, The Supreme Court has applied the Agency Act analogously to a distributor agreement, NJA 2008 p. 24. However, it is doubtful what precedent value can be attributed to the judgment. In order to assess whether an analogous application of the Agency Act should be considered, an overall assessment must be made of all the circumstances surrounding the parties' agreement. The High Court has generally been restrictive in making analogies based on the Agency Act.

It could be considered established that the mandatory rules of the Agency Act do not have mandatory effect when applicated analogous. The fact that distributors have the right to a reasonable period of notice may also be considered undisputed. How long this should be, and which circumstances are important for its length, however, is not entirely clear. There is no general principle that entitles distributors a right to severance pay. The High Court has stated that a need for protection could be required for distributors, but more detailed guidelines on how the assessment is to be made, whether there is a need for protection or not, are lacking. The Agency Act may also be relevant for other types of agreements in the event of adjustment based on section 36 of the Contracts Act. Together with standard agreements regarding distributors, the Agency Act has been used as a reference for what may constitute reasonable terms in distributor agreements. The Agency Act is therefore constantly present even for distributor agreements.}},
  author       = {{Hjorth, Ida}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Den ofrivillige agenten - Om gränsdragningen mellan agent- och återförsäljaravtal samt agentlagens betydelse utanför dess direkta tillämpningsområde}},
  year         = {{2021}},