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Efterbehandlingsansvar för förorenade områden: Ett arbete om hållbar utveckling

Nyberg, Erik LU (2022) JURM02 20221
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Miljöbalkens övergripande mål är att uppnå hållbar utveckling enligt balkens portalparagraf. Begreppet består av tre element: ekologisk, ekonomisk samt social hållbarhet. Hållbar utveckling ska genomsyra tillämpningen av hela balken. För att hållbar utveckling ska förverkligas krävs att underliggande delmål beaktas. Inom ramen för det övergripande målet finns 16 miljökvalitetsmål fattade av riksdagen. Dessa kan sägas fylla en konkretiserande och detaljerande funktion vid tolkning av hållbar utveckling. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka huruvida regelverket för efterbehandlingsansvar av förorenade områden ligger i linje med hållbar utveckling. I särskilt fokus är ekologisk hållbarhet. Med utgångspunkt i målet om hållbar utveckling... (More)
Miljöbalkens övergripande mål är att uppnå hållbar utveckling enligt balkens portalparagraf. Begreppet består av tre element: ekologisk, ekonomisk samt social hållbarhet. Hållbar utveckling ska genomsyra tillämpningen av hela balken. För att hållbar utveckling ska förverkligas krävs att underliggande delmål beaktas. Inom ramen för det övergripande målet finns 16 miljökvalitetsmål fattade av riksdagen. Dessa kan sägas fylla en konkretiserande och detaljerande funktion vid tolkning av hållbar utveckling. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka huruvida regelverket för efterbehandlingsansvar av förorenade områden ligger i linje med hållbar utveckling. I särskilt fokus är ekologisk hållbarhet. Med utgångspunkt i målet om hållbar utveckling ifrågasätter och analyserar arbetet kritiskt regelverket som helhet, innefattande en granskning av rättstillämpningen av efterbehandlingsansvaret. Detta har gjorts genom en i huvudsak rättsanalytisk metod med miljörättsliga och rättssociologiska inslag.

Miljörätten är ett mycket omfattande rättsområde med stora inslag av internationella influenser. Några av områdets mest centrala principer, så som principen om att förorenaren betalar och målet om hållbar utveckling härstammar från folkrätten. Dagens miljölagstiftning ålägger verksamhetsutövare ansvar för verksamhet som varit i faktiskt drift sedan 30 juni 1969. En betydande del av de förorenade områdena i Sverige uppkom från verksamheter som upphört innan dess. För dessa förorenade områden finns ingen adressat för reparativa krav, istället är det tillsynsmyndigheternas ansvar. För verksamheter som varit i faktisk drift sedan 30 juni 1969 är det möjligt att ställa krav på avhjälpande åtgärder riktade mot verksamhetsutövare. I vilken omfattning ansvar kan krävas bedöms utifrån en skälighetsbedömning, i vilken rättstillämparen har visat sig relativt strikt. Trots detta visar sig skälighetsbedömningar i ansvarsfrågan, särskilt gällande subjektiva faktorer, verka negativt på arbetet med efterbehandling av förorenade områden.

Uppsatsen behandlar begreppet hållbar utveckling på ett djupare plan. De tre pelarna i begreppet hållbar utveckling kan inte likställas. Den första av dem, ekologisk hållbarhet, är själva fundamentet för de två andra, ekonomisk och social hållbarhet. Genom att använda sig av den miljörättsliga metoden undersöks rättens effekt i relation till miljön. Analysen av detta mynnar ut i att regelverket inte ger uttryck för ekologisk hållbarhet, och där med inte hållbar utveckling. Arbetet har vidare kommit fram till att rättsordningen som sådan kan komma att behöva ändras för att ekologisk hållbar utveckling ska vara möjlig. Förhållandet mellan det allmännas ansvar och rätten styr omfattningen av behovet av utveckling. Hållbar utveckling måste ges samma dignitet som, och inte hindras av, våra vedertagna rättsgrundsatser. Detta kan i sin tur kritiseras utifrån ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv. (Less)
The main objective of the Environmental Code (miljöbalken) is to achieve sustainable development, according to the code’s initial paragraph. The objective of sustainable development consists of three pillars: ecological, economic and social sustainability. Sustainable development is supposed to permeate and influence the application of the entire Environmental Code. In order to achieve the goal of sustainable development a number of sub goals need to be considered. Within the overarching concept of main objective of sustainable development there consists 16 environmental quality objectives (miljökvalitetsmål) decided upon by the parliament, aiding the interpretation of sustainable development. These objectives can be considered to fulfill... (More)
The main objective of the Environmental Code (miljöbalken) is to achieve sustainable development, according to the code’s initial paragraph. The objective of sustainable development consists of three pillars: ecological, economic and social sustainability. Sustainable development is supposed to permeate and influence the application of the entire Environmental Code. In order to achieve the goal of sustainable development a number of sub goals need to be considered. Within the overarching concept of main objective of sustainable development there consists 16 environmental quality objectives (miljökvalitetsmål) decided upon by the parliament, aiding the interpretation of sustainable development. These objectives can be considered to fulfill a concretizing and detailing function. The essay investigates whether the regulations for after-treatment of contaminated and polluted areas are compatible with the overarching objective of sustainable development, especially ecological sustainability. The essay critically analyzes and questions the judiciary system, which includes a thorough investigation of the application of the law by the courts. This has been done through a legal analytical method, although with elements of the environmental legal method as well as sociology of law. The legal systems effectiveness in dealing with the problem of contaminated and polluted areas is viewed through the lens of sustainable development.

Environmental law is an extensive legal field with a good deal of international influences. Some of the core principles of the judicial area, such as the polluter pays principle and sustainable development, originally stems from an international perspective. One specific problem that has emerged throughout the work of this essay, especially in regard to sustainable development, is that the meaning and implications is not very clear. Current environmental legislation imposes responsibilities on operators for activities that have been in business after the 30th of June 1969. A significant part of the polluted areas in Sweden arose from activities that were closed down before that. For these areas there are no addressee for reparative claims, instead the polluted areas are the responsibility of the supervisory authorities. For activities that have been in operation after the 30th of June 1969, it is possible to demand remedial measures. Although the responsibility is determined by what is considered reasonable in the specific case. The courts have, however, proven to be relatively strict in their assessment. Even so, subjective factors negatively affect the remediation work of polluted areas.

The essay also deals with the concept of sustainable development on a deeper level by using an environmental legal framework theorizing the law’s effect in relation to the environment. The analysis of this results in a conclusion of the legal system being of a fragmented nature when it comes to handling environmental issues. The three pillars of sustainable development cannot be equated due to ecological sustainability is the very foundation for the two other pillars, economic and social sustainability. The current legislation does not express and promote ecological sustainability, and thus sustainable development. The work further concludes that the legal system must achieve a change within itself in order to face the challenge of achieving ecological sustainable development. This main objective of Swedish environmental law must be given the same dignity as, and not be hindered by, our current fundamental legal principles. This, in turn, can be criticized for jeopardizing the rule of law. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Nyberg, Erik LU
alternative title
Remediation of contaminated sites: A work on sustainable development
JURM02 20221
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Miljörätt, Hållbar utveckling, Förorenade områden, Efterbehandlingsansvar
date added to LUP
2022-06-16 09:40:22
date last changed
2022-06-16 09:40:22
  abstract     = {{The main objective of the Environmental Code (miljöbalken) is to achieve sustainable development, according to the code’s initial paragraph. The objective of sustainable development consists of three pillars: ecological, economic and social sustainability. Sustainable development is supposed to permeate and influence the application of the entire Environmental Code. In order to achieve the goal of sustainable development a number of sub goals need to be considered. Within the overarching concept of main objective of sustainable development there consists 16 environmental quality objectives (miljökvalitetsmål) decided upon by the parliament, aiding the interpretation of sustainable development. These objectives can be considered to fulfill a concretizing and detailing function. The essay investigates whether the regulations for after-treatment of contaminated and polluted areas are compatible with the overarching objective of sustainable development, especially ecological sustainability. The essay critically analyzes and questions the judiciary system, which includes a thorough investigation of the application of the law by the courts. This has been done through a legal analytical method, although with elements of the environmental legal method as well as sociology of law. The legal systems effectiveness in dealing with the problem of contaminated and polluted areas is viewed through the lens of sustainable development.

Environmental law is an extensive legal field with a good deal of international influences. Some of the core principles of the judicial area, such as the polluter pays principle and sustainable development, originally stems from an international perspective. One specific problem that has emerged throughout the work of this essay, especially in regard to sustainable development, is that the meaning and implications is not very clear. Current environmental legislation imposes responsibilities on operators for activities that have been in business after the 30th of June 1969. A significant part of the polluted areas in Sweden arose from activities that were closed down before that. For these areas there are no addressee for reparative claims, instead the polluted areas are the responsibility of the supervisory authorities. For activities that have been in operation after the 30th of June 1969, it is possible to demand remedial measures. Although the responsibility is determined by what is considered reasonable in the specific case. The courts have, however, proven to be relatively strict in their assessment. Even so, subjective factors negatively affect the remediation work of polluted areas.

The essay also deals with the concept of sustainable development on a deeper level by using an environmental legal framework theorizing the law’s effect in relation to the environment. The analysis of this results in a conclusion of the legal system being of a fragmented nature when it comes to handling environmental issues. The three pillars of sustainable development cannot be equated due to ecological sustainability is the very foundation for the two other pillars, economic and social sustainability. The current legislation does not express and promote ecological sustainability, and thus sustainable development. The work further concludes that the legal system must achieve a change within itself in order to face the challenge of achieving ecological sustainable development. This main objective of Swedish environmental law must be given the same dignity as, and not be hindered by, our current fundamental legal principles. This, in turn, can be criticized for jeopardizing the rule of law.}},
  author       = {{Nyberg, Erik}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Efterbehandlingsansvar för förorenade områden: Ett arbete om hållbar utveckling}},
  year         = {{2022}},