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Neutralitet mellan företagsformer – Om neutralitetsprincipens ställning och dess inverkan på det skattemässiga förhållandet mellan enskilda näringsidkare och fåmansföretag.

Fyhr Larsson, Johan LU (2022) JURM02 20221
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Utöver de rättsregler som framkommer i lagtext, förarbeten och praxis finns ett flertal principer som syftar att bidra till ett enhetligt och sammanhängande rättssystem. Dessa rättsprinciper kan ta formen av ett verktyg vid tolkning av lagstiftning såväl som ett centralt intresse att beakta vid utformandet av ny lagstiftning. En sedan länge erkänd och diskuterad rättsprincip är den skatterättsliga neutralitetsprincipen.
Neutralitetsprincipen ger uttryck för en målsättning om skatteregler som i största möjliga mån medför att skattesubjektens handlingsalternativ är neutrala. Ett handlingsalternativs skattemässiga konsekvenser ska härmed inte utgöra ett incitament för att företa detta handlingsalternativ framför ett annat.... (More)
Utöver de rättsregler som framkommer i lagtext, förarbeten och praxis finns ett flertal principer som syftar att bidra till ett enhetligt och sammanhängande rättssystem. Dessa rättsprinciper kan ta formen av ett verktyg vid tolkning av lagstiftning såväl som ett centralt intresse att beakta vid utformandet av ny lagstiftning. En sedan länge erkänd och diskuterad rättsprincip är den skatterättsliga neutralitetsprincipen.
Neutralitetsprincipen ger uttryck för en målsättning om skatteregler som i största möjliga mån medför att skattesubjektens handlingsalternativ är neutrala. Ett handlingsalternativs skattemässiga konsekvenser ska härmed inte utgöra ett incitament för att företa detta handlingsalternativ framför ett annat. Neutralitetsprincipen motiveras främst av nationalekonomisk strävan efter en effektiv marknad, samt av rättviseskäl.
Dess målsättning kan ges inflytande inom flera olika områden av skatterätten, bland annat vad avser valet mellan finansiering genom lånat eller eget kapital, hur en organisation ska struktureras, eller vid valet av företagsform.

I denna uppsats undersöks neutralitetsprincipens roll i dagens skattesystem, och i vilken mån den beaktas, och neutralitet mellan enskilda näringsidkare och fåmansföretag eftersträvas, vid utformandet av ny skattelagstiftning. För att förstå neutralitetsprincipens ställning granskas dess roll vid 1990-talets skattereform samt i efterföljande lagändringar. Vidare undersökts två på senare år presenterade utredningar med förslag på omfattade ändringar av beskattningen av enskilda näringsidkare, varigenom neutralitetsprincipens inverkan i förhållande till i tidigare lagstiftningsarbeten analyseras.

Vid 1990-talets reform gavs neutralitetsprincipen en framträdande roll, och kom att utgöra en tydlig målsättning vid utformandet av det nya skattesystemet. Vid utformandet av reglerna för enskilda näringsidkare var en utgångspunkt att reglerna skulle medföra en skattemässig situation likvärdig den för aktiebolag. Neutralitetsprincipen ansågs inte endast motivera till ett neutralt skattemässigt slutresultat för de olika företagsformerna, utan även en strävan efter likformig beskattning när detta ansågs möjligt.
Decenniet efter reformeringsarbetet kom det att genomföras ändringar inom det svenska skattesystemet, inte minst vad avser beskattningen av fåmansföretag. I syfte att premiera egenföretagande infördes ett antal lättnader som förstärkte 3:12-reglerna genom utökande utdelningsmöjligheter. Likande lättnader genomfördes inte för enskilda näringsidkare. Även möjligheterna till avsättning till periodiseringsfond kom att ytterligare göras olika för företagsformerna.
Utredningarna som presenterades 2014 och 2020 ämnade båda att förenkla reglerna för enskilda näringsidkare. Gemensamt för utredningarna var även att principen om neutralitet mellan företagsformer lyftes fram som av vikt vid utformningen av ny skattelagstiftning. I utredningarna föreslogs omfattande förenklingar av gällande skattemässiga dispositioner för enskilda näringsidkare. Överlag förslogs en upprätthållen resultatmässig situation för enskilda näringsidkare, men med vissa förslag på förening av idag separata dispositioner. Detta är något som diskuterades under reformeringsarbetet, men avfärdades på grund av dess negativa inverkan på neutraliteten mellan företagsformer.

Neutralitetsprincipens roll och strävan efter neutralitet mellan företagsformer i dagens skattesystem finnes utifrån det undersökta materialet förändrad. Principen framstår trots detta som alltjämt erkänd och av beaktning vid utformandet av ny lagstiftning. Dess ställning i förhållande till andra skattepolitiska intresse tycks emellertid försvagad i jämförelse med den centrala roll den gavs under 1990-talets reform, med genomförandet av ett antal förändringar med negativ inverkan på neutraliteten motiverade av förenklingsskäl och främjandet av egenföretagande. Synen på neutralitet mellan företagsformer tycks även allt mer bestå i regler som ger neutralt slutresultat, utan tydlig preferens för en skattemässig regellikformighet mellan företagsformerna. (Less)
In addition to legal rules as stated in the text of law, through legislative history and in legal precedents, there are a number of principles that aim to contribute to a uniform and coherent legal system. These legal principles can take the form of an instrument in the interpretation of legislation as well as a central interest to consider in the draftning of new legislation. A long-recognized and discussed legal principle is the principle of tax neutrality.
The principle of tax neutrality expresses the aspiration of tax rules that, as far as possible, makes the courses of action of the tax subject to be considered neutral. Thus, the effect in taxation of one course of action should not constitute an incentive to undertake this course... (More)
In addition to legal rules as stated in the text of law, through legislative history and in legal precedents, there are a number of principles that aim to contribute to a uniform and coherent legal system. These legal principles can take the form of an instrument in the interpretation of legislation as well as a central interest to consider in the draftning of new legislation. A long-recognized and discussed legal principle is the principle of tax neutrality.
The principle of tax neutrality expresses the aspiration of tax rules that, as far as possible, makes the courses of action of the tax subject to be considered neutral. Thus, the effect in taxation of one course of action should not constitute an incentive to undertake this course of action over another. The principle of tax neutrality is primarily motivated by the economic pursuit of an efficient market, as well as for considerations of fairness. The pursuit of tax neutrality can be given influence in several different areas of tax law, including the choice between financing through loans or equity, how an organisation should be structured, or in the choice of form of business.
This essay examines the role of the principle of tax neutrality in the current taxation system, the extent to which it is taken into account, and neutrality between sole proprietorships and closely held corporations is sought, in the draftning of new tax legislation. To understand the current position of the princple its role in the tax reform of the 1990s and in subsequent amendments is examined. In addition, two in recent year published official reports with proposals with changes in the taxation of sole proprietorships are analyzed in relation to previous legislative work.
In the tax reform of the 1990s the principle of tax neutrality was given prominent influence, and came to constitute a clear objective in the design of the new taxation system. When designing the legal rules for sole proprietorships, a clear goal was that the legal rules would entail consequences in taxation equivalent to that of closely held corporations. Furthermore, the principle of tax neutrality was considered not only to justify a neutral end result for both forms of business, but also an aspiration for uniform taxation when considered possible.
Throughout the decade following the reform, changes were implemented in the Swedish taxation system, not least with regards to the taxation of closely held corporations. To encourage entreprenuership, a number of tax reliefs were introduced in order to strengthen the 3:12 rules through increased dividend opportunities. Similar tax reliefs were not implemented for sole proprietorships. The possibilities to utilize a tax allocation reserve were also made more diverse for the different forms of business.
The official reports presented in 2014 and 2020 were both intended to simplify the tax rules for sole proprietorships. Mutual for both reports was also that the aim of tax neutrality between forms of business was highlighted as important in the draftning of new tax legislation. The reports proposed extensive simplifications of the current fiscal dispositions for sole proprietorships. Overall, a sustained economic situation was proposed for sole proprietorships, but with proposals of merging fiscal dispositions that today are separate. This was discussed during the reform, but was dismissed due to its negative impact on the tax neutrality between the different forms of business.

The role of the principle of tax neutrality and the pursuit of tax neutrality between forms of business in the current taxation system have changed, in light of the examined material. Despite this, the principle is still recognized and taken into account when draftning new tax legislation. Its position in relation to other tax policy interests seems however to have weaknened compared to the central role it was given during the reform of the 1990s, with the implementations of a number of changes with a negative impact on the tax neutrality, justified by reasons of simplifying the legislation aswell as for encouraging entrepreneurship. The view of tax neutrality between forms of business also seems to further consist in legal rules that produce a neutral end result, without a clear preference for a fiscal uniformity between the different forms of business. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Fyhr Larsson, Johan LU
alternative title
Tax neutrality between forms of business – About the principle of tax neutrality and its impact on the fiscal relation between sole proprietorships and closely held corporations.
JURM02 20221
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
skatterätt, neutralitetsprincipen
date added to LUP
2022-06-13 12:59:55
date last changed
2022-06-13 12:59:55
  abstract     = {{In addition to legal rules as stated in the text of law, through legislative history and in legal precedents, there are a number of principles that aim to contribute to a uniform and coherent legal system. These legal principles can take the form of an instrument in the interpretation of legislation as well as a central interest to consider in the draftning of new legislation. A long-recognized and discussed legal principle is the principle of tax neutrality. 
The principle of tax neutrality expresses the aspiration of tax rules that, as far as possible, makes the courses of action of the tax subject to be considered neutral. Thus, the effect in taxation of one course of action should not constitute an incentive to undertake this course of action over another. The principle of tax neutrality is primarily motivated by the economic pursuit of an efficient market, as well as for considerations of fairness. The pursuit of tax neutrality can be given influence in several different areas of tax law, including the choice between financing through loans or equity, how an organisation should be structured, or in the choice of form of business. 
This essay examines the role of the principle of tax neutrality in the current taxation system, the extent to which it is taken into account, and neutrality between sole proprietorships and closely held corporations is sought, in the draftning of new tax legislation. To understand the current position of the princple its role in the tax reform of the 1990s and in subsequent amendments is examined. In addition, two in recent year published official reports with proposals with changes in the taxation of sole proprietorships are analyzed in relation to previous legislative work. 
In the tax reform of the 1990s the principle of tax neutrality was given prominent influence, and came to constitute a clear objective in the design of the new taxation system. When designing the legal rules for sole proprietorships, a clear goal was that the legal rules would entail consequences in taxation equivalent to that of closely held corporations. Furthermore, the principle of tax neutrality was considered not only to justify a neutral end result for both forms of business, but also an aspiration for uniform taxation when considered possible.
Throughout the decade following the reform, changes were implemented in the Swedish taxation system, not least with regards to the taxation of closely held corporations. To encourage entreprenuership, a number of tax reliefs were introduced in order to strengthen the 3:12 rules through increased dividend opportunities. Similar tax reliefs were not implemented for sole proprietorships. The possibilities to utilize a tax allocation reserve were also made more diverse for the different forms of business. 
The official reports presented in 2014 and 2020 were both intended to simplify the tax rules for sole proprietorships. Mutual for both reports was also that the aim of tax neutrality between forms of business was highlighted as important in the draftning of new tax legislation. The reports proposed extensive simplifications of the current fiscal dispositions for sole proprietorships. Overall, a sustained economic situation was proposed for sole proprietorships, but with proposals of merging fiscal dispositions that today are separate. This was discussed during the reform, but was dismissed due to its negative impact on the tax neutrality between the different forms of business. 

The role of the principle of tax neutrality and the pursuit of tax neutrality between forms of business in the current taxation system have changed, in light of the examined material. Despite this, the principle is still recognized and taken into account when draftning new tax legislation. Its position in relation to other tax policy interests seems however to have weaknened compared to the central role it was given during the reform of the 1990s, with the implementations of a number of changes with a negative impact on the tax neutrality, justified by reasons of simplifying the legislation aswell as for encouraging entrepreneurship. The view of tax neutrality between forms of business also seems to further consist in legal rules that produce a neutral end result, without a clear preference for a fiscal uniformity between the different forms of business.}},
  author       = {{Fyhr Larsson, Johan}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Neutralitet mellan företagsformer – Om neutralitetsprincipens ställning och dess inverkan på det skattemässiga förhållandet mellan enskilda näringsidkare och fåmansföretag.}},
  year         = {{2022}},