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Inspektionen för vård och omsorgs tillsynsansvar över SiS ungdomshem i ett barnrättsperspektiv

Adcock Lindström, Elinor LU (2022) JURM02 20221
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
The special residential homes for young people that are run by the national board of institutional care (SiS) provide children and young people compulsory care. The staff at the special residential homes have the right to use coercive measures which is motivated by the children and young people’s extensive problems. The coercive measures however restrict the freedoms and rights of the children and young people.

The Convention on the Rights of the Children was incorporated into Swedish law in order to strengthen and clarify the position of children and young people as rights holders. A general starting point from a child perspective is to follow the articles of the convention. Such perspective is of great importance in the compulsory... (More)
The special residential homes for young people that are run by the national board of institutional care (SiS) provide children and young people compulsory care. The staff at the special residential homes have the right to use coercive measures which is motivated by the children and young people’s extensive problems. The coercive measures however restrict the freedoms and rights of the children and young people.

The Convention on the Rights of the Children was incorporated into Swedish law in order to strengthen and clarify the position of children and young people as rights holders. A general starting point from a child perspective is to follow the articles of the convention. Such perspective is of great importance in the compulsory care of children and young people because the opportunities to claim their rights are limited. One group that is particularly vulnerable at the special residential homes is girls. From a gender perspective, the treatment of girls at SiS appears to be a consequence of their gender, with the result that they are disadvantaged.

To ensure the rights and freedoms of the children and young people, the Health and Social Care Inspectorate (IVO) conducts supervision of the special residential homes. The supervision consists, among other things, of inspections at the special youth homes. The results of the supervision have shown serious misconduct at SiS. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the extent to which IVO, through its supervisory responsibility, can ensure the freedoms and rights that are particularly relevant to the children and young people at SiS and whether it is possible to identify any areas for improvement.

Conclusions that can be drawn are that IVO lacks in ensuring all institutionalized children and young people central freedoms and rights. By implementing a child rights perspective in the supervisory authority and allowing it to permeate all aspects of the activities, children's and young people's freedoms and rights can be ensured. Since the supervisory work is regulated by laws and regulations, a child rights perspective must be stipulated in the legislation. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
På särskilda ungdomshem tvångsvårdas barn och unga i Statens institutionsstyrelses (SiS) regi. Personalen på ungdomshemmen har särskilda befogenheter vilket motiveras av de placerade barnen och ungas omfattande problematik. Tvångsåtgärderna inskränker emellertid barn och ungas fri- och rättigheter.

Barnkonventionen inkorporerades i svensk lag i syfte att stärka och tydliggöra barn och ungas ställning som rättighetsbärare. En allmän utgångspunkt i ett barnrättsperspektiv är att följa barnkonventionens artiklar. Ett barnrättsperspektiv har stor betydelse vid tvångsvård av barn och unga eftersom möjligheten att utkräva sina rättigheter under tvångsvård är begränsad. En grupp som är särskilt utsatt på särskilda ungdomshem är flickor. I ett... (More)
På särskilda ungdomshem tvångsvårdas barn och unga i Statens institutionsstyrelses (SiS) regi. Personalen på ungdomshemmen har särskilda befogenheter vilket motiveras av de placerade barnen och ungas omfattande problematik. Tvångsåtgärderna inskränker emellertid barn och ungas fri- och rättigheter.

Barnkonventionen inkorporerades i svensk lag i syfte att stärka och tydliggöra barn och ungas ställning som rättighetsbärare. En allmän utgångspunkt i ett barnrättsperspektiv är att följa barnkonventionens artiklar. Ett barnrättsperspektiv har stor betydelse vid tvångsvård av barn och unga eftersom möjligheten att utkräva sina rättigheter under tvångsvård är begränsad. En grupp som är särskilt utsatt på särskilda ungdomshem är flickor. I ett genusperspektiv framstår behandlingen av flickor på SiS som ett resultat av deras kön där följden blir att de missgynnas.

För att tillförsäkra barn och ungas fri- och rättigheter bedriver Inspektionen för vård och omsorg (IVO) tillsyn över SiS ungdomshem. Tillsynen består bland annat i inspektioner vid ungdomshemmen. Resultaten av tillsynen har visat allvarliga missförhållanden vid SiS ungdomshem.

Syftet med förevarande uppsats är att undersöka i vilken mån IVO genom sitt tillsynsansvar kan säkerställa de fri- och rättigheter som är särskilt relevanta för de barn och unga som tvångsvårdas vid SiS ungdomshem och huruvida det går att identifiera några förbättringspunkter. Slutsatser som går att dra är att IVO brister i att tillförsäkra alla placerade barn och unga centrala fri- och rättigheter. Genom att implementera ett barnrättsperspektiv i tillsynsmyndigheten och låta det genomsyra verksamheten i alla led kan barn och ungas fri- och rättigheter säkerställas. Eftersom tillsynsarbetet regleras av lagar och föreskrifter måste ett barnrättsperspektiv stadgas i lagstiftningen. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Adcock Lindström, Elinor LU
alternative title
The Health and Social Care Inspectorate's Supervisory Responsibility over the Special Residential Homes for Young People in a Child Rights Perspective
JURM02 20221
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
social and welfare law, socialrätt, inspektionen för vård och omsorg, IVO, tillsyn, SiS, särskilda ungdomshem
date added to LUP
2022-06-09 12:32:03
date last changed
2022-06-09 12:32:03
  abstract     = {{The special residential homes for young people that are run by the national board of institutional care (SiS) provide children and young people compulsory care. The staff at the special residential homes have the right to use coercive measures which is motivated by the children and young people’s extensive problems. The coercive measures however restrict the freedoms and rights of the children and young people.
The Convention on the Rights of the Children was incorporated into Swedish law in order to strengthen and clarify the position of children and young people as rights holders. A general starting point from a child perspective is to follow the articles of the convention. Such perspective is of great importance in the compulsory care of children and young people because the opportunities to claim their rights are limited. One group that is particularly vulnerable at the special residential homes is girls. From a gender perspective, the treatment of girls at SiS appears to be a consequence of their gender, with the result that they are disadvantaged. 
To ensure the rights and freedoms of the children and young people, the Health and Social Care Inspectorate (IVO) conducts supervision of the special residential homes. The supervision consists, among other things, of inspections at the special youth homes. The results of the supervision have shown serious misconduct at SiS. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the extent to which IVO, through its supervisory responsibility, can ensure the freedoms and rights that are particularly relevant to the children and young people at SiS and whether it is possible to identify any areas for improvement. 
Conclusions that can be drawn are that IVO lacks in ensuring all institutionalized children and young people central freedoms and rights. By implementing a child rights perspective in the supervisory authority and allowing it to permeate all aspects of the activities, children's and young people's freedoms and rights can be ensured. Since the supervisory work is regulated by laws and regulations, a child rights perspective must be stipulated in the legislation.}},
  author       = {{Adcock Lindström, Elinor}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Inspektionen för vård och omsorgs tillsynsansvar över SiS ungdomshem i ett barnrättsperspektiv}},
  year         = {{2022}},