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Samordning och forcering enligt AB 04 – Om beställarens möjlighet att åtgärda ett projekt som riskerar att överskrida kontraktstiden

Ågren, Oliver LU (2022) JURM02 20221
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
AB 04 inbegriper ett antal bestämmelser som reglerar dels planering och dels de verktyg som är avsedda att åtgärda projekt som riskerar att försenas. Dessa regleringar är föremål för denna uppsats, med särskilt avseende på AB 04 kap. 4 § 6 som reglerar parternas forceringsmöjligheterna samt kap. 3 § 9 som fastslår att beställaren har ett samordningsansvar.

För att uppfylla uppsatsens syfte har utgångspunkt tagits i tre frågeställningar. För det första hur samordningsansvaret fungerar, för det andra vilken funktion forceringsinstitutet fyller i en entreprenad och slutligen vilka likheter respektive skillnader det finns mellan forceringsinstitutet och ÄTA-arbeten.

Beställarens samordningsansvar inbegriper, under förutsättning att... (More)
AB 04 inbegriper ett antal bestämmelser som reglerar dels planering och dels de verktyg som är avsedda att åtgärda projekt som riskerar att försenas. Dessa regleringar är föremål för denna uppsats, med särskilt avseende på AB 04 kap. 4 § 6 som reglerar parternas forceringsmöjligheterna samt kap. 3 § 9 som fastslår att beställaren har ett samordningsansvar.

För att uppfylla uppsatsens syfte har utgångspunkt tagits i tre frågeställningar. För det första hur samordningsansvaret fungerar, för det andra vilken funktion forceringsinstitutet fyller i en entreprenad och slutligen vilka likheter respektive skillnader det finns mellan forceringsinstitutet och ÄTA-arbeten.

Beställarens samordningsansvar inbegriper, under förutsättning att parterna inte avtalat annorlunda, att dennes arbeten samordnas med entreprenörens och sidoentreprenörens samt att deras respektive arbeten samordnas. Syftet är att de inblandade aktörernas utförande inte ska inverka på någon annans arbete. Således ska beställaren tillse att de inblandade entreprenörernas arbetsmoment ordnas så att utförandet av projektet får bästa möjliga utfallet sett till dess totalekonomi.

Vid bristande samordning med försening till följd kan entreprenören tillerkänns tidsförlängning. Någon direkt sanktion gentemot beställaren förefaller emellertid inte vara aktuellt. Bestämmelsen förefaller dock förse entreprenörerna med möjligheten att avkräva beställaren på vissa samordningsinsatser, typiskt sett i form av byggmöten och forceringsåtgärder. Huruvida samordningsansvaret ger beställaren några befogenheter är omtvistat. Det finns emellertid de som föreslår att det är möjligt att uttyda en möjlighet för beställaren att göra vad som skulle kunna betraktas som lydnadsplikt gällande, ytterst genom att kräva anpassning från entreprenören.

Entreprenören har också ett ansvar i planeringsstadiet, nämligen att planera kontaktarbetenas utförande så att dessa kan utföras inom den tidsram som kontraktstiden fastslår. Detta ansvar inbegriper att konstruera en tidplan för utförandet av entreprenadens olika områden. Planeringen utgör en viktig beståndsdel för att framskridandet av entreprenaden ska kunna följas noggrant.

Om planeringen av ett projekt visar sig vara bristfällig och en försening inträder till följd därav, kan ett antal rättsföljder bli aktuella. Tidsförlängningsinstitutet är i huvudsak av relevans mot bakgrund av uppsatsens syfte, då bedömningen av detta är grundläggande för forceringsbestämmelsens tillämplighet. Sådan jämkning av kontraktstiden aktualiseras typiskt sett när entreprenören hindras att färdigställa kontraktsarbeten på grund av omständighet som beror på beställaren eller något förhållande på dennes sida, vilket framgår av AB 04 kap. 4 § 3. Bestämmelsen efterföljs av en kommentar som fastslår att praxis rörande kontrollansvaret inom köprätten kan vara vägledande i bedömningen.

I fall av hinder enligt ovan kan även ersättning utgå för entreprenören, vilket framgår av AB 04 kap. 5 § 4. För att sådan ersättning ska bli aktuell krävs det att hindret kan tillräknas beställaren och att hindret medfört ökade kostnader. Dessutom måste entreprenören kunna visa kostnadernas storlek.

Vid försening av entreprenaden kan entreprenören åläggas att betala förseningsvite om förseningen beror på entreprenören. Även hävningsbestämmelsen aktualiseras om förseningen är av allvarligt slag.

Forceringsinstitutet kommer till uttryck i AB 04 kap. 4 § 6 och innebär att entreprenören, i fall av förseningar, ska tillsätta extra resurser för att minska behovet av förlängning av kontraktstiden. Detta ska ske på uppmaning av beställaren, vilket följer av bestämmelsens första stycke. Entreprenören kan dock även på eget initiativ företa forceringsåtgärder, enligt bestämmelsens andra stycket.

I situationer då beställaren inser att ett projekt håller på att överskrida kontraktstiden kan denne antingen låta arbeten avgå alternativt kräva att det tillsätts extra resurser i form av maskiner, fler arbetsskift eller liknande insatser för att ”tjäna” tid. Mot denna bakgrund är det intressant att se på likheterna som föreligger mellan forceringsåtgärder och ÄTA-arbeten. I doktrin fastslås nämligen att avgående arbeten kan betraktas som forceringsåtgärder. Detta innebär att om beställaren låter arbeten avgå, kan det vara kontexten som avgöra huruvida det rör sig om påkallande av forceringsåtgärder alternativt föreskrivande av ÄTA-arbeten.

Sammanfattningsvis kan sägas att beställarens rätt att påkalla forceringsåtgärder är ett av de främsta verktygen att ta till när projektets kontraktstid riskerar att överskridas. Detta gör att forceringsinstitutet är centralt för beställarens möjlighet att kunna styra entreprenaden inom ramen för samordningsansvaret. (Less)
AB 04 includes several provisions that regulate planning as well as the tools
intended to remedy projects that risk being delayed. These provisions are the
subject of this thesis, with special regard to AB 04 chapter 4 § 6 which
regulates the acceleration opportunities the parties have, and AB 04 chapter
§ 9 which states that the client has a coordination responsibility.

In order to fulfill the purpose of the essay, especially three questions have
been necessary to answer. Firstly, how the coordination responsibility is
constructed. Secondly, which function the acceleration institute has in a
contract. Lastly, what similarities and differences there are between the
acceleration institute and the contract variation construction.
... (More)
AB 04 includes several provisions that regulate planning as well as the tools
intended to remedy projects that risk being delayed. These provisions are the
subject of this thesis, with special regard to AB 04 chapter 4 § 6 which
regulates the acceleration opportunities the parties have, and AB 04 chapter
§ 9 which states that the client has a coordination responsibility.

In order to fulfill the purpose of the essay, especially three questions have
been necessary to answer. Firstly, how the coordination responsibility is
constructed. Secondly, which function the acceleration institute has in a
contract. Lastly, what similarities and differences there are between the
acceleration institute and the contract variation construction.

Given that the parties have not agreed otherwise, the client's coordination
responsibility in AB 04 chapter 3 § 9 includes to coordinate its work with that
contractors' and the subcontractors' work and that their work is coordinated
in between. The purpose with the provision is that the involved parties'
performances should not affect someone else's work. Thus, the client must
ensure that the work steps of the contractors involved are arranged so that the
execution of the project has the best possible outcome in terms of total

In the event of lack of coordination with delay as a result, the contractor may
be granted an extension of time. However, no direct sanction against the client
appears to be feasible. Furthermore, the regulation seems to provide the
contractor with the opportunity to demand certain coordination efforts from
the client, usually in the form of construction meetings. Whether the
coordination responsibility provides the client with any capacity is disputed.
There are those who suggest that it is possible to interpret an opportunity for
the client to assert something similar to a duty of obedience. That is, to require the contractor to adapt to other actors.

The contractor has a responsibility in the planning stage as well, which is to
plan the execution of the contact work so that it can be carried out within the
time frame set in accordance with the contract period. This responsibility
includes constructing a schedule for the execution of the various areas of the
contract. This is an important component for the possibility to be able to
monitor the progress closely.
If the planning of the project proves to be deficient and a delay occurs, several
legal effects may become relevant. The time extension institute is mainly
relevant in the light of the purpose of the essay, as the assessment of this is
fundamental to the applicability of the acceleration regulation. Such an
adjustment of the contract period is typically actualized when the contractor
is prevented from completing the contract work because of a circumstance
due to the client or any other condition on his side, which appears in AB 04
chap. 4 § 3. The regulation is followed by a comment stating that practice
regarding the control responsibility in the Sale of Goods Act can be a guide
in the assessment.

In the event of obstacles as described above, compensation may also be paid
to the contractor according to AB 04 chap. 5 § 4. In order for such
compensation to be current, it is required that the obstacle can be attributed
to the client and that the obstacle caused increased costs. In addition, the
contractor must be able to show the size of the costs.
In the event of a delay in the contract due to the contractor, a delay fine can
be paid. The cancellation regulation can also actualize if the delay is of serious nature.

The acceleration institute is expressed in AB 04 chapter § 6. Acceleration
means that the contractor, in case of delays, adds extra resources to reduce
the need for extension of the contract period. This is done at the request of the client, which follows from the first part of the provision. The contractor may also, on its own initiative, undertake acceleration measures, in accordance
with the second part of the provision.

In situations where the client understands that a project is exceeding the
contract period, he can either cancel a part of the work or alternatively
demand that extra resources be added in the form of machines, more work
shifts with the purpose to "earn" time. Hence, it is interesting to look at the
similarities that exist between acceleration measures and contract variation
work. The doctrine states that outgoing work can be understood as
acceleration measures. This means that if the client cancel a part of the work,
it may be the context that determines whether it is a matter of calling for
acceleration measures or prescribing contract variation work.

In summary, it can be said that the client's right to call for acceleration
measures is one of its main measures when the project's contract period risks
being exceeded. This means that the acceleration institute is central to the
client's ability to be able to manage the contract within the framework of the
coordination responsibility. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Ågren, Oliver LU
alternative title
Coordination and acceleration according to AB 04 – About the client's ability to remedy a project that risks exceeding the contract period
JURM02 20221
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
entreprenadrätt, entreprenad, forcering, samordningsansvar, beställare, entreprenör, tidsförlängning.
date added to LUP
2022-06-21 10:26:59
date last changed
2022-06-21 10:26:59
  abstract     = {{AB 04 includes several provisions that regulate planning as well as the tools
intended to remedy projects that risk being delayed. These provisions are the
subject of this thesis, with special regard to AB 04 chapter 4 § 6 which
regulates the acceleration opportunities the parties have, and AB 04 chapter
§ 9 which states that the client has a coordination responsibility.

In order to fulfill the purpose of the essay, especially three questions have
been necessary to answer. Firstly, how the coordination responsibility is
constructed. Secondly, which function the acceleration institute has in a
contract. Lastly, what similarities and differences there are between the
acceleration institute and the contract variation construction.

Given that the parties have not agreed otherwise, the client's coordination
responsibility in AB 04 chapter 3 § 9 includes to coordinate its work with that
contractors' and the subcontractors' work and that their work is coordinated
in between. The purpose with the provision is that the involved parties'
performances should not affect someone else's work. Thus, the client must
ensure that the work steps of the contractors involved are arranged so that the
execution of the project has the best possible outcome in terms of total

In the event of lack of coordination with delay as a result, the contractor may
be granted an extension of time. However, no direct sanction against the client
appears to be feasible. Furthermore, the regulation seems to provide the
contractor with the opportunity to demand certain coordination efforts from
the client, usually in the form of construction meetings. Whether the
coordination responsibility provides the client with any capacity is disputed.
There are those who suggest that it is possible to interpret an opportunity for
the client to assert something similar to a duty of obedience. That is, to require the contractor to adapt to other actors.

The contractor has a responsibility in the planning stage as well, which is to
plan the execution of the contact work so that it can be carried out within the
time frame set in accordance with the contract period. This responsibility
includes constructing a schedule for the execution of the various areas of the
contract. This is an important component for the possibility to be able to
monitor the progress closely.
If the planning of the project proves to be deficient and a delay occurs, several
legal effects may become relevant. The time extension institute is mainly
relevant in the light of the purpose of the essay, as the assessment of this is
fundamental to the applicability of the acceleration regulation. Such an
adjustment of the contract period is typically actualized when the contractor
is prevented from completing the contract work because of a circumstance
due to the client or any other condition on his side, which appears in AB 04
chap. 4 § 3. The regulation is followed by a comment stating that practice
regarding the control responsibility in the Sale of Goods Act can be a guide
in the assessment.

In the event of obstacles as described above, compensation may also be paid
to the contractor according to AB 04 chap. 5 § 4. In order for such
compensation to be current, it is required that the obstacle can be attributed
to the client and that the obstacle caused increased costs. In addition, the
contractor must be able to show the size of the costs.
In the event of a delay in the contract due to the contractor, a delay fine can
be paid. The cancellation regulation can also actualize if the delay is of serious nature.

The acceleration institute is expressed in AB 04 chapter § 6. Acceleration
means that the contractor, in case of delays, adds extra resources to reduce
the need for extension of the contract period. This is done at the request of the client, which follows from the first part of the provision. The contractor may also, on its own initiative, undertake acceleration measures, in accordance
with the second part of the provision.

In situations where the client understands that a project is exceeding the
contract period, he can either cancel a part of the work or alternatively
demand that extra resources be added in the form of machines, more work
shifts with the purpose to "earn" time. Hence, it is interesting to look at the
similarities that exist between acceleration measures and contract variation
work. The doctrine states that outgoing work can be understood as
acceleration measures. This means that if the client cancel a part of the work,
it may be the context that determines whether it is a matter of calling for
acceleration measures or prescribing contract variation work.

In summary, it can be said that the client's right to call for acceleration
measures is one of its main measures when the project's contract period risks
being exceeded. This means that the acceleration institute is central to the
client's ability to be able to manage the contract within the framework of the
coordination responsibility.}},
  author       = {{Ågren, Oliver}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Samordning och forcering enligt AB 04 – Om beställarens möjlighet att åtgärda ett projekt som riskerar att överskrida kontraktstiden}},
  year         = {{2022}},