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Våldtäktsoffrets psykiska lidande som faktor vid rubricering och straffvärdebedömning – En utredning om straffrättsregleringens och rättstillämpningens hänsyn till psykiskt lidande med utgångspunkt i tvärdisciplinär forskning

Frändestam, Moa LU (2022) JURM02 20221
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Interests and needs of victims of crime have received increased attention in recent years. Particularly, the awareness has risen regarding the extensive psychological harm victims are caused. Rape, which is regulated in 6 ch. 1 § BrB, constitutes a clear example of a crime which frequently entails considerable psychological effects on victims.

This essay has aimed to clarify if and how the psychological suffering of victims is regarded in the classification and penal value assessment (29 ch. 1-3 §§ BrB) related to rape. To achieve this purpose, the essay has examined which opportunities are provided by law to pay regard to mental suffering within the mentioned stages of assessment, how the mental suffering is considered by the district... (More)
Interests and needs of victims of crime have received increased attention in recent years. Particularly, the awareness has risen regarding the extensive psychological harm victims are caused. Rape, which is regulated in 6 ch. 1 § BrB, constitutes a clear example of a crime which frequently entails considerable psychological effects on victims.

This essay has aimed to clarify if and how the psychological suffering of victims is regarded in the classification and penal value assessment (29 ch. 1-3 §§ BrB) related to rape. To achieve this purpose, the essay has examined which opportunities are provided by law to pay regard to mental suffering within the mentioned stages of assessment, how the mental suffering is considered by the district courts in their application of the law, and lastly how the aforementioned findings appear in relation to cross disciplinary research. The questions are answered using the theoretical framework of victimology and therapeutic jurisprudence. Victimology aims to enhance the victims’ needs and interests in various parts of the legal system. Therapeutic jurisprudence underlines the importance of cooperation between law and social sciences to achieve a more efficient and substantiated legal system. In the essay, both legal dogmatic method and empirical method have been used.

The results show that the opportunities of paying regard to psychological suffering are extensive. Within the classification process, the circumstance is a factor when determining if the deed falls within the scope of the rape provision, as well as to determine it’s severity. Within the penal value assessment, the psychological suffering constitutes a relevant harm, danger or violation for rape. The suffering is also given a certain breakthrough through the aggravating circumstances in 29 ch. 2 § BrB. Lastly, the legal concept of penal value has been given an extensive scope, implying great possibilities for the consideration of mental suffering. However, two limitations are identified – the principle that the penal value must solely be based on circumstances surrounding the crime, and the requirement that the observed circumstance must be encompassed by the perpetrator's intent. The overall assessment, however, implies that most types of psychological suffering will be possible to consider, given that the circumstances suggest the perpetrator realized that such an effect would occur.

The case analysis implies certain flaws. The district courts generally do not present the basis for their assessments, or when they do, very briefly. Even in cases where the courts find the psychological suffering proved, such aspects appear to be disregarded in the penal classification and the penal value assessment. The intention that the legislator and the public investigators have expressed, to implement to a greater extent the perspective of psychological harm in relation to sexual crimes, does not appear to have succeeded. Seemingly, this can be associated with the current regulation and legislative history, which only indirectly and partially mentions the psychological suffering.

Lastly, the essay concludes with a recommendation of certain legislative amendments. Psychological suffering should be mentioned directly and explicitly in the law. This would clarify its relevance and most likely lead to a more stringent application of law. Furthermore, it would better correspond to victimological research in accordance with the fundamentals of therapeutic jurisprudence. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Brottsoffers intressen och behov har kommit att uppmärksammas alltmer. Särskilt har uppmärksammats det faktum att brottsoffer ofta orsakas omfattande psykiskt lidande. Våldtäktsbrottet, som regleras i 6 kap 1 § BrB, utgör ett tydligt exempel på ett brott som regelmässigt medför stora psykiska efterverkningar.

Uppsatsens har syftat till att klargöra om och hur brottsoffrets psykiska lidande fått genomslag i våldtäktsbrottets rubricering, där gradindelning ingår, och straffvärdebedömning, som regleras i 29 kap 1-3 §§ BrB. För att uppnå syftet har utretts vilka rättsliga möjligheter till beaktande av offrets psykiska lidande som finns vid rubricering och straffvärdebedömning, hur sådant beaktande sker i rättstillämpningen i praktiken samt... (More)
Brottsoffers intressen och behov har kommit att uppmärksammas alltmer. Särskilt har uppmärksammats det faktum att brottsoffer ofta orsakas omfattande psykiskt lidande. Våldtäktsbrottet, som regleras i 6 kap 1 § BrB, utgör ett tydligt exempel på ett brott som regelmässigt medför stora psykiska efterverkningar.

Uppsatsens har syftat till att klargöra om och hur brottsoffrets psykiska lidande fått genomslag i våldtäktsbrottets rubricering, där gradindelning ingår, och straffvärdebedömning, som regleras i 29 kap 1-3 §§ BrB. För att uppnå syftet har utretts vilka rättsliga möjligheter till beaktande av offrets psykiska lidande som finns vid rubricering och straffvärdebedömning, hur sådant beaktande sker i rättstillämpningen i praktiken samt hur regleringen respektive rättstillämpningen av psykiskt lidande förhåller sig till tvärdisciplinär forskning. Frågorna besvaras utifrån de teoretiska utgångspunkterna viktimologi och terapeutisk juridik. Viktimologin strävar efter att framhäva brottsoffers behov och intressen i rättssystemet. Terapeutisk juridik betonar vikten av samverkan mellan juridiken och samhällsvetenskapen för att uppnå ett mer effektivt och substantierat rättssystem. I uppsatsen har såväl rättsdogmatisk som empirisk metod använts.

Resultaten visar att möjligheterna till beaktande av psykiskt lidande är stora. Gällande rubriceringen kan omständigheten beaktas både för att avgöra om en gärning faller inom tillämpningsområdet och för gradering. Vid straffvärdebedömningen utgör psykiskt lidande en sådan skada, kränkning och fara som kan beaktas för våldtäktsbrottet. Det psykiska lidandet har även getts visst genomslag i de försvårande omständigheterna i 29 kap 2 § BrB. Slutligen har straffvärdebegreppet getts en mycket vidsträckt omfattning, vilket tyder på en omfattande möjlighet till beaktande av psykiskt lidande. Beaktandemöjligheterna begränsas dock på två sätt. Dels ska straffvärdet baseras på omständigheter vid brottet, dels ska täckningsprincipen vara uppfylld. Uppsatsens sammanvägda bedömning är dock att de flesta typerna av psykiskt lidande ändå bör kunna beaktas, under förutsättning att omständigheterna tyder på att gärningsmannen bort förstå att en sådan följd skulle inträffa.

Rättsfallsanalysen tyder på vissa praktiska brister. Tingsrätterna presenterar generellt sett mycket knappa, eller inga, grunder för straffvärdebedömningen. Även i de fall där domstolen anser förekomsten av stort psykiskt lidande vara styrkt, tycks sådana aspekter förbises i rubriceringen och straffvärdebedömningen. Lagstiftarens och offentliga utredares intention att i högre grad införa ett sådant perspektiv i förhållande till sexualbrotten tycks alltså inte ha fått avsett genomslag. Bristerna kan förmodligen kopplas till utformningen av lagtext och förarbeten, där psykiskt lidande som sådant endast berörs indirekt.

Slutligen utfaller uppsatsen i en rekommendation till vissa lagändringar, där det psykiska lidandet bör beaktas direkt genom att införas explicit i lagtexten. Detta hade förtydligat omständighetens relevans och lett till en mer enhetlig rättstillämpning. Dessutom hade det utgjort ett befogat hänsynstagande till viktimologisk forskning i enlighet med den terapeutiska juridikens grundidéer. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Frändestam, Moa LU
alternative title
The rape victim's mental suffering as a factor in crime classification and penal value assessment – A study of the criminal regulation and application considering mental suffering, based on cross disciplinary research
JURM02 20221
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
allmän rättslära, straffrätt, psykiskt lidande, viktimologi, terapeutisk juridik, tvärdisciplinär forskning, våldtäkt, sexualbrott
date added to LUP
2022-06-14 10:45:29
date last changed
2022-06-14 10:45:29
  abstract     = {{Interests and needs of victims of crime have received increased attention in recent years. Particularly, the awareness has risen regarding the extensive psychological harm victims are caused. Rape, which is regulated in 6 ch. 1 § BrB, constitutes a clear example of a crime which frequently entails considerable psychological effects on victims. 

This essay has aimed to clarify if and how the psychological suffering of victims is regarded in the classification and penal value assessment (29 ch. 1-3 §§ BrB) related to rape. To achieve this purpose, the essay has examined which opportunities are provided by law to pay regard to mental suffering within the mentioned stages of assessment, how the mental suffering is considered by the district courts in their application of the law, and lastly how the aforementioned findings appear in relation to cross disciplinary research. The questions are answered using the theoretical framework of victimology and therapeutic jurisprudence. Victimology aims to enhance the victims’ needs and interests in various parts of the legal system. Therapeutic jurisprudence underlines the importance of cooperation between law and social sciences to achieve a more efficient and substantiated legal system. In the essay, both legal dogmatic method and empirical method have been used. 

The results show that the opportunities of paying regard to psychological suffering are extensive. Within the classification process, the circumstance is a factor when determining if the deed falls within the scope of the rape provision, as well as to determine it’s severity. Within the penal value assessment, the psychological suffering constitutes a relevant harm, danger or violation for rape. The suffering is also given a certain breakthrough through the aggravating circumstances in 29 ch. 2 § BrB. Lastly, the legal concept of penal value has been given an extensive scope, implying great possibilities for the consideration of mental suffering. However, two limitations are identified – the principle that the penal value must solely be based on circumstances surrounding the crime, and the requirement that the observed circumstance must be encompassed by the perpetrator's intent. The overall assessment, however, implies that most types of psychological suffering will be possible to consider, given that the circumstances suggest the perpetrator realized that such an effect would occur. 

The case analysis implies certain flaws. The district courts generally do not present the basis for their assessments, or when they do, very briefly. Even in cases where the courts find the psychological suffering proved, such aspects appear to be disregarded in the penal classification and the penal value assessment. The intention that the legislator and the public investigators have expressed, to implement to a greater extent the perspective of psychological harm in relation to sexual crimes, does not appear to have succeeded. Seemingly, this can be associated with the current regulation and legislative history, which only indirectly and partially mentions the psychological suffering.

Lastly, the essay concludes with a recommendation of certain legislative amendments. Psychological suffering should be mentioned directly and explicitly in the law. This would clarify its relevance and most likely lead to a more stringent application of law. Furthermore, it would better correspond to victimological research in accordance with the fundamentals of therapeutic jurisprudence.}},
  author       = {{Frändestam, Moa}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Våldtäktsoffrets psykiska lidande som faktor vid rubricering och straffvärdebedömning – En utredning om straffrättsregleringens och rättstillämpningens hänsyn till psykiskt lidande med utgångspunkt i tvärdisciplinär forskning}},
  year         = {{2022}},