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Mitt, ditt eller vårt – vad gäller och vilket skydd ger lagen en efterlevande sambo?

Holm Stenbeck, Johanna LU (2022) LAGF03 20221
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
En allt större andel av befolkningen sammanlever som sambor. Sambolagen (2003:376) reglerar fördelning av det gemensamma hemmet vid samboförhållandets upplösning, med huvudsyftet att erbjuda ett minimiskydd för den svagare parten.
Det finns stora skillnader i det lagreglerade skyddet för en efterlevande make och en efterlevande sambo. En skillnad ligger i att makar, men inte sambor, har arvsrätt efter varandra. Makars arvsrätt har införts då det ansetts angeläget med ett starkare efterlevandeskydd, ett ökat skydd mot att det gemensamma hemmet splittras väger tyngre än gemensamma barns omedelbara arvsrätt.
Sambor är hänvisade till att upprätta testamente för att ärva varandra. Barns rätt till laglott gör att inte... (More)
En allt större andel av befolkningen sammanlever som sambor. Sambolagen (2003:376) reglerar fördelning av det gemensamma hemmet vid samboförhållandets upplösning, med huvudsyftet att erbjuda ett minimiskydd för den svagare parten.
Det finns stora skillnader i det lagreglerade skyddet för en efterlevande make och en efterlevande sambo. En skillnad ligger i att makar, men inte sambor, har arvsrätt efter varandra. Makars arvsrätt har införts då det ansetts angeläget med ett starkare efterlevandeskydd, ett ökat skydd mot att det gemensamma hemmet splittras väger tyngre än gemensamma barns omedelbara arvsrätt.
Sambor är hänvisade till att upprätta testamente för att ärva varandra. Barns rätt till laglott gör att inte heller testamente i alla lägen fullt ut kan säkerställa skydd för en efterlevande sambo. Detta gäller alldeles oavsett om det rör sig om gemensamma barn eller särkullbarn och kan leda till både praktiska och ekonomiska bekymmer. För sambor utan barn är situationen däremot enklare när det kommer till att skaffa sig efterlevandeskydd.
Lagstiftaren menar att sambor alltid har möjlighet ingå avtal och skriva testamenten för att utöka skyddet för varandra, valet står annars fritt att ingå äktenskap. För att sambor ska skapa ett starkare efterlevandeskydd krävs först och främst kunskap om behovet och vidare ett eget agerande. Okunskap har identifierats som en utmaning av lagstiftaren vid flera tillfällen och en empirisk studie visar att majoriteten av de som lever som sambor inte har agerat själva för att skapa skydd och som vanlig anledning till detta anges brist på kunskap. Oavsett om sambor faktiskt agerar är det inte i alla lägen möjligt att uppnå det skydd makar ges genom lag.
Med ett frekvent ökande antal sambor, varav hälften lever ihop med barn, tycks risken att fler personer hamnar i besvärliga situationer vara stigande. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka lagens efterlevandeskydd för sambor och vikten av eget agerande för den som önskar utöka skyddet. Vidare avses att identifiera eventuella svårigheter som sambor kan stöta på när de faktiskt agerar för att skapa skydd.
Hur sambor lever idag följer inte samma mönster som när gällande lagstiftning kom till. Detta kan leda till funderingar kring om lagskyddet idag är tillfredsställande eller om det finns behov av utökat efterlevandeskydd med lagstiftarens hjälp. Min mening är att sambor med gemensamma barn bör ärva varandra, skillnaderna mellan makar och sambor är här omotiverad. (Less)
The number of the population living as cohabitees is steadily increasing. The Cohabitees Act (2003:376) regulates the division of the mutual household in the event of the cohabitees resolvement, with the main purpose to offer a minimum protection for the weaker party.
There are multiple differences in the regulating law for a surviving spouse and cohabitee. One of the differences is that spouses, but not cohabitees, have the legal right of inheritance of each other. The right of inheritance between spouses has been introduced when it was considered important to give stronger protection for the surviving spouse in the event of death, which means protecting the mutual household is more important than mutual childrens immediate... (More)
The number of the population living as cohabitees is steadily increasing. The Cohabitees Act (2003:376) regulates the division of the mutual household in the event of the cohabitees resolvement, with the main purpose to offer a minimum protection for the weaker party.
There are multiple differences in the regulating law for a surviving spouse and cohabitee. One of the differences is that spouses, but not cohabitees, have the legal right of inheritance of each other. The right of inheritance between spouses has been introduced when it was considered important to give stronger protection for the surviving spouse in the event of death, which means protecting the mutual household is more important than mutual childrens immediate right of inheritance.
Cohabitees are referred to establish a will for inheriting one another. Children's right to their statutory portion makes the will less powerful as a protection for the surviving cohabitee. This is applicable whether they have mutual children or children from other relationships and can lead to both practical and economic difficulties. The situation for cohabitees without children is easier when it comes to establishing protection for the surviving part.
It is the legislators meaning that cohabitees always have the possibility to establish agreements and wills to extend the protection for each other, the choice is otherwise free for marriage between the parties. In order to establish a stronger protection for the surviving cohabitee knowledge is needed about the actual need and the cohabitees needs to take their own responsibility of acting. The legislator has identified ignorance as a challenge among many different occasions. An empirical study shows that the majority of people living as cohabitants have not acted on their own to create the necessary protection and a common reason for this is the lack of knowledge. No matter if cohabitees actually act on creating a better protection in the event of death, this does not ensure the possibility to achieve the protection available for spouses through law.
With the frequency of cohabitees generally increasing, where fifty percent lives together with mutual children, the risk of more people ending up in difficult situations seems to be rising. This essay means to investigate the protection by law for the surviving part for cohabitees and the importance of acting for those who wish to extend the protection. The essay also has the intention to identify potential difficulties that cohabitees might stumble upon when they actually act to create protection.
The way cohabitees live today does not follow the same pattern as when the current legislation was created. This can lead to reflection if the protection from the law is satisfactual or if the need for an extended protection for the surviving party is needed with help from the legislator. My meaning is that cohabitees with mutual children should inherit each other, the difference between spouses and cohabitees is in the context not justified. (Less)
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Holm Stenbeck, Johanna LU
LAGF03 20221
M2 - Bachelor Degree
familjerätt, sambo, arv, efterlevandeskydd
date added to LUP
2022-06-28 09:31:17
date last changed
2022-06-28 09:31:17
  abstract     = {{SUMMARY
The number of the population living as cohabitees is steadily increasing. The Cohabitees Act (2003:376) regulates the division of the mutual household in the event of the cohabitees resolvement, with the main purpose to offer a minimum protection for the weaker party.
 There are multiple differences in the regulating law for a surviving spouse and cohabitee. One of the differences is that spouses, but not cohabitees, have the legal right of inheritance of each other. The right of inheritance between spouses has been introduced when it was considered important to give stronger protection for the surviving spouse in the event of death, which means protecting the mutual household is more important than mutual childrens immediate right of inheritance.
 Cohabitees are referred to establish a will for inheriting one another. Children's right to their statutory portion makes the will less powerful as a protection for the surviving cohabitee. This is applicable whether they have mutual children or children from other relationships and can lead to both practical and economic difficulties. The situation for cohabitees without children is easier when it comes to establishing protection for the surviving part.
 It is the legislators meaning that cohabitees always have the possibility to establish agreements and wills to extend the protection for each other, the choice is otherwise free for marriage between the parties. In order to establish a stronger protection for the surviving cohabitee knowledge is needed about the actual need and the cohabitees needs to take their own responsibility of acting. The legislator has identified ignorance as a challenge among many different occasions. An empirical study shows that the majority of people living as cohabitants have not acted on their own to create the necessary protection and a common reason for this is the lack of knowledge. No matter if cohabitees actually act on creating a better protection in the event of death, this does not ensure the possibility to achieve the protection available for spouses through law.
 With the frequency of cohabitees generally increasing, where fifty percent lives together with mutual children, the risk of more people ending up in difficult situations seems to be rising. This essay means to investigate the protection by law for the surviving part for cohabitees and the importance of acting for those who wish to extend the protection. The essay also has the intention to identify potential difficulties that cohabitees might stumble upon when they actually act to create protection.
 The way cohabitees live today does not follow the same pattern as when the current legislation was created. This can lead to reflection if the protection from the law is satisfactual or if the need for an extended protection for the surviving party is needed with help from the legislator. My meaning is that cohabitees with mutual children should inherit each other, the difference between spouses and cohabitees is in the context not justified.}},
  author       = {{Holm Stenbeck, Johanna}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Mitt, ditt eller vårt – vad gäller och vilket skydd ger lagen en efterlevande sambo?}},
  year         = {{2022}},