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Provokativa åtgärder som polisiär arbetsmetod - En rätts(o)säker och (o)önskad lösning i förhållande till 6 kap 10 a § BrB?

Zahirovic, Amila LU (2022) LAGF03 20221
Faculty of Law
Department of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
De provokativa åtgärderna är en polisiär arbets- och utredningsmetod, vilken traditionellt beskrivs som att polisen i sitt brottsbekämpande arbete lockar fram beteenden från en enskild brottsmisstänkt, i form av yttranden eller handlingar, som kan vara ofördelaktiga för vederbörande. De provokativa åtgärderna har använts inom den polisiära verksamheten en längre tid, trots avsaknad av lagreglering på området, och har särskilt kritiserats då polisen riskerar att agera i en gråzon mellan vad som är tillåtet och otillåtet. Provokativa åtgärder föreslås samtidigt som utredningsmetod i relation till brottet kontakt med barn i sexuellt syfte i 6 kap 10 a § BrB, som särskilt drabbats av utredningssvårigheter.

Uppsatsen ämnar analysera de... (More)
De provokativa åtgärderna är en polisiär arbets- och utredningsmetod, vilken traditionellt beskrivs som att polisen i sitt brottsbekämpande arbete lockar fram beteenden från en enskild brottsmisstänkt, i form av yttranden eller handlingar, som kan vara ofördelaktiga för vederbörande. De provokativa åtgärderna har använts inom den polisiära verksamheten en längre tid, trots avsaknad av lagreglering på området, och har särskilt kritiserats då polisen riskerar att agera i en gråzon mellan vad som är tillåtet och otillåtet. Provokativa åtgärder föreslås samtidigt som utredningsmetod i relation till brottet kontakt med barn i sexuellt syfte i 6 kap 10 a § BrB, som särskilt drabbats av utredningssvårigheter.

Uppsatsen ämnar analysera de provokativa åtgärderna i relation till kontaktbrottet, för att utreda om de provokativa åtgärderna mot bakgrund av ovanstående problematik bör vidtas i mindre omfattning, även i relation till 6 kap 10 a § BrB. För att besvara frågeställningen har den rättsdogmatiska metoden använts, varigenom förarbeten, praxis och lagstiftning använts.

Sammantaget förefaller de utarbetade riktlinjerna för provokativa åtgärder som rättsosäkra, varav den vaga framställningen och diffusa riktlinjerna inte främjar förutsebarheten. Av de vagt utformade riktlinjerna inför vidtagandet av provokativa åtgärder som polisiär arbetsmetod förefaller det oklart huruvida det kan komma att tillämpas för kontaktbrottet i 6 kap 10 a § BrB. Det är främst under kravet på allvarlig brottslighet som det är tveksamt ifall kontaktbrottet omfattas, men det är inte omöjligt att kontaktbrottet kan komma att omfattas i framtiden mot bakgrund av utvecklingen. Mot bakgrund av diskussion som förts i doktrin och mot bakgrund av vaghet och bristande förutsebarhet, bör arbetsmetoden vidtas i mindre omfattning inom polisens framtida arbete främst med avseende på riskerna för att enskilda föranleds till att begå brott som de inte annars hade begått. (Less)
Provocative measures can be described as a an investigation method, whereas the police entices to behaviour through expressions or actions, which in some aspect are unfavourable or disadvantegous for the provoced person. Provocative measures have been used as an investigation method by the Swedish police for a longer time, even though no legislation legitimizes or regulates its usage. The uncertainty often causes demarcation issues, whereas the line between permissible and impermissible provocative measures is unclear. Lately, the provocative measures have been proposed as a solution to the investigation difficulties in relation to the crime of online grooming, regulated in chapter 6 section 10 a in the Swedish Criminal Code (Brottsbalken,... (More)
Provocative measures can be described as a an investigation method, whereas the police entices to behaviour through expressions or actions, which in some aspect are unfavourable or disadvantegous for the provoced person. Provocative measures have been used as an investigation method by the Swedish police for a longer time, even though no legislation legitimizes or regulates its usage. The uncertainty often causes demarcation issues, whereas the line between permissible and impermissible provocative measures is unclear. Lately, the provocative measures have been proposed as a solution to the investigation difficulties in relation to the crime of online grooming, regulated in chapter 6 section 10 a in the Swedish Criminal Code (Brottsbalken, 1962:700), where adults seek contact with children for sexual purposes online. The question is whether the provocative measures are the right solution.

The thesis will analyze if the provocative measures are in accordance with rule of law, and investigate if the provocative measures should be used in a lesser extent, due to its unregulated and controversial character, even in relation to the grooming crime. The essay is permeated in a critical perspective, as to which provocative measures will be analyzed in a rule of law perspective, and critical in the matter that they should occur to a lesser extent. In order to analyze the issues mentioned, the essay will examine the traditional sources of law and also doctrine to illustrate the field more.

After analyzing and examining the regulations for the provocative measures, the thesis concludes that the regulations for provocative measures entail indistinct and vague guidelines and general principles in order to determine when a provocative measure can be conducted. The lack of clear definition to what a provocative measure comprises, further enhances the uncertainty to determine the permissibility of a provocative measure. It therefore badly rhymes with the requierement for predictability of the rule of law. It is not fully clear if the criterias for provocative measures in the guidelines are applicable to the kontaktbrott due to the vague criterias, but it is doubtful. The crime of grooming mainly misses to fulfill the criteria of serious crime, but it is not impossible that it can be fulfilled in the future. The thesis further concludes that the debate in doctrine points that the method should not be used more frequently, due to its controversial, unregulated and intervening character. As a main argument to why the methods should occur to a lesser extent as a police method, it is particularly mentioned that there is a risk that the police induces crime that would not have been committed otherwise. (Less)
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Zahirovic, Amila LU
LAGF03 20221
M2 - Bachelor Degree
provokation, rättssäkerhet, grooming, straffrätt, kontaktbrott, polismetod
date added to LUP
2022-06-28 11:25:18
date last changed
2022-06-28 11:25:18
  abstract     = {{Provocative measures can be described as a an investigation method, whereas the police entices to behaviour through expressions or actions, which in some aspect are unfavourable or disadvantegous for the provoced person. Provocative measures have been used as an investigation method by the Swedish police for a longer time, even though no legislation legitimizes or regulates its usage. The uncertainty often causes demarcation issues, whereas the line between permissible and impermissible provocative measures is unclear. Lately, the provocative measures have been proposed as a solution to the investigation difficulties in relation to the crime of online grooming, regulated in chapter 6 section 10 a in the Swedish Criminal Code (Brottsbalken, 1962:700), where adults seek contact with children for sexual purposes online. The question is whether the provocative measures are the right solution. 

The thesis will analyze if the provocative measures are in accordance with rule of law, and investigate if the provocative measures should be used in a lesser extent, due to its unregulated and controversial character, even in relation to the grooming crime. The essay is permeated in a critical perspective, as to which provocative measures will be analyzed in a rule of law perspective, and critical in the matter that they should occur to a lesser extent. In order to analyze the issues mentioned, the essay will examine the traditional sources of law and also doctrine to illustrate the field more.

After analyzing and examining the regulations for the provocative measures, the thesis concludes that the regulations for provocative measures entail indistinct and vague guidelines and general principles in order to determine when a provocative measure can be conducted. The lack of clear definition to what a provocative measure comprises, further enhances the uncertainty to determine the permissibility of a provocative measure. It therefore badly rhymes with the requierement for predictability of the rule of law. It is not fully clear if the criterias for provocative measures in the guidelines are applicable to the kontaktbrott due to the vague criterias, but it is doubtful. The crime of grooming mainly misses to fulfill the criteria of serious crime, but it is not impossible that it can be fulfilled in the future. The thesis further concludes that the debate in doctrine points that the method should not be used more frequently, due to its controversial, unregulated and intervening character. As a main argument to why the methods should occur to a lesser extent as a police method, it is particularly mentioned that there is a risk that the police induces crime that would not have been committed otherwise.}},
  author       = {{Zahirovic, Amila}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Provokativa åtgärder som polisiär arbetsmetod - En rätts(o)säker och (o)önskad lösning i förhållande till 6 kap 10 a § BrB?}},
  year         = {{2022}},