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Parodiundantagets vara eller icke vara - Om synen på parodier i den svenska rättsstaten

Telander, Hampus LU (2022) LAGF03 20221
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Copyright is a particularly polarized area of ​​law in the Swedish legal system. The landscape is strongly influenced by how society looks in general at a given time and which societal interests are particularly important. For a long time, it was the rights holder who was seen as the most worthy of protection in copyright disputes, as opposed to the general interest in freedom of expression.
Sweden does not have an explicit parody exception in the URL, but it is interpreted by the court in 4 § 2 st. The work then goes through the independency assessment that is stipulated there. This assessment was upset as parodies began to be considered a direct restriction on copyright, which led to a particularly large degree of independence no longer... (More)
Copyright is a particularly polarized area of ​​law in the Swedish legal system. The landscape is strongly influenced by how society looks in general at a given time and which societal interests are particularly important. For a long time, it was the rights holder who was seen as the most worthy of protection in copyright disputes, as opposed to the general interest in freedom of expression.
Sweden does not have an explicit parody exception in the URL, but it is interpreted by the court in 4 § 2 st. The work then goes through the independency assessment that is stipulated there. This assessment was upset as parodies began to be considered a direct restriction on copyright, which led to a particularly large degree of independence no longer being a prerequisite for works to be seen as a parody. This is stated in the European Court of Justice's ruling in the Deckmyn case.
Several issues are addressed in the Deckmyn case and the Infosoc directive. Many of these are to be seen as overruling the reasoning used by Swedish law earlier, which led to previous judgments having been judged differently if they had been taken up in court today, including the Alfons Åberg case.
The essay addresses the complications with URL and its unclear regulation regarding parody and how this relates to corresponding regulations in the EU. The thesis states that the Swedish legal system is not compatible with the EU legal system regarding the issue at hand and the conclusion is that an explicit entry of a parody exception in the Copyright Act's restriction catalog in the second chapter of the URL is, if not a solution, part of a solution to the problem of predictability, legal certainty and a healthy balance of interests. (Less)
Abstract (Swedish)
Upphovsrätten är ett särskilt polariserat rättsområde i den svenska rättsstaten. Rättsbilden är starkt påverkad av hur samhället ser ut i stort vid en viss tidpunkt och vilka samhällsintressen som ses som särskilt viktiga. Länge var det rättighetsinnehavaren som sågs som den mest skyddsvärda i upphovsrättsliga tvister, i motsats till det allmänna intresset av yttrandefrihet.
Sverige har inget uttryckligt parodiundantag i URL utan det läses ut av domstolen i 4 § 2 st. Verket går då igenom den självständighetsbedömning som stadgas där. Denna bedömning kom att rubbas i och med att parodier började anses vara en direkt inskränkning i upphovsrätten vilket ledde till att någon särskilt stor självständighet inte längre var en förutsättning för... (More)
Upphovsrätten är ett särskilt polariserat rättsområde i den svenska rättsstaten. Rättsbilden är starkt påverkad av hur samhället ser ut i stort vid en viss tidpunkt och vilka samhällsintressen som ses som särskilt viktiga. Länge var det rättighetsinnehavaren som sågs som den mest skyddsvärda i upphovsrättsliga tvister, i motsats till det allmänna intresset av yttrandefrihet.
Sverige har inget uttryckligt parodiundantag i URL utan det läses ut av domstolen i 4 § 2 st. Verket går då igenom den självständighetsbedömning som stadgas där. Denna bedömning kom att rubbas i och med att parodier började anses vara en direkt inskränkning i upphovsrätten vilket ledde till att någon särskilt stor självständighet inte längre var en förutsättning för att ett verk skulle ses som parodi. Detta fastslogs i EU-domstolens avgörande i Deckmyn-målet.
Flera frågor tas upp i Deckmyn-målet och Infosoc-direktivet som år emot det resonemang svensk rättstillämpning fört tidigare, vilket lett till att tidigare domar skulle ha dömts annorlunda om de tagits upp i rätten idag, däribland Alfons Åberg-fallet.
Uppsatsen tar upp komplikationerna med URL och dess otydliga reglering kring parodier och hur detta förhåller sig till motsvarande regelverk i EU. I uppsatsen konstateras att det svenska rättssystemet inte är förenligt med det EU-rättsliga systemet i den aktuella frågan och slutsatsen är att ett uttryckligt införande av ett parodiundantag i Upphovsrättslagens inskränkningskatalog i andra kapitlet är, om inte en lösning, del av en lösning på problematiken med förutsägbarhet, rättssäkerhet och en sund intresseavvägning. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Telander, Hampus LU
LAGF03 20221
M2 - Bachelor Degree
immaterialrätt, parodiundantaget, upphovsrätt, trestegsregeln
date added to LUP
2022-06-28 11:22:39
date last changed
2023-01-27 15:56:42
  abstract     = {{Copyright is a particularly polarized area of ​​law in the Swedish legal system. The landscape is strongly influenced by how society looks in general at a given time and which societal interests are particularly important. For a long time, it was the rights holder who was seen as the most worthy of protection in copyright disputes, as opposed to the general interest in freedom of expression.
Sweden does not have an explicit parody exception in the URL, but it is interpreted by the court in 4 § 2 st. The work then goes through the independency assessment that is stipulated there. This assessment was upset as parodies began to be considered a direct restriction on copyright, which led to a particularly large degree of independence no longer being a prerequisite for works to be seen as a parody. This is stated in the European Court of Justice's ruling in the Deckmyn case.
Several issues are addressed in the Deckmyn case and the Infosoc directive. Many of these are to be seen as overruling the reasoning used by Swedish law earlier, which led to previous judgments having been judged differently if they had been taken up in court today, including the Alfons Åberg case.
The essay addresses the complications with URL and its unclear regulation regarding parody and how this relates to corresponding regulations in the EU. The thesis states that the Swedish legal system is not compatible with the EU legal system regarding the issue at hand and the conclusion is that an explicit entry of a parody exception in the Copyright Act's restriction catalog in the second chapter of the URL is, if not a solution, part of a solution to the problem of predictability, legal certainty and a healthy balance of interests.}},
  author       = {{Telander, Hampus}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Parodiundantagets vara eller icke vara - Om synen på parodier i den svenska rättsstaten}},
  year         = {{2022}},