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It's A(c)crual World

Rydén, Jack LU ; Åkesson, Oskar LU and Angerlöv, Filip LU (2022) FEKH69 20221
Department of Business Administration
Abstract (Swedish)
Titel: It’s A(c)crual World

Seminariedatum: 3 juni 2022

Kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete på kandidatnivå i redovisning. 15 Högskolepoäng.

Författare: Filip Angerlöv, Jack Rydén och Oskar Åkesson

Handledare: Maria Gårdängen

Nyckelord: Accrual Earnings Management, Principbaserad redovisning, Diskretionära periodiseringar, VD-byte, Stockholmsbörsen

Forskningsfrågor: Förekommer det AEM på Stockholmsbörsen efter VD-byten?
Finns det skillnad i användandet av AEM mellan bolag på Small Cap och Large Cap efter VD-byten?

Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka förekomsten av Accruals Earnings Management efter tillträde av ny VD bland bolag på Stockholmsbörsen. Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka huruvida det... (More)
Titel: It’s A(c)crual World

Seminariedatum: 3 juni 2022

Kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete på kandidatnivå i redovisning. 15 Högskolepoäng.

Författare: Filip Angerlöv, Jack Rydén och Oskar Åkesson

Handledare: Maria Gårdängen

Nyckelord: Accrual Earnings Management, Principbaserad redovisning, Diskretionära periodiseringar, VD-byte, Stockholmsbörsen

Forskningsfrågor: Förekommer det AEM på Stockholmsbörsen efter VD-byten?
Finns det skillnad i användandet av AEM mellan bolag på Small Cap och Large Cap efter VD-byten?

Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka förekomsten av Accruals Earnings Management efter tillträde av ny VD bland bolag på Stockholmsbörsen. Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka huruvida det skiljer sig mellan Large Cap och Small Cap.

Metod: Studien är av kvantitativ karaktär och antar en deduktiv ansats. Studien använder sig av den modifierade Jonesmodellen för att utreda förekomsten av Accrual Earnings Management genom att mäta diskretionära periodiseringar i undersökningsobjekten. Studien har totalt 1940 observationer som sträcker sig under tidsperioden 2015-2020. Empirin är sekundärdata insamlad genom S&P Capital IQ.

Teori: Studiens teoretiska referensram grundar sig i teorier om agent-principal förhållandet samt Positiv redovisningsteori. Vidare beskrivs redovisningsmässiga tillvägagångssätt för AEM. Tidigare forskning kompletterar teorierna.

Resultat: Resultatet indikerar på att det inte förekommer mer AEM efter VD-byten. Däremot visar resultatet tendenser på att företag använder sig av AEM, oavsett vid byte eller ej. Resultatet belyser skillnader mellan små och stora företag där de stora använder mer AEM generellt, utan koppling till VD-byten, än de små.

Slutsats: Företag använder inte mer AEM efter VD-byte. Varken bolagen som symboliserar Large Cap eller Small Cap använder mer AEM efter VD-byte. (Less)

Title: It’s A(c)crual World

Seminar date: 3:rd of June 2022

Course: FEKH69, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, 15 ECST credits.

Authors: Filip Angerlöv, Jack Rydén and Oskar Åkesson

Advisor: Maria Gårdängen

Key words: Accrual Earnings Management, Principle-based Accounting, Discretionary Accruals, CEO-changes, Stockholm Stock Exchange

Research question: Do AEM occur after a CEO-change on the Stockholm stock exchange? Is there a difference in the usage of AEM between firms on Small Cap and Large Cap after changing CEOs?

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the appearance of AEM, after CEO-changes, to manipulate profits among firms listed on the Stockholm stock exchange.... (More)

Title: It’s A(c)crual World

Seminar date: 3:rd of June 2022

Course: FEKH69, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, 15 ECST credits.

Authors: Filip Angerlöv, Jack Rydén and Oskar Åkesson

Advisor: Maria Gårdängen

Key words: Accrual Earnings Management, Principle-based Accounting, Discretionary Accruals, CEO-changes, Stockholm Stock Exchange

Research question: Do AEM occur after a CEO-change on the Stockholm stock exchange? Is there a difference in the usage of AEM between firms on Small Cap and Large Cap after changing CEOs?

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the appearance of AEM, after CEO-changes, to manipulate profits among firms listed on the Stockholm stock exchange. Furthermore, the study aims to investigate if there is a difference between firms listed on Small Cap and Large Cap.

Methodology: This is a quantitative study with a deductive approach. This study apply the modified Jonesmodel to research the use of AEM through measuring discretionary accruals. In total, 1940 objects have been examined during the period 2015-2020. The empirical foundation consists of secondary data provided by S&P Capital IQ.

Theoretical perspectives: This thesis is based on theory regarding the principal-agent dilemma along with Positive Accounting Theory. Additionally, approaches on how to use AEM features. Prior research on the matter completes the theoretical perspectives.

Result: The results do not indicate that firms use AEM subsequent to CEO-changes. However, the results show signs that firms use AEM, regardless of changing CEO or not. Furthermore, companies on Large Cap use AEM in a wider extension than companies listed on Small Cap, generally.

Conclusion: Companies do not use AEM more frequently after CEO-changes. Neither companies who represent Large Cap or Small Cap use AEM after CEO-changes. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Rydén, Jack LU ; Åkesson, Oskar LU and Angerlöv, Filip LU
FEKH69 20221
M2 - Bachelor Degree
Accrual Earnings Management, Principle-based Accounting, Discretionary Accruals, CEO-changes, Stockholm Stock Exchange
date added to LUP
2022-08-01 15:43:43
date last changed
2022-08-01 15:43:43
  abstract     = {{Abstract

Title: It’s A(c)crual World

Seminar date: 3:rd of June 2022

Course: FEKH69, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, 15 ECST credits.

Authors: Filip Angerlöv, Jack Rydén and Oskar Åkesson

Advisor: Maria Gårdängen

Key words: Accrual Earnings Management, Principle-based Accounting, Discretionary Accruals, CEO-changes, Stockholm Stock Exchange

Research question: Do AEM occur after a CEO-change on the Stockholm stock exchange? Is there a difference in the usage of AEM between firms on Small Cap and Large Cap after changing CEOs? 

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the appearance of AEM, after CEO-changes, to manipulate profits among firms listed on the Stockholm stock exchange. Furthermore, the study aims to investigate if there is a difference between firms listed on Small Cap and Large Cap. 

Methodology: This is a quantitative study with a deductive approach. This study apply the modified Jonesmodel to research the use of AEM through measuring discretionary accruals. In total, 1940 objects have been examined during the period 2015-2020. The empirical foundation consists of secondary data provided by S&P Capital IQ.

Theoretical perspectives: This thesis is based on theory regarding the principal-agent dilemma along with Positive Accounting Theory. Additionally, approaches on how to use AEM features. Prior research on the matter completes the theoretical perspectives.

Result: The results do not indicate that firms use AEM subsequent to CEO-changes. However, the results show signs that firms use AEM, regardless of changing CEO or not. Furthermore, companies on Large Cap use AEM in a wider extension than companies listed on Small Cap, generally. 

Conclusion: Companies do not use AEM more frequently after CEO-changes. Neither companies who represent Large Cap or Small Cap use AEM after CEO-changes.}},
  author       = {{Rydén, Jack and Åkesson, Oskar and Angerlöv, Filip}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{It's A(c)crual World}},
  year         = {{2022}},