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The Rotational Centre of the Large Magellanic Cloud

Bergström, Alma LU (2022) ASTK02 20221
Lund Observatory - Has been reorganised
The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC & SMC) are the two largest galaxies orbiting the Milky Way (MW). The interactions between them have affected the evolution of both galaxies. The interactions have affected the galaxies differently depending on how strong they have been. Tidal forces from the interactions are argued to have produced a stream of stars and gas called the Magellanic Bridge. Due to the population of stars being young in the Bridge it is concluded that the Bridge was formed of only gas which was stripped from the galaxies. The Bridge is one of the most prominent proof that there have been a few or several interactions between the Small and Large Magellanic Cloud.

In this thesis, we have looked at eight evolutionary... (More)
The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC & SMC) are the two largest galaxies orbiting the Milky Way (MW). The interactions between them have affected the evolution of both galaxies. The interactions have affected the galaxies differently depending on how strong they have been. Tidal forces from the interactions are argued to have produced a stream of stars and gas called the Magellanic Bridge. Due to the population of stars being young in the Bridge it is concluded that the Bridge was formed of only gas which was stripped from the galaxies. The Bridge is one of the most prominent proof that there have been a few or several interactions between the Small and Large Magellanic Cloud.

In this thesis, we have looked at eight evolutionary phases of stars with different ages for the different phases. They cover a wide range of ages from very young to old stars. We looked at how their proper motion, rotational velocity, and rotational centres behave and what differences and similarities we can see between the stellar populations. This was done using three different models for the rotational and radial velocities where one of the models was used with masked and unmasked data. The rotation curve for each of the populations was derived as well as the internal velocities, the velocities within the LMC.

By fitting a model with a non-fixed centre we could determine the rotational centres for the stellar populations. These centres were compared to results of other authors. We find that the centres derived in this thesis are closer together than what was previously derived. We can therefore conclude that the interactions have affected the LMC less than what was previously theorised. (Less)
Popular Abstract (Swedish)
Galaxer formas när enorma gasmoln kollapsar på grund av gravitation. Små ojämnheter får gasen att rotera vilket leder till att molnet pressas ihop till en disk. Stjärnor bildas av gasen som i sin tur fortsätter att rotera. Under tid dör stjärnorna och blir till gas igen som sedan bildar nya stjärnor.

Interaktioner mellan galaxersker genom kollisioner och gravitationskrafter. Det kan påverka galaxerna genom externa krafter som ändrar positioner av gas och stjärnor. Eftersom stjärnor bildas av gas påverkas också stjärnformationen i galaxen. Interaktioner sker under lång tid och vissa är starkare än andra. Stjärnor påverkas därför olika mycket beroende på deras ålder. Rotationscentrum för de olika åldrarna av stjärnor kan därför vara... (More)
Galaxer formas när enorma gasmoln kollapsar på grund av gravitation. Små ojämnheter får gasen att rotera vilket leder till att molnet pressas ihop till en disk. Stjärnor bildas av gasen som i sin tur fortsätter att rotera. Under tid dör stjärnorna och blir till gas igen som sedan bildar nya stjärnor.

Interaktioner mellan galaxersker genom kollisioner och gravitationskrafter. Det kan påverka galaxerna genom externa krafter som ändrar positioner av gas och stjärnor. Eftersom stjärnor bildas av gas påverkas också stjärnformationen i galaxen. Interaktioner sker under lång tid och vissa är starkare än andra. Stjärnor påverkas därför olika mycket beroende på deras ålder. Rotationscentrum för de olika åldrarna av stjärnor kan därför vara skilda från varandra.

De Magellanska Molnen är två dvärggalaxer som åker i en omloppsbana runt Vintergatan. Detta gör dem till satelitgalaxer för Vintergatan. Det Stora Magellanska Molnet (LMC) och det Lilla Magellanska Molnet har interagerat både med varandra och med Vintergatan. Som bevis på detta har man observerat ett gas moln som sträcker sig från Vintergatan och binder samman dem två Magellanska Molnen, Magellanska Strömmen. Det är den mest studerade gasförbindelsen mellan två galaxer.

I det här arbetet kommer stjärnor i LMC av olika åldrar att analyseras med hjälp av data från rymdteleskopet Gaia. Datan kommer att användas för att hitta rotationskurvan för de olika stjärngrupperna, det vill s¨aga hur snabbt stjärnorna i varje grupp roterar med avseende p˚a radien, med hjälp av modeller som beskriver rotationshastigheten som funktion av radie. Genom att låta en av modellerna ha rotationscentrumet som en fri parameter kommer dessa centrum kunna bestämmas för var och en av stj¨arngrupperna. Med hjälp av detta kan vi utveckla kartläggningen av interaktionerna mellan de Magellanska Molnen genom tiderna. (Less)
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Bergström, Alma LU
ASTK02 20221
M2 - Bachelor Degree
report number
date added to LUP
2022-09-06 09:46:45
date last changed
2022-09-06 09:46:45
  abstract     = {{The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC & SMC) are the two largest galaxies orbiting the Milky Way (MW). The interactions between them have affected the evolution of both galaxies. The interactions have affected the galaxies differently depending on how strong they have been. Tidal forces from the interactions are argued to have produced a stream of stars and gas called the Magellanic Bridge. Due to the population of stars being young in the Bridge it is concluded that the Bridge was formed of only gas which was stripped from the galaxies. The Bridge is one of the most prominent proof that there have been a few or several interactions between the Small and Large Magellanic Cloud.

In this thesis, we have looked at eight evolutionary phases of stars with different ages for the different phases. They cover a wide range of ages from very young to old stars. We looked at how their proper motion, rotational velocity, and rotational centres behave and what differences and similarities we can see between the stellar populations. This was done using three different models for the rotational and radial velocities where one of the models was used with masked and unmasked data. The rotation curve for each of the populations was derived as well as the internal velocities, the velocities within the LMC. 

By fitting a model with a non-fixed centre we could determine the rotational centres for the stellar populations. These centres were compared to results of other authors. We find that the centres derived in this thesis are closer together than what was previously derived. We can therefore conclude that the interactions have affected the LMC less than what was previously theorised.}},
  author       = {{Bergström, Alma}},
  language     = {{eng}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{The Rotational Centre of the Large Magellanic Cloud}},
  year         = {{2022}},