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Alla barns lika rätt till en skälig levnadsstandard

Ljunglöf, Simon LU (2022) JURM02 20222
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Uppsatsen behandlar rätten till en skälig levnadsstandard genom ekonomiskt bistånd för barn som saknar rätt att vara i Sverige (vilka benämns barn utan papper i uppsatsen). Rätten till en skälig levnadsstandard är en väletablerad rättighet i en humanitär välfärdsstat som Sverige. Av flera internationella bestämmelser som Sverige åtagit sig att följa, däribland den allmänna förklaringen, gäller denna var och en utan åtskillnad. Att rättigheten har en sådan allomfattande formulering talar för en grundtanke om att alla, i egenskap av att vara människor, har rätt till en grundläggande nivå av livskvalité vilket innefattar mat, hälsa, kläder och bostad. I svensk lagstiftning säkerställs en skälig levnadsstandard för de som är eller har varit... (More)
Uppsatsen behandlar rätten till en skälig levnadsstandard genom ekonomiskt bistånd för barn som saknar rätt att vara i Sverige (vilka benämns barn utan papper i uppsatsen). Rätten till en skälig levnadsstandard är en väletablerad rättighet i en humanitär välfärdsstat som Sverige. Av flera internationella bestämmelser som Sverige åtagit sig att följa, däribland den allmänna förklaringen, gäller denna var och en utan åtskillnad. Att rättigheten har en sådan allomfattande formulering talar för en grundtanke om att alla, i egenskap av att vara människor, har rätt till en grundläggande nivå av livskvalité vilket innefattar mat, hälsa, kläder och bostad. I svensk lagstiftning säkerställs en skälig levnadsstandard för de som är eller har varit asylsökande genom LMA, en lagstiftning vars personkrets även omfattar de som har förlorat sin rätt till bistånd enligt lagen efter att inte ha medverkat till ett lagakraftvunnet utvisningsbeslut. Därutöver finns SoL som ofta beskrivs som samhällets yttersta skyddsnät, eftersom lagen enligt förarbetena har en funktion att säkerställa en skälig levnadsstandard i samhället och undvika nöd. Kommunens yttersta ansvar är en av grundpelarna inom den svenska socialrätten som innebär att socialtjänsten har ett ansvar att ge stöd och hjälp åt alla som vistas i kommunen, i synnerhet barn, när ingen annan hjälp finns att få.
Trots detta yttersta skyddsnät är bistånd enligt SoL ingen självklarhet. Enligt HFD 2017 ref. 33 har de som omfattas av LMA och undanhåller sig ett lagakraftvunnet utvisningsbeslut varken rätt till bistånd enligt LMA eller SoL. Detta har fått som konsekvens att socialtjänsten endast kan ge ett så kallat frivilligt bistånd åt barn utan papper och deras familjer. Ett sådant bistånd måste dock vara grundat på kommunala riktlinjer, vilket innebär att det inte finns någon garanti för att dessa familjer får akut nödhjälp. Utslaget av domen kan därför sägas ha urholkat innebörden av kommunens yttersta ansvar, och har fått som konsekvens att barn utan papper ibland blir helt utan bistånd.
Barnkonventionen, som inkorporerades som svensk lag i januari 2020, är tydlig med att alla barn har samma rättigheter oavsett ställning eller migrationsstatus. Huruvida konventionen som svensk lag kommer innebära en förbättring för barn utan pappers möjlighet att tillgodogöra sig en skälig levnadsstandard är dock oklart. På kort sikt är svaret sannolikt nej, men i ett längre perspektiv är det tänkbart att konventionen skulle kunna leda till att frågor rörande barn i utsatthet i högre grad kommer att behandlas ur ett icke-diskrimineringsperspektiv. Detta skulle kunna pressa lagstiftaren till att omarbeta de svenska rättsreglerna, så att alla barn inom Sveriges jurisdiktion har en likvärdig tillgång till en skälig levnadsstandard. (Less)
This thesis handles the right to a reasonable standard of living through financial aid for children who lack the right to be in Sweden (referred to as children without documents within the thesis). The right to a reasonable standard of living is a well-established right in a humanitarian welfare state like Sweden. Of several international conventions that Sweden has undertaken to follow, this applies to all without distinction. That the right has such a comprehensive formulation speaks for the basic idea that everyone, as human beings, has the right to an adequate quality of life which includes food, health, clothing, and housing. In Swedish legislation, a reasonable standard of living is ensured for those who are or have been asylum... (More)
This thesis handles the right to a reasonable standard of living through financial aid for children who lack the right to be in Sweden (referred to as children without documents within the thesis). The right to a reasonable standard of living is a well-established right in a humanitarian welfare state like Sweden. Of several international conventions that Sweden has undertaken to follow, this applies to all without distinction. That the right has such a comprehensive formulation speaks for the basic idea that everyone, as human beings, has the right to an adequate quality of life which includes food, health, clothing, and housing. In Swedish legislation, a reasonable standard of living is ensured for those who are or have been asylum seekers through “the act on reception of asylum seekers” (LMA), a legislation that also covers those who have lost their right to financial aid according to the same law. In addition, there is the Social Services Act (SoL), which is often described as society's ultimate safety net. According to the preparatory work, the purpose of the law is to ensure a reasonable standard of living and avoid distress. The municipality's ultimate responsibility is one of the cornerstones of SoL and means that the social services have a responsibility to provide support and help to everyone, particularly children, who resides within the municipality when no other help is available.
Despite this ultimate safety net, financial aid under SoL is not guaranteed. According to a judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court, those covered by the LMA and who do not participate in their deportation decision are neither entitled to financial aid under the LMA nor SoL. This has had the consequence that the social services can only provide so-called “voluntary aid” to children without documents and their families. However, such a decision must be based on municipal guidelines, which means that there is no guarantee that these families will receive aid in case of emergency. The outcome of the judgment can therefore be said to have eroded the meaning of the municipality's ultimate responsibility, as a result children without documents sometimes are left completely without financial aid.
The Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was incorporated as Swedish law in January 2020, is clear that all children have the same rights regardless of position or migration status. Whether the convention's status as Swedish law will improve the chances for children without documents to acquire a reasonable standard of living is unclear. In the short term, the answer is likely no. In a longer perspective, however, it is conceivable that the convention could lead to issues concerning vulnerable children to be treated from a non-discrimination perspective. This could in turn pressure the legislator to revise the Swedish legal rules, so that all children within Sweden's jurisdiction have an equal access to a reasonable standard of living. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Ljunglöf, Simon LU
alternative title
All children's equal right to a reasonable standard of living
JURM02 20222
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
Socialrätt, Folkrätt, Migrationsrätt, Barnkonventionen
date added to LUP
2023-01-31 14:44:12
date last changed
2023-01-31 14:44:12
  abstract     = {{This thesis handles the right to a reasonable standard of living through financial aid for children who lack the right to be in Sweden (referred to as children without documents within the thesis). The right to a reasonable standard of living is a well-established right in a humanitarian welfare state like Sweden. Of several international conventions that Sweden has undertaken to follow, this applies to all without distinction. That the right has such a comprehensive formulation speaks for the basic idea that everyone, as human beings, has the right to an adequate quality of life which includes food, health, clothing, and housing. In Swedish legislation, a reasonable standard of living is ensured for those who are or have been asylum seekers through “the act on reception of asylum seekers” (LMA), a legislation that also covers those who have lost their right to financial aid according to the same law. In addition, there is the Social Services Act (SoL), which is often described as society's ultimate safety net. According to the preparatory work, the purpose of the law is to ensure a reasonable standard of living and avoid distress. The municipality's ultimate responsibility is one of the cornerstones of SoL and means that the social services have a responsibility to provide support and help to everyone, particularly children, who resides within the municipality when no other help is available.
Despite this ultimate safety net, financial aid under SoL is not guaranteed. According to a judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court, those covered by the LMA and who do not participate in their deportation decision are neither entitled to financial aid under the LMA nor SoL. This has had the consequence that the social services can only provide so-called “voluntary aid” to children without documents and their families. However, such a decision must be based on municipal guidelines, which means that there is no guarantee that these families will receive aid in case of emergency. The outcome of the judgment can therefore be said to have eroded the meaning of the municipality's ultimate responsibility, as a result children without documents sometimes are left completely without financial aid.
The Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was incorporated as Swedish law in January 2020, is clear that all children have the same rights regardless of position or migration status. Whether the convention's status as Swedish law will improve the chances for children without documents to acquire a reasonable standard of living is unclear. In the short term, the answer is likely no. In a longer perspective, however, it is conceivable that the convention could lead to issues concerning vulnerable children to be treated from a non-discrimination perspective. This could in turn pressure the legislator to revise the Swedish legal rules, so that all children within Sweden's jurisdiction have an equal access to a reasonable standard of living.}},
  author       = {{Ljunglöf, Simon}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Alla barns lika rätt till en skälig levnadsstandard}},
  year         = {{2022}},