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Bör HD pröva HD? – Om prövningsordningen för frågor om resning och domvilla i mål avgjorda av Högsta domstolen

Banke, Fredrik LU (2022) JURM02 20222
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Ett avgörande av Högsta domstolen kan endast angripas genom extraordinära rättsmedel. När Högsta domstolen får in en ansökan om resning eller klagan över domvilla i ett mål avgjort av Högsta domstolen är det som utgångspunkt andra justitieråd i domstolen än de som avgjorde det aktuella målet som prövar huruvida grund finns för att bevilja en sådan ansökan eller klagan. Dessa justitieråd kan då ha som uppgift att bedöma huruvida kollegor i domstolen dömt uppenbart i strid mot lag eller begått grova rättegångsfel. Förevarande uppsats undersöker inledningsvis om det finns en jävsproblematik inbyggd i nuvarande prövningsordning för resningsansökningar och klagomål över domvilla i mål avgjorda av Högsta domstolen.

Uppsatsen visar att... (More)
Ett avgörande av Högsta domstolen kan endast angripas genom extraordinära rättsmedel. När Högsta domstolen får in en ansökan om resning eller klagan över domvilla i ett mål avgjort av Högsta domstolen är det som utgångspunkt andra justitieråd i domstolen än de som avgjorde det aktuella målet som prövar huruvida grund finns för att bevilja en sådan ansökan eller klagan. Dessa justitieråd kan då ha som uppgift att bedöma huruvida kollegor i domstolen dömt uppenbart i strid mot lag eller begått grova rättegångsfel. Förevarande uppsats undersöker inledningsvis om det finns en jävsproblematik inbyggd i nuvarande prövningsordning för resningsansökningar och klagomål över domvilla i mål avgjorda av Högsta domstolen.

Uppsatsen visar att nuvarande prövningsordning troligtvis inte klarar sig igenom en jävsprövning utifrån 4 kap. 13 § 10 p. rättegångsbalken (1942:749) samt artikel 6.1 i Europeiska konventionen om skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna. På grund av möjligheten att de justitieråd som företar prövningen kan ha motstående intressen i form av, exempelvis, lojalitet till sin yrkesroll och ett intresse av att bevara respekten för Högsta domstolen och dess avgöranden finns nämligen en risk att Europadomstolen skulle anse att prövningsordningen strider mot kravet på en prövning inför en oavhängig och opartisk domstol enligt artikel 6.1. Även om så inte skulle vara fallet, argumenteras det i uppsatsen för att delikatessjäv åtminstone föreligger på grund av den svårighet som torde infinna sig att förhålla sig helt objektiv till omständigheterna i målet vid bedömningen av kollegornas handläggning av ett mål.

Sedan 2017 får Högsta domstolen förordna justitieråd från Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen att tjänstgöra i Högsta domstolen, och vice versa. Detta kan exempelvis göras i syfte att eliminera den jävsproblematik som uppstår med nuvarande prövningsordning. Möjligheten används emellertid inte i detta syfte. Snarare används den nästan uteslutande för att genomföra ett slags kunskapsutbyte mellan domstolarna. Således ges förslag på hur prövningsordningen kan förbättras i syfte att eliminera jävsproblematiken.

I uppsatsen undersöks huruvida det skulle vara lämpligt att införa en lösning lik den som återfinns i 11 kap. 8 § 2 st. regeringsformen (1974:152). I denna bestämmelse har nämligen lagstiftaren lagt över ansvaret på Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen att pröva om ett justitieråd ska skiljas eller avstängas från sin anställning eller vara skyldig att genomgå en läkarundersökning. Detta har gjorts i syfte att undvika misstankar om jäv och för att bevara allmänhetens förtroende för domstolarnas opartiskhet och för rättsväsendet i stort. Slutsatsen är att detta bedöms vara en lämplig lösning på jävsproblematiken i nuvarande prövningsordning. Det föreslås att Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen helt och hållet tar över prövningen av resningsansökningar och klagomål över domvilla i mål som avgjorts av Högsta domstolen. Därutöver föreslås att den generella möjligheten att förordna justitieråd från Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen lämnas orörd. En sådan lösning skulle inte hindra det kunskapsutbyte som redan sker mellan Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen och Högsta domstolen. (Less)
A decision by the Supreme Court can only be challenged through extraordinary remedies. When the Supreme Court receives an application for relief due to a substantive defect or a complaint on the grounds of grave procedural errors the general rule is that other justices of the Supreme Court than those who decided the case in question review whether there are grounds for granting such an application or complaint. These justices may then be faced with the task of assessing whether their colleagues in the court have delivered sentences in obvious violation of the law or committed other serious judicial procedural errors. This thesis initially investigates if there is an issue of conflict of interest built into the current review procedure for... (More)
A decision by the Supreme Court can only be challenged through extraordinary remedies. When the Supreme Court receives an application for relief due to a substantive defect or a complaint on the grounds of grave procedural errors the general rule is that other justices of the Supreme Court than those who decided the case in question review whether there are grounds for granting such an application or complaint. These justices may then be faced with the task of assessing whether their colleagues in the court have delivered sentences in obvious violation of the law or committed other serious judicial procedural errors. This thesis initially investigates if there is an issue of conflict of interest built into the current review procedure for applications for relief due to substantive defects and complaints on the grounds of grave procedural errors in cases decided by the Supreme Court.

The thesis shows that the current review procedure probably would not withstand a review of impartiality based on Chapter 4, Section 13, Note 10 of the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure and Article 6.1 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Because of the possibility that the justices that are conducting the examination might have conflicting interests in the form of, for example, loyalty to their professional role and an interest in maintaining respect for the Supreme Court and it’s rulings, there is a risk that the European Court of Human Rights would consider that the review procedure is in conflict with the requirement of a trial before an independent and impartial tribunal as stated in Article 6.1. Even if that were not the case, it is argued in the thesis that a conflict of interest based on delicacy (sw. delikatessjäv) at least is at hand because of the difficulty that must appear regarding staying completely objective as to the circumstances of a case when assessing colleagues’ proceedings with a case.

Since 2017, the Supreme Court has been able to appoint justices from the Supreme Administrative Court to serve in the Supreme Court, and vice versa. This can, for example, be done with the purpose of eliminating the problem of conflict of interest that arises in the current review procedure. However, the possibility is not used for this purpose. Rather, it is almost exclusively used to carry out a kind of knowledge exchange between the courts. Therefore, suggestions are given regarding how the review procedure can be improved with the purpose of eliminating the problem of conflict of interest.

The thesis investigates if it would be appropriate to introduce a solution similar to the one that is found in Chapter 11, Section 8, Paragraph 2 of the Swedish Instrument of Government. In this paragraph, the legislator has transferred the responsibility to the Supreme Administrative Court to examine whether a justice should be dismissed or suspended from employment or be required to undergo a medical examination. This has been done to avoid suspicions of conflict of interest and to preserve public confidence in the impartiality of the courts and the justice system in general. The conclusion is that this is deemed to be an appropriate solution to the problem of conflict of interest in the current review procedure. It is proposed that the Supreme Administrative Court completely takes over the review of applications for relief due to substantive defects and complaints on the grounds of grave procedural errors in cases decided by the Supreme Court. In addition, it is proposed that the general possibility of appointing justices from the Supreme Administrative Court is left untouched. Such a solution would not hinder the knowledge exchange that already is taking place between the Supreme Administrative Court and the Supreme Court. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Banke, Fredrik LU
alternative title
Should the Supreme Court try the Supreme Court? – Concerning the review procedure for questions regarding relief due to substantive defects and complaints on the grounds of grave procedural errors in cases decided by the Supreme Court
JURM02 20222
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
rättsvetenskap, civilprocessrätt, processrätt, EU-rätt, jäv, resning, domvilla
date added to LUP
2023-01-17 08:41:54
date last changed
2023-01-17 11:47:20
  abstract     = {{A decision by the Supreme Court can only be challenged through extraordinary remedies. When the Supreme Court receives an application for relief due to a substantive defect or a complaint on the grounds of grave procedural errors the general rule is that other justices of the Supreme Court than those who decided the case in question review whether there are grounds for granting such an application or complaint. These justices may then be faced with the task of assessing whether their colleagues in the court have delivered sentences in obvious violation of the law or committed other serious judicial procedural errors. This thesis initially investigates if there is an issue of conflict of interest built into the current review procedure for applications for relief due to substantive defects and complaints on the grounds of grave procedural errors in cases decided by the Supreme Court.

The thesis shows that the current review procedure probably would not withstand a review of impartiality based on Chapter 4, Section 13, Note 10 of the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure and Article 6.1 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Because of the possibility that the justices that are conducting the examination might have conflicting interests in the form of, for example, loyalty to their professional role and an interest in maintaining respect for the Supreme Court and it’s rulings, there is a risk that the European Court of Human Rights would consider that the review procedure is in conflict with the requirement of a trial before an independent and impartial tribunal as stated in Article 6.1. Even if that were not the case, it is argued in the thesis that a conflict of interest based on delicacy (sw. delikatessjäv) at least is at hand because of the difficulty that must appear regarding staying completely objective as to the circumstances of a case when assessing colleagues’ proceedings with a case.

Since 2017, the Supreme Court has been able to appoint justices from the Supreme Administrative Court to serve in the Supreme Court, and vice versa. This can, for example, be done with the purpose of eliminating the problem of conflict of interest that arises in the current review procedure. However, the possibility is not used for this purpose. Rather, it is almost exclusively used to carry out a kind of knowledge exchange between the courts. Therefore, suggestions are given regarding how the review procedure can be improved with the purpose of eliminating the problem of conflict of interest.

The thesis investigates if it would be appropriate to introduce a solution similar to the one that is found in Chapter 11, Section 8, Paragraph 2 of the Swedish Instrument of Government. In this paragraph, the legislator has transferred the responsibility to the Supreme Administrative Court to examine whether a justice should be dismissed or suspended from employment or be required to undergo a medical examination. This has been done to avoid suspicions of conflict of interest and to preserve public confidence in the impartiality of the courts and the justice system in general. The conclusion is that this is deemed to be an appropriate solution to the problem of conflict of interest in the current review procedure. It is proposed that the Supreme Administrative Court completely takes over the review of applications for relief due to substantive defects and complaints on the grounds of grave procedural errors in cases decided by the Supreme Court. In addition, it is proposed that the general possibility of appointing justices from the Supreme Administrative Court is left untouched. Such a solution would not hinder the knowledge exchange that already is taking place between the Supreme Administrative Court and the Supreme Court.}},
  author       = {{Banke, Fredrik}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Bör HD pröva HD? – Om prövningsordningen för frågor om resning och domvilla i mål avgjorda av Högsta domstolen}},
  year         = {{2022}},