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Gravfridsbrottets skyddsintressen i förarbeten, doktrin och rättstillämpning

Stiller Lindskog, Wilma LU (2022) JURM02 20222
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
En förutsättning för att ett beteende ska kriminaliseras är att det tänkta straffbudet avser ett identifierat och konkretiserat intresse som är skyddsvärt, det vill säga godtagbart. Ett godtagbart skyddsintresse kan definieras som det värde som skyddas i ett visst straffbud. Föreställningarna om skyddsintresse har systematisk betydelse för indelningen av brottstyper. Att finna arten av det intresse eller värde ett brott närmast kränker utgör en av brottsbalkens indelningsgrunder. Gravfridsbrottet är ett brott placerat i brottsbalkens 16 kapitel. Lagstiftaren har med denna placering markerar att brottet i första hand är ämnad att skydda ett allmänt intresse, vilket utgör ett offentligt gruppintresse. Alla skyddsintressen, även de offentliga... (More)
En förutsättning för att ett beteende ska kriminaliseras är att det tänkta straffbudet avser ett identifierat och konkretiserat intresse som är skyddsvärt, det vill säga godtagbart. Ett godtagbart skyddsintresse kan definieras som det värde som skyddas i ett visst straffbud. Föreställningarna om skyddsintresse har systematisk betydelse för indelningen av brottstyper. Att finna arten av det intresse eller värde ett brott närmast kränker utgör en av brottsbalkens indelningsgrunder. Gravfridsbrottet är ett brott placerat i brottsbalkens 16 kapitel. Lagstiftaren har med denna placering markerar att brottet i första hand är ämnad att skydda ett allmänt intresse, vilket utgör ett offentligt gruppintresse. Alla skyddsintressen, även de offentliga gruppintressena, måste kunna återföras på enskilda behov. Intressen som tillhör allmänheten eller staten måste förutsätta att staten anses vara för medborgarnas skull, snarare än att medborgarnas existensberättigande ligger i att de ska tjäna staten. Ett straffbud kan skydda flera intressen, vilket är fallet i gravfridsbrottet. Skyddsintressena kan sakna hierarkisk ordning eller så kan det råda ett hierarkiskt förhållande mellan de olika skyddsintressena, vilket är fallet i gravfridsbrottet, baserat på hur de beskrivs i förarbetena och i rättstillämpningen. Straffbudet skyddar på viss nivå ett individintresse men träder in i ett tidigare skede än vad en kränkning av ett identifierat individuellt intresse gör och ämnar primärt att skydda ett allmänt omfattat intresse att behandla den avlidne pietetsfullt. I gravfridsbrottet kan fyra skyddsintressen identifieras utifrån hur kriminaliseringen beskrivs i förarbeten. Dessa är det allmänna intresset, den avlidnes integritet, skyddet av vi-loplatsen och anhöriga.

Brott mot griftefrid har en lång förhistoria i svensk rätt. Redan i upplandslagarna fanns bestäm-melser om likplundring som riktade sig mot tillgrepp från den avlidne. År 2022 införs ett grovt gravfridsbrott som innebär en skärpt syn på allvarligare brott mot griftefriden. Som skäl för straffskärpningen angav bland annat att det lidande som åsamkas närstående till ett brottsoffer numera tillmätts en större betydelse i rättsutvecklingen. Det går att se en föränderlighet och skillnad i vilka skyddsintressen som markerats ha störst betydelse för kriminaliseringen genom historien. Idag präglas kriminaliseringen av flera skyddsintressen mellan vilka det råder ett hierarkiskt förhållande. Brottets primära skyddsintresse är ett allmänt intresse av att värna om av-lidnas pietet. Att lagstiftaren valt att placera bestämmelsen i 16 kapitlet kan med stöd av teorier i doktrin om skyddsintressen motiveras med att lagstiftaren trots att det kan finnas andra skadeli-dande än "allmänheten", velat markera ett omoraliskt och klandervärt beteende som alla samhällets medborgare har ett personligt intresse i. Doktrinen och jämförelse med annan lagstift-ning, som förtal av avliden, ger stöd för att det görs en tydlig markering att det allmänna intresset är det som primärt skyddas, men den lämnar också möjligheter för att enskilda innehav av intressen likväl kan värderas i viss mån. De enskilda intressena är således att betrakta som skyddsvärda även i brott mot allmän ordning. Det är däremot inte givet att intresseställningen bidrar till någon rättsföljd eller kompensation för den enskilde eftersom vissa av brotten, som gravfridsbrottet, saknar målsägande i traditionell mening.

Genom att studera rättstillämpning går det att se att det inte bara är det primära, allmänna intresset, som kommer till uttryck i domstolarna. I flera domar rörande gravfridsbrott konstateras att brottet leder till att anhöriga under lång tid riskerar sväva i ovisshet om vad som hänt den avlidne samt berövas möjligheten att på ett värdigt sätt ta farväl. Mot bakgrund av relevant rättspraxis finns stöd för att rättstillämpningen värderar anhöriga som skyddsintresse högt. De gånger anhöriga yrkat ersättning på grund av kränkning med anledning av brottet mot deras anhöriga har domstolarna emellertid ogillat yrkandena. Domstolarna har dock framfört att de inte själva kan göra bedömningen utan att det ankommer på lagstiftaren eller Högsta domstolen att komma med vägledande praxis. (Less)
A prerequisite for a behavior to be criminalized is that the intended criminal law provision applies to an identified and concretized interest that should be protected. An acceptable protective interest can be defined as the value protected in a particular criminal law provision. The concepts of protective interests have a systematic significance for the classification of the type of crime. Determining the type of interest or value that a crime primarily violates is one of the principles of the Swedish Penal Code for classifying crimes. The violation of a grave (sv. gravfridsbrott) is a crime regulated in Chapter 16 of the Swedish Penal Code. The legislature has, by placing the crime in that chapter, marked that the crime is primarily... (More)
A prerequisite for a behavior to be criminalized is that the intended criminal law provision applies to an identified and concretized interest that should be protected. An acceptable protective interest can be defined as the value protected in a particular criminal law provision. The concepts of protective interests have a systematic significance for the classification of the type of crime. Determining the type of interest or value that a crime primarily violates is one of the principles of the Swedish Penal Code for classifying crimes. The violation of a grave (sv. gravfridsbrott) is a crime regulated in Chapter 16 of the Swedish Penal Code. The legislature has, by placing the crime in that chapter, marked that the crime is primarily intended to protect a general interest. All protective interests, even public group interests, must be traceable to individual needs. When determining the interests of the general public or the state it is assumed that the state exists for its citizens, rather than the other way around, i.e. it is not the citizen that exist for the state. The criminal law provision that is the violation of a grave protects, at a certain level, an individual interest but intervenes at an earlier stage than a violation of an identified individual interest and primarily aims to protect a widely accepted general interest in treating the deceased with respect. In the crime of violating a grave, four protective interests can be identified based on how the criminalization is described in the preparatory works. These are the general interest, the integrity of the deceased, the protection of the burial site, and the relatives.

The crime of the violation of a grave has a long history in Swedish law. Already in the Uppland Laws, there were provisions on corpse plundering. In 2022, a serious crime of violation of a grave was introduced, which entailed a stricter view of more serious crimes. One of the reasons for the more severe punishment was the suffering inflicted on the relatives of the crime victim and hence, this protective interest was now given greater importance in the development of the law. It is possible to see a shift in which protective interests that have the greatest importance for criminalization through history. Today, the criminalization in question is characterized by several protective interests between which there is a hierarchical relationship. The legislator's decision to place the provision in Chapter 16 can be justified, based on theories in the doctrine of protective interests, by the fact that the legislator, despite the possibility of other injured parties besides the "general public", wanted to mark out immoral and blameworthy behavior that all citizens of society have a personal interest in. The doctrine and comparison with other legislation, such as defamation of the deceased, provide support for a clear marking that the general interest is the primary interest protected, but it also allows for the possibility of individual interests being valued to some extent. Therefore, individual interests are to be considered worthy of protection even in crimes against public order. However, it is not a given that the position of interests leads to any legal consequences or compensation for the individual, since some of the crimes, such as violation of a grave, lack an injured party in the traditional sense.

By studying the application of law, it is possible to see that it is not just the primary, general interest that is expressed in the courts. In several judgments concerning the crime of the viola-tion of a grave, it is stated that the crime leads to relatives being at risk of uncertainty for a long time about what happened to the deceased and being deprived of the opportunity to say goodbye in a dignified way. Based on relevant legal practice, there is support for the application of law valuing the interests of relatives highly. However, whenever relatives have claimed compensation due to the offense against their relative, the courts have rejected the claims. The courts have however stated that they cannot make this assessment themselves, but that it is up to the legislator or the Supreme Court to provide guidance in practice. (Less)
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Stiller Lindskog, Wilma LU
alternative title
Protective interests and the violation of a grave in preparatory works, doctrine and the application of the law
JURM02 20222
H3 - Professional qualifications (4 Years - )
straffrätt, skyddsintresse, gravfridsbrott, kriminalisering
date added to LUP
2023-01-24 08:59:26
date last changed
2023-01-24 08:59:26
  abstract     = {{A prerequisite for a behavior to be criminalized is that the intended criminal law provision applies to an identified and concretized interest that should be protected. An acceptable protective interest can be defined as the value protected in a particular criminal law provision. The concepts of protective interests have a systematic significance for the classification of the type of crime. Determining the type of interest or value that a crime primarily violates is one of the principles of the Swedish Penal Code for classifying crimes. The violation of a grave (sv. gravfridsbrott) is a crime regulated in Chapter 16 of the Swedish Penal Code. The legislature has, by placing the crime in that chapter, marked that the crime is primarily intended to protect a general interest. All protective interests, even public group interests, must be traceable to individual needs. When determining the interests of the general public or the state it is assumed that the state exists for its citizens, rather than the other way around, i.e. it is not the citizen that exist for the state. The criminal law provision that is the violation of a grave protects, at a certain level, an individual interest but intervenes at an earlier stage than a violation of an identified individual interest and primarily aims to protect a widely accepted general interest in treating the deceased with respect. In the crime of violating a grave, four protective interests can be identified based on how the criminalization is described in the preparatory works. These are the general interest, the integrity of the deceased, the protection of the burial site, and the relatives.

The crime of the violation of a grave has a long history in Swedish law. Already in the Uppland Laws, there were provisions on corpse plundering. In 2022, a serious crime of violation of a grave was introduced, which entailed a stricter view of more serious crimes. One of the reasons for the more severe punishment was the suffering inflicted on the relatives of the crime victim and hence, this protective interest was now given greater importance in the development of the law. It is possible to see a shift in which protective interests that have the greatest importance for criminalization through history. Today, the criminalization in question is characterized by several protective interests between which there is a hierarchical relationship. The legislator's decision to place the provision in Chapter 16 can be justified, based on theories in the doctrine of protective interests, by the fact that the legislator, despite the possibility of other injured parties besides the "general public", wanted to mark out immoral and blameworthy behavior that all citizens of society have a personal interest in. The doctrine and comparison with other legislation, such as defamation of the deceased, provide support for a clear marking that the general interest is the primary interest protected, but it also allows for the possibility of individual interests being valued to some extent. Therefore, individual interests are to be considered worthy of protection even in crimes against public order. However, it is not a given that the position of interests leads to any legal consequences or compensation for the individual, since some of the crimes, such as violation of a grave, lack an injured party in the traditional sense.

By studying the application of law, it is possible to see that it is not just the primary, general interest that is expressed in the courts. In several judgments concerning the crime of the viola-tion of a grave, it is stated that the crime leads to relatives being at risk of uncertainty for a long time about what happened to the deceased and being deprived of the opportunity to say goodbye in a dignified way. Based on relevant legal practice, there is support for the application of law valuing the interests of relatives highly. However, whenever relatives have claimed compensation due to the offense against their relative, the courts have rejected the claims. The courts have however stated that they cannot make this assessment themselves, but that it is up to the legislator or the Supreme Court to provide guidance in practice.}},
  author       = {{Stiller Lindskog, Wilma}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Gravfridsbrottets skyddsintressen i förarbeten, doktrin och rättstillämpning}},
  year         = {{2022}},