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Lojalitetspliktens utsträckning - När blir skadeståndsansvar aktuellt för bolagsledningen?

Hurtig Allik, Tea LU (2022) LAGF03 20222
Department of Law
Faculty of Law
Abstract (Swedish)
Uppsatsen som författats, berör associationsrätten, och har som syfte att utreda hur långtgående bolagsledningens lojalitetsplikt är, för att skadeståndsansvaret ska bli aktuellt. Ett aktiebolag består av tre organ, nämligen bolagsstämman, styrelsen och verkställande direktören. Uppsatsen kommer sikta in sig på styrelsen och verkställande direktörens roller och uppdrag i bolaget, eftersom dessa tillsammans utgör bolagsledningen. En del arbetsuppgifter är stadgade i lag, vilka kommer beröras smått. Därutöver har uppsatsen utrett lojalitetsplikten som bolagsledningen är bundna av, innebärande att de är skyldiga att handla i bolagets intresse. Till förpliktelsen följer en flertalet skyldigheter och krav på åtgärder, vilka även lyfts fram.... (More)
Uppsatsen som författats, berör associationsrätten, och har som syfte att utreda hur långtgående bolagsledningens lojalitetsplikt är, för att skadeståndsansvaret ska bli aktuellt. Ett aktiebolag består av tre organ, nämligen bolagsstämman, styrelsen och verkställande direktören. Uppsatsen kommer sikta in sig på styrelsen och verkställande direktörens roller och uppdrag i bolaget, eftersom dessa tillsammans utgör bolagsledningen. En del arbetsuppgifter är stadgade i lag, vilka kommer beröras smått. Därutöver har uppsatsen utrett lojalitetsplikten som bolagsledningen är bundna av, innebärande att de är skyldiga att handla i bolagets intresse. Till förpliktelsen följer en flertalet skyldigheter och krav på åtgärder, vilka även lyfts fram. Uppsat-sen skapar en konkret bild över vad gällande rätt är på området, för att kunna dra en slutsats i frågan om omfattningen av lojalitetsplikten. Om man som styrelseledamot eller verkställande direktör inte beaktar sina förpliktelser gentemot bolaget, riskerar man skadeståndsskyldighet. Detta utgör det interna skadeståndsansvaret. För skadeståndsskyldighet måste fyra grundförutsättningar vara uppfyllda. Nämligen, skada ska ha skett, skadan ska ha uppstått av culpöst agerande, skadan ska ha begåtts vid utförande av sitt uppdrag, och sist av allt ska det finnas adekvat kausalitet mellan skadan och handlingen. Förutsättningarna för skadeståndsansvar kommer ifrån skadeståndsrätten men har lyckats implementeras såväl i aktiebolagsrätten. (Less)
The essay that has been written concerns company law, and aims to investigate how far-reaching the company management's loyalty duty is, in order for damage liability to become relevant. A stock company consists of three bodies, namely the shareholders meeting, the board and the managing director. The essay will focus on the roles and tasks of the board and the managing director in the company, as these together constitute the company's management. Some work tasks are stipulated in law, which will not be investigated in depth. In addition, the essay has investigated the duty of loyalty that the company management is bound by, meaning that they are obliged to act in favor of the company's interest. The obligation is accompanied by a number... (More)
The essay that has been written concerns company law, and aims to investigate how far-reaching the company management's loyalty duty is, in order for damage liability to become relevant. A stock company consists of three bodies, namely the shareholders meeting, the board and the managing director. The essay will focus on the roles and tasks of the board and the managing director in the company, as these together constitute the company's management. Some work tasks are stipulated in law, which will not be investigated in depth. In addition, the essay has investigated the duty of loyalty that the company management is bound by, meaning that they are obliged to act in favor of the company's interest. The obligation is accompanied by a number of obligations and requirements for courses of actions, which are also highlighted in the essay. The essay creates a concrete picture of what the applicable law is in the area, in order to be able to come to a conclusion on the question of the extent of the duty of loyalty. If a board member or managing director does not consider their obligations towards the company, they risk liability for damages. This constitutes the internal liability for damages. In order to be liable for damages, four basic conditions must be met. The requierments are following, damage must have occurred, the damage must have occurred through a culpable act, the damage must have been committed during the performance of one's mission and lastly, there must be an adequate causation between the damage and the act. The qualifications for tort liability come from tort law, but have been successfully implemented in company law as well. (Less)
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:
Hurtig Allik, Tea LU
LAGF03 20222
M2 - Bachelor Degree
aktiebolagsrätt, associationsrätt, skadeståndsrätt, lojalitetsplikt, skadeståndsansvar
date added to LUP
2023-02-03 16:17:29
date last changed
2023-02-03 16:17:29
  abstract     = {{The essay that has been written concerns company law, and aims to investigate how far-reaching the company management's loyalty duty is, in order for damage liability to become relevant. A stock company consists of three bodies, namely the shareholders meeting, the board and the managing director. The essay will focus on the roles and tasks of the board and the managing director in the company, as these together constitute the company's management. Some work tasks are stipulated in law, which will not be investigated in depth. In addition, the essay has investigated the duty of loyalty that the company management is bound by, meaning that they are obliged to act in favor of the company's interest. The obligation is accompanied by a number of obligations and requirements for courses of actions, which are also highlighted in the essay. The essay creates a concrete picture of what the applicable law is in the area, in order to be able to come to a conclusion on the question of the extent of the duty of loyalty. If a board member or managing director does not consider their obligations towards the company, they risk liability for damages. This constitutes the internal liability for damages. In order to be liable for damages, four basic conditions must be met. The requierments are following, damage must have occurred, the damage must have occurred through a culpable act, the damage must have been committed during the performance of one's mission and lastly, there must be an adequate causation between the damage and the act. The qualifications for tort liability come from tort law, but have been successfully implemented in company law as well.}},
  author       = {{Hurtig Allik, Tea}},
  language     = {{swe}},
  note         = {{Student Paper}},
  title        = {{Lojalitetspliktens utsträckning - När blir skadeståndsansvar aktuellt för bolagsledningen?}},
  year         = {{2022}},